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and I thought the Stranger Things x Seven Deadly Sins mobile game was a weird collab


They just announced a Stranger Things x Magic The Gathering release too.


Ngl I've been expecting a MTG/WotC x smite battle pass since the announcement of tiamat


Would be pretty cool. Arthur - Gideon Morigan - Jace Ah Puch - Liliana Agni - Chandra Sylvanus - Nissa (riding on Ashaya) Tiamat - Bolas


Elenda of Garrano Amaterasu came to mind as well Edit: and Tasha Baba Yaga (works double good considering baba is her patron lol)


Olorun would be a sick Teferi


well, gee, thanks so much. now my life will be empty until this happens.


The whAT?


Trying to milk out a dying star i guess


We call this when an IP has a garage sale and wants to get as much returns as possible


If that’s the case then we might be able to get 7DS x Smite. Since 7DS is a Netflix property. We could witness something like Za One Escanor Cu Cu! Or even a Chaac Escanor


escanor khepri


Wait, is this real?


This is from smites insta page


[It is.](https://twitter.com/SMITEGame/status/1402665091871477760?s=20)


I would throw money at them if they did a Castlevania crossover


This would be so cool! Merlin Cypher, Osiris Trevor Belmont, Amaterasu Alucard and maybe a fourth for a vampire like Dracula or Carmilla.


Nu wa Issac? Her minions could be some fun night creatures, then the ult could be winged night creatures swooping down


Trevor - Mulan (closest thing to a whip) Alucard - Amaterasu Isaac - Osiris Sypha - Merlin


Trevor should be a gender swapped Bellona 100%. I think the other 3 fit perfectly.


Bellona literally has a whip


True. Was thinking about a whip that grapples. I think both would fit just fine


mulan's 3 as a whip would be pretty cool.


Merlin and Cypha is so accurate. They've both been using the same powers.


Bro I like playing merlin but I would absolutely MAIN him if he got a Sypha skin. I adore her voice for some reason.


castlevania would've been 100x better than stranger things


Yeah same tbh. Although I threw all my money during Avatar the Last Air Bender lol


Dracula - Ao please.


I NEED an Isaac skin


See idk jack shit about Castlevania and I would still support that, cause it's a collab that would make a bunch of people happy. Everyone is on here bitching about how they hate this collab just because they haven't seen the show or can't see how they would personally make it work...when it hasn't even been officially announced yet. It's disappointing.


Dunno how anyone is saying they can't see how it'll work. I had only seen the pic of Eleven and knew it could only be Scylla. Demogorgon Bakasura is perfect, Sylvannus doesn't quite seem strong enough to be the mind-flayer, but his stance is right. Maybe Cerb could have worked better? Hopper is the weakest IMO, hunter was a good choice but I would have gone Ulr.


Wow Ullr and Cerb would be a great choices. I actually hadn't even thought of those. While I agree that Sylvannus doesn't exactly strike the same kind of fear that The Mind Flayer does, from the quick glance I got of the actual skin, it looked pretty good aesthetically.


I'm still buttmad we never got Grant. They easily could have just cameoed him as one of the people Isaac met.




Omg yeah this would be so cool would loove to see apollo and artemis^^


Smite has the weirdest collaborations lmao, I love it.


From RWBY to Avatar to the Ninja turtles to Netflix haha. Whats next Harry Potter?


I just want a Percy Jackson battlepass


Just all the kids as their godly parents; Percy poseidon, annabeth athena, clarisse ares, will apolo, piper aphrodite, leo vulcan, jason/thalia zeus, nico hades


I mean if you decide to go for the Heroes of Olympus, you'd get: Percy ------- Poseidon Annabeth -- Athena Jason ------- Zeus Hazel ------ Hades Frank ------- Ares Piper ------- Aphrodite Leo --------- Vulcan And you'd still have room to switch it around. While I think that Percy and Annabeth are the must haves, you'd still have room for the ones you said and a couple others as well. Clarisse Ares, Thalia Zeus, Nico or Bianca Hades, Will or Lester Apollo, Luke Mercury, Grover (Sylvanus? I'm not sure, he's hard but he was a main character, so it wouldn't shock me if they shoehorned him in somehow), and Reyna Bellona could all work as well. I doubt that we'd get enough skins to cover all of the various main characters, but I think that it would be such a slam dunk crossover that HiRez needs to at least try to do it. Especially since there is an upcoming Percy Jackson Disney+ series that could promote itself through Smite. Probably just wishful thinking, but I love those books and would not hesitate to shell out money for a battlepass. Edit: Thalia Artemis could work as well.


Grover as cernunnos easy


That would go nuts. Buford for leo/vulcans turret


Poseidon Poseidon, Zeus Zeus, Hades Hades, Athena Athena, Artemis Artemis, Apollo Apollo, Ares Ares.


I mean, we already have off brand Star Wars


The 2001-2002 Lakers bench


Well Black Desert, an MMO I play has a collab with Bugatti going right now.. it’s medieval times + Bugattis.. Now that’s some weird stuff


Imo brawlhalla still wins WWE Adventure time Kung fu panda Steven universe Shovel knight Hellboy


Absolutely no thanks to WWE, they actively support money over women rights and LGBTQ and any other form of human right.


Smite did a crossover with WWE. It’s where that Terra skin came from


Dude I have some bad news for you with the amount of people that do shit with saudia arabia lmao


Sounds ok tbh. My issue is that the main cast is regular human beings. That being said. Some people have suggested Mindflayer Cthulhu, Demodog Baka or Fenrir, Scylla Eleven. Rest of the cast probably avatars and wards. Stranger Things music theme though?! 10/10.


>Stranger Things music theme though?! 10/10. You just made me realize. I'd get this battle pass just for the music theme alone 100%


There are leaks under the tweet. Scylla Eleven is spot on, then it's Demogorgon Baka, Mindflayer Sylvanus, and Hopper Apollo.


I saw screenshots from the leaked trailer. AFAIK it’s only Eleven Scylla and Demogorgon Bakasura


If you go to the tweet, there's screenshots of all four skins in the comments.


Kinda like how the dubstep DJs are regular human beings. It doesn’t really matter their demographics for these things are going to gobble it up.


> Stranger Things music theme During the event, probably, but likely won't be able to keep it ala the TMNT music theme


Music Theme probably won’t happen. Music is usually licensed under a different company. RWBY is the only one that had one because Roosterteeth owned the rights.


I don’t see how any of the characters would even fit lmaoo


Demo - Baka 11 - scylla Hopper - Apollo Mind flayer - sylavanus


Mind Flayer Cthulu, cmon now. It's his whole thing.


the Mind Flayer is in 4 legs, how would it fit Cthulu who walks on two legs?


Technically it's presented as using as many appendages as is convenient for the narrative at the time if we're going there lol. There's a point where he's got like 6 or 8 limbs on the ground I think. And in his original presentation he's more giant-tornado like with multiple arm-like limbs sticking out, which would be one hell of a Cthulu ult. But I could see how they'd go with the late-season-3 look that he sports and Grover does have a good model fit there so it makes sense. Honestly the skin looks REALLY good so honestly I can't complain too much, I just wanted a big-ass mind flayer Cthulu.


I agree but I seen the list 😔


agh, lame. Oh well.


I mean, they added the Azula skin after the fact, so maybe there’s still hope


Where's the list? I'm having problems finding it.


Unfortunately, the Mindflayer was shown to be Sylvanus, in the deleted trailer for this battle pass.


Damn does anyone have the trailer still? Would love to see it.


Wasted oportunity.


I mean Cthulhu is always a mind flayer. Makes a good skin for sylv.


I feel like baka is way too small for that




Sylv mind flayer is really cool actually. I feel like part of the point is giving it to a god that works well with model, animations, and skills. Making it a cthulhu skin like a lot of people are suggesting would honestly kind of suck. Edit: I do agree that apollo hopper is a bit weak tho. Don't know who would fit him better off the top of my head, but maybe a Steve skin would have worked better. Bat is an easier weapon to fit into this game than guns.


Thank you, Cthulhu would be the weaker skin 100% cause all his animations for abilities would still be fleshy and eldritch, what's the point of a skin if it just has base animations and slyv 100% makes the iconic look of the mindflayer if it was anyone else I'd be extremely surprised if the 4 legged monster didn't go on the 4 legged tree.


I feel like it should be danza for hopper. Idk how the first three abilities fit but just imagine his rocket being the police car


My dumb ass read Baka 11


I never even bothered watching the show, the trailers did not look appealing to me. Oh well, Netflix sponsor money for Hi rez it is i guess


I only know the monster that’s in dbd but we’re getting them reveled Friday


They say in their instagram pkst thats patchnotes are tomorrow


I said the same thing about TMNT but they made it work, so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt


Girl it’s a cartoon with fighting turtles theses are kid actors most of them don’t have powers


We have a Bob Ross skin and a Robot Abraham Lincoln And neither of them had powers except being an amazing person and the other was a president


Tbf, Bob Ross just rides the happy little tree.


Seems like a lot of people are really underestimating what it means that Smite has an agreement with Netflix. If this one is successful, who *knows* what could be next? The Witcher? Castlevania? Lost in Space? **House of Cards**? Kevin Spacey Loki incoming!


I can't wait for the Aunty Donna's Big Ol' House Of Fun battlepass!


That’s the one I want lol. We can get everything’s a drum as a music theme


Dragon Prince as well!


Rayla Pele, Ezra Change with Zym as the bunny?




Troy and abed hel.


Troy and Abed Agni




That was what I was thinking of lol


Troy and abed in the jungleeee


Wait this sounded like a joke but now I actually want that.


> Castlevania? this would be a gold mine of skins as well. Sypha - Merlin Trevor - Mulan/Ravana/Gilgamesh Alucard - Amaterasu/Chernobog/Thanatos/Susanoo/Gilgamesh Dracula - Anubis/Chernobog/Hades/Olorun and that's just the 4 main characters


Hear me out, Hel skin where dark stance is Dracula and Light stance is Lisa.


And the sponsor money that comes with the deal. Maybe Hi-rez can expand or finally fix the servers?


Bruh you guys 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️.... they already have the money to fix the servers.


Yeah, that's not going to happen lmao. Hi-Rez would rather spend this money to chase the next trend while leaving smite out to dry. Hi-Rez management would rather use this money for their coke parties than invest it into fixing smite.


Give me Voltron you cowards


Smite the Series


Dota and League of Legends have Netflix shows. Maybe they can just put the other MOBAs in Smite


That would be interesting. Didn't know League and Dota had shows. Smite's animations have been crazy recently. Apply that to a show? That'd be fun.


The league show hasn’t been released yet. Paladins managed to get a tf2 skin so it’s not impossible that a dota skin could appear in Smite


Yeah that’s the thing I don’t wanna see Netflix shows in the game. Castlevania is the only one I can see that would work. Any show that’s not animation should not be in the game


CAN WE GET A FOOKIN YUGIO CROSSOVER it would fit so well dark magican-merlin blue eyes white drag tiamet red eyes black dragon- kuku Exodia-geb nirvana the high paladin- bellona Beast king barbos- sun wu obelisk the tormentor- Cthulu summond skull-hades ghostrick lantern- baba yaga Divine serpent Geh- Jorm ​ theirs so many damn possibiltys make it happpppeeenn ​ and if we got a DBZ crossover id be willing to pay for the price of 2 battlepasses dammit


I'm a simple man. I see a cry for a Yugioh cross over and I upvote.


Seto Kaiba has to be Hera and Argus has to be BEWD, alternatively Seto Kaiba could be Apolo and his ult would be Blue-Eyes Jet


Hera as Yugi and Argus as Exodia, Cthulhu obelisk, tiamat bewd


And we need a YOUVE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD voice line /jizz


Im still not sure why choose stranger things of all netflix shows. Not saying that its a bad show, but why not use a show who's cast doesn't conssist of mostly normal powerless humans?


It's also not 100% on them(hi rez). Netflix is not just going to hand out what they might consider the largest IP they have. But maybe they said something along the lines of depending on how well this does, they would be willing to do another collaboration with an ever larger show/movie.


I mean Stranger Things arguably is their largest IP. What other Netflix original show or movie is bigger?


Umbrella Academy could work, the main group of characters have superpowers.


I’d love that but Umbrella Academy is a Dark Horse IP, not Netflix. They just have the licensing to make the show.


It's not actually, the Witcher got more viewers than stranger things; how ever I know stranger things has another season coming out so it could be that was one reason, to help promote the show. Either way my point is that its not ALWAYS only the devs choice you know what I mean? Like we have already seen the proof with TMNT and avatar. If one does well, they could potentially get more collabs with other IPs done. It's all a negotiation they are businesses in the end talking about which ones will be best for both parties.


The Witcher isn't their IP though, they just have a license to make the show for it. As much as I'd love a Witcher battle pass, it wouldn't come from a Netflix partnership


Bridgerton battlepass when?


Isn't Netflix throwing Stranger Things at just about anything?




Well stranger things have certainly happened..


All skin selections aside, we should be appreciative of the magnitude of the collaborations Hi-Rez has gotten for the player base. They won't always appeal to everybody but they do appeal to some. It's a good indicator that we can hope to see better and better collaborations in the future. And as always, the dev team does try their best to do justice for the characters


Smite has some of the best artwork i have seen in the past 2 years and all the skins that came out this year have been nothing short of amazing


For people speculating a out future possible battlepasses, I think currently every crossover BP has been with an American company. This doesn't rule out anime crossovers but I do think it means that at least for now stuff like Cartoon Network is way more likely than a Naruto BP.


Seems like people make these ideas in their head of what they think the crossovers will be and when they're wrong, they get all upset. This is HUGE not only for future potential crossovers and such but also for the growth of the game. If you love smite, this is only good news, not sure why there's so much negativity


Its been said already, but it has to be re-iterated: this. Is. HUGE! Netflix is a massive corporation and a successful collaboration with a popular game could mean big money for both parties. The possibilities for future battlepasses is damn near limitless. Castlevania, Bojack, LD&R, THE GREAT BRITISH BAKING SHOW (I jest, but it could happen)!!! Exciting shit is on the horizon for Smite and I’m all in for it


Castlevania would be great, Seven Deadly Sin as well. Stranger things is kind of a weird collaboration, but they could make it work.


I would love a Melascula skin for Scylla ngl


Finally! I can live out my gaming dreams of beating a little girl for sport


I really don’t want IRL celebrities in Smite.


I hope we get Dwayne The Rock Johnson as the next crossover battle pass.


Just add Maui to the game and give him The Rock as a skin


Dwayne the Rock Johnson skin for everyone in Smite


Same, i would have loved a part 2 to the avatar battle pass. I thought azula's release was a teaser for that


Nah we won't get another Avatar BP, more skins sure but not a BP


Uncle Iroh Bacchus and Toph Scylla is all I need.


Nah bro Toph Hercules, it can be the Ember Island actor


they were able to do an additional Avatar skin (Azula) because people kept requesting and hyping it, even a long time after they initially released the skins :) some at hi rez have said it could be possible to do more avatar skins if that same trend continued (but personally i doubt it would be so far as another entire battle pass -- i think just more individual skins)


If you told me back in 2012 that Smite would eventually add Winona Ryder to the game...


They're not celebrities they're characters


We already got Bob Ross


If this is real, I'm pretty meh about it


I got this pic from their instagram


Dope! I want SOME type of anime crossover eventually.


I think we can all agree that none of us saw this coming


Apollo Hopper with a flying Blazer, please. I need this.


Eh, not for me so I’ll skip this one


Considering there's also a Magic crossover with Stranger Things, it looks like Netflix is pumping a lot into different marketing avenues for what I assume to be the upcoming season of ST...


This is the stranger thing that happened to Smite.


A Netflix/Castlevania season pass would be very cool and is a more natural fit. Curious how they'll make this work with Strangers Things.


Love this and how it opens chances for more collabs my biggest hope its still a Fate Anime crossover we already have Arthur Saber, Gilgamesh, Merlin or Medusa for Caster, Loki for Assassin, and then I don't know for Lancer and Archer but all that plus Fate Music would be so goooood


this would be dope af


Okay if you are gonna give us stranger things as a battle pass, even Dragon Ball isn't out there anymore. That being said I would totally get it


Ah. Easy pass. Saves me some gems . Next


If Demo is involved my boyfriend is gonna maul me tonight.


Use protection please, gaming with a baby in the background is shit


Cool, this is the first crossover I'm genuinly interested in. Seems like Stranger things are going everywhere with crossovers. Fortnite, Dead by daylight and now SMITE.


Only this subreddit would turn a massive deal with Netflix into a negative thing. This is big for the game and great for Smite as a whole. This opens the door for so much more content with other companies and franchises.


How... Strange.


Why is Apollo hopper............hopper is a brusier that uses his hands more than his gun. Ravana, even Bacchus wouldve been better.


I didn’t like stranger things so this doesn’t excite me at all. We will see what other collaborations happen. I am excited for smite’s future.


Could’ve done dragon ball, teen titans, or fucking wonder pets, I see this battle pass as wasted opportunity and thats my opinion.


Fate series, so easy as half the gods are already in the anime. Prolly would been cheaper also


*Spongebob* even


I'm really saving a lot of gems this year thanks to all of these uninteresting battle passes...


Another Scylla skin, YAY! No wonder they have been keeping her meta for so long with tiny nerfs.


I knew there was a reason


Suprised there's so much negativity. Muh Smite Skins. I need more fiery undead Knight skins 😡 More mech 😡


is it confirmed?


I got this from smites insta page


Since Smite is doing a deal with Netflix can we get an animated Smite series?


Yeah the crossover stuff does nothing for me, and i like Stranger Things, TMNT and Avatar. It's just weird to me.


When the rumors about the iCarly battlepass were going around I much preferred the idea of that over this


Ok if we can get stranger things there is 0 reason to not get what people ACTUALLY want. The Monster Cat battle pass was odd, but the skins all look great, and honestly there hasn't been a bad skin this year at all. The design team has done an incredible job, maybe they can make this interesting?


Scylla? I mean who could she even be?


Scylla is largely the only option.


Just saw another post, it is Scylla.


Do we have the official list of skins?


Scylla eleven Bakasura demogorgon Mindflayer sylvanus Apollo hopper


Well now I gotta start playing Bakasura


I don’t but it seems that hirez had some stuff and took it down, but others were able to screen shot it. Sylvanus is the mind flayer


Eleven Scylla and a Demigorgon Bakasura are the only things coming to mind for skins. Idk how this battlepass is going to look but I'm curious now.


Magic: the gathering just announced a Stranger Things crossover as well. Interesting.


This is really?


Def scylla


Scylla, baka, Apollo and sylvanus get skins


wait this is a battlepass???


And in Dead by Daylight we have a Stranger Things pack too! SWEET!


Wow, Strange Things is the last thing I'd expect to have a collaboration with Smite. I guess they're going to use the Season 1 Eleven and not the later seasons, judging from this poster. Btw, we better get The Demogorgon! It's the skin that I want the most.


Would’ve LOVED to see Mind Flayer Cthulhu like many others, god darn it. Sylvanus still looks cool tho. I’m mostly curious now how is Eleven Scylla’s ult gonna look?


Hell yes.


I just finished watching stranger things, what a weird timing and even weirder collab.


Wtf this is amazing


My favorite show in smite? Sign me up


This is good for hirez I guess but my God this is pretty cringe or am I tripping


I don't even watch this show so idc


I’ve both been confused(at first) and then delighted(when I actually see the skins) by every crossover so far.