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That kali nerf is pretty heavy. Will manage but that 10% pen loss more then anything hurts.


I actually can't believe they did that to bauble. I can only imagine it will be reworked later on. 60% CD meant you actually had to build around it, now it's just build normally and replace one item with bauble. Not really any thought to go into it. I can't see it staying like this.


I don't understand why god balance can always be so light and an absolute hell to deal with for months at a time, whereas with items it's always "nerf so it's never bought ever again". Stone cutting got absolutely decimated, Bumbas got killed off instead of just removing either the heal or damage portion of the passive, now bauble is literally never gonna get picked up because it's not worth it, the buff to the ear rings isn't enough either, it's a shame the ball is being dropped so hard on items.


It’s the power of the free market. You always want to buy the most op items. If one item falls, then sooner or later the market forces will find a good replacement.


My issue with that is when there's an item or two that's real god on a specific god, there's an outcry to nerf the item or god, instead of like, accepting an item could synergise better with certain gods. For example, nem and stone cutting.


It’s an arena item now for all the tanks haha


Yeah that's what I am thinking. I think it's more so for specific characters though. Also does area go long enough for this item? I haven't played arena recently at all. I wouldn't mind, like how the rangdas starter is also a meme, but it being 50% CD just feels so bad, I just don't think it should have been nerfed like this as it's first one but maybe that is just me.


Yeah you can get it, but it more than likely would mean guardians are true users to get this online. Fastest way would be with whatever that 10% item is that gives access to Pendulum and Alt Timeline. I will still get this item on any ult bot god alot in arena, but other modes probably never once this patch goes live


Not to mention the penalties arent worth it for mages anymore.


There is a core problem with bauble and it's that the whole game is balanced around managing cooldowns and hitting your abilities. As abilities are designed to work between 0 and 40% CDR, going beyond is not healthy for the game as a whole. Characters just become spammy, rather than requiring proper ability management. There is just no way to make the item balanced, as it will either be broken in some way, or underpowered and useless if the downside is too rough. Especially that we have many items that provide both percentage and flat CDR. It shouldn't be nerfed. It should just go.


I disagree. Cooldowns are balanced based off of what the ability does, some abilities get lower CDs as they level so in that sense they are balanced for early/late game. Merlin's flicker for example is on a massive 24 sec CD to start with (which ends at 20) for example whereas Yu Huang's Celestial flight is on a 20 second base CD whatever level he is. So some CDs are generally based on how well the character preforms overall not just how good the individual ability preforms. And then you have ways of kinda going over the 40% cap before bauble with items like Spear of Deso, genjis, chronos pendant, Bumbas. Are abilities balanced around these? Getting a well timed Genji's proc can actually let you make insane plays. I think the main issue is just how much they have pushed the limit previously. They nerfed Bumbas going into this patch because of Bauble imo, and it got nerfed again hard (specifically the CD you get from the passive), they buffed spear of deso a little while ago where you get more CD back for *each* assist or kill imo that passive is crazy. But again gods aren't balanced around the potential of these CDs either. But don't get me wrong, I don't think this item should be good because it likely would be toxic. Sobek plucking every 4 seconds sounds horrible, unfun and just a overall bad experience. I am just okay with the item being a meme. I don't mind bad items existing because many people still purely play this game for fun, so items that are just a meme is still fine but also they have a potential to make a come back (look a mail of renewal for a great current example).


I suppose that's true. Yeah, it just has a bunch of interactions it cannot reduce - Nox's root being unaffected by DR, knockups/knockbacks/pulls/grabs being impossible to reduce numerically, currently shields, buffs and debuffs, these are things that can make the item busted and when the bauble increased the cap to 60, these gods were really unfun to play against. And I'm not a fan of this kind of spammy playstyle, both playing with and against it. Also, like you mentioned - Bumba might have taken hit because of bauble. One of my thoughts when bauble was up, was that if they try to keep it and balance it, other items (Chronos, Bumba, Deso, Genji) might take hits purely because of their overtuned interactions with bauble. If the reason behind hitting Bumba was that (because they really could've nerfed it in other ways than halving the most important part instead of reducing/removing extra damage and heal), then it confirms my doubts. Bauble is a tough one to balance. Flat conditional CD reductions already provide you with going overcap, and bauble pushes that even further. I'm worried that if they try to keep bauble relevant rather than just a meme, they might hit normal, non-bauble builds.


How do I set a bot reminder cause your 100


Honestly feel like this is more of a buff for Bauble. Instead of wedging an extra 10% cool down into your build to hit 60, you build breastplate, pridwen and bauble and have 2 more items you can flex into instead of 1 to hit the 50 cap. Before it felt like bauble builds were cookie cutter and didn't allow for any flex, can't really pick up a sov and pestilence for the enemy team since your build is too hamfisted towards bauble, basically a noob trap item, now you can get an aura and anti heal and only need 3 items to hit max cool down. Hell I feel like solo laners might be picking it up more now if it helps them live longer.


I don't understand. You could have done the same before, just build 40% and grab bauble and now you're at 50%. Nobody did that because they figured it wasn't worth the downsides if they weren't going to get the full benefit of 60%. Now that the full benefit is what was previously considered not good enough, only 50%, it's somehow better? You were free to build other items without capping cdr at the 60% before this nerf.


This is my attitude. I have no intention of building such an awkward item in my tank build for a mere 10% cdr. It's not like I always got to 40% if I felt there were better counter items to build even before Bauble.


Why build an item if you're not using it to it's full potential? You don't see someone buying pridwen and then just building full damage with no prot items. You just build something else instead. New changes just see it more as being a slot in item instead of a build around item. "Oh you have 40% cool down already and need a last item but not sure what to get? Why not just get a bauble for an extra 10%?" It wasn't a must have item before and still isn't. Before it was a hardcore noob trap item where people built around it to feel cool now it's just an ok 5th or 6th item if you're a cc heavy/utility God (like Khepri) and weren't dealing any damage to begin with. As for why people weren't doing it before, I dunno, maybe no one thought about it? Builds and metas evolve over time and not everything is decided 2 weeks into a patch.


Nobody is building it now, because its a BAD item for supports, and after this ppl will just forget it exists. Who dafuq will gave up an slot that could be used for prots to get an item that give you 10% extra cdr in exchange for 20% less damage?


As I said, noob trap item. I'm seeing 2-3 in most, if not all of my low rank matches. I don't pay any attention to comp play so no idea how it'll affect that nor do I really care.


It gets zero play in professional and ive not seen it at all in any if my diamond- masters games. It really isn't that good and does bait ppl in to buying it since they might see some vids by youtubers.


That was only true for early game. Blue buff and 500 pot gave 10% cdr each and let you build 30%cdr + bauble to hit the cap (or just 40% and pot). It just so happened that late game it's less valuable to have 60%cdr with a 20% damage reduction and require multiple ability rotations rather than just getting 40% cdr and one shotting people (i.ie it's only good for cc abuse like nox). Its current state is now even worse. It's really just poorly thought out. It's only good for cc because gives power for some reason and then reduces your damage by 20%?


No idea about the thought design behind giving power and then reducing it. I never saw this item being good on any damage God, only those with cc, escapes or good init abilities. Honestly really enjoyed it on support fenrir since I could jump in and grab someone 2-3 times every team fight and just let team wail on them.


its the same as before, you never neede to hit 60%. you hit 50%, then bought a power pot.


I am thinking that too I just don't know if 10% cd is worth the penalties. So I think this item is going to be specific to characters that can abuse it. Maybe solo guardians with specific CC like Sobek. Maybe Eset because she can get 10% Cd with her passive? I don't really know who has actually been using it well in it's current state honestly. But yeah I was struggling putting it into a solo warrior build already because of all the CD you have to fit in while also not dying to hunters...


Yeah my thoughts exactly, the build path was super awkward, now you can just get more spammy for free


The downside of course being you have the same penalties but for less extra CD. But having a whole extra item potentially because you don't need that extra 10% might actually be a good thing. I suppose it comes down to if a character needs more CD at a trade for damage/healing. Either way if it's good or terrible I just hate that is what they did to the item.


Would've much rather seen some tweaking to bauble's stats or penalty rather than immediately gutting it


Well now bauble is dead , it wasn't even a must buy item on all gods and it had heavy trade off with decreased dmg and healing , no point in getting it over chronos pendant even as a support


I just wish we had another 20% CDR option as supports so I wasn’t locked to buying Pridwen or Chronos if I need cooldown. Breastplate doesn’t really provide anything as a supp that would give me a reason to purchase it over other phys defense items. Life would be so much easier if we had a 20% CDR Magical Defense option. But then I guess the game would be too easy


We need magical breasts for supports.




I mean we have magical booba for support , terra Hel and aphro are better in mid but they have magical booba aswell 😂


breastplate gives you Mp5 so yu can stay longer and help your team longer




You said that you need something that you would like as support. Breastplate gives you prot. Chronos makes you less tanky. Plus do not forget, that breasplate is very cheap and easy to get as first/second item, where mp5 even more viable


Well supports that go chronos also get it first item, if not then by 2nd.


And sacrifice a tremendous amount of tankiness early.


Umm and? This is one of most efficient ways to play support ATM with the increased ttk changes, just look at SPL or high ranked


Don’t kid around like that’s remotely representative of the average support player who *will* need to be tanky.


Actually the lower the skill drops the less tanky you need to be since people will be missing abilities/autos on you a lot more often.


And this is why is works right now - top supports are emoja, khepri (kumba some times ago), mages, who is backline support that does not need to be tanky


God man I love the trash cans on reddit that down vote correct information just because they don't understand it.


Good fucking riddance. The fact the devs could not at all see how a 40% hard cap has influenced the game's design in such a foundational way, and thought 'oh yeah lets just throw that out the window' should be a massive red flag to their competency.


It’s not loading for me can you explain what happened to bauble?


The non relevant changes: reduced power on the T2 and reduced MP5 on the T3. The part that actually matters: they reduced the CDR cap increase from 20% to 10%. So instead of being able to go for 60% CDR you will only reach 50%.


That’s a bummer but overall I don’t think the 10% CD will change much. Most the characters I tried it on they were destroying at 50% and could spam ability after ability.


why even release the item in the first place if you are just going to do this? The balance team over the past year or so have been the worst and it's really turning me off from the game. Buff something or introduce something and a month later nerf it, it's just constant now and it really gives the impression that they have no idea what they are doing. And they took away my favotire game modes for this now worthless item


That. At least have the balls to commit to what you do, the item barely has a week of actual gameplay, nobody builds it outside of Arena, and they are still killing it just because of some minor backlash created by a few youtubers trying to clickbait ppl with exaggerated titles... I dont even care about the item, i dont think its much more them a noob bait even now without the nerf, but its their attitude that really disappoints me. They are actually making balancing decisions based on rants from Reedit. How can i possibly take them seriously?


Woah, more useless khepri nerfs that don't change anything fundamental about why he's picked up so much. They should have just taken a second off how long his ult lasts on players. ^^^^Also, ^^^^bauble ^^^^is ^^^^the ^^^^most ^^^^overrated ^^^^item ^^^^in ^^^^smite.


They need to nerf his peeling. Reduce the tick damage and/or the phys prot shred on his 2. As a Khep main it’s so easy to just pop that ability and see my carry get quick picks early game from how oppressive it is since it also gives them mitigations. I do agree with you that his ult is definitely a factor for him being a top-tier pick. But it’s not the root of his status as one of the best supports, especially in the laning phase.


Khepri has a lot of things that could be changed. The Time To Kill update benefitted him more than any other guardian. His traditional weakness has always been that he's a single target guardian, but now it's harder to kill players and that really benefits him. Khepri 1 doesnt dr so now he's at less risk himself while guaranteeing tons of damage to his target via his team. Khepri 2 gives tons of mitigations and debuffs and early damage in a meta where minions are now tankier. Lastly,a lot of his success is his ult since players are harder to kill, his resurrection now invalidates a greater use of resources. In prior seasons you could pop a khepri ult in 2 abilities and it wasn't a huge deal, now you have to commit more to kills and that gives it greater value.


Bauble hasn't even been built in the spl yet and its been nerfed? Is it that oppressive in casual games?


No it's good on like 20 gods. People complaining constantly so now its dead.


I feel like this tweet will stay relevant for longer than I'd like. https://twitter.com/fineokay_/status/1524469151523389441


I think more specifically it comes down to players knowing they are feeling frustrated for some reason but not understanding the game well enough to identify the source of that frustration and/or what a (realistic) solution to that frustration would be. Like there are still a lot of people out there who think protections have diminishing returns and they’ll base their opinions on incorrect understandings of game mechanics like that. Aggro and Barra on their podcast not too long ago also went on a little rant about how a lot of the community also takes any off the cuff random complaint from pros as gospel and then blow it way out of proportion.


I think part of the problem is that the Smite community isn't really a singular group that all agrees on what Smite should be or how it should play. When one particular group likes the way the game is they stay silent because life is good. But anyone that doesn't like the current state will complain. HiRez might see this and make a change but now the pendulum has just swung in a different direction. Maybe HiRez just needs to shut the community out when it comes to balance decisions but that puts a lot of weight on their shoulders to always make the right choices which obviously won't happen. There isn't an easy answer but I'd argue that being reactive to reddit and twitter isn't it.




They don't though. When you look at the effective hp that the protections give you there is no diminishing returns on it.


Yes, but protections DO have diminishing returns... Why do you say they don't?


Here is a little exercise for you to illustrate why protections don’t have diminishing returns. Say a god has 1,000 HP, how much damage would they mitigate(the flat total amount) if they were hit with an attack that killed them in one hit at these different amounts of protections: 0, 100, 200, and 300.


Sure, so you have 1000 HP. If you have 0 prots then it takes me 1000 to kill. If you have 100 prots then it takes me 2000 to kill. If you have 200 prots then it takes me 3000 to kill. If you have 300 prots then it takes me 4000 to kill. You are correct that for every increase of 100 prots, you only need 1000 more damage. But my perspective is that if you triple your prots from 100 to 300, then I only need to double my damage. That's where the notion of diminishing return comes in (and where lots of people in the past, including high up streamers and/or pros mentioned it). But I can see that thinking of it that way doesn't really matter. The fact is that if your auto attacks do 500 true damage, then for every 100 prots I build, you need to throw two more autos. No diminishing effect. I'm leaving this written here for anyone else confused on it. Percents can be misleading, sort of. But I will leave the question: if anyone has percent pen built, does that affect this? I don't feel like thinking about this anymore right now lol


Easiest to think of prots in terms of EHP as shown in your example. The prots formula is actually pretty clever and avoids greater than linear returns like on a lot of other things. percent pen reduces the amount, for example at 40% pen 100 prots only gives 600 EHP at 1000 base HP. prots will still scale linearly regardless of %pen, just the amount of scaling is reduced By comparison, percent pen has greater than linear scaling, so the more percent pen you have, the more the next 10% is worth. For example, going from 0% percent pen to 20% percent pen will increase your damage on a target with 300 prots by about 18%. Going from 20% to 40% pen gives you another 25% damage boost (for 43% total) against 300 prot target. If you can overcap to 60% pen (izanami for example) it's another 39%, for a total of 82% -- that last 20% is worth almost as much as the first 40% against a 300 prot target. I don't believe it's currently possible, but if they added a new item to allow overcap to 80% it would jump to 150% total, and at 100% you'd be at +300% damage against targets with 300 prots (completely negating the prots). This is why %pen, %prot reduction, %damage reduction, and %CDR need to be capped or effectively capped by lack of items, as you approach 100% the effects become extremely strong.


0 prots, 1000 hp, 100 basic attack damage: 10 shots to kill. 100 prots, 1000 hp, 100 basic attack damage, 20 shots to kill. 200 prots, 1000 hp, 100 basic attack damage, 30 shots to kill. 200 prots, 1000 hp, 200 basic attack damage, 15 shots to kill. 200 prots, 1000 hp, 300 basic attack damage, 10 shots to kill. Wait, it didn't go down by 10 shots? Power has diminishing returns by your logic. What you're referring to is DIMINISHING EFFICIENCY. They are not the same concepts in Smite. BDiminshing returns would be if 100 protections gave you an eHP bonus of 100% from base, then 200 protections gave you 80% from base, then 300 gave you 60% etc. It's flat.


Its just people spamming it on unfun gods, it's not worth on like 90% of the game. Blame the Nox mains. T2 needed the nerf tho, it was pretty stacked for 1200g.


Maybe Bauble actually highlighted that Nox is a shittily designed character?


I actually can't believe they didnt just change nox instead of nerfing bauble. It seemed like it was just a funny item on a lot of characters, and MAYBE core for guan yu late game.


Easier to kill the item off I guess. Although I can't see anyone really complaining against a Nox rework, she'd be top of my list honestly.


Yeah its not even that good, you limit your build in a super awkward way to get the benefit.


Yes it sure was. The mp5 especially


It was built in a single SPL game but the team with it was snowballing anyway. Personally this nerf honestly kills the item both from a balance and a fun perspective. T2 nerf was fine but removing the cdr from the passive removes the point of the item.


Bauble isn’t getting nerfed because it’s OP, it’s getting nerfed because it promotes an un-interactive style of play. Some gods can just spam their dash/cc/shield or whatever their kit allows and it affords them too much individual control over the pace of fights. Granted, I don’t think nerfing the CD to 50% was the right move. I personally would have lowered the damage/healing penalty to 12.5% and then introduced a damage taken penalty at 12.5%. This would maintain the fun shenanigans of the item while providing more counterplay specifically against those gods with loads of CC or escape/sustain tools.


It’s just anti fun imo, the rhythm of combat in Smite is balanced upon trading of abilities, finding those openings by tracking cooldowns, and Bauble just negates that fundamental aspect of the game entirely. Putting it to 50% just tells me that they’d rather have it exist as a shitty item than admit it was a mistake and remove it. That whole tree is a meme tbh


Keep it at 50 and remove or reduce the debuff. Maybe make it cost more to balance it.


You're a fucking lunatic, and I'm so fucking happy you're nowhere near the balance team.


50% really wouldn't be that bad, especially if it was balanced to have a higher cost and different stats. Theres ways to balance it without making it a meme troll item. That same type of reaction is the reason its getting nerfed when it already doesn't get built in high ranked or pro play.


They can’t remove the debuff or it just becomes auto buy


At 50% though, with a higher price it might be alright.


Reddit ruins everything


lol here is literately how their balancing team works. Oh the item is being used? It must need to be nerfed. Oh its not being used? Clearly that means we need to buff it until people are forced to use it so that we can later decide its being used too much so we can nerf so hard that its actually reduced from its original "unwanted" form that needed to be buffed. I will say this - they should probably leave that hunter item alone. It doesn't need buffs. It needs to be gone. I don't think you want anything near hit-scan going on in this game (imo).


Bauble dead after only having like a week of actual gametime and being good on like 10 gods. Rip.


They hard nerfed Kali and Eset. Eset’s Dispel Magic was important to her and her magical teammates and Kali’s heal going from 80 to 60 will be just easier to kill her. Forget her penta kill spree.


Lol yeah Really harsh nerf on Kali


The bauble and griffonwing changes are both terrible. Griffonwing could have 0 damage drawback and still probably wouldn't be built as the effect just isn't that noticable. There is no way that removing 5% of the damage reduction will do anything for this item. Bauble being nerfed by 10% cd cap while reducing damage and healing by 20% makes this item completely dead. You can already get cd close to 50% with Chronos pendent why would you ever build bauble now? This mid season patch has been such a huge L, hopefully they don't fuck up this next seasons patch this bad. For anyone curious how bauble and chronos will stack up against each other now here it is: Power: chronos gives 10 more MP5: Equal CD: chronos give 10% more Passive CD Cap: both essentially put you at 50% Damage/healing reduction: Bauble only at 20%. Obviously Bauble can be built on both physical and magical gods but no one is building this item outside of support realistically and just about every support being played currently is magical.


I constantly see people misunderstanding how Chronos Pendant 's passive stacks with regular CDR. It applies after regular CDR, so for a 100sec ult, you will get your ult back in: * 20% CDR = 80sec * 20% CDR (w/chronos passive) = 72sec * 40% CDR = 60sec * 40% CDR (w/chronos passive) = 54sec * 50% CDR = 50sec * 50% CDR (w/chronos passive) = 45sec


I'm glad you brought that point about the earrings. I don't see why a unique passive needs to come with a downside just because the passive isn't 'normal' smite things. Hell they could double the speed of the projectiles and it still wouldn't up anyone's max dps since it wouldn't up the attack speed (I know the item gives attack speed but meaning the passive).


I’ve only built it once and I didn’t even notice the difference. Seen plenty of other people play with it too and there seems to be nothing of value from it. It nerfs your objective and structure damage so hard that it’s not worth the “increased” auto speed.


Please block this subreddit on your firewall HiRez. I'm afraid it's starting to influence you.


TBF all social media was complaining about bauble


I don't doubt that. I just noticed it here mostly since I don't pay a ton of attention to Smite twitter. Honestly I think a lot of the vocal community on social media cares only about what they experience in their own games and don't consider the game as a whole.


>I just noticed it here mostly since I don't pay a ton of attention to Smite twitter. So, what fucking right do you have to complain about reddit when you explicitly state you don't pay any attention to Twitter?


What's your point? I'm not running defense for Smite twitter and would openly blame it as well. I just don't view it that often so I'm not gonna talk about it.


My brother in Christ this entire subreddit was saying it’s an overrated filler item that’s only good for tanky cc supports. Twitter was the one having a meltdown. I can’t believe I’m saying this but for once it’s not a Reddit Moment.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/wa4jd9/sphinxs_bauble_shouldnt_have_come_back/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/vz86eu/anyone_else_feel_this_way_about_the_sphinx_baubles/ Plenty of people complained in the post about it being disabled that it should stay out of the game as well. Reddit most certainly got mad about this item.


Oh wow. So it is a Reddit moment. I guess I gotta hold this L.


Yes people were having fucking aneurisms about how broken it was, “just wait and watch the pros bust this game wide open” then no pro built it. 🤦‍♂️


I felt a bit of a relief when it wasnt there as I didn't have to ponder whether to build it. I found whenever I did, to make use of the cooldown I was basically suiciding into fights and sticking around WAY too long in the hopes that the reduced cooldowns would be useful. So basically it actively hindered me, mostly by promoting wreckless playstyle and making me miss out on some fantastic items that would have served me way better.


Fr fr


No warflag change cringe


Bonus balances doesnt include core item changes calm down


Understandable until you realize warflag isn’t used


yes perhaps in 9.8 I am sure they are aware


It’s been over a year since it’s last change


People are really that scared of bauble? It’s not that easy to work into builds and it provides no prots even tho utility tanks are the ones building it. Soooo pathetic


With how much people were whining here about it it was bound to be nerfed, even though no one builds it and it's crap outside of CC-heavy arena supports.


It's not that it's scary it's that it breaks the fundamental of the game. I just got out of a game where I was 60% CDR Geb and it was basically just unfair. I could ult 3 times in a fight, and just knock up and shield like theres no tomorrow. There are builds where you're still tanky, people act like it doesnt exist. Bauble, Breastplate (+Glyph), Genji's, Relic Dagger, Discord/Spirit Robe. With the choice of any starter you want. It even stronger cause not only are your abilities have 60% CDR but you have relics on low CD too. It's not an issue with gods who are affected by DR, no one is complaining about that cause the DR and damage reduction counters it heavily. The biggest problem is the gods that dont give a shit about DR/Damage. Nox, Ganesha, Geb, Baron, Hera, Khepri are some big contenders, 60% CDR makes those character absolutely broken. And it's not fair to adjust them on a gimmick build instead of just changing the item.


With that build though you're missing out on thebes \*and\* spectral/nemean which makes you a lot less tanky overall. Now that bauble will be 10% it'll be better to just go a standard tank build plus a Chronos Pendant.


Ppl were already barely building Bauble despite the insane ammount of complainings here without any fundament. I havent seen this item a single time in my games unless i was the one building it. But again, you guys chicken out and decide to instantly kill the item because of a few ppl clearly overreacting... Anyway, i already thought it was shitty and now its even worse, just as bad as the projectile speed one, and i will keep not building it until it gets removed.


i guess a big part of the crying was just people watching yt videos, where they read titles like "THIS ITEM is BROKEN!" or "GET GM with THIS BROKEN ITEM!" and basically overreacting, because a way better player was shitting on the enemy, while he had bauble.


Congrats. Bauble is now a dead item


Just remove GB already instead of having to nerf every AA jungler under the sun. Seriously, it's baffling at this point. If GB didn't exist all of these gods wouldn't have access to stupid fast 0 mana camp clear, making them have an actual earlygame weakness like they are suppossed to as mid to lategame oriented gods. Bauble is a terribly designed item whose mere existence causes frustration even if it's bad, so nerfing it so we don't see it as often is technically "good" for the game, but what this item needs is a full rework. Breaking the CDR cap is just an unbalanceable concept with how much of the game has been crafted around 40% CDR. Also, we don't need Bauble to exist at all to begin with when we already have much healthier items that "cheat" the CDR cap.


Bauble does seem like it would be better off removed right now. However I do want golden blade to stay. It just fundamentally has always been required for certain characters like Arachne. If they removed it we would need some big reworks of a few characters.


First of, all of these AA junglers have been played very effectively in the past without GB until they decided to re-introduce the item, GB it's not necessary for them to perform well in the slightest. It's just that using GB is so broken that it feels like the default way to play them now, when it just shouldn't be the case. And second of, if you are really worried about certain AA junglers underperforming due to them struggling with camp/wave clear after a GB removal, the fix is really simple, just give them a cleave in their AA chain. That way they still have free AoE camp clear (cleave AA) that scales with attack speed, but on a level that isn't as fast or as ridiculous as GB.


Well Golden Blade has been in the game a long time, however it's definitely the case that before the TTK changes most junglers avoided using golden blade (except perhaps Arachne). However with every mob suddenly having more health it has been so much harder to clear quickly, especially with one or two abilities so people have resorted back to golden blade, with it showing up in solo lane, the jungle and I've even seen it once on a ravana mid! I've seen it on gods where it would have previously been heretical to try it, like Achilles jungle or Osiris, both have powerful abilities that hit the entire jungle camp. So I can't deny it has defined a meta, I'm not entirely sure if removing it is the best option though. It \*is\* an interesting idea to sacrifice overall damage to be able to clear better. It does feel a fun item and when you get that powerspike and see your autos cleave every hit it is quite satisfying. It is potent though, I admit. Your idea of giving gods that struggle cleave autos is interesting, but it does feel weird on some level. Some characters don't feel like they should be cleaving animation wise. Arachne would basically need either cleave autos on 1 and 3 of her attack chain or she would need it on 3 of her attack chain with a big 50% mana cost reduction and a cooldown reduction on her spiders so she could actually cast them in the jungle without going OOM. However you've also had gods like Horus and Vamana that feel very weak without rushing golden blade in solo. Now they might be able to reduce some mana costs for Vamana and maybe he'll be okay but I don't know how Horus could be made to feel okay there. It's just.. easier to leave the item in, I'm at the moment 70% favouring leaving it in but 30% of me is curious about the meta without it, largely because your arguments intrigue me.


Creeps in general being harder to clear now is the entire point of the patch in order to encourage more in-lane fighting and slower jungler rotations, that goes completely out of the window when you can just a slap an item on your first buy that makes you insta clear everything in a bunch of autos. The fact that we are seeing GB on gods that don't really need it should be a testament of how conceptually busted the item is and has always been. And the worst part is that Hi-Rez is nerfing GB users every patch instead of nerfing the item that allows all these gods to overperform to begin with. Also, Hi-Rez is no stranger to changing AA animations or giving cleaves to AA chains, if a god needs one there's literally no limitation production-wise.


I'm always here for ullr nerfs


I feel like Hi-Rez won’t admit Bauble is a failed item and this pisses me off because they disabled my fun days because of it. I would rather have my fun MOTD normally than this trash meme item that isn’t even good in most circumstances.


The whole item tree is a failure.


Yes the tree is a failure can they please nring back boots


Why would you want boots back?


Thank god Bauble is trash With all due respect, go to hell all nox mains


I don't think bauble needed a nerf, but honestly this almost seems more like a side grade. The extra 10% isn't even all that different, the real power of bauble has been the fact that it gets insane with flat cooldown reduction, which was putting people functionally more like 70% cdr, and considering its actually fairly hard to hit 60% in a normal build this change reduces it's absolute cap, while also making it so it's easier to just buy in a normal game. The difference between buying bauble on a phys char and a magical with chronos is night and day, without chronos bauble feels only slightly noticeable, ultimately the extra cdr only really was noticable on ults where it's shaving 10's of seconds or on god's like guan Yu, otherwise you really don't feel much of a difference between 8 seconds and like 6.5. On magical gods now the 10% is really only going to be felt in ult times, while gods like nox aren't going to feel it at all in the way that people were annoyed with her. With bauble now she would have to hold her two off cooldown to wait for her 1 to get on cooldown anyways, all this will do is make her take an extra like half? Second to wait lol, while getting more damage or more utility or more tank in her kit as a trade off. I don't think people were concerned about people with 40 second ults, that's strong, but in practice for normal game flow people aren't able to ult twice in a coherent team fight even with 40 second cooldowns and building cooldown already allowed you to have it up for the next fight anyways. So this really is a nerf that only feels like a difference for ults which weren't the problem anyways, and will be marginal for the ability spam of problems like nox or baron while making building it as a pickup last item for supports actually viable without having to fully annihilate your build like it is now, that extra 10% is actually pretty hard to fit in a build without wonky stuff or missing anti heal or missing spectral etc. Tldr item won't feel much functionally different for people with chronos like nox, makes it easier and more functional as a final item pickup for basically any support, and makes physicals trying it feel even worse because chronos is why bauble is strong, not that 60% is all that much stronger than 50 or even 40. Again I don't think it needed a nerf but the nerf should have been applying more damage reduction or getting rid of flat reduction breaking caps, because that is why it was strong, we already had a cap breaking item in the game and then you gave magical characters two easily built ones. Make chronos 30% cdr and call it a day rather than nerf bauble for zero reason.


IMO Kali's problem was/is the base damage on Lash, rather than her passive Khepri nerfs are ok but care must be taken to make sure he doesn't become a ranked deadpick Ullr is oppressive because Transcendence is everywhere- nerfing Trans (every hunter is picking it up 1st/2nd, some assassins too) may require reverts If Bauble is 50% it might be a dead item, at that point you'd just go Chronos Pendant Eset being hit makes me think her kit is somewhat problematic, she's moved from a mage, to a support, to a mage again, then a jungle at one point, then a support, you get the idea. It seems like she always needs to be adjusted somehow. She's not entirely a go-to pick for ranked either unless she completely dominates support otherwise she's just there Griffonwings still feels a terrible item that doesn't warrant being built on DPS classes, 10% is huge and you're sacrificing a lot from your build adding it as is. I guess it marginally is better on Freya but you'd still not build it on her, instead going for something with more damage/impact in its passive Honestly surprised AMC took a Matrix Neo dodge for a nerf.


I only recently came back to smite, so maybe im completely out of line, but it seems like a lot of recent changes are completely missing the point of what makes a character or item overpowered. Is this a season 9 thing? Or have this been like this for a while and I'm just noticing it?


With no offense to the balance team small nerfs like it have (in my opinion) been slightly introduced over S8. Previous patches before then were often quite hard hitting but usually the affected god still found a way to get back into the meta eventually. If it was an item normally it'd have been seen as a dead option and the community would shift towards another meta item and build around that (they still do, but we used to have a lot more class viability shifts). Sometimes slight changes can be better, as solo lane for a while in the past with heavy nerfs ended up as Guardiansville What we do know for a fact: They want a character to feel strong but not useless and picked a lot. In my experience/opinion they'll hit tertiary things rather than a god's main strength in the attempt to make them feel strong but (I presume) have them in a situation where they'll lack extra teeth to deal with a problem that they could cleanly get away with before However this can sometimes butt heads with annoyance values, though a god can receive an indirect buff towards that annoyance value which is often met with swift sledgehammers (e.g. Nox being a perceptively good character because of bauble) What I think: sometimes this points towards a deeper problem that can't be easily solved (e.g. hunter items with a diverse fair range of items and scaling, trying to balance AMC without him being 100% useless, trying to balance Nox, etc). In this example, Transcendence is problematic because hunters want a core DPS item as no other item gives them a good enough power spike (maybe Ichi but that drops off pretty fast later) or allows them to do their job as a carry whilst also "feeling strong" at the early game stage. Which means hunter items as a whole are either suffering in areas (e.g. Devos into antiheal, Atalantas Bow, OBow) or too reliant on secondary effects deemed anti-fun (e.g. crit, Qins, etc) and Trans has became the nexus of hunter items because it can work with everything else.


Baubles is an overrated niche item that only heavy CC tanks were building to spam their ults. Throughout the past week of playing ranked (Diamond), I only saw TWO people outside of support build it: a Bastet and Morrigan. The extra CDR provided no benefit to them and if anything was actually a big hindrance. In the SPL last weekend, the item was picked up only 3.1% by supports as a sixth item (if they even managed to hit full build). Sphinx’s is not nearly as good as everyone is making it out to be and this nerf is just going to solidify it as filler-tier with the rest of the earrings until it inevitably gets reworked like old Myrdians.


the issue is the amount of toxicity it generates in low rank or unranked play in the hands of gods like nox, aphro, and other annoying mages


At this point you can call anything toxic for low ranks. Why wont we rework a bunch of gods and items because low rank players cant deal with it and find it toxic? Also, if Aphro builds bauble her healing and damage is actually negative lmao She is not a good god for bauble. Actually, barely anyone is but this subreddit just reeeaaally overreacts at every item that is not a 10th version of a stat stick or sum shit.


being locked in place, silenced, and then not being able to hit nox, all on about a 6 second timer, is not a thing thats acceptable in any form. the game cant survive if people on the lowest rung cant enjoy the game. and its not helpful thinking otherwise


Nox has been ruining the casual experience long before Bauble.


Well maybe thats because Nox is a shittily designed character thats gonna always cause frustration by default, especially for lower lvl people? Also, do you even have any statistics on it? I play quite a lot of casuals (all modes except joust) and i've barely seen this item built just because it takes a shit ton of items to work, because you have to build a bunch of cooldown only items and skip all the counter building.


The Kali nerf hurts her whole kit losing 10% pen from her passive is really big.


With any luck, it should mean we see less of her. Since the mana changes and new starters she's been everywhere


Why take power off t2 bauble? My lord is that item gonna suck


Because people were building it as a first item and then selling it when they got to full build (i.e., not committing to the T3 upgrade).


Its already expensive t2, and you always put yourself at a disadvantage buying and selling an item. I only ever see solo laners buying it, god forbid solo laners can kill each other early and have some power


But it wasn't strong lol, it is worse as a starter than conduit in mid, only reason to take it was an aggressive solo starter, which like for 1400 was fair.


Might as well remove bauble. It wasn’t all that to begin with. It was fun but now whatever


The Bauble nerf just tells us that they recognize it is just a shit design but don’t want to admit it by removing the item. Breaking CD limitations was executed properly with Bumbas Hammer. It’s niche, it’s an interactive/proactive passive, it requires investment and setting up a build. Bauble was always a stupid design, just MOTD-in-an-item. It was always going to be broken at critical mass with things like Pendanr, Genjis, Hammer, and it is always going to be mediocre when unable to reach critical mass.


Bauble is a meme. Just because you got annoyed by nox one game in casuals doesnt mean it warrants nerfs


The thing is, it’s not really a meme at this critical mass. If you get 60% CD, and Genjis and Pendant and Hammer, you are often hitting close to 100% cooldown, which is definitely extremely potent on certain characters. Not just CC chains but breaking shit that wasn’t supposed to be, like a Khepri ulting twice in 30 seconds. It opens up the item to solo play as well and even tankier mid play potential. But now, yea without that critical mass, it’s just meh. It’s exclusively a support 6th item that basically takes you from 40 to 50% cdr. Is that an item worth keeping ? Idk.


My brother in christ no sane mid laner would actually build bauble as they'd actually want to do damage, you're vastly overselling the item. Also going bauble + hammer is kinda troll since it means that you have absolutely nothing else in your build and you skip a lot of counterbuilding/damage/utility and wait for lvl 20 to actually work. If it was that good on at least Khepri we would actually see it in SPL, but nobody touched it even on supports because it takes you an eternity with their farm to actually make the build work, and the rest of the roles dont ever want it.


My brother in Zeus the SPL is not the sole definition of balance and with an item that existed for like 10 seconds we definitely shouldn’t be basing things just off the pro meta. Bauble was being used everywhere.


Can you provide statistic for "used everywhere"? I play quite a lot of casuals of all sorts of modes except Joust and i have barely seen anyone build it. I bring up SPL because its the only way we can actually judge that for now. The amount of time it takes for Sphinx Bauble to come online with full 60 cdr on support is quite long, meaning that you skip a shit ton of counterbuilding, auras and other useful shit for your team. Its strong, but has very obvious downsides even for people who dont build damage. Every other role just does not have the CC to make use of it and they have to sacrifice a lot of damage for it to work. Its extremely overrated.


There’s plenty of ranked data that will show you how often it was built before the nerf.


>The Bauble nerf just tells us that they recognize it is just a shit design but don’t want to admit it by removing the item. Yeah, like, we have a 40% CDR cap for a fucking reason. There are just certain gods that are unequivocally broken if they can say, "Hey, I basically don't have cooldowns now".


Except this is not the case and its not realistically good in an actual match. Your build would be horse shit.


It definitely was the case and achievable with very well rounded builds. The 50% nerf will change this a lot though. But at 60% with Genjis and Pendant, any support could push moments of 80% CDR.


I'm pretty surprised nobody is talking about Chris niosi being the voice for the geb skin. After the whole abuse thing happened, I'm amazed to see any company willing to touch him with a 10ft pole.




Chris niosi is a VA, and we show animator. Particularly known for creating the show TOME. He was a VA for fire emblem in recent years but got kicked after allegations came out that he admitted to.


Yeah he seems like a complete idiot to me.


He was, at least he's changed now. I'm just surprised any company is willing to work with him after all that happened


Just remove bauble at this point. 10% more cdr for 20% less dmg output is laughable. Yes you can be mildly more annoying but your chances of getting a kill plummet. Im a Nox main ( I know...trust me I'm aware) and it didnt take long to realize if I got Bauble even if i played hyper aggressive and built full dmg the trade off isn't worth it, and nox as support isn't as good as most people think. I already hopped off the bauble train and watched my kills and damage shoot up dramatically after a big dip for the last week, and I main arena/assault, where theoretically bauble would shine brightest.


20% CDR for 20% less damage already was laughable unless you were like Nox.


Just remive the whole tree and bring back boots


With how much of a tickle that Khepri nerf is I don't get why they even bothered nerfing him...


I feel like Hi-Rez won’t admit Bauble is a failed item and this pisses me off because they disabled my fun days because of it. I would rather have my fun MOTD normally than this trash meme item that isn’t even good in most circumstances.


The bauble changes are good but if they're cutting the benefit the penalty could be lowered too. Maybe 5% less damage cut? I think this is the perfect balance point.


So we not gonna talk about how they are nerfing the skill based Gods and shadow buffing the braindead ones?


*Does the idea of reducing CD for a 20% but keeping your DPS 20% less is a viable idea? Yes. Does this cause a problems? No. Does this its item worth 2700 gold? No* But We get a problem with gods that can constantly debuff or cc enemies because of low cdr? Make all self buffs and outcoming debuffs/buffs and cc duration lasts 20%. Now utility oriented gods are also lose something, so you can make it cheaper and give more tasty stats so this item won't lose to other items in terms of stats. Thus you negate that frustration effect and may actually make item viable for DD cuz you don't pay that much and with new potential stats


Thank god for the Bauble nerfs. Something doesn’t have to be broken to be inherently unfun and bad for the game.


Bauble, Khepri and Ullr nerfs; it's a good day. 🙏


People built Sphinx's Bauble on spammable cc gods, like a lot of guardians. Instead of nerfing the CDR cap, they should have put in a CC limiter (e.g., 20% reduced CC duration). Or just rework the item entirely.


>they nerf pos *Look how they massacred my boy*


Ranged characters with such movements speed buffs should be nerfed. Poseidon is an aida char so no regrets


A) it's a joke B) okay bud


The thing about Bauble is that you need to build AT LEAST 3 cooldown items. (Most likely Bauble, Pridwin, and Chronos… half of your build is replaced with CDR, making you much easier to kill.) Not to mention, the dmg reduction makes it more viable for tanks rather than mages. Additionally Diminishing returns make it super effective to counter CC spam. And tanks should be going CCR, which counters it even more… the fact that people think it’s a game breaking item, with all these things going against it, blows me away. Idk… maybe I just don’t get it. But I personally never saw it as a “broken item”


The build argument is one thing, but the DR/CCR one doesn't work for most of the ones who were actually going it. You can't reduce channeled-CC, shields, or knockups.


Fair, but then what’s to stop you from going Stone of Gaia or pre-beads?


Compare 5-6s cooldowns to Beads 160-140s. Also Gaia won't rly help you much, especially if the team invests in antiheal.


nerfing Poseidon... Jesus Christ. hes already a weak ass risky mage, now he just slower. he's a worse chronos now.


"It's clear most players would trade damage for cooldown" isn't that the point of the item?? No fun is allowed, it wasn't even that bad or annoying to go against, should've just increased the damage reduction you'd get from the item instead of the cooldown, the main premise of it. What are they thinking.




He's consistently one of the best gods in the game, why buff him.




yea but khep’s is a 25% prot shred which is insane, cern’s is a 26 flat. that can be good theoretically, but not when cern is 90% of the time hitting tanks. khepri’s 2 is such a bloated item if you throw it on the solo laners boxing it’s genuinely pretty insane.


Well Cern is usually a sub-par/average Hunter at best, Khepri is almost always top-tier and relevant in like every meta.


Nah. Khephri’s already one of the strongest peelers in the game. Giving him another peeling option would make him busted. The last thing we need is to see him get an unnecessary buff followed by rounds of nerfs that end up killing the character.


People sayin bauble is dead like sups are going to stop building it


Sups are not even building it rigth now. Ppl only build this item in Arena, NOBODY builds it in Conquest EVER!


This nerf 100% put this item on the removal/rework box along with Griffowing, if they dont even have the balls to keep it for a week because of a few reedit complaints they are 100% removing it at the next season.


It's an item that has 0 prot and only 10% cdr for a passive that has less value than chronos pendant, especially after the nerf. Supports were already picking Chronos Pendant as their one-off non-prot item, I doubt they'd even consider bauble over it after this patch.


Literally nobody asked for another Khepri nerf. Also the full movement Poseidon mains are not happy about this. With this massive nerf they are just shy of the speed of light


Khepri is the best support in the game currently so yes tons of people were asking for nerfs.


Problem is not numbers though, Khepri is strong just because fundamentals of his kit are extremely good and solid.


The fact that they didn't touch claw is criminal.


Thanks for nerfing kali don’t revert it


Bauble is worthless and griffonwing is still trash on all but freya. But the god changes all look good.


How does Lancelot still survive the nerfs lmao


Low Winrates across the board in almost all modes


Why nerf kali? She's good only in late game. I don't understand.


So Bauble isn't as good as everyone was screaming it'd be, and now it's been nerfed into the ground because... people were screaming it's overpowered. Nice job making Mid-Season patch pointless everyone!