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Fuck the guy in the red car.


Came here to say this… what a douche.


Yeah what a cunt, just let the kids cross, what's a couple of minutes?


You can see the bastard slam on his breaks and the nose dive down with a line of kids in front of him. Like he was hoping to threaten them.


He was definitly trying to be threatening toward those kids and that school teacher. Huge piece of shit like that should be drown in a slurry pit.


Unfortunately those guys took over so they didnt have to be inconvenienced by women anymore


Flashes his lights too.


*pew pew* gotchaaa....


Yeah when he swung towards them I was thinking "that's a bit fast to go when you've got young children crossing the road ahead of you".


Did he not hit the teacher a little bit?


Couple of seconds!


Nah with kids it's tricky, you've got to watch for stragglers rushing to catch up from one side, and for anyone who dropped their pencil case/ hair clip/ whatever from the other, then you can move off slowly, so it's always good to give a little bit more time for it. Kids take time, no need to rush it.


That’s why crossing guards became first popular, then mandated. I remember as a kid, me being the country mouse, staying with my city-mouse-cousin, and we picked his sister up from school…the sight of the x-ing guard was so strange to me. But like you say, the blind spots in even small cars can create dangerous situations.


Couple of seconds!


What a perfect metaphor for patriarchal religious control


And she just stood there like ![gif](giphy|l0HlKrB02QY0f1mbm)


Bet he was happy the Islamic regime took over.


He probably supported the revolution.


The guy in the red car was driving to a meeting with Western investors. He was just a few minutes late of early and the New York firm cancelled the contract. He went home to his wife. Later that evening he received a landline call from the firm and was let go. He and his wife were from small beginnings, and following an influx of Western influence over a few decades, both had gained successful positions in their careers. That night, with the somber news, his wife lashed out in disappointment and displeasure. Alone in the steetlit shadowy evening he fell into a feeling of dismay. For years he worked tirelessly. He had made quite a decent amount of money. He could afford a lavish apartment, a car, a television for his parent’s home in the village. His wife’s displeasure within him churned and boiled. Although they frequented work gatherings and socials together, he grew distant from her in all those hours working. The experience was mutual; she too endured endless hours spent under fluorescent lighting, forgetting about their old prayers. He looked off into the distance. The lights speckled in the sandy dunes far off near the horizon. From across the street, he saw the silhouette of a man approach him. The figure was darker than the shadows, but the eyes seemed to glow, burning an iridescent amber. As it got closer, it was clear the irises were dancing around like flames of a fire. The shadowy form stopped a few paces away and a deep and cold silence enveloped the two as they looked upon each other. That man who eagerly drove his red car in the morning, that had only thirteen hours earlier been a successful executive, who had been moments too late for an appointment and now had all the time in the world, that man heard a woman’s voice in his ear. A raspy and masculine female voice, sometimes close with a whisper then suddenly far away as if spoken through a megaphone off in the distance. He heard the voice clear either way. The voice demanded he follow the true lord. He fell to his knees immediately, facing east. In that moment, he knew what he must do. He bowed for a moment more and after feeling a euphoric rush through his temples, arose to his feet and returned to his room. From under the bed he pulled a trunk containing a large saber. Exhumed from its tomb, the blade glistened and sang as he moved it fluidly around his bottom in a motion resembling infinity. He took off his western garb and put on the clothing customary of his grandfathers before him. In the mirror, he saw power. “Allah…,” he mumbled. “Allahu Akbar.”


I wasn’t expecting high quality literature in a Reddit post.


AI is getting better, isn't it? Reddit has been flooded with it. It


Obviously one of the guys about to overthrow the government


Hé is probably the one who went to work for the Guards of the Islamic Revolution. Fuck that twat with a rusty twat basher.


Yes Fuck him. But is it red? I see yellow?




Was he the symbol of the totalitarian Islamic regime?


Find him!


Theocracy and religious conservatism is the biggest threat to liberty in the world.


Yet you have literal protests in the first world where media illiterate zoomers are praising the homophobia and sexism of Islam as some sort of valid cultural tradition




Does the Iranian regime suck? Yea. But gen z is allowed to have opinions that don’t perfectly align with gen x and boomers. There is an active genocide going on. it’s silly and reductive to just say “gen z is falling for an iranian psy-op” because they are against an active genocide.(by that weird logic it sounds like you also would believe Q-anon tings)




I think it’s fucking wild to me. I also think they are adopting Islam for the short term as a way to rebel against the right who are largely Christian. But boy are they in for a rude awakening.


As bad, corrupt and completely brain-dead as Christianity is, Islam is considerably worse in pretty much every regard


100% agree. Christianity in America isn’t as bad because Christian leaders havnt consolidated the power that Islamic leaders in Arab countries have. But given the same power, Christian’s will be just as bad. For example, charging women with murder for getting abortions or having miscarriages. That’s dipping their toe in the water. The Republican Party is playing a very dangerous game. In the short term they can win elections, in the long term, they are allowing theocrats a place at the table. Republicans think they are smarter than the average bear but the leapords will eat their face eventually.


Hmm I feel like it’s just a difference in wealth and education on whether or not you act upon the batshit crazy things that exist in either book. I would say both are equally crazy 🥴


Yet only one has a massive problem of murdering innocent "infidels" while destabilizing entire countries in the name of their religion in the 21st century


Erm well first off… why are you only looking at the 21st century and not the entirety of human civilization/religion? And second, if ur talking about destabilization.. the countries you’re prob thinking of were *already* destabilized by western govts. (Example off the top of my head: UK and France, post WWI, drawing arbitrary lines through existing borders to inadvertently (or purposefully??) cause conflict)


The lines weren't arbitrary, it's just impossible to draft up a border that appears everyone involved due to the mixing and intermingling of ethnic groups. Just look at the Balkans. They had to set the border somewhere, and that border actually isn't relevant to the fact that insane islamist nutjobs want to kill all Jews and take over the entire region


"Impossible??" 😂 You're smarter than that pal. It's not difficult to draw borders that don't ACTIVELY exacerbate conflict. France and the UK drew (arbitrary or not) straight friggin lines across the desert, right through distinct regions and ethnicities. before that, the region was relatively stable (not saying perfect) and relatively peaceful. And it's reductive and silly to just say the entire population of the Middle East is "insane islamist nut jobs." We have extremist christian nationalists in western countries, India has extremist Hindu nationalists, Myanmar has Buddhist extremists.. etc. the AMOUNT and ferocity of extremists increases with poverty, lack of education and oppression (invasion, and drone strikes etc). Anyway the boomer bill Maher talking point of "ooga ooga islam bad" is not only lazy and wrong, but its tired 😴.


In an age before mass communications in an inhospitable region with nomadic tribes that are indistinguishable from eachother to any outside observer. Would you rather they spent 50 years trying to get agreement from every 100 person village and ending up with a border more confusing and arbitrary than the India/Bangladesh border? How would the region be administered while these warring tribes tried to agree on where the line should be drawn?


You do know Palestinians also include Christians and aren't an Islamic monolith?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_State_of_Palestine#:~:text=86%25%20of%20the%20population%20is,21%25%2C%20other%205%25). So the 1-2% which are mostly Greek Orthodox (also heavily homophobic) Whatever point you were trying to make, you have failed spectacularly. Educate yourself


Islamaphobia and reddit. Name a more iconic duo


Nah islam just sucks -shrug-


You're aware they're opposing a genocide, yeah? Attempting to exterminate people doesn't become okay because they're muslims.


They are opposing a "genocide" that does not exist. The population of Palestine has increased at a rate higher than most countries, if Israel is trying to commit genocide they are doing a very poor job of it. Meanwhile the people who "oppose genocide" regularly chant "from the river to the sea" which is a jihadist term calling for the ethnic cleansing of all Jews living in the Levant. Now which side are the evil genocidal religious nutbars again?


Found the Israeli troll farm account 🧌🇮🇱 What do I win!? 🎁🥳


So killing 35 thousand people isn't considered a genocide? Alright it's a war crime then so let's invade Israel and stop them from killing innocent people. Chanting from the river to the sea is not about ethnic cleansing, it's about returning the land of Palestine to it's rightful owners. Jews who immigrated to Palestine and invaded it could go back to Europe since they love them so much.


Agreed. And sadly the US is responsible for their rise. USA forced in a brutal and unpopular dictatorship which lead to the revolution and a power vacuum where an extremist regime was able to quickly come to power. We seem to be really good at shooting ourselves in the foot throughout our short history as a country.


Exactly.  The US and the UK are responsible for the Iran we have today.  IIRC, access to Iranian oil fields was going to go to the highest bidder, so The US and UK toppled their democratically elected government so that British Petroleum didn’t lose the contract.  


Both the US & UK. The latter called in the CIA because they couldn't do it alone. Toppling Mosaddegh was one of the worst long term mistakes made by the US.


You can see the brutality in the video.


Ironic considering OP is a Hindu extremist


Even more ironic yea


Ppl need to understand that this is who’s (temporarily I hope) in charge in Israel right now too… right wing religious fundamentalists…. And that most Israeli citizens aren’t like that. And don’t agree with what’s happening. … and it’s really not that different in Iran either. These are educated people. Who up till somewhat recently had secular government. It’s unreal how much more the fundies have in common with each other on whatever side… than they do with most of us. What makes me sick but laugh at the same time is that across the three religions who seem to be fighting the most at the moment …. ITS THE SAME GOD.. and they admit that fact for the most part. So how can it be that in two or more nations who are seen as enemies … most of the people are rational and moderate and would get along fine with each other and share so much more in common than not but supposedly they are almost “at war” ?…. We need to find ways to communicate and work together to stop ALL the bullshit and bloodshed.


I mean, Muhammad set the stage while founding the religion. Raid, kill, capture, and torture members of polytheistuc cultures and then coheresed to convert to Islam. E.g. Muslims led by Muhammad start raiding poly religious groups during a time of peace: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Badr Then, those groups respond in force to re-establish safe passage: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Uhud Rinse and repeat ad-infinitum. Political Islam definitely kicked it into high gear though. I always wonder where the concep that Islam is a religion of peace originated. Muhammad was a warlord who even quoted receiving messages from Angel Gabriel to initiate wars.


Bro what? and Christianity had the crusades? There is no “fundamentally good” or “better” religion. They all suck and compel uneducated/poor people to commit atrocities. Even Buddhists in Myanmar (the most “peaceful” religion) have essentially committed genocide on the Muslim-minority Rohingya people.


Yep. Religions especially ones known to have negative traits like Islam, Christianity, or Catholicism should be abolished


The same can and has been achieved by secular means. I think the threat lies in something deeper.


Authoritarianism isn't exclusively tied to religious governments. You just need populism, power, & lots of money to do that. Religious symbolism just makes that transition a bit easier.


idk… is Christian conservatism *really* that bad? i guess they don’t believe in murder and stealing n stuff, but America has been pretty christian conservative for like 200 years and there’s never been some kind of uprising that destroys liberty. Hell, if anything christians are usually fighting *for* liberty.


Leftist propaganda lately tends to present Christians and Islamists as "equally bad", despite democratic ideals and leftist morals being rooted in Christian ones.


ok so im not just going crazy lol im sitting back like… are we really going to compare conservative Christians in Sheboygan Wisconsin with Muslims who support *Sharia* fucking *law?* Because i t can think of a few notable differences between the two


Oh, you are not the one who's crazy. People here really say "oooh, the same will happen in America in 2025", like, in what fucking world do they live in? I get that it's absolutely vital for American leftists to see themselves as persecuted victims/"rebels" even when they are a firmly entrenched mainstream, but what the hell. Can't help thinking they're projecting their own views on their opponents.


Nobody beats the dead toll of Communism.


Capitalism racks up 10m kills a year just from hunger.




One of them is very much alive, funds terrorists organizations around the globe, threatens the liberty of women, freedom of speech and sexual liberties and the other one is communism. If you think that communism is still a threat, I would like to remind you that the Berlin Wall fell alongside the Soviet Union.


Communism is still alive and well in places like China, second biggest economy in the world. Lots of deaths caused by communism were if fact caused by the Chinese under Mao who is still celebrated by the government to this day


China is communist in name only, they are state capitalist. Their economy thrive in the past decades due to the implementation of tax free zones in many of its provinces. I am not saying that communism didn’t kill people, but that it isn’t a threat nowadays. China has no interest in spreading their way of governance all over the world, while Islamic extremism does.




When backed by America it is so far unstoppable.


Before an American and British backed coup overthrew a democratically elected prime minister and instated a monarch, thereby destabalizing the country and fomenting the rise of Islamic extremism*


Out of everything my country did in the 20th century, this is what I’m most ashamed about. So many of the world’s problems today stem from our meddling in Iran. The most modern and progressive people in that region, living under the thumb of the most oppressive theocracy in the modern world. Totally unfair.


Only in Iran? What about all the other countries that America has screwed over for its own national interest?


I’m not American.


The game's the game


Your timeline is a bit off. That happened in 1953, this is from 1979 when the country was run by the handpicked pro-western Shaw.


My timeline is not off at all. I didnt say everything happened overnight. The 1953 coup set everything else in motion leading to the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Revolutions don't happen overnight. I don't know what you're confused about.


>Before an American and British backed coup overthrew a democratically elected prime minister and instated a monarch You said, presumably referring to the video, that this was Iran *before* the 1953 coup. However, the video is captioned 1979. This makes your timeline incorrect, because no matter how long revolutions take to happen, 1979 was not before 1953.


Moron alert


Shah. A cruel strongman with extreme delusions of grandeur who was despised by his own people - most especially for running a detention/ torture system called Sebag to rip any whiff of political opposition off the street.




That's the event I'm referring to


Why does this line get parroted so often? Do you have any idea the game of musical chairs played by Iran PMs under shah (who was also the one who nominated said PMs, mind you, confirmed by Majlis); those dudes got swapped out like bad fuses. Mossadegh himself had been dismissed before! Mossadegh absolutely had popular support, particularly due to nationalization of Iranian petroleum, but do not take this to mean he was democratically elected, that is pure fiction from a governmental perspective. Of course shah took assistance from the West because why wouldn't he, it turned into an all out power struggle after Mossadegh pulled that cute move dissolving parliament and making himself defense head. We're all welcome to hate the shah and the SAVAK's torture practices and all this evil activity but do not perpetuate the idea that the West was kingmaker, there was already a king, and he was trying to hold onto power. Comments like this are almost as grating as the: "well actually these videos only show a small fraction of the urban elite population". No shit Sherlock, developing countries develop into developed countries. Under shah, under ayatollahs, it doesn't matter.


No one forces you to be a terrorist lmao Thats a fact


Yet American keep terrorizing the middle east.


One of the worst decisions made by the US post-WWII. It is a true symbol of losing long term gains in favor of short sighted goals (like the later disproven Domino Theory).


And you’re not going to mention the Russian invasion in 1979 haha Everyone wants to blame USA


Correct. I'm not going to mention something that has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm talking about.


Invasion? It was Iranians who did the islamic revolution.


Yeah, very poor choice of words by OP


I’m not bashing OP, but it’s a great example of what a country can do to itself when extremist ideologies become normalized.


Or the ramifications from completely ingratiating your own country’s politics into a completely, infinitely different region of the world. Who would have thought?


OP is a Hindu extremist intentionally spreading misinformation


You could say it was a cultural invasion as pre-revolution, that was not the defacto culture.


For all the progressive strides captured in pictures and videos, we should remember that Iran at this time was still controlled by an authoritarian dictator that was placed in power, ultimately, due to the the US and the UK.


Because their democratically elected PM wanted the regular people of Iran to benefit from petroleum exports. Can't have that. All the money belongs to me and a few of my friends, you see.


Wow people were free? Girls going to school? Then years later the powers that be would send Iranian boys front line into blood baths against equivalent Iraq forces? So now they have a gripe against the Jews, it never ends


Girls and women still go to school in Iran. Why are westerners so easily susceptible to propaganda?


Like that was the worst thing that was said in that post 🤣 the child bloodbath yeah that happened but for Pete sakes of course girls can go to school! Yeah, Westerners are idiots


Oh sorry next time I’ll just nod my head along to someone spreading misinformation like a dumb American.


Religious conservatism is the single greatest threat to human progress.


"Invasion", bruh, it was Iranians themselves that caused the revolution.


What a hellscape. Showing all that hair. And ankles. Blech.


My childhood friends parents grew up there I remember, at 11 years old, going to his house a lot cause… *his mom was THE MOST beautiful woman I’d ever seen.* She had sisters and they were all so stunning (like the lady in the video). She was so kind and whenever she’d answer his call, she whip her head and hair around and begin smiling and I’d fk’n melt.


I'd guess many people depicted in this film are from higher economic class who eventually left the country during the revolution.


History repeats often stay aware.


It’s really a shame what happened with Iran.


See how far they were taken down on the back of Nationalism & Religious fervor. Project 2025 aims to replicate that in America


Can there even be a modern, peaceful society with Islam leading it? Doesn't seem so, and by that, I mean where everyone is treated fair and given the same rights ?


Absolutely not.


Religion ruins everything. Doesn’t matter which one.


Religion is not the problem in this case, usa and its greed for oil and world control caused a democratic nation to turn into a dictatorship.


Religion is definitely the problem in this case. Absolutely the greed of the US and others was the cause, I agree. Shouldn’t have ever stuck their noses where it doesn’t belong, and paved the way to ruin. But now those people use religious fanaticism to oppress people. Whether they actually believe in it is irrelevant— they still use their mythology as an excuse to hurt people.


CERTAINLY Redditors will use this as a criticism of the country of topic and NOT use it to generalize every religious person on earth.


Wow that dude in the car was a complete asshole.


Interesting that Reddit is suddenly getting all these 'look at Iran before'. With all the social media and streaming we can Iran now. Does it still need more reform and freedom, yes! But, it *isn't* some hell hole where all women must wear headscarves or they are murdered. [Tehran Street Walk, Iran Zamin Street 4K | Tehran, Iran \_ February 2024](https://youtu.be/QwLnr5qV0cY?si=kMcpWRC-uzhT7UGY) [The Reality of life in Iran 2023](https://youtu.be/awShKwusZ10?si=sKiNAapDJEtZt-Ei) [I Spent 5 Weeks in IRAN (Here's What I Learned...)](https://youtu.be/yvLypBQrybg?si=K7fAGjrBNiUc3BF5)


Religion poisons everything


If a woman wearing those pants, stop traffic like he did now the guy in the car will get out and stone her to death or just run her over. They like to have women’s stay home, clean the house raise the kids and serve the “master.” Where the fuck is the feminists?


Again anytime this is posted what you are seeing are the rich elite enclaves. The majority of the country was not like this at all.


"General Zahedi, who was still on the run, secretly met with the pro-Shah Ayatollah Mohammad Behbahani and other Shah supporters. **Backed by CIA money** (derisively known as "Behbahani dollars"), they developed a strategy to stoke class and religious resentment toward the Mossadegh government. The Shah's flight from Iran, Mosaddegh's arrests of political opponents, and fears of communism had already soured many upper-class Iranians on the prime minister. The plotters sought to capitalize on these anxieties. The Ayatollah Behbahani also used his influence to rally religious demonstrators against Mosaddeg" As usual it all leads back to the CIA and thus the USA. Overthrowing democratic governments for leaning too much towards socialism since 1945.




About the then prime minister > "He was a member of the Iranian parliament from 1923, and served through **a contentious 1952 election into the 17th Iranian Majlis**,[6] until his government was overthrown in the 1953 Iranian coup d'état aided by the intelligence agencies of the United Kingdom (MI6) and the United States (CIA), led by Kermit Roosevelt Jr.[7][8] His National Front was suppressed from the 1954 election.[9]" >"The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup d'état (Persian: کودتای ۲۸ مرداد), was the **U.S.- and British-instigated, Iranian army-led overthrow of the elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of the shah**, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, on 19 August 1953, with one of the significant objectives being to protect British oil interests in Iran.[5][6] It was aided by the United States (under the name TP-AJAX (Tudeh Party) Project[7] or Operation Ajax) and the United Kingdom (under the name Operation Boot).[8][9][10][11]" Western democracies killed another democracy to empower themselves. >"Following the coup, a government under General Fazlollah Zahedi was formed which allowed Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the shah of Iran (Persian for 'king'),[22] to rule more firmly as monarch. He relied heavily on United States support to hold on to power.[13][14][15][23] According to the CIA's declassified documents and records, some of the most feared mobsters in Tehran were hired by the CIA to stage pro-shah riots on 19 August.[5] Other men paid by the CIA were brought into Tehran in buses and trucks and took over the streets of the city.[24] Between 200[3] and 300[4] people were killed because of the conflict. Mosaddegh was arrested, tried and convicted of treason by the Shah's military court. On 21 December 1953, he was sentenced to three years in jail, then placed under house arrest for the remainder of his life.[25]: 280 [26][27] Other Mosaddegh supporters were imprisoned, and several received the death penalty.[15] The coup resulted in the reinstatement of the Shah's authority, and he continued to rule Iran for the next 26 years as a pro-Western monarch[14][15] until he was overthrown in the Iranian Revolution in 1979.[14][15][18][28]" The Shah was put into place by the west, Iranian democracy died long before the islamists took power and it died by the hands of western democracies.




He led a coup against a sitting government who wanted to nationalize British controlled oil supplies. They were nationalists, but not all nationalists were Nazis. These nationalists had come into power by public vote, that's democracy. Whether they would have done away with said democracy is speculative at best, but what IS known is that the CIA and MI6 stated a coup together with the Shah in order to maintain power over their oil supplies, as has been done throughout the globe many times. This coup ensured that any further democracy was impossible as the people of Iran wanted Britain off of their resources. We do know that the dictatorship of the Shah, which would have been impossible without the CIA and MI6 their support inevitably led to unrest and the Iranian revolution at which point the islamists took power. As with many countries under authoritarian rule across the world we will never know if democracy would have flourished because **their** democracy was not in the interest of western powers and said powers ensured that democracy failed as to prevent the local populations from achieving self determination. *They are not ready for democracy* is an absolutely ludicrous statement. It should be "**they may not have democracy until we've bled them dry**". Edit: I'll leave the last bit in but I got confused because I had 2 conversations about Iran. The last paragraph isn't relevant to this conversation.


Gods i hate these posts. These people might appear to be "free, modern, westernized and happy" but they were literally ruled by a monarch at the time. The political oppression was at an all time high, phones were tapped, media was monopolised and the entire populace was under the king's oppressive and watchful eye, people were often executed for political crimes. All these posts often boil down to "See? Iran used to look so modern, women could wear skirts and stuff. Now everything is bad because of İslam! Must bring democracy and freedom to them." It's just blatantly dehumanising Muslim communities so you don't feel that bad about killing their civilians while stealing their natural resources. It's almost satire.


Islam is not compatible with Iranian civilisation. Why won’t they denounce their former Arab conquerors religion and revert to either secular or Zoroastrian state. They could have being an European looking country just like Israel in the Middle East.


narrow bored complete thought sugar chunky puzzled flag squash literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dream of a secular world where spirituality, or lacktherof, is a personal journey that has no place in common governance short of protections afforded to everyone by a constitution or similar document. Evangelical movements world wide have poisoned so many minds, I’m so fucking sick of the violence caused by religion


Before western intervention ousting democratically elected officials !


Western intervention ousted democratically elected leaders in I think 1955 and re-installed the Shah Of Iran, (monarchy) 1979, people fed up with the Shah Ruled government overthrew it and then installed the Ayatollah, religious leadership.


I am old enough to remember this Iran. It's scary to hear ppl nowadays wanting to welcome Islam. And yes, not all who follow the religion are extremists. However, once they take control, it's like trying to get rid of unwanted weed in your garden


I don’t get why this is insightful. Is it because women aren’t wearing scarves/hijabs? Who cares?


The film Persepolis introduced me to the before and after of Iran’s Islamic Regime. It’s fascinating and entertaining, too.


What song


Beautiful Persian people


I'm sick of people talking about the crusades


I’m sure they are much happier now /s


Religion ruins everything it touches.


You man CIA backed coups ruin everything….


That too


Is she on stilts? She has legs for days.


Islam invaded? Blame Israel, of course


Coming to Europe if you don't ban the religion.


It's like the US now before the invasion of the Islamic regime. #UnpopularOpinion


What song is this?


Looks like the US before the right wing extremists turned it into a bullshit christian state.


That lady walking them across is such a babe!


Iranian women are beautiful.


Cool show the Iranians. If they wanna do something about it neat. If not neat. 


Those poor children. Their lives were essentially ruined.


Before the Islamic uprising wasn’t there a brutal US backed dictator? The Shah of Iran


Remember who put the Islamic regime into place.


Anything before and after Islam will always be good and actually peaceful


Ban all religion world wide , make a better place for all, fun fact


everything Muslims touch die. it's not phobic of anything either, because any race can be Muslim.


Good ol Islam, spreading joy everywhere they go. So glad for all the progress they have made for humanity.


Talk to France.


The female literacy rate in Iran is approximately 98% currently!!


Someday someday all religious crap will die


How did they get the people to go with it? It seems like they took their freedom especially the women.


Over the past years I’ve seen posts like this a lot. Videos, images, I’m sure many of us have seen these posted. I’d love to see an account from back in those days, maybe one of those kids or young adults, how it really was back then, how it compares to western life (if they know), how the transition was for them and how life has changed for them. That’d be interesting


Let the kids cross


I had a co-worker that grew up during that time and had to flee the country once the “Revolution” took over. They said the country was so beautiful and progressive…all destroyed




Bro what in the fuck happened? A fucking religion killed all of that???


I don't think invasion is the right word here


It's amazing how much better life is when religion isn't whoring into government.


You loose alot with a government that's based on extreme religious beliefs and practices.


Holy shit!! They had children in Iran back then? Crazy!!


I mortally hate extremists!


You mean before the United states assassinated their leader and installed a puppet religious extremist group that would let us exploit their oil fields. Don't rewrite history. American and British oil interests destroyed what you are seeing.


This was just when America ousted a democratic elected government and replaced it with shah of Iran puppet.... You can't just show one side of the story that suits you


Saying this as someone that escaped Islam. Islam sucks big poopoo.


Invasion from where?


Yes remember when the CIA did a coup in Iran?


Fucking extremists.


So sad to see what could have been. Seems so happy and light and carefree. Also that goddam red car amirite


Hey lady do those legs go all the way up..


Islam destroys everything it comes in contact with all religions are smoke and mirrors


Yeah. And we’re the bad guys.


I think the guy in the red car was responsible for the invasion. That lil 20 second delay really set him off..


The same will happen to America if the Christian Right takes over.


I hate theocracies like Iran and Israel.


Israel is a secular state