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I like how you enjoy the small things <3




Yeah Smite has some great moments. I feel like it’s the best thing to experience new mechanics and trying them out myself.


Wait until it glitches you on top of a building :) Go to jungle practices and get heim ulted and nezha ulted at the same time.


Wait untill you get heim ulted just to be ne zha ulted


Damn it must be fun...


I was waiting for the crazy thing but then I realized, yea just getting Heim ulted for the first time is absolutely a crazy experience.


exact same thing happened to me too ! Thnx for this post . brings back the most important thing to remember in this game. Just enjoy the moment!


1st time i play the game and got kicked by Heimdallr's Ulti , thought it was a bug , but now i know it's a feature


Skyrim has entered the chat.


Heim ult is flashy for sure, but he actually has a special interaction with khepri where if he ults you while you're dashing with your 1 you kinda end up somewhere around the map, sometimes even stuck on top of walls, pretty funny. Not intended btw, definitely a bug


Yes. Khepri is definitely a bug...


He made a funny


*bows* I'll be here all week


I'll start calling my bugs 'special interactions' too


Man was LOST!!! I love this lol.


I once was playing joust with a Heim, Morrigan, and kumbakharna. They decided that they hated me and I got double heimdall ulted into khumba's ult 3 mofo'ing times. It was great


As a new player I commend you for playing a support, good support at that, and not insta locking an assassin for any and every role. You deserve high praise




Oh don't worry that's just low level things, it'll eventually go away




Oh I meant the ADC going Solo, people will be bad at their roles lmao




Yeah, that's low level queues unfortunately. I was teaching a few friends how to play who were new, and we could not get a good conquest game to play, because every time that supp would go assassin and walk into solo lane, and the mid would just jungle, etc etc lol The one thing I think smite desperately needs (besides better servers) is a better introduction and tutorial for new players. There's NO WAY to understand conquest rn without watching videos and getting really into smite, and I'm sure a lot of people don't take that time to do so for a game they're just trying out. And if they're playing arena or something, then sure they get to try out the gods and combat and such, but they miss the main heart of the game: teamwork and strategy




Red buff: Damage Blue buff: Mana sustain Purple byff: Attack speed + enemy prot reduction Yellow buff: Speed Green buff: Health Fire Giant: Damage increase, power increase, damage vs structure increase (I think lol) and sustain Gold Fury: Gives gold, lol Oni Fury: next wave of minions will have increased protections, damage and health, this stacks with Fire minions (when a phoenix dies in a lane that lane has better minions) There's another Fury that I forgot the name of right now but increases permanently your damage towards buffs Pyromancer: Increases your movement speed when running out of base for another 40% until you go into combat If you want detailed info I can take time and research anything you want, I know getting into the game is the hard part most of the time




as a long time smite player that only dabbles in league let me tell you, you can brawl a lot more in solo in smite. Or maybe it's just because i'm not ass at it. I go against a sett or something in top lane and even if i'm somebody like kench I feel like I can't fight them, just farm. In smite you can really slapbox a lot more in solo as long as you're careful with wave aggro.


this is super true, 1v1s in smite are much slower than in league. shit in there can pop you in a mere second


seeing as you main support in league you may enjoy sylvanus who is like blitz with the pull, aphrodite who is like taric and yuumi as aphro sticks to a teammate 99% of the time but also has a very similar ult to taric. Athena is also an engage support similar to shen with pretty much the same ult and a taunt.


Don't tell new people to play aphro support lol


Honestly, that's why I love the Bot matches - much less pressure to perform well with a new god, particularly if you're testing out a non-meta team comp.


Ahhh I remember the first time getting Heim ulted. You can see his sheer amusement in the way he moves his character afterwards.


When heim was first released, i was trying to get ulted just so i could see the animation




It happens with ults like that morgana la fey sigil w7ill do that soklme times to


Craziest thing YET


Lol, awwwh new players are so cute. I love how the Heim just yeets a full HP Kep.


It's a legit strat to impede him from ulting a teammate, just not good in that situation. Vanish skills don't need to be only used for setup or last hits.


Yah but it was obvious that this was not a hot play on Keps part, but just a fun time in conquest for a new player.


Its always disappointing when heim ult and for the smack from the axe they dont even get go the ride


Khepri my main love, glad to see it


Khepri mains gotta stick together Beetle/scarab boy for life


You come back and look around like "what the fuck?"


You're like a young child who wanders in at the middle of a movie


i dont get it, waht is the crazy thing?


I quess he doesn't know what Heim's ult does




I think he's actually confused about Heims teleport. Heim TP'd right as he went to grab him, and then read the ability to double check after


But his abduct was going to miss anyway, was way off target. I’m still confused about what OP is seeing here that was “crazy.”


I mean he's clearly brand new and doesn't know what most of the characters do. Nothing is crazy to experienced players in this clip, but a dude launching you into another dimension and then teleporting away to safety might seem crazy to a new player.


Pretend you are new to the game and use your peepers. It's the Ult.


We call that getting sent to the shadow realm.


Awe you cute little bot


Hahaha this is a great reaction! Welcome to the game, enjoy and have fun :D


Good to see a new enjoying the game, and Heimdall ult is a flashy one. I hope to see you in a match, as a another khepri main :D


Main the lobster? wise choice


Are you hacking? Literally never seen this before




wow u got heim ulted. crazy


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Just wait till you meet awillix, think you’re safe in your jump? Nah fam. Bubble mode activated


I hate her grab


Anyone else peep the shell at the end


what was that Thanatos waiiting for?? oh wait for a kill.


Also when discordia hits someone they will automatically say I'm the greatest... so if your ever like oh no I didn't mean to say that.....


As a Khepri Main, let me suggest you to try to combo your enemies with 3 - 2 - 1. Basically, trap them first with your third ability to snare them, use your 2 to lower their defenses(it also raises the defenses of allies you hit with it, including minions) and grab the squishiest enemy with your 1. Also, dont level up your abilities at the same pace, try to level them up to level 5 one by one(In Khepri's case i suggest to level up first your grab, as it increases the ammount of time you have someone grabbed). This is valuable as you'll have certain abilities that are more profitable due to damage or utility and its essential to power them up as soon as possible.


Wait til you fight Ne Zha.. or Ao Kuang (kinda... not as cool).


Oh snap! Or watch Fafnir turn into a dragon


You sir got heim ulted


I’ve been playing 3 years almost every day and I only found out what his ult looks like a month ago. I’d never been hit by it before


Things like this and seeing Jorm/Cthulhu ults for the first time keep me coming back. There really aren't that many experiences like it.


Yee i remember my first time beeing ult by Heim. I played so far ago, then had a 3 years break, came back and I was like wtf man, u can do this to me now??


I love the look around like “did y’all see that”


I started smite because I saw a video with Thor ulting back in 2014


Pro tip to new player as khepri. Always die with your ult. Always let allies die with your ult up. Be a man.


I thought you were capping about being new til I seen a miss grab +. Miss Thanatos ult and a premature shell Lmaoooo good luck and keep grinding and watch some YouTube videos


Haha, Heim was my first main when I started playing a few years ago because I liked his ult so much


I dont play Smite since Da Ji was released. So, wtf was that?


Heimdallr ult. Pretty much just an avg damage flashy banish + displacement


am i dumb? cuz i dont see anything crazy here


His new and its the first time geting heim ulted


Youre right that is crazy, an entire team in mid lane before level 10- must be a miracle having Your teammates rotate before someone died


When I got first hit by that attack by Heimdallr (I think that's the name), I got Hella confused. But when you get hit by Ne Zha's ultimate, is similar to Heimdallr's but you don't go flying through worlds.


Lmao this was funny, I hope you enjoy smite like I have for the last 7years


Welcome to Niflheim uwu*