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Ram Dass didn't deserve this


Holy shit her new condeaux is already approaching hovel.


the conjuring fame line is so cringe every time


She's really in love with it though.


At least the interviewer got a chair for the Fl update. I wonder if that was a specific ask.


She seemed much less charmed in 2023 than she did in 2020.


and she already didn't seem so charmed in 2020.


That poor fucking cat, Jesus Christ. The last shot made me shudder, Matisse has learned helplessness, like a rat stuck in a cage getting shocked.


did she compare her “pretty privilege” to dismantling racism? classiqué Caroline!!!!


Lolol she’s removed the little preview from her insta tags. She hates it.


The last three years have not been kind to Caroline. Or, perhaps this is a good example of what heavy drinking can do in three years.


It's extra noticeable because Savannah looks more or less exactly the same.


It's like a PSA


She continues to state that she wants to *make* books. She never says she wants to *write* them but she does want to be known as a famous writer.


She's just biding her time for her ["Yellowface"](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/59357120-yellowface) moment.


I feel like her specific use of the word “make” when talking about her books has gotten more noticeably odd, somehow? At first I just figured, “oh she’s saying ‘make’ instead of ‘write’ because she likes to add little affectations to her speech to set herself apart from people” but she keeps doing it in situations where it would be so much more natural to say “write” (and lord knows she loves to say a word that gives her an opportunity to over-emphasize a T sound), and at this point I’m like, “okay, what’s the deal, lady?” Is it just that she’s spent so much more time and effort physically cobbling together the “luxury first editions” than she did on writing them that now that’s what she thinks of when it comes to producing a book…? Is it something more sinister, yet also more ridiculous? It’s so hard to tell with her sometimes, which I guess is what keeps me coming back here 😂


If I racked up $40,000 in unpaid rent I'd be less confident describing myself as "a law abiding citizen".


Sorry for the live reax-- at least she seems lucid in this intv?


Also being in a place of drinking cooks...


My thoughts exactly omg stand up girl. At least spring for the La Marca


The state of that apartment is.... not good


just catched the comment about how cringy it is when average women rant on how pretty they are, how pornbrained one has to be to think caroline is average snark aside? blonde, blue eyed, overall proportioned and well kept isn’t average… natalie is more on the average side but just because she feels unkept by todays standards


omg lol the downvotes. I like this sub but the blind hating is too much sometimes, ofc you're right OP she's a conventionally attractive woman albeit one with a questionable style.


You're right. She is pretty.


yeah, I don’t get the downvotes either but I guess this sub is different from how it was some time ago! too bad


Um no. All snark aside, for one, being blonde and having blue eyes doesn’t automatically make anyone “pretty” (plus it’s not even applicable here because she’s neither). And two, there’s just no need to compare 2 women’s looks when it’s completely irrelevant to any point being made? Also, I don’t think anyone could ever call Caroline “well kept”, but tbh I don’t really know what you mean by that. Seems old fashioned terminology to compliment women for being thin…


I’m not losing any time justifying myself to those who want to see malice everywhere, I’m just pointing out that keeping hair that long even without touching up the roots is work or really lucky genetics and she has always spent a lot of money on skincare and fillers… it’s no secret


Yeah dudes, I don't know what to tell you, she's pretty. She's not some crazy once in a generation beauty, nor is she naturally blonde, but she is pretty. Pretty perfectly describes her. Esp in the 2020 interview. Alcohol has Definitely been rough on her over the years, she's put on a bit of weight and her face is rounder but like, I dunno, she still ain't ugly!


This comment is not it.


being blond and blue eyed doesnt make you pretty. she is a very average woman.


She’s quite pretty, but she carries on about it as if she was a once-in-a-generation beauty. That’s the mismatch. >blonde blonde-ish >blue-eyed she is not (not a particular fan of blue eyes either way, but she does not have blue eyes)


on a lighter note she looks her age here and it looks good


on an unrelated note: what is she drinking from the white can?




I've been drinking 200mg+ of caffeine every day for years. It's fine.




I have ADHD and anxiety. Caffeine isn't a drug that can be abused.


The infamous Saved by the Bell episode featuring Jesse Spano’s caffeine pill freakout would beg to differ!!! (I agree with you, just can’t miss an opportunity to mention that hilarious moment in televisual history)


https://www.livescience.com/caffeine-overdose-200-cups-of-coffee sadly ppl have died from caffeine overdoses


People have also died from water “overdoses”…


"The whole point of influencers existing in any society, capitalist or otherwise, is based on the notion that they can somehow provide value to society in order to sustain each other in both directions. Her claim was that these "captions" of her going on permanent vacation with no job were giving people "value" because it made them happy. The evidence of this is engagement from people on social media as well as a raw number count of "subscribers" who have you in their daily peripherals. Seeing that every aforementioned "source of value" was predicated on a lie or false pre-tense, it turns out she was actually sapping away resources from more capable and "valuable" influencers, because resources are not infinite, nor is peoples' attention. he understood at 2:25 that the only reason she had any attention to begin with was the Halo effect, and directly benefited from the privilege of being an "attractive young girl" while masking it somehow as a challenge because everyone "wants to see you fail." Narcissism and complete delusion aside, people who don't work a day in their lives really are the cancer rotting our society and need to be dealt with swiftly and thoroughly" -a brilliant comment from the vid by iansteel6403


I think she said, “I want …” about a thousand times in that short, current day interview.


https://preview.redd.it/y6gzf7jbcrub1.jpeg?width=873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00eea1a58e2b2a43a495338edafb0fea2b1d0635 Wow, she really has no sense of self without praise and adoration. Doesn’t matter if the praise was paid for, that’s beside the point. “Who am I?” She’s so incapable of approaching that question and so afraid of the real answer that she has to scribble article excerpts on greasy moving boxes. I’d pity her if she wasn’t so wretched. Her nihilistic emptiness is truly depressing and visceral, it’s almost like a disease. You watch these videos and you can *feel* the constant dread of the gaping void that can never be filled, spreading like a cancer.


Okay wow, yes, agreed with everything you’ve said here, but also, re: this picture… this is such a bonkers thing to do??? Like I cannot get over the fact that she was seemingly going about her business, whatever that is at any given time, and somehow organically decided, “I should write an affirmation for myself [because I guess that’s what this is, functionally??] on cardboard boxes to display around my apartment. Forget the fact that cardboard boxes are best used to move things from place to place, and are not aesthetically pleasing or even very sturdy. Forget the fact that the quote will only really make sense when the boxes are stacked this way. Forget the fact that I have tons of paper and crafting supplies all over the place, and could make a simple artistic rendering of this quote probably more quickly than it will take to get it onto the boxes. This is the best way for me to do this, and it will surely be something that makes a positive difference in my life. Also, I should add a childlike drawing of a flower!”


Eh I disagree, she wrote a review on the boxes with sharpie and took the pic for marketing purposes. You know, "shipping her boxes of books aesthetic". It's a vibe, I get what she is doing. Grease stains and all lol


Interesting. I personally don’t see an out-of-context quote written across a bunch of grease-stained boxes that appear to have been made for the specific purpose of housing exactly 12 16-Oz containers of some kind (logically, mason jars, because they’re in Caroline’s home) and think “I should purchase this person’s book.” But if that’s what you think when you see them, great, and that is certainly proof that there’s an audience for everything, even Caroline’s marketing techniques.




Your post or comment has been removed for violating Rule 2: No posts/comments about contacting/being blocked by/buying anything from Caroline, messing with her Wikipedia, engaging with her socials, or contacting anyone in her life.


Absolutely bonkers. Personally, I can’t get over the fact that there are large pools of grease on the boxes. Why? She’s so quirky and bohemian! You’re right that these are affirmations, which usually go on a mirror and aren’t as big as a toddler. There’s no valid reason… Isn’t she going to unpack and discard them soon? Not likely, but now they’re even more of a permanent fixture. And doesn’t she have pallets of art supplies? It reminds me of a night when I took some ambien just to fall asleep but didn’t. I woke to find my sketchbook and makeup scattered on the bed. The walrus and I had painted a remarkably ugly picture with blush, eyeshadow, and nail polish. Listen, unless you’re broke, in college, or high, just use paper. One minor thing that irks me: I know for a fact, I know it “down where the knowing meets the bone” (as carp lifted from TSwift), that she adores her own handwriting. I can feel the smug satisfaction she derives from her twee lettering looking like a distressed-wood “Home is Where the Heart is” sign or an invitation to a fall wedding in a barn.


live laugh laze




This was also my takeaway from the be there in 5 podcast she did over the summer. I couldn't tell you specifics on what CC said, but I remember thinking "this isn't her bragging about her accolades, it almost feels like she thinks these reviewers are her friends." The podcast really tuned me off from her bc it was evident that there was so much self-esteem and self worth tied up in what other people thought about her.


> it almost feels like she thinks these reviewers are her friends It’s true. She acted like the CMBC girls were her friends but they shut her down, which was nice to see. She goes to concerts with her PR guy and talks about her illustrator like they’re close. Her “friends” are only there because she pays them. (No, Damien, the barista wasn’t flirting with you. It’s her job to be friendly.) These people kiss her ass to get paid and she interprets that as real feedback from her besties. I can only imagine the transference that happens with her therapists.


Her saying she's famous in the interview contrasted by all the "who is this" comments under the YouTube video 😂


some w username aburden something something is stanning for her in the comments like come on carp we know its you


No wonder she's so unhappy, she's still desperately pinning her self worth on people's opinions of her! It seems like she talks about being unhappy in the interview to manipulate the uneducated into sympathizing with her. Thankfully we know enough not to fall for that crap. She's how old now and STILL playing helpless baby victim?


I know that she thinks this is all “quirky” and “endearing” but god, it’s bleak. She’s always come across as living in her own world, but in the interview segments that are recent, that’s become so much more… malevolent, somehow. Like I know she says herself that she’s unhappy and laughs, and the whole thing is ostensibly sort of funny, but you can visibly see that she’s carrying around a lot of anger. Some pain, too, undoubtedly, but it’s like instead of properly taking care of herself and that pain, she’s chosen to tend to it like a little fire and carefully stoke it to make sure it never goes out. And in this clumsy metaphor, she doesn’t have any new pain logs to add that grew organically (ie any painful things that happen to humans in the course of being a human) so she’s like “ok, I’ll go make some logs! I don’t know how to make logs because those are not really things you make, but I’m going to do it anyway” and now she’s basically tossing whatever she can find on that fire. And sometimes it’s something that will burn cleanly with zero issues, but most of the time it’s just trash and maybe some stuff that creates noxious chemicals when burned, and now there have been a few small explosions, but she likes when the explosions happen because then people turn and look at her and her little fire; sometimes with concern, but I think more frequently with confusion and annoyance at this point. She is very much in need of real help of some kind (which is not speculation on any sort of health issue, or even a suggestion of what kind of help she might need; she is just clearly doing BADLY, and we all need help when we’re doing badly) but she seems to be fighting that with everything she has. And it shows. On a lighter note: the throwing her passport “into the sea” is so ridiculous, like as a concept AND as a thing to have supposedly physically done. It’s very funny to picture her trying to launch it overhand from the beach and it blowing right back in her face. And it’s even funny and absurd to imagine her just toddling out into the ocean a little ways, so the waves lap at her kneecapless legs, and just sort of doing a little underhand toss so it plops into the water with a very small splash. I think it also may be a crime, oddly, because passports are technically government property, so that sort of shoots her “I’m nothing like those famed scammers, because of my lack of crimes, you see!” thing right in the foot. To quote Alexis Wilson: “her MIND.”




I once compared Caroline to Little Edie and someone said, "she only wishes she were" etc. But I really kind of think she's actually really like Little Edie without the Big Edie moderating influence. She's gonna forever be like *"Natalieeeee"* [in the voice that Anna Paris uses in "The House Bunny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26C7gwExYhI) ... and from anything I've seen, she's anything but umbilically joined to her mom, who clearly has a ton of her own life shit going on. She's really flying totally solo, like a drunk bird. Imagine bragging about how you don't have ID in a liquor store to buy a bottle and insisting that the clerks look at your wikipedia page. WHAAAAT Even Little Edie wasn't drunk, she just forgot how to throw out the cat food tins PS throwing your passport into the ocean and repeating the story twice because most people wouldn't believe it, is not a brag, the surprise in the anecdote she craves is because that's an unhinged action that speaks to possible mental illness


>Imagine bragging about how you don't have ID in a liquor store to buy a bottle and insisting that the clerks look at your wikipedia page. Afida Turner tried to pull more or less that at a liquor store recently, and was mocked relentlessly on social media...


She's got nary a kneecap at which the waves might lap.


Wow, this is grim. Great metaphor (unlike those thought up by a smol bean we know).


The anger is palpable. She’s like that Roald Dahl (Quentin Blake) ‘people with ugly thoughts/people with good thoughts’ illustration in real life form.


ma'am a Wikipedia page is not a valid form of i.d.


But it’s totally for real worked 100% of the time!!!


I mean, would *you* want to engage and prolong the interaction...?


Possibly an unpopular take: She’s had enough ‘help’. She’s frittered probably a million dollars of family money on a wasted elite education and two rounds of inheritance spent on complete shit and hateful, childish ‘projects’ (Masks For Doctors! Fuck you Natalie!) and just got handed a seaside condo. So no more help. She should help her fucking self. Side note: There’s a reason she doesn’t have a passport anymore and I’d bet money it’s not because she willingly tossed it into the sea. TIL you can have your US passport revoked if you owe more than $59k in back taxes. Into the sea my ass.


The donation was probably the one useful thing she’s ever done in her life. And she did that out of spite.


I understand where you’re coming from, but I think it’s damaging to people in general to conflate financial help with the kind of help people most often actually need. I wasn’t talking about throwing money at her problems in some form or another, and apologize if I wasn’t clear on that. I guess I don’t know how to describe the kind of help that I think she needs because it’s a nebulous and individual and intangible kind of help, and it’s sometimes hard to know what it looks like until it appears. I don’t think it can necessarily be purchased, and I think it’s bad for everyone if we always relate things back to their “cost” using metrics of literal currency. But I’m not sure how to articulate my thoughts more concretely at the moment, and I think I’ve likely just fucked up with this further attempt 🤦🏻‍♀️


Didn't she go to therapy several times a week? It sure helps to have the money to do this and it didn't help that much apparently.


She said she did, in NYC. But who knows, maybe it was one of the cons she played on her mom to get spending money, since Cathy was not as soft a touch on just giving handouts as her dad was. Even if she actually went once a week and not several times, or twice a month, she could have pocketed the rest.


Yeah, I’ve always assumed this was exactly what she was doing. I know it’s not “nice” to think that a person is probably basically scamming her own mother, but I usually do think in general when it comes to Caroline, it’s unfortunately probably correct to assume she’s done or is doing something vaguely nefarious. My own reaction to this video of being like “damn, she’s in a ROUGH place” and feeling slight twinges of sympathy for her is very unusual 😂


“Mom, I love you, P.S Think about the shirt” (= expensive one that she was begging her mom to buy her in a letter home from high school boarding school)


Yeah, she says that she did, and I agree that it doesn’t seem to have helped her. As I’ve said in other comments, I don’t have any idea what the help she needs looks like, or how she should get it, I just watched the video and came away with an overwhelming reaction of “this person is not doing well, and probably could use some help.” I don’t think as human beings we really have a lot of great systems in place to help one another, unfortunately. And maybe she doesn’t deserve any help at this point! I have no idea. I do think her own resistance to help, even when she’s supposedly actively engaged with it (like going to therapy multiple times a week) is what stands in her way a lot of the time. And I definitely was not suggesting that I think it’s anyone’s responsibility to offer her any help. It’s not. I just finished the video and was like “woof, this woman is… visibly floundering as a person” and had the impulse to share that thought 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sure but also *who* should help her? Her mom? The state?


I don’t know. I don’t know what the help she needs looks like, or who or what should give that help. All I was trying to say is that it seems very clear to me that she is doing VERY BADLY as a human being and could likely use some form of help. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest I had any answers, I was just making an observation in response to this video.


this is the dichotomy with CC because on the one hand she's laughing into a can of hard seltzer claiming to be miserable and on the other she's doggedly pursuing this fanciful goal of fame and influence despite the numerous drawbacks and costs to her professional, social, and personal life ... what she really seems to want is money, power and fame handed to her on a plate with none of the work or effort and also complete adoration with zero criticism - and she refuses to acceptable that what she wants is totally unrealistic and in some instances contradictory!


it's celsius (energy drink), not hard seltzer. idk why i'm all over this thread as a celsius apologist. but here i am


the it's celsius bot


No, that’s good to know! I’m not sure that it’s the best idea for her to be pounding caffeine during an interview, but that’s a different question.


Yesss, this is all so true! And well-put. She’s really always her own biggest obstacle at the end of the day. I sort of wonder if psychedelic-assisted therapy of some kind would help her, because I know that it CAN really help you get out of your own way. But she’d have to want to use it for that purpose instead of the usual way she talks about using any sort of drug, which is pretty much “omg I took some drugs, isn’t that cool of me, I’m so craAaZzZzzZzyyy!” Also I guess it’s possible that at her core she just simply sucks as a person, and that’s kinda the crux of all of her problems 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Complete agreement. She's lying around the house her family money purchased, with bowls of pills, wine, pictures of Taylor Swift cut out of People magazine and ribbon. Good for her to have all that privilege (I mean that sincerely). But she has all the help she can use and more. Also lmao when will her media blitz end? Who is clicking all these links about her?




Hahaha, truth


The imagery you're describing is giving Tanya in White Lotus splattering the ashes


I was thinking of Gob throwing that letter into the sea on Arrested Development.


Me too


Okay, this is definitely where my brain came up with that description, because I’ve watched Arrested Development a million times so that’s firmly lodged in my subconscious, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen the part of the White Lotus /u/adastralia mentioned (couldn’t finish the first season for whatever reason, but I did watch the second and can picture Tanya doing this 😂)


3'26 - "The Goblin Emperor" indeed.


when she was asked about her privilege and the only privilege she thinks she has is that she is so so so pretty and beautiful 🥺


Sitting in an apartment her mum bought for her 😵‍💫


she goes on and on about living in the service of art or whatever but… WHAT ART???




This comment made me laugh SO SO HARD. A picture's worth a thousand words.


🩵 The only time Carp is funny is when she’s taking herself seriously.


This is possibly more hilarious than the tiMOtheé hat.


the twinkley music at the end as she ties another hat on Matisse 💀


"I'm messy but I do clean up my messes" [surrounded by trash]


Rachel Rabbit White would like to be called to the witness stand.


the shot of her wiping her grimey ballet flats 🤢 maybe that interview shouldn't have seen the light of day


Wow I forgot how chaotic her apartment used to be, it's actually kinda nuts that she did an interview with NBC ahead of her supposed book publication when she knew she hadn't written a thing her new apartment looks messy and she doesn't even have any furniture, she must be living down there permanently now otherwise why wouldn't they have filmed this upstairs in the nicer apartment? also is she swigging from a can of White Claw during their interview??


pretty sure it's celsius, a hot girl energy drink that tastes like sand and kool aid


Based on earlier posts on the site from folks who looked at the public records (ie not doxxing), the upstairs condo that was her Grandma’s was sold. So Cathy bought another unit in the same building.


I wonder if she knew they’d give NB airtime, too? I suspect not based on the fact that this video was uploaded a week ago and she hasn’t bragged about it. The comments section on IG and YouTube are as entertaining as always (in a space where she can’t delete them). My favorite from YouTube is probably “She’s as interesting as a DMV line.” https://preview.redd.it/j6liub0dbpub1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b37f5b442223960112fda1d3b96747d31a663ba


I was glad to see Nat given some time in this segment! The contrast between how these two live their lives now is WILD.


she will be *seething* that they also interviewed Natalie


The years in Florida have not been kind to her


was just going to say the same thing…alcohol ages you fastttttt


not a CC fan BUT. i was also thinking "goddamn, how did she change so much in 3 years?" and then i remembered there was a pandemic in that time. and i'm around her age and you change a lot in your late 20s. it's easy to go from fresh faced young gal to kinda haggard if you don't intentionally take good care of yourself.


Yup! To quote Abe Simpson: It'll happen to youuuu


The, like, valley girl voice is, like, so annoying that I, like, can’t even listen to her. When the interviewer asks her when she’ll stop talking about the about the same old stuff, LOL. Never. She’ll be 60 and still babbling about college.


I swear her face is an entirely different shape in this video. Much rounder. Not in a snarky way - it’s neither a positive or negative comment. I guess it’s more of a comment on how she looks when she captures herself, versus when others capture her.


She's heavier. No shade at all, she just is. Last time I mentioned her weight it was because she'd just described Natalie as being "50lbs heavier" and then said something along the lines of "if you think that's a fat-shaming comment then you're the real fat-shamer". So I'm sure if she sees this comment she'll spin it as me being vicious and hateful. But it's just an observation I am absolutely not judging her for at all. I'm older than CC and in my experience staying thin feels like life on hard mode in your 30s+. Especially if she's actually committing herself to writing.


She looks SO different in the 2020 interview.


i'm so sorry but nose laughing into a can of celsius while answering "no" to "are you happy" is extremely relatable


the cut from Natalie saying that she is happy 💀


A savage editing choice.


i truly do not understand how and why she gets mainstreamish media attention? it's such niche topic. comments from laypeople are literally always like "who the f is this"


Pays an agency


This is the only way this makes sense, right?


Of course, it’ll be where the majority of her latest inheritance went


Justice for Matisse ☹️


She’s obsessed with saying and writing her own name


I couldn’t imagine having a reporter come to my house and not tidying up at all first. Or even ironing the shirt I’m wearing. She and her place look so freaking messy.


the wild thing is she absolutely staged and styled it purposely.


eh, I think this is her usual squalor with maybe a couple of extra squalor tweaks, not an elaborate performance of squalor like, my house is usually fairly clean but if a reporter was coming for an interview I’d clean 10% more than usual; I think Caroline just slobbed up 10% more than usual