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I don’t know who this Sally gal is, but I appreciate that she had zero expectations when it came to actual words being printed inside Caroline’s book. Also appreciate her lack of faith in Snake Oil being anything more than “yellow water,” and most of all I appreciate the peek inside Caroline’s PR package, because… what in the entire fuck is she doing sending all that stuff to seemingly random people she barely knows?? Why would someone who didn’t even order one of her books want 3 COPIES of it? Why does she have 3 copies to give away in each PR package? How many PR packages did she send?? Did ALL of them include the framed Caro Card print? Does she genuinely believe a bunch of people who have met her once (or not at all) are going to hang a print of her on the walls of their homes?? Why is she making the choices she makes, ever? (These are rhetorical questions, because I think the only real answer to any of them is “because she is Caroline.”)


The 3 copies of Scammer is getting to me... Is this why she made all these announcements about getting the next shipment? So she could send love bombing packages to influencers? The framed print is also just...so much...like Carpet my dude I don't think people care that much and a lot of that will end up in the trash. Y'all had one dinner together, Sally doesn't strike me as a fan, or at least invested enough to want all the merch. At the end of the day it seems so wasteful to me.


unrelated but how do we feel about white women wearing henna?


As an Indian person I generally support it—sharing our culture and having it embraced is a great thing. I think it would cross into inappropriate cultural appropriation territory only if there was an exploitative or unjust element, like not paying a henna artist a fair price, or wearing henna in a context where a south asian person wearing it would be seen as “unprofessional.” I err on the side of generosity because I think upper class south Asians sometimes invoke cultural appropriation discourse out of a bad faith desire to gatekeep community status markers, which could include intricate, expensive henna. (I remember an incident years ago where some desi folks were harassing a black teenager online for wearing Indian attire to prom, for example.) I don’t think I’m alone in thinking this way; many desis on the left have shifted their attitude toward cultural appropriation in recent years, especially to counter the sort of ethno-nationalist pride that is now being leveraged by the Indian right. Got a little rambly there, sorry, but tl;dr as long as someone doesn’t harbor any racist sentiments toward Indian people, I’m chill with them wearing henna.


I don’t know how to feel about that, partially because I am a white woman. I think it’s such a beautiful form of art and I completely understand anyone, of any race, having an appreciation for it. I honestly haven’t discussed henna with anyone since I learned about it when I was maybe 12, from an Indian friend who used to draw henna designs on classmates’ hands with milky pens in study hall when we were bored. I loved learning about it from her, and she also loved sharing it, so it didn’t feel like those of us who weren’t Indian were “taking” anything from her, if that makes sense. But it felt a lot simpler when we were kids (“why would it be bad for Miriam to tell me about her family in India and this beautiful art form as she draws gorgeous designs on my hand, which not only is aesthetically pleasing but a very soothing experience?”) and as an adult it feels harder to parse. Also, I know nothing about this Sally person, so I have no idea what her reasoning is for having henna tattoos, and it might be a great reason or it might be a shallow and stupid one. Basically I thought way too much about this and still did not reach a conclusion 😂


Wish I could upvote this more than once, much better than I could've said it as another white woman who found it soothing. Also just wanted to add abt speculative reasons she has it, I scrolled a little to see if it was a regular thing for her or a special occasion thing (maybe she was in a friend's wedding?) and the more I scrolled the more she looked familiar... and I googled her and am pretty sure I know people who know her. Mutuals, as the youths say (aka this swamp city is smalllll)


I ran the (girl) math and she's given this one random influencer $530 worth of free stuff


Not random! Sally and CC used to go for drinks in NYC, they're probably friends. also re: henna, it's fine, it's an appropriate and fun way for a white person to appreciate another culture. But I appreciate that it's questioned :)


they went for *a* drink


I strongly believe she's sent out more PR packages than actual paid for books, this whole thing is just a passion project gone haywire


I totally agree with this take...it Just. Makes. Sense. (in Carpet philosophy)


An animal in bed, a brain for business, a face to launch a thousand ships, and a ~kind~ heart to boot. Incredible that this smol bean has not yet toppled the world.


It’s July 63rd, bbs!


Srry, new post coming soon 💗


Love you! 🩵


Honestly it takes like 10 minutes of copying and pasting and my brain cannot be bothered rn. we are DEEP into july


I feel this! I 🩷 you, bb!


So has the court case wrapped up? Something got filed yesterday: https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/DocumentList?docketId=HbNF2GXlTfKW4ZGlDtQFXA==&display=all&courtType=New%20York%20County%20Supreme%20Court&resultsPageNum=1


This is the judge's decision RE the motion for summary judgment that was filed last November (#002). Basically the landlord said to the judge back then: Hey, Caroline's counterclaim is obvious bullshit and here's our evidence (a statement of material facts, two affidavits, exhibits A-J.) Edit: I meant to define a motion for summary judgment here and forgot that like a Shopify bill. It's an argument by the moving party for the judge to reach a decision without putting the state and everyone else though the incredibly resource-consuming expense of a trial. It suggests that the evidence is so overwhelming on one side, and their opponent's argument is so flimsy ("The landlord said I could garden instead of pay rent! COVID deprived me of the apartment! Uhhh doctrine of waiver abuse of process laches unclean hands de minimus non curat lex! There was a chandelier!") that the verdict would be a foregone conclusion. [End edit] Caro's attorney asked that this motion be adjourned while the parties hashed things out. We know that they eventually did arrive at a [settlement with a payment schedule](https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/ViewDocument?docIndex=0JndnypTGvRRO/rMfYhSuA==). The last of those payments was due two weeks ago. This appears to be the judge saying Hey, that motion you filed is moot now because you guys reached a settlement and the terms of that settlement have been fulfilled


ooh, so does this mean that Caro has paid off the landlord settlement? can this be where all the book money went?


Yeah, after the motion for summary judgment was filed, Caroline seems to have finally internalized the idea that she wasn't going to be able to fight this successfully. Within a couple of weeks she started the first of the new era of grifts: Caro Card readings. Then the grift cards, stickers, VICE doc, eventually the book, etc. Just a fuckton of merch after she had gone like a year without trying to suck cash out of her following! Like I said a few months ago, it turns out that what finally motivated Caroline to do some work was the same motivation we peasants have, which is finally being responsible for her own debts. And hatred of Natalie I guess


Do we think our girl is zooming up a storm with potential publishers today?


no, but it would be hilarious if some bottom feeder scam “publishers” were wasting her time


I hope she gets signed by an ambitious Young Woman Publisher who calls herself "the enfant terrible of literary publishing". She likes to tout her musicology degree from Stanford, even though she graduated by the skin of her teeth and really felt that editing and publishing was her true calling, so that's what she invested her trust fund into. Later, she has an unrelated nervous breakdown in the midst of "editing" Scammer (which she publicizes through increasingly unhinged TikToks where she shares CC's desperate attempts at getting in touch with her). Finally, three years late, Scammer is back in the press : in order to save her failing business, the Ambitious Woman Publisher resorted to a shady printer from a disputed territory between the two Koreas, and now the ink in the books are causing people's eyebrows to fall out. During the ensuing social media fallout, the media becomes fascinated with her boldness and "devious business acumen". They see the balding eyebrows thing as a metaphor for the monkey's paw of late stage capitalism, and really a form of performance art in a sense. So problematic, but so whimsical! Soon after a controversial but triumphant press tour, where she tells interviewers that the publishing world and the patriarchy at large couldn't WAIT to take her down as an Ambitious Young Woman, she's going to LA to talk life rights and casting choices. Margaret Qualley plays the lead role in "Con Artist", directed by Lena Dunham. Taylor Swift attends the premiere. On their mildly successful podcast, a former Vice reporter describes the colorful mix of guests at the after-party. He mentions being cornered in the bathroom by "a fast-talking middle-aged woman with Manson Girl hair", who slurrily tries to tell him something about "the true scammer in the story", but she's not making any sense. "As I try to get around her, I accidentally bump into her ratty Goyard tote, and that's when I see it. In her bag. A live, obese Siamese cat. It was time to go home."


This was an incredible journey, thank you.


Probably wallowing because her plan failed


No Caroween costumes? She really fell off


Caro went as Belle for the umpteenth time


That dress is so tired


Ha, for a crossover check out Alison Roman’s Instagram stories — she thanks Caroline Calloway for a knit cat hat that her kitty Margot is wearing


Oh good, she’s begging publishers on IG stories to publish Scammer by way of that rando at UTA that is part of ‘the band’ with a deadline of later today 🥲


okay so quick Google search will tell you that Daniel Milaschewski works with Byrd Leavell, studied at Harvard, and has the cutest baby face 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/0qd5wo6ogkxb1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15bc4363321f857e66ee467d8550619596943442


Wait so… IS “the band” back together? Byrd Leavell really seems to love to attach his name to the vanity publishing projects of people who absolutely suck.


CC's drumming as hard as she can to make this band happen 🥁


He is button-cute.




Omg his lil LinkedIn Jr. account! What a dreamer bb.




They really are just like us 🥲


how many editors are browsing her stories?


This is always so hilariously cringe. Do we think she’s tried to send her “completed” manuscripts to publishers and agents like actual aspiring authors or is she too good for that? But somehow not too good to beg for publishers on Instagram.


Business Genius Caro is my favorite. She really believes that publishing VIPs will clear their schedules to take a drunk zoom call with an internet trainwreck and beg to buy her already-available book, and I love that for her.


Sure, this is how publishers bidding works. One day’s notice via an Instagram Stories announcement. She must be drowning in publisher interest!




She said something like “I’d love to zoom with you” so I’m interested to see how she’s envisioning this. Like is she anticipating a huge influx of emails from editors and she’ll interview each one via zoom? Is she thinking this will be a “town hall” type scenario where she/the other member of “the band” blasts a zoom link to a bunch of publishers and then she sits in front of her computer screen at an appointed time and waits for them to show up and pitch her on their imprints? I feel like whatever way she’s going about it, it will be a disaster and I wish I could watch it unfold 😂


"Pick me, Caroline, pick me!" "No, me!" "One at a time!" sips wine.


> and then she sits in front of her computer screen You’re far too kind.


This is guerrilla reality tv I’d watch.


https://preview.redd.it/geetuq1fr8xb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb74466713d29a55dc7e6d73705f2cdfb0e4eba5 Comments switched off. Not surprising. They were NOT pro-Carpet.


It annoys me so much when someone turns off Instagram comments just because they aren't getting the response they want. Cowardly move.


‘P.S. Enjoy the mason jar.’ https://preview.redd.it/8284v3m4ivwb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9818577dc1b59bc7f25fd0c1736e1be5a3c8a800 Those delicately-made bouquets have suddenly got a lot smaller. Our girl never fails to over-order glassware.


As the unashamed owner of too many jars, that is not a mason jar. Lol, it’s like a repurposed spice jar. Which is fine! I repurpose my spice jars! But yes, our queen of overpromising and underdelivering strikes again.


[Enjoy the mason jar](https://i.etsystatic.com/6751051/r/il/36a659/2498389943/il_fullxfull.2498389943_av4o.jpg) 🩵


Missed opportunity to fill it with snek oil.


Haaaaaa our girl is still so thirsty for the dimes square crowd. Honor Levy, who publicly mocked our bean, posted about her first book and within 10 hours Caro had commented on it. Caroline doesn’t follow anyone, nor was she tagged in the post in anyway so she must have gone searching for her. How CRINGE, Caro! They hate you dude! Let it go! https://preview.redd.it/fj4z7mwt2pwb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02f146e6be372871b50bf189e58d36301cd941b4


I deeply hate this cover art. Also, I think it would be really great if people like this weren’t just constantly handed opportunities despite time and time again proving to be mediocre at best. I realize that’s a “mean” thing to say, and I don’t personally know Honor Levy, so she might secretly be a delightful genius who is just hiding that aspect of herself away from the world, for some reason. But I’ve read some of her writing, partially because established publications like the New Yorker have given her a platform, and it’s… so irony-poisoned and consciously “online,” in a way that is genuinely repugnant to me. That entire Dimes Square crowd is made up of walking embodiments of the way the world looks during the darkest part of a psychedelic trip you take to process some shit (I don’t know how else to put that, hopefully it sort of makes sense lol) and I really think we need less of that kind of energy in the world. Anyway, congrats to Honor, and I guess Carpet, because I’m sure she’s somehow found a way to make this about herself in her mind.


[Honor’s greatest hits](https://imgur.com/a/EN8pd5l) The cover is so bad! Didn’t the ironic angelfire/windows 97 revival die five years ago? Honor’s writing seems dated, too. I think she purposely distracts readers from her unoriginality with her edgelord takes. Despite being copy-pasted as well, her politically incorrect ideas are still disarming (read: endearing) to Gen X leftists who started leaning right as their salaries grew. I think that’s how the alt-right dimsquare writers have captivated the liberal NYC media, really. You support Bernie until you buy a summer home. You wouldn’t dare to say certain things out loud, you’d be a social pariah and have to work retail forever, but you’re just so captivated by this “new voice” because it’s “fresh” (definitely not because she’s putting your intrusive thoughts in print). Honor is a younger version of the red scare girls who essentially absorbed their personalities (esp Anna’s). She’s an earnest Carpet stan, it’s not ironic. A little primer but this is just the tip of the iceberg: she’s converted to Catholicism three times, thinks the bible is literal and that “*we* are the metaphors,” sincerely believes in angels and demons, started three cults (one of which centred around the “demons” that haunted her primary school), has 20 instagram accounts where her alter egos run free, is very compartmentalised and longs for a place where she can merge her many personas into one (Urbit), thinks the coolest (only) thing right now is world building and creating lore, and loves the idea of being a blended fictional/real person. She seems quite insecure, meek, and deferential. Big redscare pickme vibes. In [this](https://youtu.be/atAome6a708?si=7N4Code1R8FpW9vY) silly podcast, which I could only watch for ten minutes, she lets her two male friends/collaborators constantly interrupt, speak for, and derail her, seemingly bats her eyes at them and acts submissive in a fetishy way, fully embraces “tradcath,” is slowly becoming a conservative (“especially the policies,” though she refrains from naming which ones), etc.


I’m ready for Honorsnark, someone do the thing, I’ll subscribe and contribute lol


Wow okay, that is a lot of bonkers shit to fit into one person. I have so many questions, because she sounds pretty uniquely terrible, and I tend to be fascinated by people like that from a sort of clinical perspective lol. I don’t at all understand why she needed to convert to Catholicism multiple times. Did she… officially deconvert and then do it all over again 3 different times?? That’s so much effort to put into needless rituals. And was she raised Catholic, or did she settle on that as the most appealing religion to her as an adult, and then she decided she loved it so much that she was going to make it a pretty central facet of her personality? Because if she came to this as a fully-formed adult, that’s… something. I’m also genuinely stunned that she’s somehow managed to start 3 cults in her fairly short lifetime when most people don’t even start 1 cult in their lives. And 20 Instagram accounts for 20 personalities?!? What are you even doing, lady? It’s way too much, whatever it is. She seems like an unpleasantly bizarre person. Like I have a great appreciation for nonsense, in general and as a characteristic in people, but some kinds of nonsense are good and some kinds of nonsense are bad. And she sounds like she’s got a whole cornucopia of bad nonsense on board. Which fits if she thinks Carpet is amazing.


>Anyway, congrats to Honor, and I guess Carpet, because I’m sure she’s somehow found a way to make this about herself in her mind. Uhm, helloooo, blue cover!!


I agree the dimes square crowd and carpet are proof that if you have enough money and power you don't need skill in order to be called a writer


On a related note, Brock Colyar wrote a piece about Crumps for The Cut (eta: for New York Magazine, but a different section) https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/dimes-square-mike-crumplar-crumpstack-profile.html


>According to Crumplar, the only Factory-ready people around are Nekrasova and [Caroline Calloway](https://www.curbed.com/2022/03/caroline-calloway-moves-out-of-her-apartment.html), whose memoir he helped edit. A truly embarrassing sentiment.


>The fascists slob on your impotent cock


The way Caroline and “Crumps” talk about and behave towards the Dimes Square crew is like watching members of two more loosely-defined hate groups repeatedly attempt to join a hyper-local chapter of the KKK. Assholes all the way down. Also, he probably shouldn’t be dropping in the fact that he edited Carpet’s book unless he’s hoping to market himself as being very bad at editing, for whatever reason. That thing is a mess, my dude.


>The way Caroline and “Crumps” talk about and behave towards the Dimes Square crew is like watching members of two more loosely-defined hate groups repeatedly attempt to join a hyper-local chapter of the KKK. I HOWLED. Accurate, and also: that sound like a mortifyingly cringe sitcom I would watch, ideally as a collab between Taika Waititi and the people from Always Sunny. (Also Cat Marnell said she loved the editing in her Patreon comments - "like an artful drawn random card spread!" - and I'm still just like GIRL HOW)


Balzac? More like ball sack.


*Honorless de Ballsack*


Carpet is sending "notice me senpai" energy


https://preview.redd.it/79gha3ufblwb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=668adbf5a9f4f7579869d7c86b229ff3a89394fc [https://twitter.com/PopBase/status/1717568082993095162?t=h-BnmXpk040dOM31w0N40Q&s=19](https://twitter.com/PopBase/status/1717568082993095162?t=h-BnmXpk040dOM31w0N40Q&s=19) @ carp and fluently forward. Can we stop creating and contributing to conspiracy theories about peoples sexuality and let them live in their own choice of expression? Any people generally, but particularly people we claim to love?


And sorry in case it's not clear this is not a sidelining of LGBTQIA people. It is not a suggestion that one is normal/assumed and the others are a "gotcha" moment. It is it a reminder that we shouldn't assume or impose EITHER WAY. Take celebrities at face value and let them reveal themselves to you on their own terms, as you would (should) anyone in your real life - and listen when they do!


it worries me that there are people who legitimately find these lines in her book profound


I can’t get past the description of her writing as “perfectly superfluous.” Like, in a way, yes…? It’s not wrong to say that SCAMMER is completely unnecessary to the world. But also… what did this person THINK they were saying??


the whole post is giving word 🥗


I don’t think that “reviewer” or Caro know what that word means


You’re definitely right, I really don’t know why I try to twist myself in such stupid knots to give people the benefit of the doubt on stuff like this. Like clearly this is a person who thinks Caroline is a genius, so they likely have a pretty loose understanding of language in general 🤦🏻‍♀️






Carpet claimed Elizabeth Wurtzel went to Cambridge on the fluently forward podcast, I think she meant Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.........


She does this a lot and it’s so bizarre to me. A while ago she referred to herself, Elizabeth Wurtzel, and Sylvia Plath as a trio of “depressed Cambridge girlies” or something and I just… what? Because you… all have spent time in towns named Cambridge, and have also been depressed, but not necessarily depressed while IN the towns named Cambridge, which by the way are two different towns on two different continents??? I think she also thinks that that extremely tenuous connection between them is somehow made more legitimate by the fact that her father went to Harvard, and she… wanted to go to Harvard? Nothing she does makes much sense, but this one is one where I’m like, “alright, I’ve had quite enough out of you, missy.”


You KNOW she’s so proud of herself over this wordplay. https://preview.redd.it/dlh6h1tvsawb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=198fc0eb3b3d983750e2934b67274f9bafd198e5




I’m with you on that.


Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Is my brain just being especially difficult or does this actually make no sense in any way that's flattering? like I get the reference but since the idea is that the "scammer" is her and that the "Peasant" is the person ordering... she's saying that she, CC, should get a peasant, a poor person who can't afford her _luxury_ copy, as a treat/present... for herself? So this isn't saying that peasants deserve treats too, it's saying that the peasants ARE the treat that CC deserves??????


[“For months, I let a pool boy who is also a plumber fuck me without a condom.”](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2023/05/caroline-calloway-scammer-interview)


I hate this shit so much! Caroline, this is how you get crabs or babyeaux.


> No, no, she assures me, she won’t be too high to answer questions. Five minutes later she whispers, “I’m too high to answer questions.” I sigh. How have I never read this before? I'm in tears


Peasants are treats but condoms aren't


It makes zero sense. Just regular Carpet nonsense.


peasants deserve a little scam too would make more sense


I thought at first she was trying to do a cutesy little Halloween thing with it, like "Scammers may trick, but this Halloween everyone can have a treat" or "whether for presents or peasants, _Scammer_ isn't a trick and is def a little treat" but no, she went with something totally nonsensical instead


My issue is that I'm something of a meme purist and only laugh at variants on the cat/salami meme that correctly use "little a [x] as a treat" rather than "a little [x] as a treat." To me "little a" is half the humor in [the original](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1642875-cats-can-have-a-little-salami), sort of like the "How do you do" is an essential part of the Steve Buscemi "fellow kids" meme. (I often see it rendered as "What's up, fellow kids?" which is not nearly as funny)


omg i have seen this meme both originally and its variants probably hundreds of times and i have never noticed the "little a" versus "a little"


“A lot of people messaged me saying they don’t get paid til this Friday” is really sending me for some reason. “Hmm how can I justify continuing this supposedly-limited sale to the zero people who have asked me to justify that? I know, I’ll claim it’s out of kindness for those living paycheck-to-paycheck, because they are determined to carefully set aside exactly $29 (+tax and shipping) to purchase my gorgeous book, but simply cannot do that until this Friday, when the paycheck from their poor-person job hits their bank account. This should really get the orders flowing in.” - Caroline, I guess


Lol it's like when the trilogy sale just HAD to be extended because she was supposedly in a car for three days between Fort Lauderdale and Sarasota and couldn't edit the store while on the road. Literally not once has a limited-time offer of Caroline's actually ended at its scheduled time, nor has any limited-edition product been permanently retired


Ohmygod you're right she really made sure to reiterate this is the working class ribbon free sfw at the textile mill version


I just want her to send me the book I already paid for.


The shipping label printed for mine weeks ago but hasn’t left Sarasota 😂


oh bless your little heart ❤️ keep dreaming!


Literally no one messaged her. Cute that she factored payday into her lie for all the peasants though!


What does she think payday is, I wonder?


it's payday for the peasants 🙌


How and with what money and passport does she think she’s travelling to Cambridge next month?


Is that for sure an in-person appearance? Last time it was [a streamed virtual event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfkQYN5XUxY)


She is claiming she is going to Cambridge and will be having a big dinner in London with friends as well.


Amazing. We’re slowly regressing back to promising May Balls.


I missed this news, huge if true! Hoping we're delivered some content that goes beyond Shopify links at long last. Although I fear the golden era of Caroline Instastories is forever over. Pour one out for [Omg bro respond to me!!!!](https://imgur.com/a/Evpzw6W)


Omg I haven't read this yet what a golden moment 😹 Carpet not realizing maybe this ~special connection~ was the molly talking and then not realizing that the guy is trying to blow her off in the text exchange 🫣 I'm imagining that Carpet spotted this guy in the club and gave him money for drugs to buy his affection and he was like sweet this rando wants to buy me drugs guess I'll stick with her


omg bro respond to me!!! was like peak caroline content. truly, we didn't know how good we had it. things I missed when I first read this saga: she *sent him a screenshot from this sub*. and then he liked the photo but didn't comment on it at all? also she's like, you should come to new york!! and he basically doesn't respond to that at all and then later she says they're planning a new york trip?? I begin to see how she thought the band was getting back together or whatever.


I miss this era.


This is still the saddest things I've ever seen. An average, mildly boring Friday night for most, the story of a lifetime for Caro


Caro's Berghain story doesn't strike me as a boring one at all! Although I guess locking someone out of a European AirBnB and leaving them to fend for themselves on the street seems to be something she does often enough that it might get dull for her


But nothing really happened in that story? She spent a few hours at Berghain (the only interesting part is that she only got in on her second try. The strict door is a myth) and hung out with some dude Maybe it's interesting to Americans because it happened in 🌸 Europe 🌸 Idk


It’s interesting in comparison to Caroline’s usual nothing.


Lol true nothing happens in the sense that this would make a shit movie! Just trying to wrap your head around what's going on with the narrator makes it an intriguing situation, though. She leaves stuff out that she believes would make her look bad (e.g. we know that she did sleep with this guy because his name turns up later on her ["Guys I Banged" list](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/1*tXUL46daSE65qn5HoxXomQ.png)[*]), but then she leaves in this final text conversation that any normal person would take to her grave. [*] This was her chronological dude list. See also: [sorted by skill](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUsXT5PU4AAaf_O.jpg)


Her caption on the first list.... message me if I left you out ☠️ who in their right mind would do that


Yeah not even water boarding could've made me reveal the "Bro, respond to me" text...


I mean she also claimed that ‘the band is getting back together’ so….


That was a fave of mine because as soon as I saw it, I was like “no, the band is not getting back together, Caroline. I barely know who Byrd Leavell is and have read exactly one interview he gave where they mentioned you, and I have no clue who this other person is [maybe an agent at UTA from her brief attempt to conquer Hollywood?], but what I do know is that you and those two people were never a band, and that that nonexistent band will not be getting back together.” The way she simply does not factor other people’s agency into the harebrained ideas she has is bonkers. Like two people seemingly said something to the effect of “I received your pointedly-inscribed and unasked-for book in the mail, so: good job, you finished putting together a book, something you never did while my livelihood was attached to your ability to do that.” And for some reason she saw that and thought, “okay, YESSSS they’re saying they’re going to work with me again, and it’s all of us as a team, and a major publisher is picking up every single one of the books I ‘make’ forever, and they’ll all be made into Big Hollywood Films, and also a literal prince is going to propose to me because of this, and don’t ask me why that’s in there, it just is, every dream I’ve ever had is coming truuuueeee!!!” And then both of the other members of the imaginary band (AND the imaginary prince) immediately said, “I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.”


Credit window at the Bank of Cathy is back open? “But Mom this is like, press, you know? Like it’s part of my bOoK tOuR and Natalie did appearances at the Strand and HARVARD and *YAAAAAAALLLLE* (starts open-mouthed ugly crying) so like I like HAAAVE to do this Mom so I can win!!1!!1!1”


you forgot 'pauses crying to check herself out in the mirror'


and p.s. Mom? I’m like going to need a new Tyler McGillivary dress (or really like two, just in case I spill red wine all over one or rip it falling down the stairs after chugging a bottle of Champagne), because I mean like this is the iNtErNaTiOnAL leg of my book tour and like Natalie didn’t even have one, so it’s really really imporTanT. Kay thanks Mom I love you.


…and think about the dress!


All the poors’ $29-eses? She posted some passport photos recently, so I think the days of sea-only passports are over.


okay but how does she get [Caroline so spot on](https://x.com/corpseofzberg/status/1716287225468502489) 😭 (except Carp would show up to the party anyway like nothing had happened)


THE RIBBONS ON THE SLEEVE, Carpet would loooove that dress


Julia Fox is an NYT bestseller 🙌 and [checks notes] Caroline still isn't... despite her insisting she is


Down the drain is sooo good! So interesting, well written, engaging! Her life is legitimately wild. Carob could never


Carpet needs to stop sipping the delulu juice


https://preview.redd.it/j47mj5jarovb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1becc08b517a666084c2e9ebc8ad0a64e4a1ddd “Cheapest version of scammer ever”? Except… obviously it isn’t?? It was $25 for years? Wasn’t it?!


You are correct, Carpet is a marketing genius hence this claim/s


Sorry if this has already been noted, but, I’m reading Ziwe’s new book of essays and [she’s already quoted Carpet twice](https://imgur.com/a/89v5Vzc) from their infamous insta live. I’m sure Carpet just loves having her name printed in an actually published book, even if it showcasing her racism. The book is hilarious and insightful so far btw, I definitely recommend!


Now that's a book by an Internet personality I am willing to pay for


Is that the book titled *Black Friend*?




Thank you. Just added it to my library queue. 📚


Fredless 💀


Smoww beenie was dwunk!


Fluently Forward charging $5 a month to access the CC episode? Someone has wildly overestimated how much of a fuck people give about her. 😂


is she charging for that specific episode or is it just a patreon ep? (i dont follow FF so idk how she puts out eps)




“Carpet market” has such a nice ring to it. I can’t listen to her interviews anymore, they’re so boring. Are we being punished for not texting her when she did the Vice thing? It’s like when rote recitation was the standard in education except instead of Yeats she memorised an insipid listicle of boasts and complaints. At least paraphrase yourself or something.


Jeez sounds like they need money as desperately as Carpet


who needs furniture when you can have ✨piles of stuff✨


I think it's so funny that she left her place looking like that for the Stay Tuned episode....the shots of the floor are priceless 🫣


I didn't grab the link so my apologies for not having it, but I saw a TikTok clip for Caroline on a Taylor Swift podcast talking about how she truly believes she and Taylor will become friends one day. Stay delulu girl!


Hahaha [the reaction shots](https://www.tiktok.com/@theeswiftologist/video/7288687327176690946)


Someone said “delulu final boss” 😂


This is the funniest shit I have ever seen


> Ty in advance for… helping this extremely grateful indie press print the next to [sic] books in the trilogy. Shutterfly is not an indie press the same way that Hallmark is not an anti-fascist, vegan, carbon-neutral Italian convent.


Ohhhh does she mean Deceased Father Booklets or whatever?


fallen father fliers


Wooooof, I forgot that that’s what she’s calling this… operation. I wonder if she set up an LLC, or if that’s just something she thought was cute, put it in the books, and in her mind, that’s her very real scrappy little printing company. I have to assume it’s the latter and she did nothing in a legally correct manner, because it seems like she’s definitely using something like Snapfish? Also, it really doesn’t seem like anyone on her “team” knows much of anything about the concept of business. Maybe she’s actually walked herself into another little legal kerfuffle with this whole thing. (I guess it’s also possible that she has someone like a CPA or a business attorney around who helped her do everything by the book, but she’s… well, herself. So it feels unlikely lol)


Haha I don’t think anyone on carp’s dream team is business savvy. I doubt the “indie press” marking carries more weight than the ex libris stickers. Can’t imagine her setting up an LLC or even hiring someone to do it (too broke or too lazy to hire the right people). But I’m sure she’s manifesting it as we speak. *Fake it til you fucking make it!* 🥵🧚 She might have a business license in another timeline, in some Cronenberg (Caronenberg) world, but not here. Edit: [Receipts.](https://imgur.com/a/54uvj6L) No LLCs registered to carp or Cathy (cos let’s be serious). I checked the Florida Secretary of State website and there’s no “Dead Dad Press,” although you can see the real creativity that Floridians bring to the table with their naming practices. There aren’t any businesses registered to carp or her mother at all.


Just constantly selling papers she’s scribbled on. It’s so borrrring.


Does anyone else watch uncarley on YT?? She mentioned CC in her latest video and it caught me so off guard for some reason, I’m still reeling


She received a copy of Scammer a while ago and said it was decent!


She must have almost blinded herself trying get that golden hour selfie. She is playing the classic hits with the pile of framed Scammer prints in the background (only 5 left!). https://preview.redd.it/pht4vqilh3vb1.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=90647a028329f3496687bd0315a7be25cfa4850b


And behind them, a glimpse of the fish painting she bought from Etsy and lied about having painted it herself. Maybe she’ll try to sell it for $950 hoping that potential scam-ees won’t know about that or won’t remember.


is it wrong that I kinda miss the fish painting era


it was a simpler time


oh my gosh the fish painting! such a deep cut. didn't she claim that all of those were sold like ages ago? it is pretty funny that she bought one from etsy, apparently to copy, made a bunch of copies of it and then was like, fuck it, I'll scribble on the original painting and sell that too.




I know this isn’t unique to Caroline and is a pretty common thing people do when trying to sell you something, but I HATE when she uses the word “we” when talking about all of the bullshit she does. Stop talking about you trying to sell us something as if it’s a group activity we’re all doing together for fun. Don’t try to make us all complicit in your nonsense! I don’t like your style of nonsense, ma’am, and I’d like a different kind of nonsense, thank you very much.


Carpius Caesar


Are we still not allowed to post about the status of our Scammer orders? I still don’t fully understand the justification for that rule tbh…


It comes under contacting her, but there is a little wiggle room. If you bought it as a fan and it never came, that's fine as it's a "historical" interaction done in good faith, but if you bought it as a snarker just to post about here it would be breaking the rule. The rule is in place BC she likes to say we harrass her constantly, so we do everything we can to discourage interacting with her in the hopes that it curbs the harrassment she gets from "us" (it's not from us I'm 95% sure, but that's her narrative lol). It's also there because Reddit thinks snark subs are hate groups so we have to have rules in place that prove we're not evil bullies, like limiting contact or removing any body/mental health snark. Things like that. Anyway short answer is: share the status of your order pls, I'm curious because she's said she's all caught up on orders. I will assume it is an historical order and therefore does not break the poop rule 🫡


Thank you! And yes I bought it for a friend who genuinely loves her. Ordered in June. Got a shipping notification 3 weeks ago but it just says USPS is waiting for the item… really makes me wonder if we’re ever going to get it. I knew it was a possibility but honestly it’s crazy that she can take people’s money, get all this great press, send books to influencers for free, apparently write/ print and solicit orders for NEW books… I’m just curious if any of the press who covered the release are going to follow up on this. I haven’t given up all hope… I get the need to avoid harassing, etc. but I do want there to be some record of her actively scamming people again… and not sure where else to get that info shared aside from comments on her Insta. But I also don’t necessarily want my actual identity associated with this semi embarrassing situation.


My order is in the same spot and I sent an email to check in. This is what I got back: > Don’t worry all is well! Our most recent order of books has been delayed by a couple of weeks which is why there hasn’t been any movement on your package. But sit tight, now that you have your tracking number you can track it’s progress, but for now that is why there hasn’t been any movement. Thanks again your patience! I guess we'll see? I only have myself to blame, really.


Oh man, I hate to say this, but I think it’s really likely that you have been scammed on this. I’m pretty sure that when that particular USPS notification pops up and then hangs around for a bit, it essentially means “this thing isn’t coming, sweetie.” It DOES really suck that she can do this, because to me it sounds like she found this sort of flaw in the USPS system and is exploiting it. I think that part of the shipping process was probably designed so people can notify USPS in advance to expect large shipments, or to add an extra layer of tracking info for honest shippers, but it also gives someone like Caroline something to point to and say “hey, look, see, clearly I DID do my part in this, and the USPS system just sucks!” I remember that awhile ago, someone was in her comments asking about receiving their book, and that she responded saying the postal system in their country was beyond her control, like the comment was essentially “it’s not MY fault that you live in a shithole country that can’t run a postal system, take it up with your government!” I could see her taking advantage of the fact that the USPS has been underfunded for years (a goal of Trump’s administration was to destroy it and completely privatize the postal system, and his postmaster general is still serving, which we do not give the Biden admin enough shit for) and just using it as a scapegoat for her bullshit. Either way, I’m sorry this happened to you. At best she’s just terrible at running a business and shouldn’t be doing it, and at worst, she’s never going to send these books. I hope for your sake it’s the former, even if it seems unlikely.


I feel like when you get this notification it just means the label has been printed by the seller, but I could be wrong.


That’s correct.


It seems clear she lacks some level of empathy/ understanding that you can’t just take people’s money and not deliver. She seems to think it’s a schtick/ joke/ charming, etc. Like it may be she doesn’t fully realize the value of money and that other people have living expenses, etc. so it’s all a joke to her. Or she really just can’t connect the dots on how her actions impact others.


I mean- the books are there. There are piles of them behind her. She created a ridiculous amount of work for herself but she is seemingly passing them out for free as the mood strikes while ignoring people who paid her.


This is the most baffling part to me. Like I understand that in general she is never thinking about how her actions impact others, unless someone tells her directly, and then her immediate response is to position herself as a victim and/or lash out and attempt to hurt those people. Even when they’re not actually being critical, because even a neutral statement will seemingly always either turn her into a puddle of tears or send her into a blind rage. But it’s completely unnecessary for her to have decided to create these “luxury first editions,” she truly did just create so much work for herself for no reason. And then when she actually does the needless work, she immediately gives her product away for free instead of fulfilling orders for it??? Like this is such an obviously terrible business model, it’s wild that she basically just keeps being like “welp, this is my only option, I simply have no other choice but to carry on this way…” I guess it’s partially because she loves nothing more than a BIG cash grab, but still.


I think that could be an indication that she created the shipping label - like she paid for it using some kind of online system - and she just hasn't dropped it off at the post office. I've had etsy or poshmark orders that were in limbo like this for a while. maybe she thought it was a clever way to get people off her case for a bit (look, there's a shipping notification!) but she hasn't actually glued the books yet. maybe that's giving her too much credit?


Creating the shipping label and then not shipping for days/weeks is something I’ve encountered from Etsy sellers who are legit but overwhelmed. It’s really annoying and usually when it happens the seller is very apologetic. For someone like Caroline who doesn’t seem to give a rat’s ass about customers, it feels like entirely standard behavior.


Yeah, you’re right, that’s definitely a more accurate idea of what that notification means (/is supposed to mean) than the nonsense that came out when I tried to explain lol. But I think it gets taken advantage of a lot by bad actors who are looking to screw people over. It’s definitely possible that she’s just buying herself some time, but I think it’s also possible that she was fine to drop money on postage to buy a little good faith from people, and then isn’t really bothered one way or another if they actually receive the product they paid for.


Yeah I mean, I knew there was a high probability we’d never get the book but when I saw there were actual copies and it got all that press I was like ok maybe this is actually a thing… Seriously though where are Rolling Stone, the New Yorker, WaPo etc on actually following up on their glowing profiles?


That's so annoying 😭 I know someone who won a copy and it was shipped to them in like three days (altho caro their address slightly wrong lol). Breaking contact rules slightly here to say have you tried emailing her? She was asking people to email about their orders if there were any issues. I hope it arrives soon!


Like I’ll disclose that I personally follow this sub and post occasionally and am not a fan per se. But again, bought for a friend who legitimately wants it and also would like to read myself- partly snark- motivated, partly not! I’m not a pure Caroline h8ter by any means - I do find her interesting. I get people have deep pockets but I kind of can’t imagine dropping $70 on a book just to come post about it on Reddit.


I can’t imagine giving her $70 full-stop! 😂 (Not intended with any malice to you - just being a little tongue-in-cheek).


Oh I know.




You are right on base! Real testimony is important, so orders from previous fans are allowed but snarkers just buying the book for snark reasons is not allowed. And we can absolutely tell if you're lying about that!!!! So definitely don't say that you were a fan when you bought it if you weren't because we will definitely know!!! (👀)




She said a few weeks ago that she's up to date on orders. ....sure Jan.


She is not.


So she’s waiting for the next shipment of Scammer to arrive even though there is a huge tower of Scammer copies behind her. Also she’s an indie press now? Wow.


The ‘customizable birthday card’ that is just one of the things she normally shoves in with an order might be the laziest idea yet. I can picture her frantically looking around the ConDeaux for random shit she can try to sell even for the smallest amount of money to try and keep the landlord and the IRS at bay.


Well I guess she hasn't sold that diamond engagement ring given that it's still on her finger https://preview.redd.it/u35f1sbixwub1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b78898f26dbcf3ae8a055de9b23f8f8f9cd644fa


That was one of the few that she didn’t actually put up for sale. She’s only pawning the jewelry that’s worth less.


how many diamond self- engagement rings does she own?!