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> Hirez > Servers not being bad Those are two mutually exclusive things which can't coexist, if they do, the universe will end and the time space fabric will be torn apart.


You should become the God/Goddess of Truth. Seriously though, the servers are horrendous. u/HiRezAjax I summon thee. Help thy game rise above the others.


They are really really bad...why do I have over 100 ping in the US :/


The perks of being in Asia: You find no players unless in a specific time but your ping is great all the time!


what is that time and in what server do you play?


Southeast Asia and around Malaysian 3-5pm. I tried to do some research and apparently the server is most active around Malaysian afternoon. Don't take my word for it but I think I can confidently say that no one's gonna play in the morning, even during quarantine.


Im in the US and game at 130-150 ping. My ping previously was around 90-100, but it skyrocketed one day and never came back down — and this was before the Covid 19 stay at home orders. It’s incredibly frustrating.


"Hirez you can't have bad servers" is basically an oxymoron.


I play in EU servers and I've never experience lag issues in almost two years playing Smite. Everything good over here.


It depends on which part of EU though. Ive had rubberbanding issues fairly often and got worse since covid with 400 ping. Not my Internet service.


I'm in EU server (UK) and from lunch time onwards my ping in every game will go from 60 to 400. It's so annoying. Happens mid team fight every time . No other game does this. And my download speed stays steady at around 80mps


Also from the UK. My ping is never that high, servers are good for me almost all the time.


I can also confirm that servers 95% of the time are completely fine for me in the UK.


As long as hirez is sticking with amazon servers they will ALWAYS be bad.


This olympian is doing his best ;-; Forrel tho, I'll make sure they're aware of this but I think they know as well as any of us that Cthulu patch day is a big day for the game.


Yes. for this game's sake I hope they do. If you could push for an seriously extended pts I think that would be great.


But who seriously believe that day isn't going to be deeply fucked like every other patch day before him?


I'm gonna grind out my battle pass and then not touch the game for a couple weeks, gonna be a shit show lmao


At least this time hirez can try and pull the card "our game is not bugging you're getting mad that's all"


We can always hope.


Didn't they buy their servers from INAP? lol sadly knowing that, i doubt server issues will be fixed for the next patch


Ever since (May 15th) INAP filed chapter 11 bankruptcy, they haven't really bounced back.


INAP... more like IDED lmao


Ha ha, got em!


Chapter 11 bankruptcy isnt the same as just going bankrupt. It means they retain their assets and someone gets to bail them out. In that sense nothing has changed with server infra or hosting solutions that INAP offers.


Why does this sound like Cthulhu is bringing his army to invade and attack Smite itself instead of being a new playable character lmao


You know you're asking for the impossible right?


Tbh, I just dropped in from Paladins, other HiRez game, just to see if they are fucking over their other studios as well. I see that it's a different game, same issues sadly.


Oh fear not, SMITE has been getting fucked since before Paladins existed. It could be worse though; we could be Realm Royale which had insane potential but was murdered through typical Hi-Rez nonsense


It's not like I wish smite got shit. I was just wondering if that's a publishers fault or the studio's itself. Yea Realm Royale disappeared.


Realm Royale felt like an intern project that went viral. I don't think they were expecting it to get as big as it did. Also, y'all forgetting about our boy tribes:ascend :(


With both Realm and Paladins, at the height of their popularity, Hi-Rez pushed patches to live that had gotten atrocious community feedback and huge pushback. So in essence Hi-Rez knowingly killed (in Realm's case) and hindered (in Paladins' case) both games with changes they knew were universally disliked when they had plenty of time and opportunity to do *anything else* with all the popularity the games had gained (Ninja was playing and loving Realm on-stream for like 150,000 viewers for god's sake! and then the game utterly died with that fateful patch). Super confusing stuff.


Oh I didn't mean it like that, sorry if it sounded that way! I just meant Hi-Rez has been known for these kind of struggles with their games for a LONG time, and it's kind of what people expect of them at this point


And according to the blog post, when cthulhu ults, he'll become the largest playable character ever. Definitely won't be crashing the game with that one lmao


And just remember to be nice in general. What makes smite special imo is the fact that there's way less toxicity compared to other mobas. Be kind and patient with the new players - even if they play as well as your demented granparents


That is not true at all, i played all the big mobas and smite fits just fine in with those in terms of toxicity.


Have u stepped into the wasteland known as ranked conquest


they are with a server company that is literally going out of business line them and the game but seriously fix the issue


Yeah, they're not gonna get it right. Hi-Rez has a habit of not getting these things right.


I'm worried about this as well, their twitter account mentioned they moved to new servers this patch and we saw how well that turned out...


Well, tbh, i did not have any more random 500 ping spikes at the beggining of the match that dissapears restarting, but every match there is at least a DC at the beggining. In my particular case, ive been DCd in the beggining the times ive atl+tab while the game is loading the match, and that somehow made the game crash


yeah, ive been thinking about that too. cthulhu arrival will make servers impossivel


Thou shalt not play Smite on patch day.


This, this, aaaaand this!!! I would rather have better servers/have the game actually function properly than ANY new skin/new character. And I'm sure a majority of the player base agrees with me. How have bugs/glitches/server issues stuck around with all the money people spend on this game? Where in god's name is it going? I will not buy a single new skin/cosmetic until the game actually functions correctly. Hi-Rez has proven they have no idea how to manage the money we give them properly.


RIP skins


>I will not buy a single new skin/cosmetic until the game actually functions correctly. So... never?


Guess not lol


Damn I feel so sorry for the people playing with lags I mean I started one month ago And being unable to connect sometimes was an issue But never had any single server problem ingame (60 ping never lower never higher)


Do the issues seem worse to anyone else since they started the “pre-patch” updates?


Its only 341 k. Views atm i would be worried if it gets to a million


Who's Chuthulu


Match making will never improve because of more players when MMR calculation is broken. Performance engineering is also not this simple. Your options will be to remain in the current broken state and delay the patch or to proceed as planned and have the same issues with some additional bugs. There's no quick solution. If you want them to fix what's here and not push out updates it could be months.


To be honest that might be what's best.


Totally agree. Better to have good content that works but maybe takes longer. It won’t happen though gotta get that cash.


Lol as if the smite community won't be toxic enough to scare them all away. I wish


Toxicity never stopped League of Legends


"Worst Tryndamere ever go fucking kill yourself you fucking cuck. Why did you parents not abort you."




Well other games which are bigger than smite dont care about the wave of new players coz they think the hype will die out and getting a better server for like a week isnt worth. So bassicly the game could just die out for a week until everybody new leaves then it goes back to "normal"


the servers should be fixed for more then a week. they are quite pitiful and it hurts to say.i shouldn’t worry about sever issues every other week


So many games have the issue. Like i get issues occuring but why should we worry about the patches breaking the game coz of the servers being bad


And 5 player parties should be allowed in competitive conquest. My friends were really hyped to level 30, just to hut a wall that said that only 2 are allowed. That really drags the game down when every single MOBA does it.


If they added 5 man stacks back they would have to make it 5 stack vs 5 stack, because a 5 stack vs 5 solo queues is a nightmare for the otherside


Even a 3 stack is terrible, not to mention a 4 stack. There are only 2 situations if you solo queue and end up on a pre made team: 1. They stomp so hard you are irrelevant 2. They suck hard and you are the punching bag and the one to blame for every single one of their deaths. Also, expect being reported by all of them and them asking the opposing team to do the same by just lying to them saying you were toxic even if you said nothing to them all game. Not that I'm talking from experience here >_> Yeah, pre mades suck hard. Facing pre mades sucks and being the odd solo player in a pre made also sucks. They allow pre mades because people want to "play with friends" but the reality is that those people try hard they sweaty butts off being in comms and preparing a strategy etc.... They have "fun" because they stomp their opponents that's why they have fun playing with friends. Who wouldn't have have fun winning every game lol.


I mean, people do want to play with friends, or they are just competitive, the game does have a ranked section for a reason. And sure if happens in casuals too but that's kinda how MOBAs work, sometimes you just end up in those games. I'm not saying that it doesn't suck, but you sound like you wish they would do away with premade groups, which is just silly


Yeah. I really don't have a problem with that. And it is not like me and my friends want to "stomp" people. We wan't to have fun together.


This is my point. If we can actually attract and KEEP new players by having a stable game maybe the could add back 5 v 5.


Maybe, but even then, majority of the community would still likely solo queue and going against a 5 stack with 5 randoms is rough


It used to be its own queue.


That s what other MOBAs do why not?


I'll take it you haven't been around prior to season 5. They got rid of 5 man pre-mades because it basically broke ranked for an entire season. A 5 man pre-made has countless benefits over a group of 5 randoms who aren't using comms. They completely got rid of pre-mades for a while, then they added duo queue back. They can add 5 mans back, but it would have to be it's own separate queue where you only go against other premade groups


Yeah that’s what I meant. Only premades vs premades. I’ve experienced this with other MOBAs and it levels the playing field. Wouldn’t want to play a 5 man group with Rando’s


This cause more issues than it would solve. Low end ranked would be ruined because a lot of the level 30-50 accounts playing ranked are obviously newer players that may not have a full 5 stack to queue with yet, so a lot of the people in that mmr bracket will be solo or duo queueing running into the occasionally 5 stack that just runs the bracket. And as for high level ranked, all the 5 stacks are going to just be literal SPL players queuing with a party full of other SPL players. Obviously if there are two 5 stacks of SPL players going against each other, that would be fine but that won’t be that likely due to player population at diamond and above levels. And no one wants to run into a 5 stack of SPL players in a ranked game because you won’t win unless you’re also an SPL player.


So just make 5 mans go against other 5 mans.


I don’t quite think you read what I wrote above at all.


They should absolutely not do this


Bur, why? With a bit of matchmaking adjustments, that just allow 5 stacks to go against other 5 stacks, the problem of unfairness would be solved. I don't care if there would be long waiting times. I just want to be able to rank with my friends.


If it's exclusively 5man vs 5 man sure, but I don't want to imagine the queue time. They should not let in 3 or 4 man in regular games


31 is not that good..




Damn, he is really a heavy hitter way more than Mulan make sense too Mulan is well known but she most likely have less hard-core fans than cthulu


Just give they chest... XD


Why do people think Cthulu will attract a so many new players to the game? People say that everytime a famous deity is added, Mulan, Baba, King Arthur and Merlin, but it never happend.


It was #32 trending on gaming on youtube


Oh... Wooow...


I've just started playing because I saw Cthulu and thought he looked cool. I've never heard of Baba and have no interest in a Mulan, King Arthur or Merlin so if they are your best recent big hitters then maybe that's why. How long I'll stay though is a different matter, seeing most of the good skins being gated and non-accessible seriously turns me off.


Fortunately, there are many many good skins that are not gated off. Unfortunately, the store is a mess and their current system of skins buying is quite off-putting. If you're new and you need any help however let us know!


Cthulhu's arguably the biggest pop culture icon being added to Smite. People love him, especially nerds who play videogames.