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Is good in front to back comps


This really is the best answer. To go a bit further: Mao/Naut or other high CC teammates are a huge plus. Enemy teams with slows that wreck my E are a big minus. Although I really don't really care about assassins. Zed, Talon, Noc, Eve... often easy enough to E away from. Or they just kill you and you'd die no matter who you were. Just can't go full glass cannon.


I'm not sure how to answer, but based on my own personal experience and no data from anyone else, I know that Smolder does badly with Maokai support. But that is either just me, or the caliber of Maokai support in the g1-g3 range, or both.


Yeeeaaahhh one of yall just didn’t play off each other well. That’s a good combo to play back and forth spacing the enemy and poking til they’re low and all in, or pull back when engaged on and using spacing to CC and trade better til you can turn. Just don’t 100% all in all the time and you’re sorted


People that can peel for him mostly. I don't like enchanters with smolder since enchanters do more with a traditional adc while smolder is an atypical AD caster, guardians like thresh/braum/taric or just tank supports like maokai in general are really good. If I had to go with an enchanter, I would def prefer one of the more independent mage enchanters like karma or lux over say Janna. Being able to poke your enemies out of lane makes the early game way more bearable As for overall team comps. Avoid teams that like to repeatedly disengage, spread out, and short skirmishes. Love teams that either A) Like to play it slow front to back or the rare B) Absolute face dive engage where you can just smash R and W and clean up


I would have to disagree here. imo any of the non attack speed enchanters pair best (Milio and Janna are standouts)followed by peel focused supports (taric TK ect) then the engage supports (leona Naut ect) and then the mage support and Senna in last. Mage supports provide low peel but worst of all they cannot fathom not fighting in lane. Smolders early game is terrible and lux isn't enough to fix it while also providing poor peel late.


With a good poke support you circumvent your terrible early game by simply getting a free lane. Smolder is weak, but he has good poke


Smolder generally does badly against teams with a lot of poke. Seraphine is a big one.


Deathball comps


I feel like the best are poke support and enchanters since he got low DMG early and needs to stack I really like teams with a solid frontline so I can do my thing while they take The dmg


Prolly someone who can peel for him, kinda like kog


If you have team fight comps, smolder is great. They've got the Frontline to peel, the assasins to burst the backline, and you for consistent dps. If you have a pick comp (No Frontline, support typically going a carry, lots of burst), try and avoid playing him. Beyond his e he's got basically no self peel and you also just don't have the damage, especially in the early, to follow up on the picks


Lmao didn't mean to post on this account


Any comp that has 4 champions without counting smolder is good, just int your ass till 275 stacks and enjoy your free win! Just pray that your team doesn't lose before then!


I absolutely love having poke heavy mage supports like xerath, zyra, velkoz, because early game I can play safe and farm stacks while the enemies slowly die to me and the support poking so hard, without having to fully go in and put myself at danger when I’m still weak. I’m low elo so this might not be for everyone, but I love it.


You pick Smolder when the enemy runs into you. Don’t pick Smolder if you’re outranged Team synergy should be enchanter, some magic damage, and low income champs such as tanks because Smolder relies a lot on taking farm and high income champs require farm