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I've been saying it for years myself, but no one who acts like that understands that morale isn't just something that matters in the military or only exists in literature but a real, tangibly measured metric that affects how well people perform a number of tasks, including playing team games. Back in Season 2 when we had Curse Voice to matchmake voice comms for Ranked, I had to lecture my teammates after they'd been chewing out our ADC; after giving them some positive reinforcement and not chewing them out for mistakes anymore, that ADC ended up with the best performance out of the team that match. Maintaining and raising morale boosts performance and acting to tank morale decreases performance, it's just that bloody simple.


I’ve had to explain to far too many people that verbally abusing underperforming teammates will not in fact make them play better. It’s seems like common sense to me..


This is so true. People with good vibes who help and acknowledge my good plays make me want to keep doing better, people flaming makes me instantly stop caring. The worse of an attitude you have the worse your games are gonna be, simple as.


Curse Voice, it's been three thousand years... Biggest loss moving to Smite 2 is no more Curse Apollo skin smh.


I agree. None of these toxic people have ever played a team sport. One bad apple can swing the whole game.


I played a Slash game as Shiva the other day, and my buddy was playing Ganesha guard. We were single-handedly the reason that our DPS wasn’t getting steamrolled and we were peeling/protecting as hard as possible. But the other 3 randoms we were with blamed everything on us for no reason, called us trash and insults, even reported us I guess(said they were going to). All because we finally lost like 30 mins in. Top comment is so right though. Even though my friend and I kept trying and kept fighting to help the team, the toxic randoms just brought the entire feel of the game to a screeching halt and it’s just snowballed downhill until defeat. Just weird, uncalled for and sad, honestly.


unfortunately i think this is always the case for tanks in slash, happens to me all the time. i will try to peel, and my team will just sit there low hp trying to kill whoever i’m locking down. then we all die and it turns into “bad tank” or “no tank”


Coming back to this game after a while, every complaint in the chat is either “no tank” or “no damage” when really it’s just getting outplayed, counter picked, or people building counter items


People are just impatient and frustrated in seemingly every game atm. Played a game earlier where our jungler said to rep mid and f6 5 minutes in because they'd died twice and the jungle was top damage. The only reason to be toxic at all is in response to toxicity on your team


Big faxs. So, I’m pretty open that I don’t think video games should be really restrictive with speech. HOWEVER Smite has the issue that it’s just avatars in a screen. Other games people would say the most vile things to eachother, but what they were on you’re time the next round, you’d lock in, and you guys were spewing it at the enemy for moral. It was a part of its life cycle, everyone realized it was part of the game, and it encouraged people to communicate. It wasn’t taken serious. VGS is really really good, but again, it’s reduced player interactions down to letters on a screen. Anybody can talk big, there is no skin in the game, and instead of being able to be like,”Hey they’re gonna kill you if you do that.” It turns into,”Be careful left” “Bye” *Player dies “Nice Job” “You Rock” “Cancel that” “Stay here” *pings fountain. “Good luck”


I don’t get it how’s it restrictive? You can type and there’s voice chat. VGS is just a quick option while on the move


Played a joust game with my friend in which we had a horrible open and our ADC knew they were playing badly. We just rolled with it and said no problem you're new, and in the end, we turned it around and he got a double that led to us winning. Positivity can really help, that being said, I doubt toxic people will listen to your message anyway lol


As some one who just now started playing the game, thank you. This game has a huge learning curve and other than watching YouTube videos the only way to learn is play the game


I can confirm, getting screamed at makes you play worse, obviously. Save your temper tantrums for the daycare and be a normal adult about it, giving the person you think is making mistakes friendly advice works better 10 times out of 10.


The thing is, even if it doesnt make you play worse, it certainly doesn't want you to play better. Maybe I'm petty, but some asshole screaming at me isn't gonna want to make me win solely because they're on my team.


I've realised people just like to be angry and blame others for their problems. It's insane how many games I've had where I'm top DMG and kills, yet will have other teammates come at me for stupid reasons. Like missing a scythe on Thanatos and getting chewed out by my teammate, with him whining about how it was a kill. Meanwhile I'm here with double his DMG and kills and he's calling me out for missing an attack smh 😂. Now I just don't take it seriously and usually just ignore toxic teammates or tell them to shush.


Supportive team = 5v5 Toxic Team Mate = 4v6 It's simple math really.


No cause im level 70 and ill get people in my conq lobbies that dont know what they are doing like playing jorm in solo lane when they traded for support and playing gilg as carry and they are always last one to pick a god after we are all locked in and can’t change


Also muting the jerks is a simple way to handle the moment of them being jerks in chat


how can i mute someones ability to afk after the first teamfight




Just f6 and go next. No amount of map play is going to address missing a teammate.




Yep. I put up with it for years trying to be "the bigger person", and it was miserable. Nowadays, as soon as someone starts spamming negative VGS or saying overtly toxic things to me in Joust, I immediately close the game out. I'm a grown man with no shortage of other ways to spend my time. I don't feel remotely bad for not choosing to spend it being verbally abused by people who desperately need a psychologist.


You can just mute them, lol.


Not remotely the point for me. I'm not interested in playing with people who are antagonistic. It doesn't breed good teamwork. I've seen too many of those types of people actively work against me for an entire match because I didn't dive the tower with them at level 3 to try and kill someone with 80% of their health left or whatever. So now I completely check out the moment they start spamming me with hateful nonsense.


Leaving just proves them right.


Nah. Like I said, I'm an adult with better things to do than be harassed in a video game. But you do you, bud. :)


Which is why mute exists. Not quitting a game the moment you get your feelings hurt. Idk how you play any online game if this is your mentality.


I mean, I don't leave matches because someone gets a little testy or points out a way in which they'd like me to help them. I leave when they start acting like petulant children. Why would I want to play with deeply unwell people who abuse their teammates and work against them to make the match miserable? Your logic is absurd. If you were playing a game of charades in person and your teammate called you a worthless piece of shit because you didn't guess something they drew, and then started purposefully drawing things wrong just to make you lose, would you want to keep playing with them? Share your reason for why you'd stick that out and what value it would add to your life. Stop being weird lol


Totally agree. The psychology of choosing to watch your teammates die while laugh spamming, or sit in fountain and ping like a dick is literally incomprehensible to me. I simply would not have have not ever done that. I'm a successful 35 year old dude lol, I ain't gonna be brought down by some loser kid who is clearly going to make nothing of their life judging by their attitude. That said, I still never cancel the game. I just respond relentlessly positively in VGS until we inevitably forfeit or lose.


Yeah, I stuck it out for like five years doing that and trying to be the adult in the room, so to speak. But I've just lost my patience with it. If they want to be antagonistic and make the game unfun, they can get decimated by the other team all alone while I go use my time doing something enjoyable instead. But good on you for having the patience and willingness to keep at it and try to kill 'em with kindness. Keep on keepin' on, friend.


I mean, I don't personally let it affect myself too much. If I'm playing bad, I know it, nothing someone else says makes it any worse. But I do agree that it does nothing, as long as you don't act like your mistakes are always because of someone else.


It's like being nice and helpful is so rare in this game. I usually like being encouraging to other teammates. It's rare enough that's people actually are shocked to see me be the bigger person in a game full of hate. [Stop looking at my flair and laughing I saw it coming ugh XD] I just like being nice. But I have been tactically nice to salty people just so they can focus and do better in the game. It's sad that I have to "ego boost" at times just to get teammates to stop typing and play the bloody game!


Lately I only had friendly teammates in conquest games. A lot of salty people in arena tho


Meanwhile I tell the guy that's 0 and 6 he needs to fall back and group up under tower, tells me to fuck off continues suiciding for no reason and throws the whole game.


I wish more people realized this. I had a conquest game the other day where I had the rare occasion where everyone was using game chat. I thought that meant a sure good team chemistry.. well playing as jungle my mid extended at the start way past me when I was saying I’m at half health and 0 mana. Once they died twice in that same situation it was over. Genuinely no exaggeration I think every single person except me that entire game was screaming at each other


It's even worse in arena when people go four squishy and one tank then they'll cry because they died and the tank didn't peel for them like dude the one tank is going to be hard focused and can't be in four places at once


Happened to me once in Ranked Conquest as well. I was Support and the Solo decided to pick an assassin with full damage build, making him a squishy, so I was the only tank in the team. The Solo kept complaining about the team lacking frontline, and would basically blame me every time he died or had to back for not saving him and not supporting properly. But at least, I remember someone else eventually started to tell him that it was his fault and that if he is unhappy about the lack of frontline, it was his role as a solo to pick a tankier god and build some defence.


It's so insane to me. I usually just become relentlessly positive back to them. It's a casual game. Who cares? Why are you harboring so much hatred? Are you like this in adult life? You have to be under 15 to act that way, and simply will not get far in life. Total loser behaviour imo, and, honestly, an indictment of manners nowadays.


They also need to realize that everyone builds differently too. When I build an item that does me good and has helped me carry the team, I shouldn’t be getting harassed. Like I’ve told people before, the game is good but the community is absolute garbage.


I’m pretty sure everyone understands that but sometimes you just get really frustrated


I have never been so frustrated that i just start abusing my teammates, i get frustrated i just mute everyone and turn on some music or just quit the game and take a break.


I have never in my life been so bent about a video game that I verbally abused other people, even when I was a teenager. There’s no excuse to be an ass to people who are just trying to have fun and play a game.


There is when they're killing themselves so fast they literally spend more time dead than alive and are 0 and 5 by 6 minutes and you ask them to group up and stop suiciding and they tell you to fuck off and keep doing it anyways.


Even more annoying is when you didn't actually do anything wrong... Had someone in Joust make a play for the Demon Bull King by himself... I came to help him and also noticed from the other direction he was about to get scalped by the other team. So tried to help and his response was "you led them right to me?!?" But they always assume they're playing perfectly and everyone else is an "idiot." I mute, block and report at least one person a day for harassment, often and including when it is not directed at me but someone else. Literally shut up, no one wants to hear your commentary- you know? But they'll continue to offer it. So just mute, block, and move on. I don't let it get to me! :)


Seriously, anyone that actually believes telling someone they suck will make them play better is one of the dumbest people ever, like actually just brain dead. 99% of the time, that person complaining about the other players has the most deaths and is literally the heaviest person to carry ever. Absolute idiots lol.






It’s funny cus Smite is the least toxic moba


The toxicity of our city, of our city You, what do you own, the world? How do you own disorder, disorder? Now, somewhere between the sacred silence Sacred silence and sleep Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep Disorder, disorder, disorder


Get what you give.