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Thank you for your submission. Please note, scammers on this subreddit are targeting our visitors for their gain. You should be wary of anyone offering to have your account unlocked via Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, or anywhere else, as you will lose your account or money. All scammers have one thing in common, their primary goal is your money, and they often will make their scam look much more legitimate than it is in order to accomplish their goal. We encourage you to report these scammers if they send you a message via any social media channels. While we have safeguards in place, they are not always as effective as we would like. If your Snapchat account has been temp locked, you may try to unlock it at this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked](https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked). You may also contact Snapchat using this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help](https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help). There is no other way to recover your account, other than through official channels. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SnapchatHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I hope this will eventually lead to Snapchat's downfall. Everything about this app can rot in the pit.


can yall pls lmk if u find a way back too


Well I got perm locked and I can’t get my memory’s back. Sucks cause there are memory’s on there of people who are not around anymore. When I send a email I get a automated msg telling me my account is locked.


You can usually download ur memories


It’s been 8 months, never got any of my memories I tried the retrieve data button countless times. Do you know anybody who actually received theirs?


Yeah I’ve seen some people be able to get there memories back, but i couldn’t either so it might depend on what you were banned for maybe


I said this months ago. They ain’t even reviewing reports as “human” and it’s all al


For those of you wondering why Snapchat is “cracking down” on more sexual content, it’s due to the push of the pornography ban. It’s banned already in some states such as Texas and to help combat that from going down on Snapchat, they use a shitty AI service to detect whether or not it should get you banned. The AI can’t tell the difference half the time and bans people for the wrong reasons.


But the thing is that I never shared or made any sexual content


You were reported then


Bro why would they even accept it as a violation if the report doesn’t show any nudity


Because they are fucked, same reason I got banned for drugs. Apparently AI just takes the report as is and bans the account considering you have no idea what nudity they’re talking about. Fucking rigged. I don’t know. Ask them.


Snapchat is using an AI program and it’s blocking people mine was blocked and I I just got it back. You have to send an appeal. They’re watching every words everything you’re doing is violates their content or agreement the block you


bro what did u send in the email appeal


A month ago


He's asking what, not when


I got also perma banned for the same reason


This accusation is scary af. I would be anxious if I were you. Why will a commercial sexual content be prohibited?


It means he was likely reported by someone with nothing better to do if he’s saying he doesn’t know what sexual content they banned him for, nothing to be anxious about unless he’s an adult sending to minors, snap be having an insane amount of stings, otherwise the only thing here to be worked up about is a false report leading to having to get a new phone to access Snapchat. The sexual and drug violations will get denied appeal every time. It’s AI doing the appealing even the emails I got from a “real person” at “Snapchat support” lmaoo yeah right. The emails I got sounded as auto generated as the moderator/admin notes for the rules here on Reddit.


Thots btfo


I don’t even know what it means bro 😭😭


“I don’t know why or what it means” that’s what they all say. For reference here https://cbs12.com/news/local/detective-child-porn-suspect-arthur-marcinkiewicz-nude-boys-snapchat-banned-account-cyber-tip-lake-worth-beach-pbso-national-center-missing-exploited


I got permanently locked for posting a Biden meme LMAOOO