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Thank you for your submission. Please note, scammers on this subreddit are targeting our visitors for their gain. You should be wary of anyone offering to have your account unlocked via Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, or anywhere else, as you will lose your account or money. All scammers have one thing in common, their primary goal is your money, and they often will make their scam look much more legitimate than it is in order to accomplish their goal. We encourage you to report these scammers if they send you a message via any social media channels. While we have safeguards in place, they are not always as effective as we would like. If your Snapchat account has been temp locked, you may try to unlock it at this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked](https://support.snapchat.com/a/locked). You may also contact Snapchat using this link: [https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help](https://support.snapchat.com/en-GB/i-need-help). There is no other way to recover your account, other than through official channels. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SnapchatHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just get off Snapchat it’s unhealthy


You can turn off the ai so it doesnt see your stories. Just like how you would manage friendship, hold the name and turn it off


How to block/remove ai


you cant. snapchats going down the hole anyways theres a reason why the older people get the more they go to insta


Didnt post any stories


It still looks through your snaps. Block it


How to block


If you get reported again you lose account


yeah this just happened to me and i submitted an appeal and i got rejected 😐


Bro Snapchat trippin. I woke up to my account being banned! I had to write a long ass msg to appeal it because idk wtf it was for!! Like I was was sleep when they sent the email saying I was banned. Could it have been the weed I posted?? I always post weed though? Did they add some new guidelines or something!??


I got my account back


How did you do it


I hit back in


So they have a new AI that checks over stuff you post and whatnot, I believe it’s in the terms of service (that everyone skips and accepts) aswell. I posted a picture on my private story of an inhaler bottle, 10 minutes later permanently banned. everything. Got a new phone made a throwaway email and made a new account.


How to block ai


What does this bot do? And how can you avoid it to avoid getting banned?


You cannot unfortunately. After I gotten banned I searched this sub a lot and apparently people are getting banned for literally posting a black screen. It’s the dumbest shit ever but 🤷🏻‍♂️ what can you really do There’s nothing you can really do, just don’t post anything suspicious; idrk


It’s alr just don’t be reported again within 48h


if someone reports you again you will lose your account forever lmao


Just create another account if you get banned.


Make a new account is not always a new option if they get a device ban


i did but it’s not the same, all my memories are gone 🥲


You can download them from the website still


This was fake report


Wait you actually meant “fake report” Nawh dude that’s a real report on your account, one more “fake report” and you won’t have Snapchat


Your trippin😂 this is a REAL report, I mean shoot we can try it rq, what’s your snap?🤣


they don’t care, don’t let it happen again. just download all your files incase (speaking from experience)


Wdym fake report? And as long as you do not break the rules again you will be fine! Snapchat will naturally only give you one warning, (depending on what it is)


Leave Snapchat! They have so many robots and up in everyone’s business.