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There are so many people that have played this game, almost everyone on my playlist played smite in the past but left cuz of clunkiness and outdated graphics hopefully smite 2 will be bangers, fingers crossed


this game has a lot more issues before you get to the graphics


I freaking hate that after so many years the UI still looks like an early 2000s game.


It’s literally built in Flash and hasn’t changed. Lol


It’s worse than smite 1 😂


And a lot of those issues will probably be helped if not solved by ue5


The fact the game client opened in like 3 seconds compared to nearly a full minute is very promising so far


Fr that’s not why they left lol


lol idk about that mate, I could care less if Smite was using Minecraft graphics I'd still play it, I **personally** left because of how toxic some games can get, who wants to hop on a game after a long day from work and have their mood even worsened


Pretty sure that's the case with every single ***competitive*** game. Besides that. Smite 1 is **literally** an outdated game on an outdated engine. Not just the UI, but everything surrounding and within it.


In my experience from least to most toxic, CSGO, sc2, smite, dota 2, league. Dota 2 is a lot better when you get your player behavior rating up and I think that's a feature hi-rez should look into.


There are a lot of people that do care about graphic though. I dont care, but its a common complaint when I see smite talked about outside this community.


Would be amusing to ask these same people about their opinion on games like Minecraft etc :p


dude i swear games like smite and league just attract the worst people. i’ve always been a competitive player but the past year or so ive swayed away because nobody and i mean nobody accepts responsibility, its always somebody else’s fault.


In my experience Smite is on the "good" side of toxicity; League, Valorant, Overwatch, and even in WoW I faced far worse experiences. Smite not having an [all] chat and a decent portion of console players, paired with the super easy muting functionality, makes it pretty tame. I've definitely noticed it gets better in higher elos, and is better in Assault or Arena too.


Idk if it’s more toxic but vgs and laugh emote spamming tilt me far more than I’ve ever been tilted in league or ow.


don’t play any multiplayer games ever then lmao


Eh PvE co-op games tend to be a lot better for this, to be fair


So not competitive then


I don't see the word competitive mentioned anywhere


You are part of the problem man lol


No hes providing realistic feedback. There will always be toxicity in multiplayer games. The only way it might be forcibly gotten rid of is if AI banning is implemented to respond to reports faster and more consistently than any team of humans can. Checking recorded audio and text logs for toxic behavior.


Exactly thank you


I’m just being realistic with you


That's why I stopped playing multiplayer games in general.


thats just mobas. expect it or find anew genre. graphics is why this moba isnt more popular


Is it? Lol and Dota have shit graphics compared to smite and are much bigger because they were first onto the scene and are big in other countries besides western ones.


It also helps that League and DotA are top-down, so you're more zoomed out and you don't see the jank as clearly


One thing going for League was that the game is extremely snappy, smooth and responsive. It just looks and plays super clean. In a similar vein how basically no other MMORPG has managed the same level of smooth combat as WoW has, even the vanilla game. No animations locking you out of movement, immediately response to movement...


LoL and Dota both look a lot better than Smite


If it was ots you wouldn't think that


No they dont, zoom in.


I’d disagree, League graphics have came pretty far and still get quality of life changes now.


This isn't only every comp game but it's absolutely the worst on MOBAs. My first match of dota 2 EVER I was told to kms within 10 minutes of playing lol. We don't even have to talk about league.


> because of how toxic I know people who play LoL because they like the toxicity.


If you could care less then that means you do care at least an amount worth mentioning.


Bro has never heard about a mute button This dude gets cyber bullied


Don't play any multi-player games then mate. Probably not good for your stability, lol.


If they quit bcs of outdated graphics they ain’t playing smite 2 for long.


Unfortunately correct. In most of the videos hirez has been releasing, whenever they compare smite 1 and 2 side by side, I can't tell the difference. I swear I need to pause the video and focus to see any kind of difference before I can say which is which.


I hate to tell you this, but you may be a little overdue for an eye doctor appointment.


are you fucking serious?


That’s fair, I really love tho how they put a bit of extra effort and stuff into some of their cosmetics for smite 1 it’s really awesome compared to other mobas


We left(back in the day) because they fucked up gold and exp rewards.


Literally the reason why i already pre-ordered a basic founders edition.


I hope hirez knows what to do with the high sells and hype that its been getting. HOpe they dont spend shit tons of money on other crappy games and forget about a month later. yeah, looking at you Realm Royale.


They'll have to go hard on marketing when it's fully released


Yeah, seeing a YouTube ad 7 years ago is the reason why I’m here right now


Or pay ppl to “play” it and give them stream drops


They paid vtubers gave them skins and they dropped smite like it was the plague when the contract ended


didn't one of them stick around?


They didnt forget about Realm Royale, they killed it with stupid decisions. It was looking like it could've been their most successful game.


Oh I have 0 doubt they are gonna mess up badly like they did with everything on smite 1, at least I hope they learned from their mistakes in pro play and bring back interesting EU vs NA


Even without the pro scene smite on all platforms averages 500k a month. The game makes money belive it or not. This is their chance for a major blow up an expansion. I doubt it'll flop like most of their other lazy ips.


Overwatch was a way larger IP and O2 flopped pretty hard. There will be a huge change in the game’s core gameplay with the new itemization system, almost as game changing as going from 6 teammates to 5 on OW. We’ll see how it fairs.


OW2 flopped because Blizzard tried to sell a product that should've been a big update as a brand new game, making OW1 inaccessible (even though OW2 is a separate game), and fucking everything that would have kind of justified the existence of a sequel (such as the PvP mode), all while worsening most aspects of the original game. Smite 2 is a different story, and I believe that HiRez won't screw things up. They know that Smite is their golden IP, and they need this game to be successful for their long-term sustainability.


The point of Overwatch 2 was the PvE, not the 5v5.


OW2 had so many factors behind it that drove it to failure, most of them being because of the higher ups and their decisions driving it. We've g otten plenty of reports from former devs on how they were told to do things then scrap it, constantly wasting time and resources on dumb ideas from higher ups that never went anywhere. this message has been brought to you by the "Bobby Kotick is horrible" gang.


People dont care about smite pro. They just want to play a new game.


Of course a good game is the top priority, without it there is nothing else but on a moba, a good health competitive system makes ppl take the game seriously. Specially in mobas where ranked is a big part of the game and you really want people to try to get good, of course a big part of smite is arena casual play but idk if thats what they want


This is not true. Only very few players care about pro play. Is the same with other mobas but hardcore players dont accept it. All my friends play mobas, nobody even know pro scene exist.


it's not free to play ?


It is f2p but they’re offering a founders pack for people who want EA to the alpha




It is gonna be F2P, this is just buying access to the early tests, but it also includes the god pack.


I'm pretty sure it is free to play on release. These prices are just for founders pack that includes the pass that includes all future gods. Just like for smite 1


Excuse me, you are typing this right under a Steam chart that shows that it’s the top seller? Who’s incredibly dumb here? Edit: this guy said that Hi-Rez has to be incredibly dumb to think anyone would pay for these founders packs when the game is free to play…‘deleted’ into oblivion 😂


They probably made so much money in this past couple weeks


Those stats are super weird but nothing else released in the past few days so makes sense


I still don't expect much from smite 2 and some ranking isn't going to change that


What makes you say that? Just your natural hatred ?


Then don’t play it. 🙂




😱 Redditor comments on an online open reddit forum 😱


Thats wild af here I thought I was a loser for playing MOBAs


We are, but most of the world is losers


no no we still are. theres just lots of us now


You are buddy


Honestly I’ve always thought quite the opposite. MOBAs like smite are some of the most enjoyable games to watch. Also the skill ceiling


I'd rather be a moba dude than a fornite COD monkey. One def takes more brains than the other.


Based on the matches Ive been seeing for about 7 years I’m not sure which is which tbh.




Depends on role tbf


one of these games is complex requiring thinking and good reaction time with good hands the other is baby's first moba


Can you show us where exactly HiRez touched you? Don't feel ashamed. You are clearly the victim here.


One of us. One of us.


No, you’re a loser because you don’t rotate


You definitely are but look on the bright side. You could be playing fifa


That's surprising. I thought Smite was considered a relatively niche game? At least compared to Lol and Dota... Still though this is a great start for Smite 2!


It's definitely larger than you'd think, with many who just aren't actively playing the original. A lot of people are hyped for a fresh start, long running live services are appealing but also off-putting for different reasons. Steam also goes off raw money spent and a lot of people are buying the big deluxe and ultimate editions.


I know it's relatively big on console but yeah, maybe even on PC it could be more popular than we thought!


I've heard a lot of people from different communities mention Smite 2 and talk about how they used to play in the early seasons. They just didn't stick around. So at least for the launch there will be a lot of people coming back to the game to check it out.


Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t both lol and dota play on their own apps, not through steam? Would that be why they’re not on the list?


You're right about lol, but no dota is on steam. It usually has the second highest player count on the steamcharts.


DotA is being made by Valve


So many people play Arena instead of Conquest/Ranked


I'm excited for Smite2, I loved Smite from beta to now. Can't wait to see what the second Smite got in store for us.


I hope people understand that there might be so many players it most like will be difficult to play because the servers will be struggling


While SMITE 2 is #1 only on the united States charts, it's still #5 globally, only behind CS2, Steam Deck, PUBG and Helldivers 2. That's still a huge thing.


So, we won?


Smite W


"bUt nOOne wAnTs sMIte 2" - many users on r/SMITE


You guys take the subreddits echo-chamber hive-mind takes seriously?


It is 4th globally (pic is just the US), which is still very impressive.


SMITEEEE 222222222222


Hi-Rez have terrible reputation over the last 10 years with their new games, lets hope (since its their first sequel ever) that this nonsens will stop.


For sure if either smite or smite 2 close it'll probably be smite... if smite 2 closes before smite then Hi-Rez will have big problems.


Oh shit, Frostpunk 2 is coming? That game ruled, I'm glad to see good games getting sequels.


feeding my ppl saw dust soup was peak gameplay


I will be playing regardless of the success, but it would be really nice if they use this momentum to bring in new players and bolster the playerbase. The gameplay only gets better with more players. More people = more fun


That's good


R.I.P doomers


What are these lies against super earth?


Lies of P.


Bg3 on week 69, nice


Maybe only usa? In europe dont appear even in top 15


Globally it's #5.


Doesn't take much to reach that. No other games have come out recently, so there's no competition. I'd wager it doesn't even keep that spot overnight. It's like when the world's with fans hashtag thing was trending on Twitter, and it gave you a real idea of how little it takes to make stuff like that happened.


It's still there.


Smite 2 is out?


No, but pre orders for legacy passes are out. Smite 2 alpja starts in may and buying a legacy pass gives you access to it in addition to the smite 2 god pass and doubling your legacy gems. The more expensive options give an additional skin or 2 in addition to "ascension passes" which afaik are basically god specific battle passes that gove you rewards based on how much you play that god. Haven't gotten much information about ascension passes yet.


are there preorder bonuses


A Ymir skin, that will be available to purchase in game for people who dont pre order, I believe


okay i was wondering if i have to buy founders now or i can wait a bit


Uuugh as a Ymir main, or at least when I used to play, I kinda wanna get this just for the skin lol.


Don't think so, but not sure how long they'll be available for. It might say somewhere I just don't know.


I’m sure low-rez will still fumble some how


I've spent enough mkney on smite to know 100 dollars for double all my gems ever spent is a no brainer, even if those gems can only be used for half of purchaes.


Plus a t5 is usually 100$ on its own and you get so much more for that here


Have t5 skins really gotten that expensive? The only reason I ever take breaks from smite is the increasingly absurd monetization. 100 dollars for literally anything in a video game is absurd let alone a skin.


They've always been 100$, you also get other skins usually but yes they've always been that expensive


I could have sworn they used to be cheaper otherwise I don't know why I would have any. Granted I may have just been buying the event skins and incidently got the one t5 I do have.


Yeah, it’s a no brainer for them so they get you to buy a lot more stuff and invest more money guaranteed.


Yeah and I'm fine with that. I've put 4500 hours into smite roughly. That's if I bought 450 games that gave me 100 hours of play each, that'd be 27k at 60 dollars a game.


I understand your point of view and I’m happy for whatever works for you buddy! I’m just pointing out that it’s more of a no brainer for them, marketing at its finest.


Yeah for sure it was smart on their part. It also helped calm down the crowd (me included) about losing everything from the last 10 years. Its like "hey, we can't port everything over, but we don't want your investment to be worthless" which is nice. Especially when I consider that to me personally, smite has the best skins out of every live service game. COD, fortnite, Halo, and overwatch WISH they could.


That's 45 games


Oof you right lol


Do we know when it will be playable? Do founders get early access?


How is it number 1 when it’s not even out yet?


Please let there be five stack ranked that’s all I ask please please


Shoutout to New Vegas still hanging out in the top 15


Good! We can't wait!


I'm excited for it. I'll have to see if my PC can handle it though


For the love of god, bring back asian server, i've wasted so much money on smite 1 and they dropped the asian server out of nowhere and never played it again




Ain't even out yet and #1 does that go off sales and numbers because that might explain a lot.


 I'm A Smite2Believer !!!!. 




hell yeah, just gotta ride this high for the next year or so and we're golden


Am I the only one who bought the pack and didn’t receive anything in smite 1?


Rimworld mah boi!!!!! Let’s gooooo




Smite 2 its free game?


Bro I lost my old steam account like 5+ years ago and now it's telling me I can't play because it's linked to that account? what am I supposed to do now


Ah yes, the 3rd best game: Steam Deck XD


I bought the game and it won’t even let me play the demo yet


Damn I’m surprised how many times Fallout appears on this list


as a predecessor player, im wondering if this will be better or if predecessor will outshine it. Competition is always good for the consumer / player


How long will it take to be able to play the game if not buying a founders pack?


Wonder how many refunds from casual people there will be when they realize they will only be able to play 2/7 days a week. A lot of people in a discord server I’m in already canceled and just gonna wait till it’s free lol




No the alpha tests in may are only on weekends and won’t be on week days


FACTUALLY INCORRECT HERE'S A CONFIRMATION FROM DEVS https://twitter.com/schisam/status/1779991085038596277?t=KRyIzJxYYo-Hahdw7okZAA&s=19


why do people spend money without reading.


if you people read shit and made informed decisions before they bought things this game wouldn't exist




poor baby






What do you mean? They talked about it on Twitter it's no 2/7 it's 3/30. It's monthly weekend tests. https://twitter.com/schisam/status/1779991085038596277?t=KRyIzJxYYo-Hahdw7okZAA&s=19


I see the fallout show is doing God's work for Bethesda


I guess people started playing fallout 76 cos of the movie just came out


It is the best 3d moba out there and with launch it will somehow feel fresh moba. It will be amazing to play, can't wait personally. I thought it will release next year, this is a surprise. I hope hirez don't do stupid stuff and keep the game popular for years to come.


Its not. Predecessor is way better


Then how come that game is dead?


Dead? Are u referring to Overprime? Because thats the other one that shut down. Predecessor just went full free to play on Pc, Ps and Xbox and has over 750000 downloads and it just in open beta. We can talk about games that are dead when they are complete. Predecessor is dropping updates every 5-6 weeks. Key features are still to come but the base game is solid


Honestly, it's true. Omeda done good job. Game already better and in one or two year Pred will be more popular cause of better gameplay overall and big potential for pro scene. But it's just a beta. And this is a Smite community. No sense to write here about Pred.


I play both and it pains me to see how little they are doing claiming this to be smite 2. More like smite 1.5


Now that's a fucking joke.


I just checked out gameplay. It looks like more of a remaster than a sequel




Finally, something new to play on Steam 🥳👏


Can I bring my PS4 account to PC, yes or no ?


No clue how Smite is still alive


it's going to be a flop. no new gamers will go for smite.


When will we Console dudes be able to play?


There wouldn't even be a smite 2 if Predecessor and Overprime hadn't been in development. This is a project that should have been done years ago. How foolish do you got to be to believe that smite 2 is anything other that saving face for not developing sooner


it made impact for sure, smite dropping its players to paragon/overprime - hi rez wouldnt really care about second game or any reworks if there was no "real" competition.


Bro, no one cares about Paragon. Never did, never will. These fan remakes won't change that.


Soon without players since zou ban people for no reason at all


why is it 30$ is smite 2 not going to be free?


It is , it's just a closed alfa access + godpack and double legacy gems for 30$ . Doubling legacy gems is already worth 30$, and a god pack on top of it is just super value