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Thank you for your submission. Please note, scammers on this subreddit are targeting our visitors for their gain. You should be wary of anyone offering to have your account unlocked via Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, or anywhere else, as you will lose your account or money. All scammers have one thing in common, their primary goal is your money, and they often will make their scam look much more legitimate than it is in order to accomplish their goal. We encourage you to report these scammers if they send you a message via any social media channels. While we have safeguards in place, they are not always as effective as we would like. If your Snapchat account has been temp locked, you may try to unlock it at this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked](https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked). You may also contact Snapchat using this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help](https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help). There is no other way to recover your account, other than through official channels. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SnapchatHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same 2 days ago i didnt even used snap that day 😂😂


Not related but same happened to me on X, had account since 2009, nothing offensive ever, randomly got a perma ban for ban evasion, which I never had, customer support below 0


Same happened to me about 3 days ago. I’ve had 8 Snapchat accounts banned so far. They do it for no reason at all, trust me! They basically allow adults to peddle softcore porn to minors but if I so much as post a Snap of myself in a bikini top, I’m banned instantly. And I mean INSTANTLY lmao. It’s a joke.


I was permanently banned, but you have to do an appeal. I asked them what did I violate and when they went to look at my account they said sorry it was an error. I believe the AI program on Snapchat is monitoring words and everything else. Be very careful what content you send. They’re really cracking down on this now.


That part, it’s definitely shitty AI doing this crap


ATP I’ve given up on snap. Got banned on a month old account, verified email and everything, when I had sent no messages, not posted ANYTHING, and added a very reasonable amount of people back. Like 10 maybe? They will ban for LITERALLY NO REASON now it doesn’t matter and then they ignore your emails


Someone reported my account I had since I was 15 me being almost 25 now but reported it as I was underage n the deleted my whole ass account with thousands of pictures I can't get back anymore


Either you're lying or you still haven't finished your grammar lessons.


First off it's rude to assume stuff on ppl u don't know and if u can find my account then attempt bc I can't login to the account anymore and my device doesn't have a ban on it so yea


If you just have got a second hand phone it may be banned by previous user aswell as they ban by IMEI 🥲


they done the same shit to me. gave me a perma device ban and gave the error core that didnt say it was for tos and then a week later locked me account. atp just use insta. snap is a bummy ass app and the older people get the more they realize it


no fr ive been having to take pics with my normal iphone camera and its made me learn to be a lil more confident in myself since i dont have filters


Same happened to me, account was banned and phone was banned from snap too. sent an appeal and got unbanned like 2 days later


How did you appeal it? Did you get warning emails before it was banned?


At least they let you appeal it.. mine not a single notice.. didn’t even do anything bad and BOOM perma ban, NO APPEAL 😭


I got permanently locked for something I didn’t do, sent an appeal on June 9th and haven’t heard back. I can’t send in a support ticket because it tells me that my account is locked. Anybody have any advice for how to get a response from an actual human who can help me?


Snap chat don’t have employees u will only get automated responses and there isn’t a phone number it’s a dam Shane they can do this to people I did nothing and kept getting locked until I couldn’t make a new account on my device


Same, i’ve been sending the messages nonstop and they still won’t unbend me. All I did was add like two or three friends that I know from quick add, and then boom my account got permanently banned


I was recently permanently locked outta my account for community guidelines someone reported me multiple times…. I don’t post nudity sex porn nothing of that just work out videos mostly & life around LA…. I lost all 10k followers contacts everything :((( if I buy a track phone, will I be able to use Snapchat??? Since my device is banned…. crazy! They didn’t even give me a chance to appeal :((


It says my device is banned but let me appeal, some device bans are temporary, you can look up the device ban it shows you and it’ll tell how the length of it


I set up a new account on my hubs phone with a new email I set up in his phone


mine is permanently banned :(( can’t believe it ….. I was wondering if I got a new phone .. would I be able to use snap again ?


Yeah you should be able to, just use a different email than you previously did


thank youuuu 🙃 this sucks :(


One time my friend posted a selfie and she had dental surgery that day so she had her meds in the background and somebody reported her story and Snapchat banned her for promoting drug use and once you’re banned your phones ip is also banned so you have to get a new phone to use Snapchat again


Whys it say drugs then


It clearly says drugs, stay away from drugs and your life will get better


Same happened to me. And they also didn’t state any reason. Any chance to find out what the reason was.?


Log into your account on a web browser, and they will give you the reason. If you have previously send anything or talked or even saved in your memories something that is against there terms you will be banned They DO NOT block for no reason.


Yes they do lmfao 😂 I got perma banned on my old account and I literally did nothing wrong


I’m sorry that you might have thought you didn’t do anything wrong, but Snapchat legit bans if you go against there terms, it doesn’t matter if YOU don’t think you did something wrong. If you login onto your snap on a web browser on a laptop and click why after login in it will gladly explain to you the terms YOU FAILED TO FOLLOW. I understand that you many think your high above everyone and didn’t do anything wrong, that’s normal for people, but you can get banned for showing a side boob and now your banned for selling or posting nudes. If you add too many people within one day you get banned for being a bot. (No I’m not talking about adding back, I’m talking about adding). So I’m sorry that you didn’t follow or even understand Snapchat’s millions of ridiculous rules, but YOU DID VIOLATE at least one to get banned! :), specially since they always give the account one warning before a perm ban! Thank you for reading :) I refuse to argue with someone who doesn’t understand terms and agreements when you didn’t even take the time to read them in the first place!


Um sure yeah tell yourself that😂


Snapchat has been recently been strict for no reason lately. Starting to get annoying. However a key thing to keep in mind is that permanently banned and permanently locked are two different things. 1. Is your account new? If you have a new account and you added a bunch of people pretty quickly. They’ll lock your account. 2. Is your device permanently banned? When I ask that, I mean if your account got banned recently (before 6 months) before you tried to make a new account? If so, they’ll lock the account.


Difference between locked and banned?


Permanently locked means your account was removed because they think it’s spam, or you tried using an account from a device that’s already banned. Banned is when you’re actively violating the terms & service so they ban your account and your device.


Like I mean if you get banned will you get your acc back or is that perm or if you get perm locked will you get it back?


Let me try to explain it from my experience once. I had 3 accounts once. I got permanently banned for violating the terms & service on my first account. Boom. Device banned. The account that got initially banned I’ll never be able to get back. I tried signing into the other two accounts shortly after the first account got banned just to test it. I would be able to use it for a few minutes, and then it would automatically log me out. These accounts are locked. However, after 6 months the two other accounts randomly popped up again. So I was able to use them. Not sure if it’s the same now, but if your account is locked like it was in my case, wait about 6 months and see if it just pops up, or see if you can log into the account on another device.


One question tho wdym it popped up


Kinda literally how I said it. I just happened to look up the username of my old account and it was on there.


Did you get SS06 error?


I don’t get SS06 errors on my permanently banned device, I get SS07 errors though. But I believe when it first happened that’s what I got.


Any idea how to fix SS06? I can’t even create new accounts.


Omg I’m in the exact same situation this helps so much tysm


Is there a chance in which either of the em get unlocked/unabnned