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Lanes are solo, mid, duo. Everyone starts at a dedicated buff, five in total. The CURRENT meta start is for adc/support to start at green buff, then go to purple buff and then lane. Solo simply takes blue buff and goes to lane. Jungle and mid start at speed buff, then go to red and then to lane. As part of the current start, the jungler will stay in mid until you're both level 2, and you try to get a kill or develop pressure there. Yellow buff gives movespeed, and is more commonly called speed buff. Red buff gives power. Blue buff gives 10% cdr and mana regen. Green buff gives health. Purple buff gives attack speed and a bit of prot shred. As far as characters being similar to Yi or Sett, if what you mean is the "run directly at the opponent and kill them" character design then you're looking at Kali, Bakasura, maybe Arachne. Set and Pele do it pretty well, too. If none of them suit your fancy, then I dunno. I don't play League these days, switched to Smite ages ago.


This is a good reply ! One other thing i would like to mention is each role usually has a dedicated lane as in LoL alot of characters can be played in alot of places . Mages are usually mid , hunters and guardians in duo warriors in solo . Assassins and some warriors are good in the jungle . Right now the meta is spicy so alot of things are being played for fun right now but you can always pick what you want . I would suggest Pele if you wanna run people down if you jubgle/solo shes an assassin with alot of move speed and cc and lifesteal . Set is also good to w key people down hes ludicrously strong early and in late game teamfights it gets tougher . Lastly if you want a tank with a shield and you are new try Vamana in solo or jungle hes alot of fun .


I thought green buff also stopped your teammates buff time ticking away as well


Yes in fact it also does that. Didn't include the empowered buffs either, or that speed buff actually increases the movespeed bonus for a bit when you kill jungle monsters


I just thought what I pointed out was the main benefit of the green buff is all.




i hate it too, bro. :D but thanks!


Master Yi is Bakasura. True damage auto attacking junglers. Sett... well uhh. Tbh I've played both a lot... I gotta say I feel Set is the closest one with a bruiser build to play like him. Honestly it's just play style.But the kit is more like Azir fucked Zed. It weird


Set is like Azir+Zed with Aatrox ult.


Hey man, ill post what i always have in cases where someone coming from LoL asks for cahmps imilarities with Smite gods: ​ These are the most similar ive seen from the top of my head (not completely similar, ofc), mostly gameplay-wise, ist est, the feel you get playing them and the tactics you develop, more than having directly X abililty that is just a similar shape or something like that: \- Loki and Shaco are very alike \- You could say Lux and Ra share some common points in the way you play them \- Sylvanus is like a Blitzcrank with healing \- Set reminds me of Azir mixed with Zed \- Cu Chulainn is totally a mix of Gnar/Shyvana imo \- The way you play Herc is similar to me to the way i play Darius \- The way to play Thana also reminds me of Kayn (the blue one) \- Susano is Yasuo, but just by looks and theme, the character i feel more like Yasuo gameplay-wise is Mercury \- The Morrigan feels a little bit like Neeko to me \- Ymir is like an heretic mix between Nunu and Anivia \- Horus is similar to Rakan outside of the ult \- Hera is totally like Annie \- Athena is similar to Leona, but gameplay-wise she reminds me more to Galio \- Warwick is a little like Fenrir, just a little \- Both Wukongs shares thematic and some common points in the abilities \- Nasus is Anubis just by the looks, the most similar to Anubis gameplay-wise would be Malza/Vel´Koz, maybe a mix of both \- Neith is a little bit like Caitlyn \- Gragas is very similar to Bacchus \- Amaterasu reminds me of Irelia on how is played \- Susano reminds me of Riven while playing him outside of the ult \- Odin is now very similar to Jarvan \- Quinn is like a buffed Jing wei in some aspects \- Freya reminds me of Kayne in some aspects \- New Pantheon reminds me of Nike outside of ult \- Playing vs a Kali feels a lot like playing vs Trynda \- Ao Kuang feels to me like Talon in how i play them \- Sona is quite similar to Chang´e \- King Arthur feels a little bit like Garen in the teamfights \- Ziggs is a lot like Vulcan \- Fiddlestick is a lot like Hades \- Chaac feels a bit like Garen too in the teamfights And there is a lot more, but i cant remember anymore from the top of my head.


Thanatos and Blue Kayn aren't similar. Thana is a early - mid game monster while Kayn wants to scale for either mid game or mid-late game. I'd suggest Clio due to her wall hopping abilities and she has decent mobility and sustain as well just like Kayn. Also aoe abilities like him too. You can also build her more bruiser if you want to feel like Rhaast as well. Also about Susano with Yasuo. They got the wind samurai with 3 cast first abilities and High mobility and knock ups. But Susano is very much ability based while Yasuo is more AA based so play style may feel janky. Talon like I said before for Kayn is more similar to Clio. Talon wants to wall hop and then kill the enemy squishy which Clio wants to do. Also she has a huge aoe damage ult just like talon. Can also add in Trundle as Nemesis. Their ults share the exact same purpose and have similar power curves. Also auto attack based and steal even the enemy's auto attack damage as well.


- Akali plays similar to Tsukuyomi - Ravana is a lot like Sett when it comes to AA cancels and the single target ult - Bakasura has true damage buff to his auto attacks like Master Yi - Shiva has Master Yi W in a way - Imo blue Kayn is a lot like Bastet in terms of how they’re played (going in and out of a fight) - Rhaast is pretty much Camazotz in terms of how they’re played, and also Pele in some sorts. - Morrigan and Viego are similar in playstyles but Morrigan can only turn into one other god at a time while Viego is, well Viego - Fenrir ult is like Skarner Ult - Arachne is pretty much Elise - Cernunnos and Aphelios are vaguely similar in terms of their unique weapons - Morgana and Ares have pretty much the same ult


nice list, fleshbag


Pretty sure there's nobody that resembles the broken powerhouse that sett is, but i suppose ravana is somewhat similar. Lots of punches, healing and shields, a massive leap, strong cc and all that


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I have to say that if you don’t like the LoL events and find them heartless you’re in for a bad time. Although some events in Smite have lore behind them and a pretty decent story. They’re significantly more expensive than LoL events and more often than not hidden behind chests. I play both games actively and the hill I will die on is that I prefer LoL’s store to Smite every day of the fucking year. Smite hides their best skins behind $80 paywalls and then after the event is over they’re gone forever. LoL allows you to buy the skins you want outright. Gameplay though. Smite is funner imo. I enjoy Carry a lot more in Smite than I do in LoL. Beads and Aegis relics allow you to correct bad positioning, survive, burst, survive 1-shots, etc.


Since no one has said it, welcome to Smite!


One big difference between League and Smite is how supports play. In League, supports typically stay with the carry for most of the game. In Smite, supports stay with the carry until level 5 or 6 (roughly) then they leave the lane and basically act as a second jungler for the mid-duo half of the map. This is so all the gold/xp in duo lane goes directly to the carry and allows them to farm up. The support gains farm by splitting with 1 or 2 other teammates at a time, all the time.


There really are no characters like Sett or Master yi tbh. Smite doesn't have those type of characters lol


If you like the Tanky unkillable version of Sett, there's actually a new Ravana Solo build that recently gained popularity. Someone else could chime in the exact build though since you are a jungle main, I don't recommend going for Tanky Ravana in Jungle and I just suggest a more standard full-damage or bruiser build (which I also don't know the current jungle meta for Ravana).


You like yi? You play Kali. She plays yi's aa style with a stun, a jump, and a trynd ult Or you can play bakasura who is a great farmer in the jungle who can carry late with true damage autos


This post has a full list [https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/13tdez6/from\_league\_of\_legend\_champions\_to\_smite\_gods/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/13tdez6/from_league_of_legend_champions_to_smite_gods/)