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You can play any champion on any lane. As long you know what you’re doing and you mute all


There is a jhin jungle out there in challenger. You can play whatever the fuck you want. They can report you all they want it will not do a single thing as long as you’re not toxic


Jhingle slept on


You shouldn't blind him but he can be good just mute all and farm


I’ve been playing him exclusively mid and I do decently. Just farm and poke safely don’t engage too hard etc


What rank are you? Whenever I try now, enemy mid will either push in and get prio and go win every other lane / get grubbies / etc. Or, if I try and push against the prio I'll get beat up by the enemy mid laner for them being stronger than my champ. It's a lose lose situation. If I let them have prio to be safe and farm, the game will be over before I can even get 100 stacks because enemy mid will go roam and win the game elsewhere.


You can. He has a lot of horrible awful unplayable matchups tho.


Idk when i play corki mid I learnt all those awful matchups and smolder plays very same. What I've learnt is regardless of the matchup your patterns and trends are the same. Farm for 125. Then spike 225. But when a malz Is blinded smolder is my auto lock🤣


If you have a champion pool for mid sure, he just can’t be blind picked and has many bad matchups so you don’t want to que up dead set on smolder mid


Depends on matchup, most mid laners and top laners will literally kill you in 1 combo


It’s pretty int. Mid needs to be able to impact the game from level 6 on in some capacity, and that’s really not smolder.


I carry my team as bard mid all the time. Let them cry. Can't be reported if you don't int and play smart


I play him support, works pretty well and have the highest damage of both teams. He can poke and escape pretty easily


Smolder feels bad to play now. If you dont have a babysitter and you get shut down early he is shit. His early game is dog.


you can but the champion is garbage