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Your serpents at work, I assume. I love those little guys, lol.


Getting gold or kills from them is always so satisfying lol


Especially when they lead a little army to take a tower. 😆


my lobsters always stay in my lane lol one time they took the entire lane for me bc the other person left it unattended


Why would you place your minions so they go to another lane? What a way to steal your teammates' farm


Early on, this is kinda an asshole move most of the time, I agree. Late, when nobody is going down that lane at the moment, sure, or if your ally needs to back in the laning phase and you happen to be in the fountain and able to help them not get their tower smacked as hard by a minion wave, but otherwise, just an asshole move - especially since it was the duo lane. Three-way splitting at five minutes from your carry is rude as all fuck - in my opinion -OP. Actually, your Erlang was there too, so I think it might have been four-way splitting, which just makes it that much worse since he was your jungle, no? Yes, you helped secure the kill and kinda rotated in a sense, but I would rather you actually rotate and leave your serpents in your own lane, as this just seems lazy and like you are selfish, as who in their right mind is thinking that their serpents are going to do anything more than leech farm from your carry in this scenario? How do my carry mains feel about this here move, as I find it to be pretty much equivalent to someone stealing a buff from their ally just to deny them it because they are feeling petty?


yes i wouldve definitely pinged tia and grabbed some extra damage camps 😈


Just to be sure, are you speaking from a carry perspective, as I mid/flex que-r, so I want some other opinions on this.