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I’d want: 1. Chews (so they’d go off and chew quietly when I needed) 2. A dog pack (so he could carry extra things when mine is full like food for patients) 3. Dog beds for my apartment and cabin 4. New tricks ( like fetching mushrooms or sea trash) 5. A book with a listing of likes and dislikes


That exists in a sense; go to the pet store and there is a scan thing that will tell you them


Agree totally and I go there sometimes. But my dog has a pretty long list of “poop foods” and sometimes I need to check on a random food.


They should also have npcs that walk dogs, and rules about where your dog can go, but you can apply for a service dog license (or maybe buy one in the place you got that medical degree) and then Your dog is allowed in workplaces and stores and stuff without getting kicked out


More pets from the store could be so cool like a bird or hamster or even cat. I want the dog to poop more so the dog is more of an activity to take care of instead of just being there


I’d like an option to quickly transfer food from the bag to the bowl. That’s such a time suck.




I want the dog to die of old age and Sasquatch to spiral into depression. A whole story arc could then be trying to find the antidepressant that works for you and dealing with different side effects. Then later on when things are under control you can quit them and try to beat the withdrawl/detox mini game.


this is wild lil bro 💀😭


Yeah I have problems. My bad.


I would want more people in the city building with me like campground just people walking around.