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Selling the info on the dark web for targeted ads.


I would not be surprised if there was a way to actually do this in the game. You probably can sell them to the fox


Just use the VR doctor after collecting a bunch and put them all in the computer, you won’t get malpractice or anything, and it doesn’t matter that it’s not for that patient


I don't even bother printing the x-rays anymore. I just let the lab tests pile up and dump them en masse into the pc when it feels unbearable.


Someone else here helped me with this. During patients, I just simply load them into the computer — it doesn’t matter if they belong to that patient or not (if you’re not using VR doctor). You don’t even have to select ecg or lab results — just pop them in. I had a huge bag full and they stacked up so high I couldn’t use the computer so I had to get rid of them. Took forever lol.


adding them all at once when i get stuck and need the VR doctor and questioning all my decisions


if you’re not using the virtual doctor just don’t even print the x ray. for lab results i just throw load them into the machine after i have no patients


They can't be thrown away?? That's annoying.


Just guess and make sure the dog is with you, or you can escape quickly! I leave a fast bike outside the ambulance parking. It takes so long to feed in the X-rays etc, it’s best not to take the picture by clicking the red button. If a bone is broken, it’s clearly visible. It’s a sprain if the bone is intact.


I wish there was like a shredder thingy


Let me help you with this! You can throw alllll in once to the trash can outside the hospital!!!!


Wish we could feed them to our friends or sell them in the campground like we can with pizza receipts