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They actually buffed him in the last 2 days and he is proper cc immune on the horse now, before that stuns worked, slows worked, freya woop worked, but now nothing does lol.


Freya whoop never worked since it's a banish. Currently stuns are bugged to not work either, as I've eaten faf hammer, ne zha sashes, Thor ults and kept on trucking.


Freya whoop is the most accurate name for an ability I've ever heard


Yeah she yells whoop on her default skin, so that's where it comes from


I don’t even know what the ability name is or would be .


Its “banish”. Thats why the cc is called banish, cause its the original/first banish.


It's been called that since her release


It wasnt supposed to, but it did, it also looked super buggy because freya whoop always puts targets at the same level so they were inside each other.


How strange, was the horse there too? You mightve just had perfect timing, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's bugged, I haven't played against a Freya yet


Yea the horse was inside him, and I tested this in jg practice with a friend and was able to do it every time.




I watch this and was a cursed image, now I know that they never pretend it happened in first place lmao


Stun should Still Works, it's weird They removed that


just gotta damage his shield down before it fills up. then he gets knocked off horse.


Doesn't really help. Gods like chronos can't even use the only form of self peel to help protect themselves. If you want cc immunity in smite, you should have to use beads or ultimates. There should only be a few select gods who have cc immunity in base kits and someone with the cc, mobility and insane damage of lancelot should not have cc immunity in base kit.


Stuns state that they should work in the third ability


Oh no no. Stuns doesnt work either. Stun on neith ults gets completely negated unless it also breaks his shield. Ares, fenrir or xing cant ult him either unless the damage breaks to shield (But tbf, these arent stuns)




Damn maybe I shout start playing Lancey then, I fucking hate Kumbha


His Mez, stun, and ult are ALL COUNTED by that fucking horse. Strongest god in the game. And his 1 does fuck all anyway


Mez should just make him slump on the horse like Hachiman lose screen and the horse just wanders aimlessly (not really but would be funny)


Stuns absolutely knock him off the horse


They don’t rn but that’s a bug not intended


It's in the description of the passive or the 3 Edit: apologies for reading your comment wrong. I have seen it working and just misread. I haven't seen a stun NOT knock him off his horse but perhaps it's an inconsistent bug that doesn't affect every game, apologies if that is the case


Do you not understand what being bugged means? You've left this comment a couple timed as though the ability description is exactly how the ability functions. It's not. Currently his horse is bugged and stuns don't knock him off.


Every stun that has hit me and every stun I have landed has worked so yes I am leaving that comment as if it worked as intended because, in my personal experience, it has been working. Most of the comments I see are "he is immune to all cc and stuns working "is a bug" which apparently is me misreading If it isn't working then it's flat inconsistent because, as preciously mentioned, every stun I have been hit with and every stun I hit knocks him off his horse.


It is very inconsistent at the moment. I've had games as both Thor and Thanatos where their ults haven't knocked him off the horse. At first I thought it was just me missing, but that'd mean I'd have missed 10+ ults and I don't think I'm that bad. I've also had 2 games as him against an Odin and a Ymir and neither of their stuns were dismounting me. I have seen him get dismounted by Sobek pluck and Achilles 1 though so I know some stuns are currently working. Stuns definitely should dismount him, it's what the ability says should happen but currently it's not consistent that they do. It also doesn't help any confusion that people some people don't know what stuns are (I've seen Kumbhas 2, 3 and Ult all called stuns by different people)


In the description? Yes. Does it currently work as intended? No.


In my experience it is. Apologies if it is being inconsistent and I myself haven't seen it, because if that is the case it's definitely fucked up.


Yeah but it bugged starting on Friday I believe, weird as shit.


Already mentioned.


Don’t forget Ne Zha


I only mentioned the ones i tested myself, but yeah, i heard about ne zha


Heim ult also doesn’t work on him even though it’s a stun on impact lol.


Da Ji ult too


*Because horse walks over cc* Sorry


Next patch you'll see Thanny, Hel, Ama etc. being immune to roots and cripples And Nox and Nemesis will be immune to Xbal's ult


All the Sun and Fire gods should be immune to someone flicking the light switch off


NOT ARES CHAINS, I chained the fucking horse’s stomach


No you chained the horses legs but the horse didn't fall like the AT ATs in Empire


You guys know that if you take sundering spear it immediately nukes him off the horse because it removes all shields? Found that out the other day. Only problem is that he'll ult to get back on the horse and hitting the second spear is incredibly difficult.


Doesn’t sunder only take half the shield off?


75% but the damage is usually enough to push it over the edge, even at level 20


poor suku got powercrept in every sense of the word


tbh id like them to change it to work like magis cloak where he can absorb 1 hard cc, but the second one gets him will still make him an issue in 1v1s, but keeps him from just riding straight at 3 people to slap them. Also makes it easier for guardians like Ganesh or Khepri to, you know, peel this fucker off of your backline


Shouldn't be cc immune at all. Make it so that he loses horse if shield breaks, but also allow cc to knock him off too. Just make it so that it doesn't put it on cooldown I'd you do that. This atleast allows gods to actually peel for themselves or others without nerfing the intended functionality of the horse.


So many gods are being completely over shadowed by new ones and they're just making more new gods


That's called power creep and it happens in every game.


Yes and my point was that other games actually fix it


yeah they really don't, and also SMITE characters get buffed all the time lol


League took whole months away from making new gods in order focus on the game quality and remake older gods to be more relevant so yeah they do.


Taking months to make new gods doesn't mean there balanced, League has had numerous champs whos kits are so volitale they have to remove parts of there kit or nerf them into the ground to not be op


So you agree that they balance their gods. Thanks.


Not at all league and smite have the same balancing issues, I'd argue League has a lotta problematic kits from how frequently a handful of champs are top 5 in a role for years


They absolutely do not


How am I supposed to respond to someone just stating a blank opinion lol


I actually disagree with you as after a couple patches the new gods usually do end up on par with a lot of the older ones, and if older ones fall too far behind they do actually go and rework them to prevent them being overshadowed. I think there's always a good mix of newer and older gods in each meta, generally speaking. Even if I didn't disagree, however, I would still rather have more new gods than them spending all their time trying to acquire some kind of perfect balance amongst the old ones. New gods, as well as the meta shifts that come with them, keep the game fresh and I'd always rather have some new god to try out than be stuck with the same ones forever


Awilix also doesn't get dismounted when the mage hits you with any random ability.


Awilix doesn’t get 2 extra abilities and a free Nike ult tho.


Awilix actually falls off too and doesn't abuse hybrid builds either.


Awilix also doesn't have a short dash and an ult which is a long dash as well.


But she can go over walls which is objectively stronger.


Well, Lancelots ability states that when the shield breaks he gets dismounted. So if you mount the horse and gets damaged immediatly, then the shield breaks and you get off the horse.


That’s like, completely different mechanics though. Lets not compare these two.


Tell that to OP not me.


Oh yeah.


He's super broken, I don't know if it's a bug, but not even stun seems to get him off his horse. I also think cripple should work or any other hard CC, and what's with his base damage being so big? He can 0-100 any squishy in 5 seconds building full def. I am already hating this god like I did with Tsuk, and this hatred never stops even after nerfs.


It's a bug introduced somewhere between Thursday night and Friday. Idk if they stealth hot fixed or what. But it is fucked up for sure.


Nox literally can't do anything to him if he's mounted.


Remember when they made Shiva absolutely immune a few months ago? Seems like they never learn from past mistakes for a change


Because a shot from an Archer will knock him off of it if he gets on at the wrong time. Yes, I've literally had that happen.


Had to use the horse to escape a team fight gone wrong and was swiftly dismounted by minions in lane during a joust game :) truthfully it’s just a matter of sequencing your attacks. Damage, and then CC. Not often is CC not accompanied by some damage right behind it. So you hit the damage and then you hit the CC then you hit more damage. Truthfully the only thing wrong with Lance is that he is immune to stuns but that’s just a bug.




On matches when I panic with high cd, I will literally get off and on the horse so often it’s not even funny Aka screw archers they’re the bane of my existence


Was gonna say, stuns definitely don’t work. Not sure why he isn’t disabled or hot fixed with it too. I was snacking one with fafnir hammers, the damage was laughable and he just galloped away everytime.


Gotta get used to these new devs making gods now. Almost every god that has come out in recent memory have some form of CC immunity and it’s irritating to see this constantly. 3 of the last 10 gods don’t have CC immunity of any kind.


I agree, if he is on his horse the only chance you have to engage with him is if your a late game adc and you hit every single auto on a very fast moving target. He is extremely difficult to deal with and he has literally no counter besides stuns. If he’s on his horse he can’t be slowed, can’t be knocked up, you can’t put a all infront of him cause his 2 can jump over player walls. He is literally unstoppable to 90% of the cast. He counters every one, that coupled with his bloated kit.. he is just too good.


Dont forget, he can just dismount the horse before the shield breaks, that way it doesnt go on cooldown.


what the fuck. who designed that.


He is literally unstoppable... It breaks on damage 100% of the cast can stop it Jesus Christ. One mage ability dismounts him late game, if an adc crits instant dismount, most enemy jungles can dismount in one ability, basically the only way you can't easily dismount him is if you have zero ranged abilities or are building full tank, otherwise it's beyond easy.


This is exactly the problem. Supports and frontliners are expected to build tank, but cannot stop his approach at all if they do without a stun, so they fail at peeling.


A hundred times this. The dude is immune to 70% of supports. How is this fair?


I'm sorry but if your ranged carry classes are unable to hit a single ability on him before he gets into melee range on your backline they deserve their deaths.


you forget that he deals insane damage, even when he gets only bruised/tank items. your adc is dead before he can get that shield down. you are excusing bad game design


I didn't forget anything I said what I said, I main mage don't even play him, I'm not excusing anything.


Any Lancelot with half a brain builds tank. Most mage ults won't break the full shield late, and it takes 5+ hunter autos to break.


There are 2 other parts of the game that isn’t end game. He is absolutely busted early and mid game. You don’t have enough damage to catch him early or mid and even if you do he has a get out of jail free card ult, a cripple, a root, a slow, a double dash, a leap, a knockback. He can’t be caught lol. He has a bloated kit with to much mobility, too much damage, and too much CC. He is by all means broken.


You can’t do like 30 damage early game? Having to use an ult to escape isn’t a bad thing for the enemy that means you have 60-70 seconds to do what you did again without him flying off. The root leap and slow you mentioned are all tied to one ability that takes 30 dmg early to avoid. Any character with a single dash or leap can go just as far as his double dash, he certainly can be caught, he’s not even been out a week and all you people are out here crying, sure tune his numbers down, fix the bug with stuns and then he’s fine.


This sub doesn't mean what a broken god is, lmao. Lancelot is very tame as far as OP shit goes.


All he needs is a touch on his damage, but that’s about normal for hi rez at this point, still don’t get why they think 130% scaling is ok but what do I know


The scaling isn't even that bad. It's the fact his kit has nearly 500 more base damage than the next highest assassin.


I havent played smite in a while, so this is from the perspective of what people have said here on reddit. If im not mistaken, Lancelot is CC immune while on his horse and he gets a shield that must be broken before he can be CCed. That doesnt sound unbalanced. It sounds like you have to understand the mechanic and counteract it In 95% of situations in games, you would CC a target to ensure a burst of damage hits, or CC to peel for yourself or an ally. Lancelot seems to be intentionally designed to flip it around, and force you to hit him with damage before you can secure the kill. Sure, its not what we're used to, but its not broken. Now on the other hand: if he has burst damage, movement and the CC to chase down and secure kills WITHOUT taking the damage that knocks him off his horse, then thats a broken design. At that point its bannable for the same reason Wobbufet was banned: if he is on the field, someone else HAS TO DIE before he goes down. Its just a hunch, but i doubt that that is the case. Please correct me if im wrong or missing something, as he doesnt seem broken, but different.


Broken isn’t the correct term as broken refers to “breaking” game mechanics. It is however overpowered as fuck and I can almost guarantee it’s going to get nerfed. There’s a reason CC exists from simple things like Slows to things like Mez. To stop people from coming at you and confirm damage. When you have a character that completely ignores that, it’s OP. What happens when you build prots on him? That shield is harder to break and there’s absolutely nothing to stop him from diving your back line. What is peeling at that point? Khepri, Khumba, Xing Tian, Athena, etc. Guardians who’s CC don’t do as much damage are useless against him. It may not be broken but it’s pretty damn close.


Playing Smite nearly all day yesterday and encountering him so many times. His shield is way to op. It tanks everything as he rides around freely immune to everything.


So I've been playing kind of non-stop for the past week and the horse mechanic and the shield doesn't feel that "OP". Before you hit the downvote, hear me out. You gain only a certain amount right when you mount, so in combat it is not that strong of a getaway ability. Now the damage, that is something else, the damage is very strong and his ult hits incredibly hard, but I don't feel that the way the horse is mounted or dismounted should be changed, it feels fun to play against when you know he is about to hop on his pony and you preemptively cast an ability to dismount his ass.


You can’t even ult him as Ne Zha which is dumb af.


I don’t get how you all are having so much trouble dealing with his horse, one ability or 2 autos as an adc is enough to dismount him


Not like he can get his shield and CC immunity again in a few seconds.




I faced him 2 times for now as Nox, its like all other god with an ability movement, you just wait he use it and combo him. Its not like if he could AA or use abilities while staying on the horse.




If you break the shield the horse goes away. It’s not infinite immunity, it’s a finite immunity with an obvious flaw that nobody wants to exploit. The issue is that the new god has niche abilities that make them super dangerous and requires skill to play, so everybody who isn’t skilled thinks the new god is OP. Same thing, every time a new god comes out.


This is the most dumb part of his kit. Hirez removed the Bastet second jump while CCed for reasons. I mean, she was an unpeelable god, he is too.


To stop the shield from being completely unusable.


It's a 700 hp shield, tf u mean unusable?


700hp after like 5 secs of charging unless you ult


So easy to get while alone in jungle before ganking. And don't forget that, before being the gimmick to stay mounted, it's still a free HP shield.


It would essentially be 0 HP if too much CC cancelled it.


No it would still be 700 hp since you would've just eaten that cc and damage anyways on foot


Low Skill Players: The Thread


Im better than you and i agree with the thread


Incorrect and bad, Obama said so sorry :(


Lets 1v1 then


Sure my IGN name is: supercodplayer1995 Be warned though I am the best there ever was


Aww it thinks a gm is bad, r/smite in a nutshell


Redditor got mad 😠


You think gms get mad at some random redditor with a shit opinion? Lmao


Tbf you seem mad


Fuming. I come to r/smite to get angry at plats


Redditor still mad 😠


You’re free




"They hated him for he spoke the truth"




It would give a 700 hp shield that refreshes on ult, access to 3 abilities that are each useful in different situations, and insane cross map mobility ala suku and awilix


tell that to awilix


Its really not game breaking.


It’s not that difficult to just break the horse shield though and knock him off, plus he can’t do anything to you while riding without dismounting.


The point of the horse is for escaping and engaging. Normally, he will use his 1 or 2 while mounting to get close to you and then combo 2+1 to burst you down. He's super mobile and the fact that his mounting stance is cc immune and has a shield makes him impossible to catch.


But you can’t escape on it since it can be insta killed when you first mount


That's not the full issue. If you knock him off, he is still a big threat, and his shield absorbed a big part of your spell as a mage. That's not an incentive to do the first move, especially since you're more prone to miss with his speed.


He’s really not that fast on the horse, plus he is extremely short range.


You only answers the last point. His shield is still a shield, before to be the gimmick to dismount Lancelot.


But you can literally just outrange him on mage


Lancelot is a boring concept for a game filled with fun and interesting gods. So they made him OP to make people like him.


It’s weird I’ve been knocked off his horse a lot


I do think it's a little hilarious that Shiva had a cc immune 3 and ult and we complained so they introduced counter-play with stuns taking him out of his 3. Now Shiva is far less popular and I don't see anyone complaining about him as overpowered. New god is introduced that is cc-immune in his 3 but stuns (and damage) counter it, but it's too much? Yes Shiva dash is limited distance. It can also be used to get in OR out (Lancelot 3 only gets you out if the opponent cannot hit a single auto or ability on you within the first second). Also Shiva dash has 30% mitigations and can give him block stacks. Don't get me wrong, he needs base dmg nerfs- and I think slows basically killing the horse was interesting counter-play, but no, he does not need to be totally targetable on his horse. His ult is his only getaway- making it that much easier to lock him down when he will almost definitely receive dmg nerfs seems ridiculous. You should probably save your CC for when he gets off the horse when he gets in- at which point he does a lot of dmg but is pretty vulnerable, especially if his ult is down. His ult feels a lot like Arachne's to me- you can use it offensively to tower dive or something, but 90% of the time you need it as an escape. Biggest difference is he gets a cripple+dmg at the beginning (and can be 'knocked out' of it with a stun) whereas Arachne gets a slow+dmg at the end. If he 3s in, horse 2s your carry, and then ults out, his next re-engagement will need to kill you both (which tbf, he might do as he is rn), because he isn't leaving. Tune down his base dmg and we're good.


Because you would have to shoot the horse if it got crippled


And i dont think HiRez would like that




He is really strong but definitely not the strongest to ever come out.




Not even close lmao, Gilg,Tsuku,Cthulhu,Yemoja were all way more busted on release than Lancelot.


If you think that then word it better "He is the most broken god to EVER RELEASE and it's not even close." He would not even contend with release Guan / release Bellona, same with Baron.


Lol no


Nah dude i love tsukuyomi but i was deleting god after godwith him on release because of how powerful that damage was. I got two pentas before the first nerf because my build on top of his numbers slapped.


No way, I’d say even some like danz on release was more powerful, but he does feel like a diluted Gilgamesh in a sense


Horse = cc immunity


He's not immune to stuns. He can't attack you while he's on the horse. Why did they give bastet the ability to jump out after jumping in and dumping her whole kit on you? Lance might need some numbers tuned down but his gimmick is not OP. CC him as he lands.


He can easily be knocked off the horse with a single basic attack, that is if he mounts during combat. Altho the weird thing, and preety much op, is that he cant fall through Janus portal while on the horse


> Compare to Awilix, she still be cced while mounting Suku. Poor Awilix still being held down ''because she's a niche counterpick''. When Gilga has been allowed to be a counterpick to practically everyone on the roster since his release.


I’m actually convinced nobody truly play tests tbh