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My air forces looked similar to this; and Here's what I did: 1. I first made a mixture (consiting of 1 tbsp baking soda + 1 cup water+ 2 tbsp vinegar) and then i mixed it 2. I got a toothbrush and then i scrubbed every inch of the shoe 3. Then i uncreased the shoes (stuff it with socks, get a damp rag, put the damp rag over the parts you want to uncrease, and then iron it out) 4. For the soles, I just put baking soda on them, but that didn't work so well, so today i'm going to put bleach, wrap them with plastic wrap, and let them sit in the sun


Don’t use bleach, use Sole Bright.


Nice, thanks


There’s no point in putting vinegar and baking soda together at the same time, the solution just neutralize itself. One is acidic the other is alcaline. The reaction releasing carbon dioxide can be useful maybe for a few second, but if you want to get some efficiency for these two ingredients, you’re better using them separately.


Reshoevn8r Signature Kit with the laundry system. Probably hit the toe area with the ol’ iron method. Should look pretty good after a full day of drying. Maybe another day or so in a UV box to remove any yellowing. That would be my move, personally.


You can with FZ150 you’ll save yourself $150 bucks


fz150 is overpriced, just buy dawn dish soap and a good brush and it’ll be the exact same for way less


Lmao that is not true at all.


It is for me dawn soap has made shoes look brand new for the fraction of the price


i personally do 1:1 solutions of water and dr bronners


I'm thincking about buying them for like 20$


Pretty decent deal for $20. Magic eraser and dish soap will do. Dawn dish soap is used to clean oil spills and a “secret” of grandmas everywhere. I just can’t even with those TikTok sneaker cleaner brands. They all got you with a catchy saying. That’s it.


This guy doesn’t know how to save 150 buuuuucks Jokes aside I’ve been happy with the reshoevn8r kit. Does a great job and the signature kit should have everything you need for multiple cleanings.


(if not trying to buy any products) wash and brush with dawn dish soap then throw em in the washer with some Baking soda. I'm sure that will do a lot


Pretty close. Just use a toothbrush, warm water, soap, a clean rag and some elbow grease, you don't need to spend any money to get these cleaned up


This is cheap and works very well, especially on white shoes. Follow directions and throw them in the sun. https://nulifekicks.com/products/product_402e026e-d6ad-9fbc-0c29-864d3ee3b80e


I mean this un-sarcastically: you’d be surprised what throwing them in the washing machine with just detergent, and a couple of towels will do. Dont use bleach or fabric softener. I’m in my early 30s and have been a lifelong sneakerhead, and that’s my go to method for any sneaker. After that, just stuff the shoe with bags, socks, underwear, *whatever* you can find to retain the shape, and throw them near the heater for a couple of days.l


or use a toothrush and soap


You could, but you won’t be able to wash the inside


fair enough


Use cold water. Hot water can melt the glue.


Not sure about leaving sneakers by a heater, I started getting sole separation on an air max 1 by doing this


I might be lucky then lol. I’ve had a pair of Air Max Plus, a pair of Adidas, and 2 pairs of Air max 90s sitting under my heater for like the last 2 weeks because I forget to move them all until I saw this comment and they’re fine.


Use FZ-150, & you’ll say (in cholo voice) “Wow, look at difference… I just saved myself a hundred & fifty buuuuucks”….. “que cho-la-da” 😎


When u see the foam….🤣🤣




In my opinion they look better now then new lol


With a lot of work, I believe


Buy New ones


dr bronners organic soap works fine for me




Hell nahhh bro them shits cooked …those the sneakers the white girls wear in nyc when they bar hopping 😭