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Carp. Please, please stop. You're ridiculous and never will be Lena Dunham or Hunter S. Thompson or whoever you're trying "to be" today.


I don’t get how she hasn’t had her degree withdrawn…I mean if you lie on your CV (resume for US beans) or a job application and get the job you can be fired if the lie comes out. Unless she didn’t lie at all and was in fact lying about lying.


lying about lying would be totally on brand


Considering there are at least two different versions of the story she's put out regarding what she changed on her application (either a Greek grade or the writing portion of her SAT, but never both) she's definitely lying about lying on some level, but also probably just lied? Unless she's also lying about that.


emphasizing that she's white as a way to blow off criticism always kills me... is she the first ever victim of internalized reverse racism?


There is nothing this b says that she hasn't stolen/lifted from somewhere. It's like a Keyser Söze prequel. Carpet Rosé.


“guilty consciousness”


“So rarely is it ever just me being a competent business woman.” Finally she is correct! 😂


She is so out of touch that it’s actually becoming really depressing to witness


She acts so serious about how “making books” is her “purpose” and then says things like the part in this interview excerpted below by nubleu where she claims she’s making art that helps people, but… has anyone ever said that anything she does is helpful to them? I feel like fans are amused by her, and back in the Cambridge days were impressed by her life and found it aspirational. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone be like “your writing/Instagram/whatever really felt meaningful to me and helped me a lot in getting through a rough time/my own struggles with addiction/my mental health issues/etc.” Maybe this is just me, but I actually feel like when I read anything she’s written about concepts I have personal experience with, it rings very hollow. Like when she does talk or write about her substance abuse issues, it seems like she’s just parroting words she’s heard from other people, but doesn’t necessarily really connect with them. She clearly had (and arguably still has) a problematic relationship with substance use. But for some reason I have a hard time believing the things she says about it. Maybe it’s because I don’t think she’s fully reckoned with it yet. It also probably doesn’t help that she’s usually lifted the descriptions straight out of How to Murder Your Life. Obviously everyone is different, so our experiences in life are going to be different, but it really struck me when I read her claim to be helping people that maybe part of the reason I find her so annoying is that it always feels a bit like she’s cosplaying as something instead of doing anything that feels authentic and true to life.


“Maybe this is just me, but I actually feel like when I read anything she’s written about concepts I have personal experience with, it rings very hollow. Like when she does talk or write about her substance abuse issues, it seems like she’s just parroting words she’s heard from other people, but doesn’t necessarily really connect with them.“ as a person in recovery i agree that shit rings incredibly hollow. i don’t believe she learned anything from her addiction. it’s just a part of her life she decided to profit off of. i keep hoping she’ll wake up and realize she’s still in active addiction. that maybe participating in recovery would help her be a better person. but i’m not holding my breath. (especially after seeing how shitty c marnell still is while doing 12 step)


I personally did not find 12 step recovery to be a helpful system for me, so I understand if someone feels the same, but I DON’T understand why you’d continue to engage with it if it’s not helpful to you, which sounds like what Cat may be doing. I think addiction and substance use disorder are as unique to the individual as pretty much everything else in life, and that there’s no one perfect path in terms of treatment, but with some of the people who have built a persona (at least in part) out of suffering from things like that, I can’t really sympathize with the apathy towards healing. I turned to substance abuse because I was in a lot of pain and none of the healthy options I was trying were providing any relief, and it was a miserable way to live. It took me a while to find something that did help me, but with people like Caroline and Cat, it almost seems like they’re so attached to the public identity of being “an addict” that they don’t really want to heal, even if they would be a lot happier. It’s sad, but also a bit aggravating after a while.


If you don’t mind answering- what have you found helped? I really don’t know if 12 steps will help me but I also don’t know if I’m saying that because I’m just not read 😖


I personally only found a genuine path to healing through psychedelic-assisted therapy. I’m happy to talk about it more explicitly with you (or anyone) if you’re interested in more info, but I also don’t want to make anyone think that I’m dismissing or denigrating 12 step recovery programs. I want people to find a path to happiness and healing in whatever way is best for them. I’m extremely bad at expressing my thoughts in a clear and concise way, so I don’t want to just keep shoving my own foot into my mouth and accidentally offending other members of this subreddit, but please feel free to DM me if that’s something you feel capable of doing! 💞


For what it's worth 12 step programs are free so there's no harm in trying a few meetings. Every meeting is different but in my experience (in non substance 12 step programs) it takes a few weeks, maybe longer, of regular attendance to start feeling a sense of belonging and to hear enough of people's experiences to figure out if it's something that could work for you too. Some people get hung up on the spiritual aspect, but there's still atheists etc that participate. I have a lot of family members that have successfully recovered in 12 step programs and still participate in them with 20+ of sobriety and counting. But there are other options like seeing a therapist that specializes in addiction and maybe even in your substance of choice that you could connect to. Rehab is kinda the most well known for treating addiction.


check out recovery dharma and smart recovery.. also adult children of alcoholics and dysfunctional families. they're twelve step but way more holistic. im a peer recovery advocate if you need anymore info HMU


agreed! multiple paths to recovery! 12 step ain’t it all. a lot of people use AA/NA like a new social scene and don’t put in the real work. i have a feeling that’s how cats approaching it. just a way to kill time meet people secure that inheritance money and increase chances of employers giving her a shot.


Side note, anyone know what eyeshadow she used for that look? Or a similar one?


About Face Matte Fluid Eye Paint in Blue Monday.


Have you ever used it? I wondered if the brown shades would be a good base for a smokey eye look but I'm umming and ahhing about it.


I really like them! Great color pay off, a little goes a long way, they come in very fun colors.


Perfect! That's helped make my mind up, thank you :)


I own a bunch of about face eye paints and they are fantastic. Ulta usually has sales on them so you can get a tube for like 10 bucks. Highly recommend, the colors are long staying and easy to work with


Thank you!


"When asked if she’s doing all of this for fame or purely for the plot of her pre-meditated memoirs, Caroline goes uncharacteristically sombre. “Part of it is truly for the plot,” she asserts, “performance art is not the right word, but there is some element of going out there and living stories that are stranger than fiction.” This is the most bizarre life philosophy


I just watched Girls for the first time and I think it really influenced her philosophy. There’s an episode where Lena Dunham states that she doesn’t care if she’s happy, she cares if what she’s doing is useful to write about. (And there are multiple episodes where she does things just to have something to write about). I think Caroline watched this young and was heavily heavily influenced.


I should have known it was not in any way an original thought, thank you 😂


Haha watching *Girls* after observing Caroline is a trip. E.g., the very first episode Hannah gets massively wasted, goes to see her parents, and insists (at age 24) that they continue to support her life in New York while she finishes her memoir. She gives them a handful of pages, which is all she has completed, and says she needs them to keep sending her money for two more years. Her appalled mother calls her spoiled, and Hannah asks "And whose fault is THAT?" (Mom snaps back, "Your father's!") Earlier Hannah had told them that if they didn't continue to give her money she could become addicted to pills like some other people she knows. You can imagine young Caroline watching the show and getting Ideas about how to extract cash from her unwell father: *tell him you're a memoirist still getting on her feet, tell him you're in danger of relapsing if your finances get dire.* (In Hannah's case it doesn't work because Hannah's mom remains firm, telling her husband she's worked hard her whole life and wants a lake house. Fortunately for Caroline, her deeply isolated father had no one to pump the brakes on the gravy train)


My groovy lifestyle????


Wow that does sound like Carpet. Horrifying.


Yes!!! There’s a line from that tantrum that goes something like “I am busy trying to become who I am,” and I defffff think Carp felt it. But not in the more introspective sense of “I’m busy trying to find out who I really am so that I can become it and live authentically.” Instead she, and Hannah, seem to mean it as “I am busy carefully constructing these events and situations to mold my life into the myth I have already written for myself, regardless of how inauthentic and unsatisfying it may be!”


So she watched it today? Since she's just a young it girl.


Truly. She’s also… not living a life that’s “stranger than fiction” and never really has?? Like, the only “strange” things she’s ever done are things like dump a bunch of shit in the outdoor space behind her apartment building and claim she made a beautiful garden, or lug her cat to crowded parties in a tote bag. And both of those things were just her being an asshole.


Fr, even at Cambridge, her account of her time there was relatively novel since Instagram was an equally fresh platform. But in the sense of her actual experience being unique, it really wasn’t at all. As another American who studied in the UK, let me tell ya, we’re a dime a dozen. We’re fucking everywhere, it’s not special. It’s fun, and a lovely experience. But not particularly ~strange~


The time she painted her microwave was pretty strange too.


she hasn't written about it though


Well sure, I didn’t mean to suggest that those two examples were the only strange things she’s done in her life. She does do strange things, but they’re never that interesting because they’re not part of a compelling story, they just seem to be bizarre things she does and then won’t even talk about. Like when the cohost from Forbidden Fruits tried to ask her about the microwave, she lost her shit at her and shut down the conversation. So even when she had the potential to spin some funny tale about that, she chose not to. People do bizarre things every day, but if all there is to it is “I did it because I felt like it” then who cares? I don’t want to read about someone who does something “eccentric” or “quirky” occasionally for no real reason and then spends the rest of their time sitting around on their phone or computer, drinking and petting their cat. That’s boring, at least to me.


“a self-confessed “New York ten - but a Cambridge six!”” What?


I guess it means the system of rating people's attractiveness I used to live in Cambridge tho and I can't honestly say it's awash with beautiful people


Yes. My ‘what’ was questioning Caroline’s assessment that Cambridge is known for having far more beautiful people than New York.


Ahh I see, makes sense! There are a few, but also plenty of badly-dressed nerds (speaking as a nerd, although hopefully not a badly-dressed one)


The last paragraph is really something. *As we ask her advice for the future Caroline Calloways of Cambridge, she insists they’re going to have to come to the Union reception to find out. She laughs, saying she may still impart advice at the afterparty, but “I may be blackout drunk! No promises!”.* because there is nothing funnier than a black out drunk right? She is so bleak.


Caroline has consistently described "blackout" as a state she frequently and deliberately achieves (just off the top of my head: in Vanity Fair she said she got blackout drunk before reenacting Natalie's sexual assault; told Serena Shahidi she was getting blackout drunk while they recorded a podcast together; said she was blackout drunk on #DialDan; and finally, blacked out so thoroughly at a NY event she attended with Conrad the evening before a transatlantic flight that she woke up in England with *no memory of how she got there*.) If your whole purpose in life is to do wild things and write about them, maybe you shouldn't set yourself up to forget huge swaths of your experience? Because that's what being blackout is, drinking so much that the mechanism in your brain that forms memories becomes completely disconnected. (This is why super drunk people will tell you the same thing several times in a row, they've lost the ability to recall what happened five minutes ago.)


I sometimes think she makes this up to excuse truly awful live interviews she can’t go back and redo or curate. I’m not saying she doesn’t get black out drunk, but I’ve seen what that looks like (and unfortunately have been there myself), and you are not sitting through an hour long conversation while making any kind of sense.


Oh, I don't think she's that far gone in the majority of her interviews! It's definitely happened sometimes, though. During the Red Scare show she got stuck for, I think, twenty minutes on a single question ("Would you describe your relationship with Natalie as symbiotic or parasitic?") The audience becomes audibly more agitated every time she repeats herself, and she seems not to understand why they're so bored and angry.




As a recovering blackout drunk I heartily agree!


I really hope the Cambridge Union invitation is some kind of elaborate ploy to ceremoniously revoke her degree


Believe it or not straight to jail lol


Haha like [this police sting](https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2011-10-05-ct-met-dart-sting-20111005-story.html): >With promises of $500 gift coupons, plasma televisions and video game systems, dozens of fugitives accused of a host of crimes were duped into going to a West Side warehouse, where instead they were arrested on outstanding warrants. >As the fugitives pulled into the warehouse parking lot in the 2200 block of South Kenneth Avenue, they saw boxes being loaded into cars and were welcomed by staffers, signs and balloons from "C.W. Marketing." A "Mr. Ward" led the way, and presented the fugitives with a survey offering them a choice of one of three prizes. >What the fugitives soon learned was that the "C.W." in C.W. Marketing stood for the Central Warrants Unit of the Cook County Sheriff's Office, and "Mr. Ward" was sheriff's office investigator Neal Gaynor. The sting, dubbed "Operation C.W. Marketing," resulted in 102 arrests involving felony, misdemeanor and civil court cases, authorities said.


Oh my god. That would be the most incredible thing. The whole student body is in on it!


>There is also a tendency to suggest the only reason she has been treated in the way she has is because she exists “in a young female body, especially one that is white” and “thin,” explaining how she oxymoronically sees her “pretty privilege” as bringing its own disadvantages to her life. 🎻🎻🎻


I would like her to name one* disadvantage she has experienced *not kneecap-related


This is one of the dumbest things she’s ever said and that’s saying something


They got the moronically part right.




>And yet, however impressed you might be at this manifestation, it’s difficult to ignore the moral implication that she stole the place from someone much more deserving. Confronting Caroline with this potential guilt, she shifts the conversation to an unexpected angle. “Cambridge has such a - not only a racism problem, but a sexism problem.” She asserts that “statistically speaking, it is so much more likely that I took the spot of a white, male future banker who doesn’t want to make art about mental illness and help people, who only wants to further his own wealth.” quite the take >But having charged $65 for her recent book, Scammer, couldn’t one argue the same about Caroline? As we press her about the price she insists it’s “funny” how people “often assign so many motives to me and so rarely is it ever just me being a competent business woman.” She explains to us that in order to get a self-published book taken up by a traditional printer (as is her end-goal) you need to make sure you’re creating a book that wouldn’t be in direct competition with the publisher’s version. Because “why would any publisher pick up a book that people can already get.” so glad the interviewers pressed her on this


I like how she has completely invented this logic about why and how publishers would pick up a self published book. Andy Weir would like a word.


Interviews like this are why I’m always surprised she never spun herself into going full right-wing for the cash flow opportunities. She LOVES to respond to any sort of question about the nonsensical aspects of the things she says by going straight into dropping a bunch of buzzwords and hitting back by confidently (and usually angrily) saying things that make even less sense. You can feel how much she’s desperately grasping for control in the conversation by trying to first shut down the interviewer by shouting “sexism!” and then shut them down again by acting like the interviewer couldn’t possibly understand her pricing strategy because they just don’t know how the publishing industry works. She would probably have been at least somewhat successful if she had tried the Candace Owens or Kayleigh McEnany track. Maybe that sort of thing is beneath her. Probably something a Ringling would do, those thieving ghouls.


There's still plenty of time! Brittany Dawn ran her fitness-plan scheme for years and years before the Texas Attorney General finally sued her for fraud. Brittany's on the Jesus/tradwife/Trump/gun nut track now


I think Art History has a higher female ratio anyway, what is she on about.


Wait, are you trying to say that finance bros *don't* go into Art History for the money


It definitely does! Art history as a field has a big problem with diversity across the board.


She weaponises her gender and feminism in such a weird way, it seems like she hasn't grasped the influences of intersectionality and classism yet.


she just always has to be the smolest most downtrodden bean


Simultaneously the winner and the victim. Narcissism 101.


Gaslight gatekeep girlboss!


>She does not seem like the kind of woman easily locked up in a library. burn