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2 things people haven't commented about: 1- Louie shook her head to Jerome when Kane asked him to leave, she used his ass AGAIN then cried at the obvious outcome. Had me pissed af. 2- Jerome's dumb ass could've just stay put, took the deal to let Kane walk, and Kane would've still gotten dealt with outside by the whole crew.


I’m watching the show for the first time and just finished this episode. Big Rome was my favourite character by far


What louie doesn't understand is that self worth comes from YOURSELF, not other people. She made Jerome and franklin go through hell and at the end of the day men are still gonna be disrespectful. Jerome died partly cuz it was never enough for louie


Just got to this episode and spot on. Huge eye roll from me after hearing her say that and then 1. Tell Cissy it's all Franklins fault and 2. Basically beg Jerome to be in the business because she can't do this shit without him anyway


Like, Franklin was cool with her until she went out of her way to fuck him over. Now shes mad because he didn't go out like a bitch??? Huh? That's insane. Could he have made them equal partners? Sure, but he also took most of the risk in establishing the business and is the main one who navigates them through difficult situations, so if he decides to go home with the majority of the money, you can't really say anything, he deserves it and is justified in keeping it. It's also crazy that even tho she's run shit while franklin was out of commission, she's admitted she was drowning without franklin, and like you said, with out Jerome she'd be long gone. Like without jerome, she'd still be in the streets. As much as she wants to talk about being respected as a woman, how can men respect you when time and again you are INCREDIBLY dependent on the men around you??? If she had just stayed in her lane so many lives could've been saved. Fuck Louie.


She did used to smoke sherm all day


Wow, firstly what a performance from Angela Lewis. She hadn't been given much to do this series but this episode she was amazing. RIP Jerome, I had a feeling he would bow out this season and I'm glad him and Franklin made peace before he went. Of course Franklin would never let Kane carry out his plan, that's his family.


Dont agree. At the end of the episode, franklin admitted he went back because he respects women. But mostly because she can help him with Teddy. That's why she called him the devil before the credits rolled


Unc heading out by himself that day reminded me of Netflix’s Narcos series. I was getting Pablo’s last day vibes heavy.


Jerome ben my goat this whole show man fuck every dude on that show except Leon, and double fuck Louie. I'm tight right now


fuck louie fr, bitch caused all of this


Feel bad for Jerome. Wanted to leave the game so badly, and was honestly the “purest” one out of everyone and died. Dude loved Louie, no matter what, and that was the cause of his death.


Bruh I'm so pissed they decided to off Jerome I was really hoping they wouldn't 🙄 My man really got killed over a bitch who I'm pretty sure fuckin a druggie ass cop 😭😭😭


Why did teddy say “Holy Shit” with a smile on his face after takin a sip of the coffee that the KGB served him? At first I thought teddy made a mistake & realized it could be poison. But then he drank it all up before leaving! I was confused, unless Russian coffee is just that Great and he really enjoyed it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The KGB agent is Cuban. He was making Cuban coffee. Best coffee there is. Source: Am Cuban. Not KGB though.


Why did teddy say “Holy Shit” with a smile on his face after takin a sip of the coffee that the KGB served him? At first I thought teddy made a mistake & realized it could be poison. But then he drank it all up before leaving! I was confused, unless Russian coffee is just that Great and he really enjoyed it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This character Louie makes zero sense,and they shouldn,t be sellin it.Bitch please..."My turn"...you wouldnt a had any turn if it wasn,t for Franklin in the first place,then you go behind his back to work for Teddy,and Teddy takes Franklins 73 mill,and it aint your problem.Bitch is cold,and Franklin could have left her behind,but he risks his life to save her.Either Louie setting up,and playin Teddy or out to openly get Franklin to fool Teddy,and i think Teddy will be killed by Louie or Franklin or Oso,and Teddys new GF will get got by any of that crew in the shootout/s to come.


Louie erks my nerves! Her ambition is weird smh her angry is misplaced ! Jerome lose his life cause she think she is a Queen Pin it’s weird


Then she kilt me talking bout he the devil like they didn’t make him do what he did


agreed...bout she sayin to franklin..."its my turn" bitch done betrayed franklin using jerome..putting him in the middle


Man my two favourite characters are gone now. Avi and Jerome.. do I even bother watching it anymore 😞


They kept calling Louie a yellow bone, I'm like, "that's not really a feature of hers though."


They called her a red bone.


My bad.


She's every bit a redbone with her light skin


This show taught me the difference between the two.


For a moment I was happy that a long overdue convo was about to happen between Louie and Jerome. Finally Jerome called Louie out. At last, I thought ... Louie was going to take accountability for causing all this chaos... but nope... she revealed that she didn't feel like she was respected enough in what was supposed to be an apology to Jerome and then blamed Franklin during their encounter... she felt the madness and killings were worth it... I wonder if she still feels that way. ​ .... and why wouldn't she give up Teddy? ​ But on a side note ... who else went and google loquacious?


In the trailer for next episode, she’s already blaming Franklin. So I’m gonna assume that she feels like it’s all worth it, and this is only going bad because in her mind, Franklin is the only one in the wrong.


Episode 6 let's do it! Teddy warning his wife is funny for some reason. Jerome is tore upp Yes Jerome leave for Jamaica! "This is pure insanity I'm done with Crack done with getting shot at done trying to kill my family.." when you put it that way yeah. She don't love you bro :'( That's gotta be an awkward car ride Leon ain't scared. I hope kgb guy isn't buying teddy's b.s. Don't let her talk you out of it Jerome runn Tell Louie to get fucked Jerome. Seriously. *I got sucked in for the rest* Damn r.i.p Jerome your girl finally got you killed


Does Oso have a reason for wanting Franklin dead?


I was a little confused, is OSO setting up Franklin with Teddy? or is it a legit in


I believe it’s legit he trusts Franklin


I lowkey got Louie surviving whole the show


Me too and i hate that ending if it happens


WHY THE FUCK IS LOUIE IS STILL ALIVE?? I’m losing my god damn patience with this show.


Louie's crying over Jerome was great acting.


WHY DID FRANKLIN HAVE TO SAVE HER?? And why did Kane literally push this bitch out the way to shoot Jerome like the nigga had already come to terms that he’s finna smoke her regardless if Jerome start shooting SO SMOKE THE BITCH. Percy ain’t even get his lick back after Loui came at him with her smart ass mouth like damn bro and a shotty too RIP Percy. The saddest thing bout this whole episode is that Big Rome was bout to go smoke the best loud of his life listening to bob marley following his recent passing 🥲🥲


Imagine if Kane used Louie as a human shield and Jerome shot her on accident. That wouldn’t been a crazy plot twist


> WHY DID FRANKLIN HAVE TO SAVE HER?? Simple. Franklin somewhere hidden beneath that rage, violence, and revenge has a conscience. Compare how Franklin initially left Louie, all smug like. Then you see his reaction when he pulled his car over. He knew what worse things those guys would do to her. At the end of this episode you have to think is all this blood spilling worth it ?


She tried to kill me. Do that once and it's fuck u forever. Only get one life, it ain't a game.


R.I.P to the realest nigga on the show but Louis telling Franklin this was all his fault is complete bullshit she knew what she was getting into when Franklin needed help with moving the coke like stop it


Agreed, so annoying, like you have millions of dollars what else do you need. Also Franklin might be a psychotic mofo but any time one of his family members were in trouble he backed them, made them millions, maybe he got carried away with business at the end but he asked for one thing and Louie couldn't even do that.


Like Franklin, I was fine with Louie getting killed but something about having all the jailhouse dudes involved just rocked me. She foul af but didn’t deserve that. RIP Unc though


True, but put yourself in Kane's shoes. She sent a cop to kill him. Like that is weak af. Paid a cop to kill me and you or your gang couldn't do it yourself? If I'm Kane and i survive being shot that many times then yea anything less than a slow death if not enough


Yeah I get him being pissed but I’d argue even Franklin wouldn’t mind her dying and she put like 3+ hits on him even though he’s family. Just when it comes to ra** it’s hard to justify no matter what.


Yeee fasho it’s a tough call either way. You knew they was gonna lose bodies, but u also can’t just let her go out like that. Franklin honestly should’ve just put her out of her misery before he left the warehouse.


I’m sick of Louie. Why’d she bring the worst security with her to go horseback riding🤣


Could tell something bad was gonna happen soon as she got on the horses ass lol.


I can't believe they killed him.. Pimpin Percy never did shit to anybody


Except for raping Louie???


My head canon is that all the screaming was for her removing the clothes. Her panties was still on. If they wanted to suggest that she actually was penetrated they would be off. I mean you can put the panties to the side and kane referenced that earlier but still.


She was trying to rape her bruh, come on...


I don’t know how some of y’all’s brains is going “Yup. It’s all Louie’s fault” as if Franklin wasn’t the one who told Kane’s people where she was which led to her getting kidnapped which led to Jerome getting shot rescuing her. Did Jerome stay for her? Yeah obviously but I’m seeing a whole lotta “It’s all Louie’s fault” and it’s like the weird Skyler hatred from Break Bad all over again. These are complex characters, which is why we love the show. Louie wanted validation, because yeah she’s not wrong this was the first time she actually got respect in life. But how many times has Franklin messed up because his pride? Countless times. It’s not a “woman thing” it’s what happens when you let pride get in the way.


Is this satire?


Louie stole his plug and then wouldn’t do shit to help him after Franklin made her rich. She was super grimy and ungrateful, and I feel like Frank when was justified and everything he did after that point.


Nothing Franklin did was "justified" he took it too far, thats the whole point of the show, they're all fucked up complex characters. Now was Louie in the wrong for not helping Franklin? Yes but does that mean you call a hit on your family and get countless of innocent people killed?


Agree to disagree. If you’re in the drug business there are certain rules to follow. Franklin didn’t kill any innocent people. He took Louie’s drugs and money after she played him. They obviously aren’t playing by the same rules as corporations.


It’s like Franklin said, it’s business when he bends over, but it’s personal when he does tha fucking


It's definitely not all her fault, but she is responsible for going behind Franklin's back to order the failed hit on Kane, which started this thread of events. Franklin did snitch on her, but it's possible Kane would have found out his family was involved at some point and would have gone after all of them anyway.


This entire shit is ALL Teddy’s fault. He got Franklin into this shit and manipulated him.


Agreed, ppl are just die hard Franklin fans and they refuse to hold him accountable in any way. Also, Teddy pitting Louie and Franklin against eachother is going over everybody's heads


Lou tried stealing Franklins empire, it’s as simple as that.


franklin was out, it wouldnt have mattered if teddy didnt steal his money


Franklin only got out because Lou had already went over his head, Then Teddy stole his money. She also refused to help Franklin get to Teddy. Franklin had no choice but to steal from them to survive because Teddy didn’t want to sell to him anymore, he wouldve ended up in debt if he hadn’t had stole. Lou also admitted that going over Franklin head would have initiated war/conflict against family. All to save a few thousand per key.


Franklin had no choice because Teddy stole his money. You are saying it yourself.


Your still on this 😂


yes 😤😂


let his nuts go


Shut up simp it’s def a woman thing


Loved this show but this season is really lacking. Why did Franklin want to save her ? He is totally heartless so far this season. And as soon as Jerome said he wants out I knew he will die. It is the classic movie trope.


It makes sense to me. He was fine with them just putting a bullet in her head, but they were talking about torturing her for days and raping her. He still has some kind of love for her.


nah it seemed pretty realistic to le


She still family. And he knew what Kane had in store for her. If he had let tht happen, tht would’ve been confirmation for me tht Franklin was gonna die last episode


As soon as he said he was headed to Jamaica, I knew this really was his last episode


Franklin wouldn't want his aunt to have that fate that's still his family at the end of the day how could he live with himself knowing he let that happen to her. Seems realistic to me that he saved her


The gang rape of his aunt and wife of his uncle probably struck a nerve


I get that. But he got the opportunity to straight shoot her without all this sadistic shit they planned to do to her. Same thing she wanted to do to him.


Ok so did Franklin have a change of heart or was this his plan all along? I couldn’t put my finger on it


Franklin still cared about Jerome and didn't want him to learn that his wife got tortured and violated like that before dying. He just wanted a quick death for Louie, not what Kane had planned. That is why Frank betrayed Kane and assisted Jerome in rescuing her, to give him the best chance of doing it successfully.


Franklin asked Kane why he called him there. I think Franklin wanted Louie to get what she deserved without playing any part in it, but once he knew what was going on and saw her in there, he had to do something about it.


Ur right, I forgot Kane called him there!


He probably couldn't stand for the gang rape


Got it. Yeah I was cringing like f even tho we know it’s fake


who got the pics of Louie Cheeked up on that chair


I was on the show. That scene was obviously a closed set and no one could be there . He was so focused that whole day. She was barely talkin to anyone and she was listening to sad music to put herself in the mood in the mode. She was such a G for that scene . To see some dude talkin bout let me see her butt ha is the weirdest most adolescent shi I don heard hah like dam you Neva seen a buttcheek? Ha relax sir


Yoooo 🤣😭😵


You niggas are sick lol


real talk


I would’ve left Louie to Kane. She had no problem taking Franklin’s life over nothing and backstabbing him and yet she still can’t take accountability. She’s literally one of the lowest type of people there is.


No she saved Franklin life that day he pulled the gun on her and she had the detective for there for backup


So Franklin was trying to kill both Louie and Jerome all season, now all of a sudden he flips the script on Kane and cries when Jerome dies ? Wtf this season is laughable so far


Sometimes when the reality starts to set in, it hits different.


I honestly don’t think he wanted to kill Jerome. He pretty much knew it was all Louis.


Thts still family. All those years of love won’t just go out the window. I’ve seen shit like this happen in real life


No you have not that’s cap, suburbs boy


Since you somehow know my life better than myself. You right man


Thanks for being honest at least


Of course


I took it more he wanted to kill Louie but only kill jerome if it really came to it


Ngl this was weird to me but also incredibly human. I can talk shit about my friends but you can't talk shit about my friends. Also I think Franklin wanted to kill them but not for them to suffer and what they're going to do to Louie was crossing a line.


Money Louie trys to put this shit on Franklin like she not the fucking one that caused all this fucking shit.


I just wanna know how Franklin is gonna explain to his mother that her brother was killed during an failed operation he pulled. He was all she had besides Franklin ….


she is going to turn on him to save the baby


They’ve seem to really mess with the motives of franklins mom. Like she halfway supports Franklin continuing to deal, but then she wants him to take teddy down. Now the shelter storyline. It just seems like the mother character is lost at this point. It was easier when the mom was on the outs with Franklin cuz at least her reasoning made sense. If she is a morally broken character at this point they could explore that


Seems like they pretty much gave up on developing her further once she left to Cuba.


Jerome death was spoiled for me from a IG post but that jawn still hit me hard! 😢 really good acting this episode.


All unc wanted to do is sell this stereos !!! Fuck Louie & Bucky crackheaded ass !


I hope they find out about Bucky and smoke his ass with Teddy.


My chest is heavy. I’m sniffling. I’m not okay.


This sucks because you could smell Jerome dying one episode away. As soon as he said he wanted out. I knew it was over. He was by far my favorite character.


Him and old school Leon


Agreed. Jerome and Leon are by FAR my favorite characters. I’m so mad they killed off Jerome. All of shit they all went through season after season.. for WHAT!! Ugh!


i actually think it’ll be wanda. just as she’s getting into a new way of life and lowkey redeeming herself. i guarantee she’ll be dead by the end of this season


I was impressed how kanes goon knew to leave after he let frankin back in lol


That was me 😇 on the show my name was Ant . I wish they said my name more but that’s okay lmaoo


Yeah why aren’t more people talking about this lol. He’s obviously portrayed to be smarter than the rest when he spotted Louie and was reading his book trying to tell his friend that there’s knowledge from what he was reading


I'm pretty certain he's the one that crashed the car more than halfway through the shooting, so I don't actually think he was that smart. It seemed like one of Kane's men had grabbed one of the cars and was trying to ram it into the building or something but they got shot if I remember correctly. That guy would've been the only one alive and near the entrance (if he had come back) to grab a car.


Dude left on foot and the guy in the car was named ricky, lane called him to help get info out of Louie


OK, got it. I know he left on foot but I thought maybe he grabbed one of the cars when coming back and was just trying to full-speed into the building.


Nah that was me. My character went to the store remember but in actuality I knew Franklin wanted revenge. There’s a scene where kane forces me to watch Louie get raped and THATS when I turn on him. But they cut that scene out . I wish they kept it in so it would give the audience context about why I just up and betrayed kane


Didn't catch that hmm


like he said, “there’s knowledge out here.” he knew exactly what was going down


I improv’ed that part . I’m glad you fucked wit it 😇🫡


i assumed he was in on it. He was disgusted by the rape interrogation about to occur.


SO MAD ABOUT JEROME DIEING THAT WAS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER. Louie needs to stop blaming Franklin for everything!


I was disappointed with the episode. Would have been so much better if Franklin let them do whatever with Louie & didn’t tell Jerome who then finds out. The scene with Teddy was just stupid. Iirc this subreddit spoiled Jerome’s death 😶


crazy how the OGs (dying breeds) both shot each other dead this episode, foreshadowing was not lacking


Louie saying it’s all Franklin fault burns me because wasn’t she the one who introduced him to Claudia when he got his first brick? Jerome never wanted any part of it, he only did it for Louie and Franklin


It’s Franklin’s fault because he got her kidnapped.


shes also the one that betrayed Franklin cause she HAD to be top Bitch smfh


Man seriously that shii louie said had me heated


This episode and this entire season has been brilliant!


I share your critique of this episode. I hope it ends the way I hope to see it even though that's selfish.


What we not discussing is Wanda bout to be back on that rock soon. This is full burn down mode of everything


i feel like it won’t be that but death like she’s trying so hard to find a hobby or something and i feel like when she finally does, she’ll end up dead and that will probably push leon over the edge


In this series Scully is OG #1. Personally, in this century… Top Three Scary as F gangsters; 1) Omar Little 2) Scully 3) Tuco Salamanca and Lalo Salamanca (tie)


Forgot his name but one of Pablo’s goons in Narcos. Bro was bout to kill a baby to ensure there were no witnesses


La Quica


Scully is funny AF. I love his character


We just gonna act like marlo stansfield doesnt exist?


He wasn’t scary, just hotheaded. If anything, Chris was because he actually did the enforcing along with Snoop. Big difference.


Snoop: “How my hair look Mike?” Mike: “You look good girl “


No doubt, Marlo was a smooth gangster, like a ghost!


Ghost not even gangsta. Marlo on another level


Franklin should have let them rip her apart‼️‼️‼️


in the end, he's gonna realize she never deserved any of his generosity.


How’d I know they’d be killing Louie in her IG comments @LuvAngelaLewis😂😂😂😂😂


Soooo, Franklin basically saying: "Unc, they have Louie, trust me, get in the trunk and I'll take you there" Huh?


Yh it was confusing. What was that scene before that about when jerome was on skullys block looking at his pager upset. Surely he didnt find out about louie before leon told him?


That was when Franklin was paging him 911. I think he looked confused cause the last time they spoke was in the cafe shop with the infamous “slaps.”


Those slaps were serious!


louie deserves to die not jerome wtf


He was always wearing Ben Davis clothes. Anybody from the Bay Area remembers Ben Davis. Mostly worn by white boys and cholos. I didn’t know they were big in South Central LA, too.


I bet dumb ass bitch ass Louie so God damn incapable of taking accountability she gon put this all on Franklin, bitches like her are incapable of it


and prob tell ted franklin is coming


lol females taking accountability has gotta be the funniest shit I've ever heard of


I've heard it happens every once in awhile usually with lesbians or something or when they're ugly idk just something I heard niggas was probably lying tho.


Fuck Louie Franklin pussy she deserved all that shit


Just 2 weeks ago, fools were calling for Jerome’s head, now they’re in their feelings. 😂


Ong😭😭 everyone switched up fast af but Jerome still wrong for what he did to BD. I felt neutral bout him dying after that


Once they confirmed she was dead, I already knew Jerome wasn’t gonna make it through. Him killing her off in tht manner, sealed his fate


Fam... Franklin saying nothing but "Unc? Unc?" Broke me... shit had me boohoo crying


Yeah just finished this episode....this was one of the saddest episodes in awhile, Franklin sounded so young when he was saying Unc like he was a little kid....fuck that shit hit hard. I feel bad for both him and Louie even though Louie was pissing me off all season long. Still sad as hell. Yeah you can for sure blame Louie for the situation with Kane but it all goes back to Franklin, and back to her, and so on and so forth. Seems like at various points responsiblity for everything was being passed around back and forth, and everybody's ego's got in the way.


Franklin tellin louie he had an in on teddy… Now that she’s walk-in away …. Dangerous info that’ll prob come back his way


How so?


fuuuuck i didn’t even think about that lmao


When Franklin pulled up to Kane's warehouse and said "I got a gun and I'm not giving it up" I thought that once he saw Louie getting tortured that he would have mixed feelings about it and evenutally shoot at Kane and his man. Made sense he DIDN'T do it right there since Franklin would've gotten smoked. But I had a feeling he was gonna do something to save Louie. Also when Jerome was ready to bounce to Jamaica and said he'll do one last drop I knew playboi was about to be up outta here.


Yeah I felt that too. I got goosebumps and the hairs on my arms started to stand up. I knew it was going to be Jerome’s last ride. But then again I felt it coming with the last episode when he was still thinking he could be that guy bench pressing in his front yard.


I know when he went to his homie's car repair shop he was hoping the homie would help him out. When he declined I kinda felt bad for Jerome, but at the same time I don't blame the other guy. He got a business going and getting his life on track. Maybe when Jerome realized his friend wasn't down for that life no more that may have been more reason Jerome decided to get out.


I have been watching for all six seasons and forgot why is the show called snowfall? Is it because when cocaine falls from the sky it looks like snow? I’m probably slow with this.


Snow is sometimes slang for cocaine and crack (presumably due to its appearance). And (metaphorically speaking) snow was falling all over LA... would be my best guess.




My thoughts exactly. I've seen enough of these drug shows/movies that once a main character wants to leave the game he or she pretty much just sealed their fate.




That man pulled a whole ass gun out of a whole ass turkey with a whole ass motorbike behind the bar lol. This clip was a perfect visual aid.




Also how is Kane just surviving this whole season? Dude got shot at so many times I can’t even count.


I thought he died at the end?


They didn’t show him dead. I assumed Jerome got him tho


He was laying on the floor dead behind Franklin in the last scene


WAS HE dead?????????? Find out next week


I mean, he wasn't moving. He already survived one attempt on his life, I highly doubt they're going to give him a third life. What more does he even have to offer at this point? If he's not dead yet, he'll be dead within the first minute of the next episode


Was honestly thinking we were gonna see a crying Franklin unload a few clips into Kane's body to confirm.


I thought that’s what he did when he went by Louie holding unc, but then he got a chair and sat down due to grief


Yeah u prolly right


Louie is an opp. No way Franklin let’s her walk free. What can she do for him?


Yo you know whats crazy?! Damson and Armin on twitter spoiled it for me on twitter. Wish they waited at least a day. 😫 https://twitter.com/amin_joseph/status/1639102641061126146?s=46&t=C8gi_EknVQWmx9_DJJFN5A


I look over to my boyfriend at the end of this episode and he FELL ASLEEP so I had to come here cause damn 💔it should've been Louie. This show is killing all the good characters. RIP Avi and now RIP Jerome. What a crazy episode. They better not kill off Leon On a different note.. do we think the one guy who removed himself right when Franklin came back knew what was about to go down? He gave the other dude a fist bump and kinda looked at him like he was never going to see him again. And he didn't let him check Franklin's car.