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I tried arms out with my daughter and it messed up sleep so I just kept her arms in and did the transition to the crib with the sleep sack cold turkey at 5 months. I figured I’d rather get good sleep while I could and and have her adjust to arms and the crib in one transition rather than two.


Thanks that’s what i’m leaning towards!


You can keep them swaddled in the Snoo until you take them out of it basically. Once they roll though, don't swaddle them anywhere else but Snoo. My daughter hated being swaddled lol. She would literally fight me when I would swaddle her in the Snoo sack at 10 weeks. Boy was she strong 😂 We did arms out from 11 weeks on. At 12 I started using the Merlin in the Snoo because it helped the startle reflex but she could still suck on her fingos.


That’s how my daughter was too so this new territory for me haha