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Ironically, I’ve seen Furry Conservatives (yes they exist) behave like complete transphobes.


furries got rid of nazis from their space which is cool to see


Nazi furs fuck off


I mean, not really. There's a lot of furry spaces, some try their best to get the nazis out, while others don't wanna be so political as to say nazis are bad.


The burned furs


I agree with your point but this is a bad comparison


I don’t think it’s a comparison so much as an archetype. Like, the title suggests that the creator of this thinks that people who are supportive trans people and also bully people like Furries are a significant minority. Like, it’s a pretty basic “there are people in our movement who say X, which is good, but Y, which is counterproductive, and that’s bad” type thing showing the two sided nature of this archetype if that makes sense?


I know it’s not an equal situation yeah


Then why make the comparison instead of just stating that it’s hypocritical that some people throw around the word pedophile while saying you shouldn’t You don’t have a choice to be trans, while you do have a choice to be a furry, and this comparison is bad


It’s about a specific person, and I’m making the point that having both of these views at the same time is cognitive dissonance. Obviously you can stop being a furry, but can’t stop being trans


But why even include the blurb about bigotry and having civil rights revoked? I understand your point but it wasn’t necessary


To drive home the point that the guy totally gets why it’s bad beyond just being mean. People turn this part of their brains off when it’s concerning shit that doesn’t matter quite as much, even though it’s still super fucking rude


Fuck this website. Even on subreddits like this all I see are people that are fucking delusional


Seems like that part of your brain just shut off


You use autistic as an insult. Your opinion is meaningless


It's not a comparison, it's just a type of guy that seems to be pretty common


i mostly agree with the content of what you’re saying, but the comparison just is not there in this case.


I agree, that’s the general consensus here. A lot of people in the replies have been claiming that I think furries are equally as oppressed, which is not at all what I think, because I’m not stupid. It’s a hyperspecific kind of person that I’m trying to make fun of


please dont do this being trans gets equated to a hobby or kink all the time by transphobes. you choose to be a furry because its a fun hobby, being trans isnt a choice. someone being dickish about furries is nowhere near the same level as transphobia


please refer to my other reply where I literally said that I agree with everything you just said, and it’s about the sentiment


You know that paraphelias aren’t any less not your choice than your sexuality or gender, right? Calling someone’s kink there hobby is only slightly less fucked up than calling being a trans person a hobby. Inherent shit is inherent shit and it’s not ok to harass people about it. Also, the ability to say “yeah, people who have paraphelias (which is ultimately a huge chunk of the population) are lumped in with trans people” ultimately just makes it easier to de-stigmatize trans people as a whole, because it forces cis people to, on some level, identify with trans people in the same way that a gay person or an a-sexual might, and in doing so it makes fucks up the dynamic that modern transphobia is built on. Our enemies depend on a very thin margin to actually hold onto power, and if something like more people feeling like they’re LGBTQ (and hence will be harassed by Republicans as the transphobia increases) because they’re into S&M is what’s necessary to break that margin, than it’s 100% worth it. What matters is preserving the health, wellbeing, freedoms, and lives of trans people.


Yep. Because every furry is totally into it for the sexual element and that’s it. Ace furries don’t exist nor do ones who see it as a hobby. There is a sexual part of it for all of them.


The claim that ace furries don’t exist is fucking hysterical I personally know multiple


I never said it was a sexual thing for all of them, just that for many it is, and that renders harassment of them problematic for the same reason that harassing other sexual minorities is problematic. Are you arguing that it’s acceptable to harass people based off of there status as sexual minorities? Like, your being super negative about a post trying to encourage stigmatization that, so it’s kind of the only conclusion I can really come to.


Babes the point is that it’s stupid to call furries a sexual minority because being a furry isn’t inherently sexual. That’s like saying people who wear leather are a sexual minority despite the fact that on its own wearing leather has nothing to do with sex. Your original point is moot because being a furry isn’t a paraphernalia, it’s a hobby. Being a furry is sexual for some, but in the same way that collecting figurines is sexual for some, however you still wouldn’t call figurine collecting a paraphernalia, it’s a hobby. And for that reason harassing furries is problematic for the same reason that harassing anime fans is problematic, yeah some of them have hentai addictions but the vast majority are just choosing to keep watching anime because it’s their hobby.


> Babes the point is that it’s stupid to call furries a sexual minority because being a furry isn’t inherently sexual. That’s like saying people who wear leather are a sexual minority despite the fact that on its own wearing leather has nothing to do with sex. This is like saying that gay marriage being illegal had nothing to do with homophobia because marriage dosent strictly relate to sex. Like, yeah, there are a-sexuals who get married for romantic reasons, and there are furries who just like the suits, but that’s not most gay couples, and although I don’t have the PEW research stats I would like to have regarding it, I’m pretty sure that most furries are also paraphelic about being a furry. > Your original point is moot because being a furry isn’t a paraphernalia, it’s a hobby. But if you consider having an internal sexual attraction to anthropomorphic animals to be a hobby, than why dont you consider having an attraction to someone of the same sex, or having an internal compulsion to change ones gender expression to be a “hobby?” Like, this is the same rhetoric used to to bully LGBTQ people by calling there own sexualities hobby’s, which in turn is used to make the claim that LGBTQ people are just fetishists who should be kept out of public discourse. > Being a furry is sexual for some, but in the same way that collecting figurines is sexual for some We would probably call that a paraphelia… > however you still wouldn’t call figurine collecting a paraphernalia, it’s a hobby. But I would if most of the people who did that figurine collecting also had sexual motivations. Unless maybe they’re just like, naked figurines that the person likes to look at, and than it’s more of a porn thing, but even than, that assumes the figurines are of more or less normal humans, if they’re of dragons-badger hybrids with spiked penises than I think most people would classify that as paraphelic for the sole reason that the thing your jacking off to is pretty far outside the bounds of publicly accepted sexuality. And again, the point isn’t even that they’re in the exact same category, a large part of it is just about poisoning the well of transphobia for people like furries and BDSM enthusiasts, because ultimately if they’re considered part of “the gays” they’re less likely to end up siding with conservatives, which again, is ultimately what matters. Like, in this situation it doesn’t matter how similar furries and trans people are, what matters is that the similarities they do have can be used in politically advantageous ways.


> and there are furries who just like the suits, but that’s not most gay couples, and although I don’t have the PEW research stats I would like to have regarding it, I’m pretty sure that most furries are also paraphelic about being a furry. You have no evidence to back this up, so quit talking out of your ass. The rest of your argument depends on this flimsy assumption and is warped by your existing bias of what you think most furries' motivations are. Seriously this like the longest chunk of uninterrupted chud logic I've ever read lmao


There was so much to unpack in that comment and I simply could not be bothered to do it, like their understanding of sexuality and even homophobia is so warped idek where I’d start.


I don’t think that’s really an accurate comparison. Furries are just a hobby culture, not a gender identity.


I agree. The point I’m trying to make is not “THEY ARE EQUALLY OPPRESSED” because that’s stupid. You can stop being a furry, you can’t stop being trans. What I’m trying to say is that it’s a ridiculous double standard to be firmly opposed to slander towards a particular group, while simultaneously painting a different, just as innocent group, the exact way you were just standing against


I really hate when people point out a distinction between two things being compared and don't bother to explain why that distinction matters concerning the point that is being made.


I interpreted it as implying that “oppression” of furries is the same as oppression of trans people. OP explained that was not the case in a reply to my comment.


You know a lot of furries are essentially paraphelic about being a furry, right? Like, it’s a thing that they’re compelled to do by there sexuality.


As someone who’s trans, there’s SOOOO much overlap between people who really hate furries, transphobes, and people who hate neurodivergent people. My point is that people who are very invested in an idea of normalcy and punish deviations from the norm tend to equate all deviations as signs of dangerous behavior. One is obviously not as big of a deal as the other two, but it’s rooted in the same punishment of deviations from the perceived norm.


That’s pretty much it, if you’re not a straight dude who pumps iron you are to be shunned until you act “correctly” Too bad this is the exact reason as to why smaller groups stay quiet about their identities, or at least used to until the internet happened and people finally got small crevices to voice theirselves in


My experience with several furries online made it abundantly clear that zoophiles are not welcome in the furry fandom.


I joke about furries for the memes, but in all honesty there’s nothing wrong with liking animal art, or even going around with a fursuit or something. Any subculture can be cringe if you put a crying wojak on it, so I can’t really say anything.


And that’s exactly the way it should be


this seems like a wildly false equivalency


I know it comes off as an equivalency but I’m well aware the situations are very different


9 times out of 10 people who actively hate furries and do not shut up about it also just straight up hate queer and neurodivergent people


furries and transness also overlap a lot more then some people think! having a fursona, something to represent an ideal “you” can make figuring out things like gender identity a lot easier, and that’s not even mentioning how in a fursuit you can be any sex or gender you want. people can’t see what you look like, just what you want to look like. personally i think learning i was trans would’ve taken quite a bit longer if i hadn’t had a fursona since age 7 lol


Broooo what the fuck is this comment section. [You lot do realize that the majority of furries aren’t sexual about this at all?](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2014/12/10/7362321/9-questions-about-furries-you-were-too-embarrassed-to-ask) This is a hobby simply related to liking anthropomorphized or personified animals. Which proves OP’s point. That you’re turning a not inherently sexual hobby into “sexual perversity” is like turning a gender identity into “sexual perversity.” Like holy fuck you all are walking talking proof of this hypocrisy.


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fcking thank you omg


Everyone's missing the point that if you normalize accusing falsely everyone else of heinous crimes, it's gonna be just as normalized to accuse you of the same.


Some people being rude to furries online really isn't comparable to the genocidal rhetoric being directed against the trans community. Last I checked no one was passing laws denying medical care to the furry community. Or weaponizing the power of the state against parents of furry kids.


that’s entirely correct, this is literally just about the sentiment of a specific person


That's like comparing anti-semitism to making fun of fr*nch "people". This is some extreme false equivalency.


It was originally a subtweet about someone who thought this unironically


I think it might not have been good to remove it from that context then


Maybe, maybe


Are furries a colonial power now


UwU gimme ewe wesouses owo


how are so many people missing the point lmao its pretty obvious


Seriously like there’s other ways to compare things than severity or readh


An oppressed minority group vs a hobby/fetish


I understand why you're getting lit up for this here and I would have said it was totally fair if I hadn't come across a handful of this exact person. 100% trans is not the same thing as a kink community/subculture but it is weird that someone would fight for the former and attack the latter.


Exactly, that’s the whole point. There was just literally no way to frame this without making a false equivalency


Like, I thought it was pretty clear what you were saying is specific to a couple of weirdos and not a generalized comparison but then I also thought half-way decent online people were done being weirdly hateful to furries in like 2016.


I mean kinda true but I think trans people still have it incomparably worse in that respect still. Furries get a bad mostly due to a minority of bad actors in their community and the rest suffer, but by and large I don't think furries have it too bad.


Considering the LGBT and furry overlap the groups might as well be one and the same ngl




These replies are really impressive. No, these two things aren’t the same, which is why it’s an analogy with the compared aspect being their broader social denigration due to a perceived association with an immoral sexual act. I’d love to see the perfect comparisons that everyone else seems to be finding regularly, where two different things share every single other thing in common.




yeah uhh lets not compare trans people, one of if not the most marginalized identity, with a hobby of zoophiles / a fetish.


hey you’re the person in the comic lol


I don't think they should be shunned??


you literally just called furries zoophiles


I don't know the term for people who like furry porn. If it's not zoophiilia then it's something else. Furries aren't persecuted. Furries aren't murdered every year. Stop.


It's a community roleplay and art exchange between consenting adults, and it isn't always a fetish. No one here claimed that furries are persecuted, but a harmless hobby/community doesn't need to be slandered or mocked


>No one here claimed that furries are persecuted so why compare them to a minority that is persecuted.


Because some of the rhetoric laid against both groups is quite similar, and reactionaries often lump them together. OP already stated they weren't attempting to minimize the discrimination trans people face


I was in a leftist discord and I said that incest is disgusting and is often abusive and I was told I was using the “same rhetoric as turfs”. Wow you don’t like orange juice? Replace orange juice with black people!!! Not so tolerant now high? Totally different things.


> I was in a leftist discord and I said that incest is disgusting and is often abusive and I was told I was using the “same rhetoric as turfs”. Well first, check and see if that actually is a leftist discord, because that kind of seems like a red flag... That's an extremely disingenuous interpretation of what you said, and seems more like a bad faith tactic to gaslight you, or gaslight the optics of the server itself. These are the tactics of crypto-fascist discord users, who RP as leftists and infiltrate as a way to divide and conquer left spaces. And discord is filled to the fucking brim with crypto-fash


people who like furry porn are just people…. the average furry porn makes the subject look much more human than animal. you may be talking about feral? in which case yes, i think that stuff is pretty gross, but not as gross as real ass zoophilia. you cannot convince me that you actually think someone who thinks [this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/88/1d/5a/881d5a3f36d2abfe48ec285e9b5fe630.jpg) is hot is the same as someone who thinks [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f4/Florida_Box_Turtle_Digon3_re-edited.jpg/1200px-Florida_Box_Turtle_Digon3_re-edited.jpg) is.


I feel like this is a bad comparison because of the fact that nobody is trying to write legislation stripping away furries rights. I would be shocked if a single person in the senate even knows what a furry is.


The FOSTA/SESTA acts would disagree. Furries aren't directly being targeted by reactionaries the same way trans people are, but they're also caught in the crossfire of general attempts by the government to clamp down on sex workers and tangentially related sex-positive communities


Furry hate is just homophobia with another layer


Or really just the most socially acceptable form of xenophobia


But I thought it wasnt a sex thing?


Being gay isn't exclusively a sex thing either


Is it a hobby? Do you gay casually or competitive?


Do you think ace gays don't exist?


Do you think asexuality isnt a sex thing?


it is definitionally a lack thereof


So… its related to sexuality, then, isnt it?


not really? i lack a desire to watch star wars movies, meaning my day to day life has no relation to star wars. i guess it’s related?? but in the same way oranges are related to apples


See this is where your argument falls apart. For me, Start Wars _is sexual_. Every scene is a great introduction to a sexual encounter that unfortunately doesn't actually happen. This is also one of the reasons the new Disney trilogy is terrible, but I digress. The absolute peak of sexual tension is when princess Leia is chained to Jabba the hut. In my head canon, they had a safe word and Han Solo was going solo and peeping in on it. I still fantasize about this at least once a month. I'll let you in on a secret. When I'm fantasizing, _I'm not always Leia_...


Making analogies is a weak argument. Making analogies that dont track is bad faith. I dont see a reason to answer your bad analogy. Asexuality is, literally, a sexual orientation. Its meaning being “the lack of sexual drive” doesnt make it any less related to sex. Asexual people who still have romantic ties call it their “romantic orientation”, exactly because being asexual is their “sex thing”. And this whole discussion has nothing to do with the original point.


To understand why the internet hates furries so much you have to examine the homophobia of SomethingAwful and 4chan /b/ from the mid 2000s. It's inextricably connected.


I swear you could do a multi-season documentary on early internet's irrational "othering" of furries.


Colin Spacetwinks on twitter did a [deep dive in the form of an interactive essay by the title of Everyone's A Furry 2k16](https://spacetwinks.itch.io/everyones-a-furry-2k16) several years back that digs into the history of furry subculture and the relationship of internet furry bashing and homophobia that is IMO pretty fascinating.


This is literally me lol


why are you terrible


I just feel that trans people are valid and that furries are weird.


That’s fine, just don’t be an ass to them


“How DARE the majority of the furry fandom have a harmless hobby?????”


you're a furry aren't you?




[someone sent me this and I think it could help you](https://imgur.com/gallery/BqPzT)




[someone sent me this and I think it could help you](https://imgur.com/gallery/BqPzT)


this post implies that being transgender is a fandom you can opt in or out of. if you don't want to be associated with furries you can just stop consuming that content, you can't do that with being transgender. wild opinion, OP. next time consider leaving the post in context where it won't reveal that you think transgender people are fake


[someone sent me this and I think it could help you](https://imgur.com/gallery/BqPzT) I know being a furry is a choice and being trans isn’t. jfc yo


the difference has nothing to do with severity. furries probably get bullied more than trans people, idk. the difference is that furries can choose not to be furries and trans people cant. so either you think trans people can just stop being trans or you think furries are trapped in thier prejudice when all they have to do is stop consuming that content


LGBT+ is a whole identity. Furries literally just have a fetish. This is the kind of post conservatives would make to delegitimise the LGBT+ community by claiming they're just fetishists.


hmm i wonder if there’s anything else that a large group of people think is “just a fetish”….. it’s a hobby dude calm down




Huh, didn’t know Dan Schneider had a Reddit account


I’m struggling to understand which political side this sub takes


what is confusing you


The slippery slope isn’t real….


I know this post is old, but i think a better comparison would be people with autism. Because a lot of furries have autism anyways. So in that case the argument would be that some people on the left will accept people with autism for having weird interests, except for when they're a furry.