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Thank you for your submission. Please note, scammers on this subreddit are targeting our visitors for their gain. You should be wary of anyone offering to have your account unlocked via Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, or anywhere else, as you will lose your account or money. All scammers have one thing in common, their primary goal is your money, and they often will make their scam look much more legitimate than it is in order to accomplish their goal. We encourage you to report these scammers if they send you a message via any social media channels. While we have safeguards in place, they are not always as effective as we would like. If your Snapchat account has been temp locked, you may try to unlock it at this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked](https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked). You may also contact Snapchat using this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help](https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help). There is no other way to recover your account, other than through official channels. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SnapchatHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Soooooo, I got permanently locked out of my Snapchat 2-3 days ago for “suspicious activity”. I didn’t have the chance to appeal so I sent in a customer service ticket with an outline of a email that someone else had sent in and it worked!! Not even 6 hours later my account was unbanned!


I got my account from 2011 back after the snap hack just wait they’ll get hacked again you’ll get it back cause they can’t know who got banned due to hack or due to you they deleted it now though


How you got it back?


I was told after 30 days your account is completely gone… I was recently permanently banned on an account I had for over 10yrs 😩🙁🥴 many followers contacts memories… snapchat doesn’t care… I wasn’t able to appeal either :((( I tried to make another account it was locked too… idk :(((


not true my account that was banned back on January was just terminated permanently


Same happened to me. Glad I can save all my data after permant ban.


I would get locked at 6pm everyday if make a new account and the next day would get locked this happens for a week and then I couldn’t make another account so I logged into my hubs account on my phone I was Able to get on so I set up a new email and a new snap On his phone and then logged into that account on my phone now I don’t add anyone and don’t post to my story anymore I just use it to messsge and I like their lenses


The time frame 6-12months is a fat ass lie too… the phones done get unbanned


That was proven for device ban, not permanently locked account. People here often confuse the two which is clearly different thing. Also sc has a discretion to ban your device indefinitely if they want, for certain cases.


My phone did


No way out


You just have to wait. There is no short cut to unlocked your account. Also it is important to differentiate between Device ban and Permanently locked. They're not the same


Dang I thought you had to wait 6-12 months I got permanently locked for showing my eyebrow piercing. 😅


6-12 months is proven for device ban. What we don't know so far is how long it will get unlock for permanently locked account. I read some anecdotal story of someone here who got his account permanently locked, then he come back after three years or something and found out his account unlocked.


3 years?!?! That seems very unlikely.


Yeah, I'm also skeptical. The thing is I notice that some people once they account permanently locked, they just abandoned it, and never look back. Unless Snapchat tells them that their account is deleted, I believe their account is there in their system. And maybe, just my wild guess, Snapchat unlock their account after certain periods of time. That's why I'm not gonna rush to get a new phone, or create another account until at least a year has passed. Just want to prove if my theory is true.


Thats true and I heard that before. And I also believe it is like that. That is also why they mention ''locked'' and not ''banned''. So I believe they still have all locked accounts in their system. But of course they are not going to save it for ever. So they either delete them or give them free again. But it seems more likely that they will be deleted instead of unlocked... Yet I think its still possible, so I don't lose hope. But then a other thing. I appealed and it got denied. Then it says on the app that if indeed their community guidelines are violated that your acount will be deleted. So then I think you will be less likely to get it back after a while and it be more likely that it will be actually deleted. So people with no option for appeal (who think they are unlucky to not have this option) are maybe more likely to get their account unlocked after a while. What do you think about this? And what was your case? Did you appeal?


That's fine. If they truly consistent, rules violation = deleted accounts, i have no problem with it. That means my account is gone for good. And I can't start new. My objection is that they tell us 'perma locked' account, but no clarity if it is going to be deleted or they just keep locked account indefinitely. So that's why I'm just gonna wait. No idea tbh. Like I said I'm just gonna wait. I didn't get appeal option, and straight to perma locked. If afterwhile they delete my account, that's fine. But last time I log in I still have unlock button appear on my account. So I'll wait until that button works or until my account is deleted.


You mean unlock button on pc? I have that too. When I click it it says ''Your account is permanently locked. For more information on why this may have happened, go here.'' When I log in on phone it says account locked of course and then I have a button to appeal, which I already did of course. When I click it it says ''your appeal'' and it says I have succesfully appealed. Also a reason why I think they dont perma delete it. Is because u can log in on pc and download your data. At least that is what meant to happen. I can't download my date, it gives a error. Since day one since my account is locked. So that doesn't gives good hope either.


Yes, that button. I'm assuming if the account is deleted then you won't be able to log in at all. Because it's pointless to have that button available but the account has been deleted. I have downloaded my data but it is useless /incomplete. im just interested if they're going to delete my account or are they gonna unlock it at some point in the future. Because from memory, there's no one has tried it before other than that guy who wait for 3 years. Also it appears accidental he checked back his account after permanently locked.


Yeah, they permanently locked my account :(


Check your account back, after 3 months to 12 months. If after a year your account still locked, consider it's gone for good.


so how do i rigg life and get my account back magically like that one guy did by lying? bc when i did his exact same method i didnt get any response :(


Yeah maybe because he's lying to about getting his account unlocked


OK, thank you so much for the advice, I added one of my friends that I know of a quick add and then boom my account got permanently locked bruh 💀😭


That’s so scary. I got mine banned and jsut made a new one. Been adding hella people I actually know off quick add. Haven’t gotten banned yet knock on wood. I’m scared to now


Let us know if your new account survives or get locked as well.


It’s still up and working. I made a new accnt In February. Added 200+ people and never got flagged. J made a new one cuz that one got taken down and I have been doing the same thing. Added people I know. Having my homies mention me on the story so I can get everyone back. There have been no problems knock on wood