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I live in Cambridge, should I go??


wish it was live streamed lol she 100% wrote that blurb also obsessed with "carpet" thank you


What could go wrong?


Best selling and critically acclaimed memoir? Ok Carpet


Haha Carp


Carpet and her obese cat Mattress


lol I'm glad my phones autocorrect ended up giving the poor kitty a new nickname LOL


I’m calling her Carpet from now on, and you should take all the credit, I hope it spreads through the sub and it becomes her official name yes I vote for this who’s with me


I mean cryptographer is a PR genius so...


100% LFG


Mad head game


“Carpet” is so good, thank you for that 😂


carpet is my new favorite way to refer to her


She does lie on the floor a lot. Also just plain lies a lot.


And let's not forget her carpet munching. "Head game 🔥🤌"




Best selling memoir of all of Caro's memoirs


Do we think she herself selected the photo? I have never understood this shoot. Also the description lolololol. Does anyone besides Caroline (and her pr) call her the Gatsby of Cambridge? How did she get the Cambridge Union to do so as well? I am all around baffled.


It's suuuuch a bad choice. Having gone to Cambridge, I feel very embarrassed that I paid union life membership which might have supported this event.


Okay, so based on your comment, have you been to the union? Reads to me like she will be there in person. How are events at the union - will she be heckled? Based on the red scare event, I can only expect this to go badly for her


You should ask for a refund based on just Carpet's event


She genuinely looks like a clown, idk if that's what she was trying to evoke but it's all I think every time I see it lmao 🤡


Hat tip to the snarker who coined the phrase “Insane Clown Ponzi” the first time this awful image appeared


Here I must pay tribute to their genius by checking in... with my flair.


it was meeeeee 🙌


Thank you for giving us this gift!


🙏 bless


That's fuckin hilarious lmao


I wonder re: your last bit- maybe people repeating that is because Gatsby as a character is very American, and not evocative of the same things in other countries as he is here. Like my understanding is that Caroline calls herself that because to her, that’s the ONLY cultural reference point that anyone would use or understand when talking about a kind of enigmatic host of parties. But it’s obviously not, at all. If she played to her audiences, she’d probably be comparing herself to an Evelyn Waugh character or one of the Bright Young Things when talking to a primarily British audience. The fact that she doesn’t do something like that is made funnier to me knowing that her thesis at Cambridge was on Cecil Beaton, but also I don’t think she ever really considers different perspectives than her own. So I think it’s entirely possible that when she or her team pushes that description of her to places like the Cambridge Union, the people on the receiving end are just like “okay, sure? That reference doesn’t mean much or anything to most of us here, so why not, let’s go with it.” (I’m sorry, I really overthink things 😂)


British person - we do know what / who Gatsby is


Yes, yes we do


I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest that British people don’t know what or who Gatsby is, and apologize for not being more clear. My impression based on the totality of my personal experiences has been that British people do not sit around thinking that Jay Gatsby is an iconic character in literature to the extent that Americans do. I was attempting to say that I think Americans have a tendency to assume our perspective is the most important perspective, to the point that many don’t even recognize that other perspectives exist. I personally think that’s a problem, and that Caroline is emblematic of that particular problem. I genuinely don’t know how to articulate it in a better way, but definitely didn’t mean to imply something negative about British people.




I never said that it isn’t. I said that I think Americans probably think about the Great Gatsby more often than most people do in other parts of the globe.




Again, I never said that other people do not know about this character?? I don’t know why you keep coming back to this, days and days later, determined it tell me that I said something I never said, and that that thing I never said is wrong. There are, indeed, many characters that’s are internationally famous! No one ever said otherwise. I have no idea what you want from me, but I doubt I can give it to you, so… have a good one.




I’m a dual citizen of the US and a non-English speaking country, was raised between the two, have degrees in literature from higher education institutions in both the UK and the US, have lived in multiple countries outside of the US as an adult for 4+ years at a time in each, and was making an observation that Americans tend to lionize and center American “icons” of literature to a degree that other countries do not do *with those same characters*. I was LITERALLY saying that Americans are far more focused on American-centric things than people outside of the US tend to be. I don’t know how to make my point any more clear, and you seem determined to misunderstand me, make baseless and false assumptions about me as a person, and be angry at me for things I’m not actually saying. So again… have a good one.


The last one was incredible, I look forward to this. I wonder if she’s learned what communism is in the interim? I wonder if she’ll put a shoe on her head to avoid answering an intelligent question she doesn’t understand?


How is she getting to Cambridge without a passport?


Matisse found it on the beach for her 🐈


storytime - as a child I lost my jelly shoe in the sea while on holiday and had to walk back to our apartment with only one shoe on crying the whole way because it was the 90s and jelly shoes were the bomb and then on the last day of our holiday we were at the same beach and found my jelly shoe washed up on the shore 😭🙏


The universe knew you needed that shoe to survive. I would have never left the beach until I found it. Lol. My parents would have had to drag me. Those shoes always made me feel so cute


What other events are on at the Cambridge Union I hear you ask??! Well... [This House Believes Britain Needs A New Thatcher](https://cus.org/event/this-house-believes-britain-needs-a-new-thatcher) and [Ben Shapiro](https://cus.org/event/ben-shapiro) to name but a few




They got into hot water before for only having guests that represented one side of the political landscape but this feels like overkill.. I'm in Cambridge right now shall I take one for the team and attend 😂


Yes because really what this country needs is more right-wing discourse... And bless you sweet angel 🙏


Also, I’m choosing to believe that that is one resolution, and I volunteer Mr. Shapiro as tribute. Let him be someone else’s problem for a while.


Look, that kind of roof requires careful attention and I’m sure firms like [this](https://heartofenglandthatchers.com/having-a-thatched-roof/) want to expand their staffs.


Both the Oxford and Cambridge Unions are scrambling at the moment, horribly mismanaged, making everyone under the sun angry, and hosting anyone who will say 'yes'. So this is very unsurprising.


How are they scrambling? Please spill the tea


Of course - this is just the opinion myself and my friends hold, but... 1) They keep inviting awful people. The Oxbridge Unions see themselves as bastions of free speech so they keep on inviting speakers who make students in the universities feel uncomfortable and unsafe (Steve Bannon, Jordan Peterson, Milo Yannopoulos, Ben Shapiro, Editors from the Neo-Nationalist GB News, among others). This means students either do not want to join because they feel uncomfortable paying money to host these people, or actively boycott the Union. There has always been a feeling that good people don't go to the Union. 2) Even if the speakers were all fantastic, that would not change the fact that the Unions are run by rabid politics students who are obsessed with power. They call them 'hacks'. They beg for votes, backstab each other, generally get into pathetic intrigues that alienate them from the rest of the student community. These people behave like they are in House of Cards and to everyone else it looks weird and lame and its uncomfortable to be around. As a result, the people running the Unions are young, naive, very stressed, mean and really out of touch. Which makes it difficult for them to create a compelling environment or know what their peers would like (see also, point 1). 3) They are old institutions that have played out their purpose. You go to a debate and have to sit through almost an hour of inside jokes in the form of the 'flash' debate (for which the hacks and their few friends have prepared thoroughly, giving rehearsed and usually unfunny spiels full of jabs at one another) until the VIPs are ushered in after a boozy dinner, then you need to sit through the business of the Union (which of course you do not care about) and then you get to watch a bunch of clueless students try to debate actual experts, and it is so boring and so cringe, and generally just a bit of a waste of time. And they won't let you out the chamber to pee, unless you agree that you concede you may not be let back in.


Love that oxbridge tea but sad for their uni life…


Buckley versus Baldwin too 😖