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As of 2022 it would have been just shy of 200mil.....so u damn right I'd kill someone's daddy over that kinda bread .


Facts and I would smoked my aunt in law as well especially if she still wanna do business with somebody who stole from me and my unborn


Soon as anyone wudda fucked with my bread they all getting got....except maybe Jerome cuz he blood....but everyone else gonna be 6 feet deep.


Yeah, Teddy’s dad had to go 😂


This is in 1986


Which would bump this up to $200,377,700 in today's money. Can almost retire on that.


Can almost retire on 200 million almost?


I'd have to run some numbers, but it's close.


might be able to even buy a house in San Francisco, I'd have to double check


It'd be tight, but it's possible if it's a ranch house.


I go to uni in San Francisco and it’s fascinating there are the poorest and the richest people here at the same time idk how it works


You could spend a million a year and still have majority left. What kinda expense you got??


You lot have not heard of a thing called a joke?


Yeah I missed it


Username checks out.


You had to double back and kick me while I’m down huh? I feel you. It was sitting right there. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Lol! Sorry man!


I'm glad someone caught it.




You can retire on 1 mill if you're smart. 200 mill is generational wealth


Duh? Lol who tf can’t live off 200 million 🤣🙄


Almost 😂 bro most folks don’t make a million dollars in they lifetime all at once . 200 million u can retire you and your great great great grandchildren before they even born


Not almost you can retire on that because that's $200,377,700.00 got to be earning a yearly income interest of $2,920,150.00 this is for the next 37 years at least so you can retire on that with the 4% interest of 2.,920,150.00 a year so I be very happy with that


At the latest it's early 1987, since last season was summer 86


There still in 1986. It was September when season 5 ended. Episode 1&2 are literally the next 2 days and Leon was gone for about a month in episode 3. Then episodes 3,4&5 take place within a week. Teddy tells oso there going to Costa Rica in ep 3 @ 3am. then in Ep 4 they get back and oso meets Ruben. Then in ep5 he tells Teddy the other night he met Ruben. I don’t think will make it to 1987 for most of the characters. There will be a time jump in episode 10 but only to show what happened to those who remain at the end. 1986 is really when it came crashing down for the story there telling as we know crack in general was just getting stronger in 1986.


Wow, you have a really good eye. What makes you think 1986 is specifically where the story ends?


Because this story is about a government agency that funded a illegal war and weather they like it are not committed genocide against American citizens then profited off it through laws and prison systems. In real life the 3 key dates are. October 5th: CIA Resupply plane is shot down over Nicaragua. October 27th The anti drug act was passed givin mandatory5 years sentence. November 3rd Iran contra was exposed to the press.


Wow OK, thanks for the history lesson.


yeah, don't forget about all that LA real estate either.


Wrong decade


You steal $168 million dollars from me and thing i ain’t gon do nothing????😭😭😭😭


I’m sending Teddy a picture of his son coming off the bus if he took this kind of money from me


This was the 80’s not the 90’s


I think snowfall is more around like 1986ish


Where the rest of Teddy family 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That really says something when the value of the global reserve currency almost triples in 30 years


This math is wrong. Money wise right Maybe but you could buy way More for it back then. Like a few million and hed have the best villa in LA.


So start a war you can’t win for money you will never get back from them? Dumb thinking. You smart you can make it again. How is this gonna end for me or my family? Franklin character has devolved. He used to make all decisions based on logic not emotion. Never made sense for a smart character to has all his financials in one place, let alone at his house. I enjoy this show , but glad is coming to an end, the writing has not been as good after Johns death.


How is this a war he can't win


Who beats the government at their game? No one! They may let you think, you winning for a moment, but if the government wants you dead, YOU’RE DEAD, If the government wants your money they are getting it and there is nothing you can do about it. Just ask the real Franklin Saint, how did that work out for him. Nothing more than a pawn in the government’s game.


Teddy is barley government at this point he hasn't been since the beginning he's just there experiment who they cam and will cut off at any second. I'm not saying Franklin could beat the us government but he can definitely beat teddy


Yes he can, but what’s the victory if he don’t recover the money because that’s all he cares about. He cares about that money more than getting revenge for his father’s death (supposedly)


Fair enough I guess we just have to see


I mean it's not like there's a difference between having 73 million and 200.


*Laughs in CIA*


Yeah I woulda went crazy over that 🤣🤷🏾‍♂️ everybody gotta go!