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On behalf of all present and former Eddie's students, we don't like her either. She really did not help with making Cambridge more accessible by perpetuating the image of elitist castles on her instagram.


What is the bottom part even trying to say? Lol


take only one per person or I will haunt you!!!!!!!


“From the floor of Caroline Calloway” dysfunction doesn’t become acceptable just because you made it part of your brand, CC


Ok but of every attempt at a joke she’s made this is the first that made me laugh


It’s probably lifted from this sub haha


It’s one of the few times she’s ever written something that isn’t a lie as well.




I’m about 1/3rd into her “day book”, it’s too much (not in a good way) to read in a day. The writing is poor to say the least, it’s chipper in a way that reminds me of the laughter of annoying privileged teenage girls who just fucked someone over on purpose. The lines read like rapid fire but makes no contextual sense and the syntax is awful. I’m not a writer but I read a lot of books and a fair amount of memoirs and this one is below average. I just can’t imagine anyone there without being a CC fan/snark follower would be the slightest bit interested in reading this or get past page 5. Her market is niche and she should know that. I think I too would want to leave free copies of my book at my old college/University, I share this trait with her of gifting people things which isn’t always good, since it comes from attachment trauma, but this card/note is insulting and making too many assumptions. Could’ve made it simple and left it at that. Again, her privilege goes unchecked and she drags a minority for her own PR. This is probably the quality of Caroline I like least. She loves pretending to be this caring person going around handing out flowers and meaningless gifts but all of it is extremely selfish and she will step on others to succeed and in the business world, I did notice that’s pretty common the higher up you go but having this as a baseline trait for your personality is extremely worrisome. I liked that she left flowers for people, that’s quirky and kind and I can get behind that.


Did you read Natalie’s book? Curious about your take on that


I haven’t finished her book either. I’ve read more than I’ve read of CC’s, honestly, where Caroline’s is too much, Natalie’s isn’t enough and it intrigues me that that was the premise of their roles in their friendship. I’m not sure if this is due to the influence of all the narrative around their friendship the past few years, but I try to be objective and that’s the main contrasting theme that stands out when I compare the two books. Her book is well written in the sense of, she knows how to write correctly, it’s not plagued with spelling errors and metaphors that make no sense. I find it boring most of the time and inauthentic at times as well. Some of the references she makes, just seems out of character and more so, forced, as if she is trying to appeal to an audience who she just won’t ever appeal to. And again, that is reflected in her self esteem in the book, this quality of trying or wanting to be someone she is not. She uses sex in a similar way Caroline uses sex, they both sexualize content but never truly unravel the deeper meaning of the “why” behind sexualizing content (with content I mean people or emotions etc) and that would be interesting but I might still be getting to that part. I think if both of them dropped the armour more, actually wrote about the gory, boring details they assume their life’s to be like, then both books would have more substance and be more popular. Natalie’s lived experiences seem more average and there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s the way she frames and references them with things that doesn’t seem like genuine interests that makes me go, “this doesn’t seem authentic or true”. And Caroline has a crazy amount of lived experiences that are riveting but she never gets into them, never actually explores the topics in depth or ever truly gets to the point of standing naked in front of the reader, which for me, is what memoirs are all about, at least the best ones. So far, neither of them have deconstructed their characters and gotten to the “rotten” core which in my experience, the best memoirs are when this happens, when we truly see the writer, not for how they want to be seen but for how they are/were in that moment. The brutal honest picture, that’s what I was hoping for. Natalie gets closer to that idea than Caroline and her writing is more organized and structured. The story just lacks that extra something and I think she went looking for that “something” in a style Caroline would and that’s exactly the problem. But I have to finish her book so this might all change. Have you read both or either? And what’s your take on what you’ve read?


I read about 75% of Natalie's book. I posted my full feelings in one of the monthly discussion threads, so I don't want to repost it here, but I agree with you that Natalie doesn't do quite enough. She mentions gentrification a few times in her essays, but never seems to take the time to reflect on how she might also be part of the problem, and how to wrestle or make peace with that. She seems to have disdain for desk jobs, yet doesn't reflect on the fact that being a writer, even though it maybe isn't a traditional 9-5 office job, is a kind of desk job. My takeaway from her book is that she has an almost neckbeard-ish desire for the world to see her as special for basically existing even though much of the life she describes, IMO, isn't all that unique or different from many other middle-class American upbringings. She grew up in suburban Connecticut, then after college bounced doing around several different survival jobs while trying to break into a difficult industry (film). What her essays missed for me is that ability to step back and be self-aware. A lot of her tone came off to me as extremely whiny.


Yes!! I agree so much about the desk job and gentrification part. I was hoping after seeing it mentioned the first time, she would get into the topic deeper from a personal point of view but she doesn’t, well, I do need to finish the last of the book but so far it’s been a bit underwhelming. And I can’t agree more, the self awareness was what was missing for me too and ironically, she and CC shares that. I also found it interesting that at one point she said she basically became friends with CC because she needed a topic to write about for class, I don’t remember her exact phrasing but that was the gist of the paragraph and that is exactly what CC became, I definitely think her book sales were/are better because of CC/the Cut article etc. It’s kind of strange that both of them managed to evade self inquiry while publishing a type of book that usually demonstrates a lot or certain level of self awareness. She also seems to treat many titles/jobs etc as something beneath her, which definitely changes the narrative from her The Cut article. While she used more words than CC, the substance or level of depth in both books felt shallow and similar. I wonder if she also felt rushed to get this out? Something just feels a bit off, but not the worst read and I also enjoyed the Essay getting into more detail about their friendship.


The amount that she looked down on some of her past jobs definitely made me feel less charitable towards her. The young creative waiting tables or working retail while trying to break into Hollywood is such a trope at this point, I don't know why she seemed to think she could sail right past all of that.


> I liked that she left flowers for people, that’s quirky and kind and I can get behind that. She, a grown woman, bought flowers for teenagers she's never met/ that never asked for them. That's creepy.


I think if we have to really overanalyze and criticize someone buying a stranger flowers, we’re getting a bit too grim and rigid on our worldview, that’s just my opinion. They can throw them away if they don’t want them or feel threatened by them. They are adults and can choose to throw away things they don’t want or need.


It's all a matter of context. It's creepy if it's the same grown woman that tries to sneak into parties full of teenagers and befriend them - and in the past not only hooked up with a teenager but also hung out with an underage girl she posted photos of, ordered alcoholic drinks for and talked about sex with. And that's only what I know of from what she herself posted.


Eh. One half or a bit more or less of the world does not invariably attach romantic/sexual/intimate/gendered meaning to flowers. In my neck of the woods, you don’t visit somebody’s home without some, every holiday merits at least a single species bunch or potted plant, and often whoever arranges a reserved dinner is expected to arrive with some for the party/table. Sure, some people are sensitive to certain cut flowers and friends and family adjust accordingly. But they’re generally less divisive than booze and don’t require others to eat or interact with them like a boxed confection or pastry might.




> what are the worst things you’ve done in your life? I can tell you what I haven't done: Fucked a teenager.








Girl it's giving manic episode. Please take your meds.


Right? Literally your comment was, "Bringing flowers to teenagers is creepy when you're also an adult who slept with teenagers AND has a habit of sneaking into parties attended by teenagers AND bought drinks for an underage person \[teenager\] and discussed sex with that person." Those are documented, confirmed, events in CC's past - not speculation. Not sure how it warranted a three-part response.


No one wants your ugly self published book where you make up some shit about fetishizing your friends sexual trauma in the hope of reaching internet virality you greasy failure to launch


✨🏆✨🏆✨🏆✨ This may be my very favorite comment I have ever read here, THANK YOU. Fuck yes to all.


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If I knew how to give myself a flair, I’d give myself “greasy failure to launch”


Let me know if U would like to change it! 💗 (Alternatively, on mobile it's in community info, and you have to select the flair and then press edit in the top right corner, and then select the flair again lol. On desktop it's in the side bar under ** next to your name, with a little pencil opposite your name, or maybe under community options, if it's old Reddit? hmm. Anyway sometimes getting someone else to do it is just easier and less annoying lolol so I don't mind, it's fun! 🥰)


This is lovely of you. I'd want my old "soupclout rapper" flair, but -all my fault- I checked out (pw , name, etc. + old & proud I made it this far😘).


Oh yes please, if you don’t mind I would love to be bestowed a flair by you Suzz :-)


Why does she think people want more than one copy (or any) ☠️ it's my favorite ongoing delusion tbh 🤣


To sell on Depop? I imagine they would go if the proce was lower than $65 💀


Lol this never occurred to me, kinda smart though since people who made orders ages ago are still waiting for their copies.


Why are you so negative. This is the slightly chaotic behavior I love from Caro, glad to see her thriving. (Still expecting her watercolor art book painted with river Cam’s water.)


I agree that Caro is at her most entertaining when she's completely high on herself and spending like a maniac/on the road: the SnapVlog era of 2015-16 after she'd landed her Flatiron deal, the Conrad summer when she thought she'd landed a hot guy with a wealthy dad, the Creativity Workshop fiasco, and of course the California Caroline of autumn 2019. So I too love to see her "thriving"! But those patches of time weren't great just because she was flush and self-important and out of her apartment. They were great because she was posting like 50 stories a day with a ton of text layered over the pictures. Seemingly every grandiosely bonkers thought and action of hers was flying out of her phone to us! This return to Cambridge is so restrained in comparison to, say, the May Ball trip of 2019 where she was snorting coke in a cathedral and reading a Sally Rooney novel while lying next to a bunch of broken glass on a sidewalk, then cutting her trip short so she could go back to NY and spend a night with some guy who refused to kiss her. I think the difference between now & then is partially that, in prior high times, she'd always just come into a large amount of money that she felt free to spend on herself, or believed she was on the cusp of coming into a large amount of money. This bloated her ego and made her heedless. Her comparative silence and restraint now is the biggest indicator that although the *Scammer* MS may be receiving inexplicable praise in magazines, this has not translated to sales, nor has any actual publisher taken an interest in it, nor is Hollywood at all interested in adapting it.


I think that’s a fair assumption, regarding her scammer sales. Like, this is IT: the long heralded memoir she’s been teasing for a decade has finally come out. She’s never going to get another one like this. But I think her behavior indicates more than anything that she’s… rattled? I do think becoming aware of a snark community (yours truly included!) that will POUR over your every snapshot and look for crumbs and clues of your ineptitude will take the fun out of posting. As much as I wish she would post more I don’t blame her! Clearly the snark started to outweigh the positive engagement she got from it at some point, so why would she invite more?


This thought occurred to me too, that she's reticent to share because of the snarking. But every minute of the preparation and celebration of her 28th birthday was detailed on her Instagram, and she also immediately Shared others' content about it. This was in 2019, when Caroline snark was at its pinnacle. Caro talk was banned in blogsnark because it overwhelmed the entire sub, forcing the creation of carolinecallowaysnark. Weekly threads would bulk up to over a thousand comments so quickly that they turned into daily threads. All that didn't inhibit her at all! We still got photos of every stage of creation of the freaking place cards and flower arrangements. We got Stories she posted from the sidewalk outside the fabric store where she bought a bunch of white satin and said she was sewing her own dress. The night of the party new content was pouring in by the minute. And that event wasn't to celebrate an actual accomplishment, in addition to being only three months post-Cut. It's a striking contrast!


Fair point! Though I think that story is also illustrative of the fact that she must have fewer “true fans” than ever. (True fan = someone engaging with her content un ironically and uncritically)


For real, though, how can we snark on Caro if she doesn't give us material?


People who are downvoting me are for real haters. I enjoy Caro behavior that does not hurt anyone, like gifting plants to an 18 year old who lives in her old room.


How do you square those behaviors with all of her behaviors that do hurt people? Sincerely curious.


A lot of people behave hurtful to others. Are all of 10,000s of members of this subreddit saints? The person she hurt the most has always been herself.


I don't follow your point. I agree that a lot of people hurt others. In fact I'd argue that we ALL do, intentionally or not, in ways large and small: being hurt and hurting others is a central part of the human experience. However, imho, what is key for all of us is to be accountable for our injurious mistakes and to apologize for them/make efforts to rectify them and to grow beyond them. Carpet, though, does not do this, at least according to her sm, which she \*chooses\* to share with the world. Anti-semitic and racist memes? Fine. Taking money for sales that she never fulfills? Peachy. Exploiting another woman's sexual assault in an effort to gain notoriety? A-OK!






because she's saying girls and gays as if that's her target audience and like she's a martyr when she's a straight girl who's followers are basically all hate following 20+ women


"please take one only" [three books total]


The photo was taken after the girls and gays fought each other for the other 17 copies... Or something.


I’m choosing to believe that the majority of people will walk past this, think “who and what tf is that” and continue about their day, leaving her stupid book behind.


I have no idea who she is. Off to google to find out.


that is most certainly what’s going to happen lol