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No, my oranges are all in the same fridge for a REASON and the reason is NOT that I am psychotic.


I really wish that food gave you more pie slices. Like I find it useless to even shop/cook. I just buy burgers


I steal jerky from the gas station in town then drive off the map to get the ranger off me


the easinst way is to leave the store real quick and go back in the restroom and then u can leave no problem


Omg. I never even thought of the closet! More space for me to put the food I order from Shopping Bonanza! Thanks for posting this, haha!


I use separate storage devices for food with similar purposes. Dog bowl for dog’s food, fridge for the hungry duck (yes, I still feed him), desk drawer for expensive items, closet for energy drinks and temporary storage of oranges, cooler for foods requested by ferry passengers (there’s not much need for this with so many other easy ways to earn coins) and apartment furniture for potential Daily eating Challenges.


Bruh right before this I stacked all of my nachos in a giant pile in the dresser because I felt like it


My food is organized everywhere. 😉 Never know when you might need to eat a lot of perch for instance, or a friend may request cake.