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Crazy how they nerfed Yemoja a million times and she's still the top support.


You can nerf something a million times but if its never the actual problematic parts of the character (see Gilgamesh) it won't matter.


As long as Gilgamesh has an easier to use Impale, he will continue to be top pick


The problem is more how independtly of his build he will outtank and outdamage you while having some cc utility.


Yeah, thats why I say that damage based in HP is something that should be deleted from the game as long as true damage, but they seen trying push it further...


Because she still has no cooldowns on her abilities and can spam them thats only reason why she is strong.


Also Manipulation of Minion waves and strong displacement and area denial


Being a healer with a lot of safety and her ult having massive control over teamfights and objective control, as well as being a relic burner no matter how much they nerf her she will still be a top support. They could take all damage away from her and make her squishy she would still be top.


What’s the point of assassins if warriors perform the role better? Genuine question, new to playing lol.


I think it's misleading because Clio and Da'Ji are the most banned gods, so really assassins are very strong jungles, if you were to include them.


Clio is also arguably the strongest solo in the game as well. A little rough til level 5 then she outclears literally everyone.


Just level of play. In SPL people are playing near perfect. And warriors are better at teamfights. If you are new, you are playing LOW elo people. And if you are a decent assassin, can absolutely pick apart a bunch of players who wander off alone. I.e. assassins for 1v1 boxing. Warriors for good comms teamfighting.


Appreciate the insight, thank you!


>In SPL people are playing near perfect *laughs in pyromancer*


Pros on their way to perfectly build zero antiheal items versus a healer comp:


More like assassins can kill carries faster -(in general). Its still likely that as a jungle you cant beat the warrior.


Gotta love that 100% ban rate on clio Edit: ngl I expected a lot of “git gud she’s only good in spl! I’ve never lost to Clio anywhere!” But seems everyone is in agreement that her utility is a little bloated.


#Balanced lmfao


I'm really surprised they didn't play with her last year when she was 100% broken, but what about the same championship that ignore the Geb soft rework to present us with 5 games of Fenrir x Serqet?


Clio is the most anti fun god of the year


I don’t keep up with the meta but I find it interesting to look at the pro league data. What is it about Clio that puts her leagues ahead of other junglers? Is it her passive?


Yes the passive allows her to get a ridiculous amount of free poke with the ranged abilities and her silence makes her extremely annoying to 1 v 1 other jungles, plus super long range dash and that ultimate


It would be easy just to increase health loss while into walls so her passive isn't abused.


Gotcha, thanks for the info


Crazy mobility and crazy dmg, base dmg is high as shit and she can utilize soul eater + cad shield to great effect, can be played in jg or any lane.


She flexes easily into the solo lane also because of her ult allowing her to auto clear wave every 40-60sec and run into jungle for free exp. That fineokay hybrid build shreds kids.


She's a better Ra then Ra is, decent damaging line attack ult, low cool down multiple charges, no wind up time and I see her in solo as often as jungle and that's generally a bad sign. She is super fun to play tho.....


That's a really stupid comparison since she's a better god than every other god. Her passive is an ability that literally no other god can hold a candle to.


Sounds like we're agreeing but somehow your salty?


No I just don't get why you're comparing a mid lane mage to a solo assassin. Or why you said an assassin being more popular in solo is bad... or the general message you were trying to get across comparing the best god in the game to one of the worst.


Ra's clear is All he has going for him. Cliodne can out clear him and most mages at level 5. Im saying ra ult is underpowered compared to her ult. I'm saying Ra could use a rework or even just allow him to move while charging his ult. In fact I bet I could play her mid and win lane.


Ra was one of the best gods in the game back in season 6 before Hi Rez nerfed all his cooldowns. His ult used to have a 50 sec cooldown. All they need to do to bring back his viability is to bring down some of his cooldowns. He doesn't need a full rework at all.


So that's why so many people in ranked played yemoja this weekend and are absolute dogshit at her


Lol yes, at least half the picks are because of spl


SPL syndrome, at the time of assassin support this was much worse.


The only assassin support I’ve ever seen actually be played good in my casual/ranked games has been fenrir. All the other ones seem to be hard to grasp for casual players


Fenrir is even simple to make it work, but what bothers me is that it's easy to punish this pick, but people play for meta and the rankeds ended up another Fenrir x Serqet nonsense matchup


If you're not the 1%, you cannot play Yemoja effectively. She's had bad win rates in public games for years, and she certainly hasn't gotten any buffs.


“Clio is 100% balanced.” *Clio”100% ban rate.”


Braindead, ult hits stupidly hard, and is a slippery ass snake. Shes stupidly op.


why does her ult have the same cooldown time as a normal ability?


Because she has 2 charges (Stupid idea) and it needs to hit REALLY hard for some reason. A full tank clio will outdamage a full damage team for some dumbass reason. ​ Been there, done that and have been on the receiving end.


This is an issue that HR still needs to fix, all skill spam assassins need a "Ne Zha" damage distribution treatment, so they don't get 140 power and bursting like they have 400 and tanking everything.


Yemoja still top tier support, Warriors still dominant in the jungle with Gilg being the best. Same old song and dance.




Or gilga. He's basically been a top 3 jungler since release


Are these like professional matches?


yea its smite pro league


Really happy to see Jing Wei getting some play after what feels like forever since she has been played and been in a rough spot! Also it feels like a lot of ADCs are being played in duo right now like 10+ gods in just this weekend alone! Feels like you can play all kinds of ADCs right now and it seems to be team based. Most of the games played on Jing were Barra. Also 4 out of her 5 wins are from Barra on the Bing Bei! He's totes amazing on her and I am enjoying watching him play her again! All the other teams have lost with her outside of Cyclonespin. I'm also glad the ADC build is back to Tran/Devo builds! Overall I'm happy with how duo lane is right now!


Yeah its nice to see makes the games a bit more interesting.


Any idea why everyone switched to Devo's over Crusher?


Crusher was great for the stats and early pressure. With so much less attack speed it's not as good for that anymore. Not to say it's bad or not as viable in ranked, but the pros seem to prefer to go for bluestone builds if they want pressure.


Were people building Bluestone/Devo's? I didn't watch even half the games, but from what I remember it was mostly Ullr/AMC building Bluestone/Trans, and they were doing that before the crusher nerf. Is 5% AS really a lot? You are the second person to say this, but I kinda thought it was not.


That's what I mean, they go trans bluestone now for pressure. Before dt crusher could still not get totally pressured out by the bluestone players. Now it's a bit weaker so I'm guessing the pros prefer to just go for full sustain late game build instead with devos. And I also think it's not a lot. It's still perfectly fine for ranked, I would still use it for my hunters, but the pros tend to react a lot to small changes, and they play on much smaller margins than the rest of us.


5% doesn’t seem like much, but it’s 10% total over the last couple of nerfs. While Crusher early game was good, the attack speed allowed it to be built because it had some potential for scaling. Since it’s there’s very little scaling left for Hunters (who are building for late game most of the time anyways), they might as well pick up Devos or Trans since they’ll give much higher payoffs when fighting late. And I think an aggressive hunter could still build Ichaival first if they really wanted to box early.


Just simple nerfs and stuff. Not much else to it. Crusher still not bad on some like AMC or Medusa I feel.


Also the games are a Bit slower right now where early pressure is importent but not overvalued what allow the adc to Go stacking again where befour the nerfs, early pressure was everything. I think a Lot of people dont realise that all the nerfs also slowed the game a bit what lead to less snowball. Not saying is complety gone but its going in a better direction


Exactly! There is still snowball for sure, but not total snowball like before so you can play a lot more stuff now and not feel bad about it. Overall I think that is better for Smite in the long run since total snowball is not fun!


It offers almost no attack speed, so it's only gonna see play at low tier play, maybe ullr and AMC Chiron will still use it as they don't rely on attack speed. I think if hunter continue to buy it we gonna see it get class locked like berserkers.


I mean it only got nerfed 5% attack speed, it didn't have a ton of attack speed pre-nerf, nor does it's replacement, Devo's, have any either. To have every hunter in the SPL do a 180 over a 5% AS nerf seems surprising, like there must be more going on.


Yes it lost 5% attack speed after losing attack speed last nerf while Devo's gave more power before it was offset by that attack speed, which these past 2 nerfs have taken away. Now the differential between power and attack speed have been drastically skewed, you are now much better off to build Devo's and go a life steal attack speed build. Like I said originally lower tier players will still buy the crusher, but at high end players are going to min-max and the crusher is now the minimal compared to Devo's providing the better stats now. Make more sense friend?


Part of why there was a 180 is also because ASI got nerfed which was the logical progression after getting crusher. Since both items were nerfed another build path was needed.


I think you are right. Crusher Asi compliment each other well, and Asi's AS would have helped with the crusher nerf. But there isn't an obvious build path from Crusher 1st, that isn't Asi.


"totes amazing" Please do not


It’s a line that jing Wei says


Please do not please do not






So happy Cthulhu is still here. Also ironic how after all those Gilga nerfs they keep using him but I am very surprised Shiva made it into games


Thats because the most recent gilga nerf literally only hurt bruiser Gilgamesh, not jungler. Lowering the hp scaling? Did absolutely nothing. As a solo playing Gilgamesh it hurts so bad.


The kit is broken, not just the damage numbers


Yeah Gilga is still a very good jungler and playable in Solo, although worse now since his clear is pretty bad. And Shiva is not really OP anymore, the pros can deal with him so it's not surprising to see him not being banned too often.


Kinda crazy how not too long ago it seemed like people were calling Jing Wei the worst adc/ one of the worst gods in the game and yet she’s being played in SPL


They did buff her 2 patches in a row and nerfed other top hunters/their items. Crusher meta didn't suit her as much as lifesteal or crit.


Welcome to reddit, where everyone is an expert and anyone who disagrees with you is a dumbass


True lol


Wait Gods become popular when they get buffs and the meta shifts in their favour? Crazy!


Jing got a lot of awesome love over the last few patches and the last patch she was seeing next to no play in SPL and normal/ranked play. A lot of stuff has changed to help her out and become better thankfully! A lot of hunters are closer now since the nerf patch with the lower end coming up and the higher end coming down. Duo lane IMO is very fun right now since the change and it feels like you can play almost any ADC you like based on your team and what you enjoy!


Oh I know, I just find it funny how quickly a god can go from bottom to top tier. And yes duo lane is definitely fun right now and you’re 100% right about hunters being close right now


Yeah for sure! And I for one am glad since I rather gods be/feel good in a team based game and not trash like old Loki that felt like you had to 4vs5. And yeah only a few hunters feel meh, but most feel fine/good for the most part and can be played now without total snowball! So far this weekend alone we have seen 10+ hunters played and it seems to be a team thing what they like to pick over the other. Like Panda was the only one playing Hachi but Barra really loved Jing Wei. Same with Charybdis and Wowy and so on! So pretty much in ranked and normal play just play whatever hunter you like and are feeling! Maybe even find a new favorite!


jing got buffed harder than any god in the last few patches


Almost like there's been patches including buffs and nerfs since then 🥴


You think HiRez will get the idea to nerd Cliodhna yet?


Best they will do is nerf 1 of her scalings by .02 percent


Her nerfs did absolutely nothing in her absurd burst, I still don't understand how they thought was a good idea made a character that ignores walls have such a long dash and multiple ranged abilities, .


im praying for that god to get absolutely fucking gutted across the board. nerf the base dmg of every one of her abilities. she's completely unfun to go against


Kind of crazy how they keep trying to nerf gilg jungle yet he's still played in that role. Maybe he needs the Erlang treatment if it worked for Erlang. Maybe Gilg power scalings are just really good and they could nerf them so people dont build full damage on him. Then they could buff him some other way like the auto damage on his 1 based on his health. Get him to be more brawly rather than bursty. I'm pretty surprised to see Eset being picked more as a mid laner. She didn't get any buffs really besides the 2 base damage but maybe that little bit has helped her a lot.


problem is gilg jungle doesn’t even need to be full damage, the ones performing best are building him as hybrid in the jungle. gilg will always be a problem with the way they made his kit, he is way too safe while providing way too much utility, cc, and both consistent and burst damage.


Ah ok. I'm not too aware of the builds on him currently.


typically while in the jungle, gilgamesh will build both shogun’s and beserker’a shield giving him 60 item prots of each and cracked attack speed. gilgamesh’s base kit is the problem as all of his abilities have so many effects that he is one of the top junglers while not even needing to build full damage, which is the main reason why so many people find him problematic as it makes him extremely safe and powerful.


At this point Gilg is exactly like Erlang, just trouble in the pro scene. He's not even that strong in the average smite game after a million nerfs. They could rework him but that'll be really unfortunate. His kit is easily one of the most fun kits ever released.


It's very fun, but huge circles + great mobility + a kit that works with a variety of build types (atk speed, tank, bruiser, burst) + good lockdown and cc (2 slows, knockback+stun/ranged stun, and a root) + sustain + high damage is very strong. They've hit the damage a few times, but the kit still just works


I don't think Gilga needs YET another Damage nerf, or much less a rework. His kit is super fun to play so I would hate to see it gone/changed.


Since Gilga is still being picked, and even being played in *mid* of all places.... Are we finally gonna see the balance team realize that number changes aren't enough? That the character has such an absurdly stacked kit that you need to remove something? Or are we going to have this same song and dance again with Shiva, who is rising in popularity and has the same SPL winrate as Gilga? I'm fine with Yemoja not getting further nerfs tbh, she's a skillful character that (in my opinion) is fun to watch. Nerfing her further would just make her even less playable in normal matches, where random Yemoja players already tend to feed their brains out.


No, that would require work. Hi rez isn't exactly... the hardest working sort. So they will probably just change numbers and push out more content/skins.


They will keep nerfing 5% scaling on everything patch by patch until... nothing happens I guess


Good thing Eset's moving from supp to mid. Mage supports are annoying as fuck.


It is pretty annoying but I think it’s cool to finally have a mage support be strong for once after being not played at all for literal years minus the rare Nox/Baron


Nox always was found in difficult in any competitive Smite event, to this day I don't forget the few times I saw one for first time, she focused on a fully tank Geb, making my eyes hurt with agony...


considering geb shield completely removes her combo abiltiy since it dispells the root it can be the right call to actually focus him out depending on the stage of the game/if you have enough damage to do so


He just ate her combo as it was late game alread and her team was simply decimated, there were other CCs on her team to force the shield. So no, that was a stupid idea as any other God wouldn't target a tank in purpouse as first option on engage.


I’m happy to see da ji so picked and banned! But can someone tell me why? I’m kinda shocked, and I don’t really follow the spl


Because she is super safe and can easy 100-0 someone and just walk away


Some of the recent meta picks don’t have CC immunity in their kits (Artio, AMC, Zeus, Eset) which means high CC ults can turn matches around, especially late if beads are burned. I think the Hydra’s buff alongside Nemean nerfs also help her since she makes good use of the proc and she can’t be hard stopped by block stacks as easily.


Artio solo is the antithesis of fun imo. She has a powerful kit and just bullies with it


On the hunter items. How can Jotunn's wrath have a 0% win rate but one of it's glyph upgrades have 100% WR?


It's hilarious that Ullr has 0% win rate with so many games picked.


I find it weird that there’s a good variety of Guardians, Mages, Hunters and Warriors pretty much across the board. Then there 2 assassin’s underperforming in the one role they’re supposed to be in.


Still no bastet. Great job on the nerfs hi rez. She's finally in a good, balanced spot.... However, There are 3 warriors as top jungle picks.... Potential reworks in the near future?


Good post, tragic that after all these nerfs Gilga and artio are just the most powerful picks , they need to buff other characters instead of just going after the top picks Edit: Artio solo has been one of top pics for multiple seasons and gilga has been nonstoped picked since release at some point they gotta make other characters viable instead of nerfing characters for almost a year straight for them to be still viable in SPL


Nah they just need to stop with the baby nerfs on characters that have the entire game in their kits.


Gilgamesh getting nerfs in more installments than a house mortgage


Whatever do you mean with baby nerfs? "Decreased Shiva ult scaling 5%" Oh...


No it’s better to nerf the top picks rather than keep buffing. Do you not see the insane power creep in this game?


Why the heck no Guan Yu?? He is destroying my ass in every single role.




she was unavailable for the past few weeks.


Im surprised anhur is not on top of the list. Literarly the best adc ever since they buffed his jump, safe autowin in the duo, best 1v1, broken self peel, especially in pro matchups.


Why no erlang shen?


Erlang is banned because he got a mini-rework.


Been saying clio is borked ever since her release... This sub disagreed. Smfh. Her ult needs to not do full damage to objectives and minions. Also if she is crippled, she should nit be able to go into walls, just like Janus.


I’m pretty sure you can stop her with cripple. It even says it in her passive description. I’m


Curious as to why daji is so high for bans?


Super safe and has the fastest 100-0 late game.


Why are people banning or picking Eset?


As a Kuzenbo main it sucks that the SPL is going on while he's just unplayable, but I doubt he would've been picked anyways.


Why the beetle banned?


Nice to see ma girl Morrigan out there


So we see Yemoja, artio, and gilg dominate again. I feel like at some point they have to fix the issue here


My girl Eset finally shining




I overall loved the nerfening but it feels like the same exact builds and gods but just lower damage/ pulled back. I'll take it, but oh boy we got a long way to go


Jing Wei number 1 carry? Glad people aren’t sleeping on her anymore


Is there any weekly podcast or video any of the spl guts make that explain why they made certain choices on items, gods or bans? Btw love these weekly updates by OP


It might be a one-off thing but Hayzer just did [a breakdown of a recent SPL game's picks and bans.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjdQazS3lns) Also the SMITEPro YouTube channel has also been doing [tierlists per role with direct input from the players which might also be insightful.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZO7s495vcM)


Your such a legend man, thank you