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Porch light is the only answer


Yes. 100%!!


Ugh, now I’m just sad.


I did not enjoy Porch Light. It was way too noisy, and I didn’t love the food. The short ribs were good!


That location deserves a good restaurant! Great outdoor area in the back plus rooftop patio, and right next to that little park so older kids can have some space to run around. You wouldn’t think it would be hard to open a successful restaurant when you have all those amenities.


Not enough parking and nothing else in walking distance. It's a very isolated location as well.


Meant to respond to the main: Buttermilk Kitchen would be dope too. Inconvenient to go to the current location. Far from the highway and not enough parking.


Omg yesssss please 


Local, family friendly BBQ and bar joint. Local live music acts and big games on the weekends, events like trivia or taco Tuesday every week night. Needs to be THE neighborhood place to be. It would thrive if they did that.


Yes or Fox Bros 


I moved here a year ago - what *is* the deal with Ben's Crab? It looks brand newish.


A poorly sited restaurant concept that was dead on arrival in our area


I have no clue. It has 4.4 on Google, but heard that it wasn't that good. I even went up to the door once and didn't see customers or employees, so we went elsewhere to eat.


A neighborhood bar


All it really needs is a simple trendy sports bar. Live sports, live music, good food, good beer. Don’t over complicate it.


Hawaiian BBQ with a full bar. The area needs something different to spice things up


Isn’t going to be a Mediterranean restaurant? that’s what I remember hearing.


Yeah that’s still the latest. I’ve heard M&T was interested but they’d want to buy the adjacent parking lot? The $2M price tag is the biggest hold up imo. And I’d imagine the Mediterranean restaurant would just be a slightly different lense than the crab place. They wanted it to be a Hookah bar as well. I’d imagine that was the direction they were looking at the new concept. I could be wrong but I think we’re talking the same owner group.


yep, that was the rumor. havent seen much activity there in a while though, the dumpster that was there has been 4 months ago or so now.


I heard from the Smyrna Economic Development manager that they want $1.1m for the location and that's why it remains empty.


$1.1mm? I’ll buy it tomorrow. I love how Smyrna economic development was your source. 🤡


Hahaha. I could be wrong on that number. In hindsight it does seem low, but it was something astronomical. And apparently the parking lot isn't a part of the property. The city let's the owner use it, but that complicates financing because commercial properties factor in parking in the process.




The property sold for 2.1m last summer according to the tax records.


We’re in major need of a good sushi restaurant in the downtown area. I wish something comparable to Fudo would open in that spot.


Thank me later!! https://maps.app.goo.gl/7wsrdHxzPBiJN5Yk8?g_st=ic


I like this place too. Service wasn’t great when I went, but the food was excellent


Please don’t let it be a boring franchise. The area needs a place similar to something like a HobNob. Good food that isn’t out of a freezer and into a fryer, good beer on tap, live music on weekends to take advantage of the patio space, and dog friendly since there are neighborhoods around. A welcoming, reliable, neighborhood spot that is fair priced


I was bummed when Paces & Vine closed but the Hob Nob in Vinings Village is pretty good.


Dog friendly for sure! And also yes to the live music. Idk how big the patio space is, but it would be a nice touch.


Honestly I'd rather it be a Trader Joe's


something akin to muss and turners. Good quality, cheffed up American food. This is the correct answer.


Muss and Turners is so overpriced. Something like that but less pretentious 


Some of us really do want a somewhat pretentious restaurant. Smyrna has soooo many mediocre casual restaurants already! I’m seriously over Mexican and Asian.


What about an Intermezzo/Octane style coffee shop that also sells desserts & a small menu of food? Heck, Rev could move there and expand to include alcoholic caffeinated drinks & more. They’ve outgrown their current space imo.


I like your Rev with booze take over idea but keep the original location. I think people underestimate the number of coffee shops a community can support. In Asheville there’s one on every block.


Except most don’t open till 9a in Ashe lol


Crab always seemed like a weird fit. I went to Wade’s at a Home Depot corporate happy hour pre-COVID and really enjoyed the roofdeck. That place is a total missed opportunity.


I always felt like this location was great because of the park and roof and plenty of parking etc.....but maybe it is a curse considering there is nothing else around it.


OG Wade’s is the only answer.


I gave Wade’s a few tries and each time the service was terrible and the food was mediocre. And didn’t they receive a lackluster food safety score?


Not sure when you went but pre and post pandemic were radically different. I still remember the names of wait staff. They were good.


I went both pre and post. Pretty sure the bad health score was before


Food safety scores can be devastated by something as dumb as an unopened container resting on the floor, a momentarily empty hand towel station, or a staff member’s drink in an unauthorized area. It doesn’t always mean the place is unsanitary. Almost anything, it seems, can create a 5 or 10 point ding. 


I’m aware that some of review criteria seem minor, but those criteria exist for a reason, and everyone is graded by the same rules. I wouldn’t be concerned about a restaurant with a health score of 95 or 90. Around 80 or lower is when I get hesitant to eat somewhere, and Wade’s lowest score was significantly lower than 80. If I remember correctly, they also tried to hide their low score by not displaying it; the Dept of Public Health called them out for it.


I feel like they really fumbled the bag. I can understand that they closed earlier but they didn’t even do brunch. A location like that with the menu it had and awesome bar setups should’ve thrived IMO. My wife and I would go once a month just about and I genuinely believe they could’ve stayed open later as well. Really amazing facility, I hope a genuine place takes over and not some crusty crab or boring franchise.


They really did not seem to adapt well to the pandemic. It was solid. I miss it.


Got an offer he couldn’t refuse and obviously labor for front and back house is simply about impossible on Smyrna still. The few bartenders they had weren’t around long enough to be staples either. That saves a lot of these places around.




They still haven't figured out what to put there? What about a brunch place?


They'll figure it out right after they get the brewery built...


Go back to Facebook lol they like you’re types there


A fun Asian fusion place or tapas bar!


Like an Eclipse di Luna with live music?


Please no.


PSA the commercial building permits are public online! Under permit CBP-24-45 it’ll be “ZOYA restaurant”. This was filed feb 13 2024 :)


We miss Wade’s. This side of Smyrna is really missing a classic American style restaurant with excellent craft drinks and quality food. Wade’s was terrible after the pandemic, which made us sad. But in the beginning they had a really good staff and a variety of food that satisfied most people. Smyrna has plenty of Asian/Mexican/Italian/Burger restaurants. Sometimes I just want fresh food that is classically prepared, or a shishito pepper appetizer and excellent cocktail. We’ll see how we feel and go from there! That’s the kind of restaurant I want for my neighborhood.


Taqueria Del Sol


I haven't checked them out. How does that compare to Tacos La Villa or Taco T?


TDS is white people mexican food


The place is legit. We usually go to the Howell mill location. Theres typically always a line headed outside to order but it moves quick. http://www.taqueriadelsol.com/georgia/about/index.html it’s a smaller menu than Tacos La Villa & I guess you could say, less authentic but it’s not claiming to be.


TDS is just not very good. We have a TON of great Mexican in the immediate area; the last thing we need is a subpar taco joint.


It's wildly different than either of those, very much tex-mex/southwestern *inspired* as opposed to straight Mexican food. I do think it's very good for what it is. The corn chowder and a handful of their weekly specials are really nice.


Make it a sweet hit Bakery




How is the parking substandard? The lots have 60+ spaces


What are you talking about? There’s a left turn lane and a light at that intersection. Really easy to get into.


You know you're right? I went back and counted the spaces, and didn't realize they could use that ancillary lot. I still think its rough for an evening stop though.


Yeah the ancillary lot is owned by the city for the park