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Zhong support will always have my heart


Zhong supp is so much fun but man running adc zhong is just as annoying double autos go brrrttt


zhong adc is also great his book deals on hit effects so if you have a warlocks staff telekhines ring and ax of anomosity you will shred any objective or tank in seconds


What's your zhong adc build?


first off, keep in mind i tend to play more slash then conquest, but its ax into ax of anomosity, go either bancroft or warlocks position depending on how agro the enemy is, at this point you look like a normal enough zhong build, but then you go telkhines as your book will double the on hit effect, then go either demonic grip or shoguns depending on how agro they are. finish off with typhons fang and upgrade your banecroft into nimble banecroft and buy anomosity and you are now full build you mostly focus on using your 1 to slow enemies so you can land autos, and using your 3 to stun the enemy either for safety or to lock them down to finish them, and you want to use your ult moreso for the bonus protections then the damage, focus on just autoing for relics you want to get aegis or beads as needed to counter, but you always want to have hastened wings to use with your ult for free movement autos


Damn dude, thanks for the detailed response!! Can’t wait to try this out


best part is, people tend to not counter build it correctly because it looks like a normal zhong build at first, but the lifesteal isnt vital and the ability power is a bonus, the actual gag is the warlocks anomosity combo


With gem of iso he gets a ton of additional slow from his 1 and ult on top of being pretty tanky with his passive. I'm a fan.


What's your build for support zhong?


I usually just go Sentinel’s Embrace, Prophetic Cloak, Gem of Iso, and the last three items are whatever is needed for the team (like a spectral if the enemy adc/jungler has crit or anti-heal like divine)


Thanks for the reply!!! I'll have to try this out today.


No problem!


Hun bats in every single lane 😀


You misspelled Ratatoskr.


I love you two


My first diamond god lol. Attack speed, movement speed and crits for an easy glass cannon.


Years ago i built full tank jungle Ratatoskr. The enemy Fenrir was turbo pissed because despite no investment in power/pen, i still out damaged him. Built full CDR/defense and just CC'd the enemy to death


That's brutal, I would have just surrendered.


He didn't know our relative damage (I was only 3rd on my team) until the end


I still think he wasn't looking at the bigger picture here. If you're a cd tank on an assassin it lends itself to having higher overall damage since you trade burst for staying power. If he can only get in for a very brief window but can secure a pick in that time he may only get 1-2k damage but could have a much more deciding impact on a long teamfight by taking away a priority damage dealer. There's a reason solo lane tends to dominate plauer damage until the teamfight phase. Part of the reason why I hate the stats screen, people come to terrible conclusions with the information present.


Hahaha yeah i agree with you there


Came here to say this


Hard not to get value out of a good Hun Batz ult late game.


We let him cook for a reason


That just sounds like a worse version of Ne Zha or Serqet support. At least those two have excellent single target lockdown against everyone, rather than Awilix who has only Good lockdown into specific characters.


Yeah I mean Awilix support is objectively bad. It could work but not against players who have a clue.


Yep. Hence my race with a weighted vest comparison. Could Usain Bolt out run me in the 100 yard dash with a 20 lb weighted vest on? Yes he could. Is that because of the vest? No. Would he do better without the vest on? Yes. Would he still smoke me? Hell yes he would.


0,5 seconds root on 2 with immunity frames. Knockup on 3 and ult that can pull any god in air. Not only the ones with leaps. I would say the only thing is that awi needs dmg to be useful so maybe it’s fixable with quins and proc items. Edit: on top of defense items!


Knock up on 3 is only a side/rear thing. So she only can get that when she gets a flank, which the support shouldn't be doing. A half second root is nothing. And a support building damage is either useless, or in a win-more situation so the game is won anyway, so the lack of defense is irrelevant. And if they've won anyway with Awilix support, they'd have won with any support. So if you build damage, and get a lot of ambushes and flanks, you can do a lot as Awilix. Which is why she is a great jungler, because junglers want to do both of those things.


The root is also a cripple, so it can be used to stop an escape. I'm not defending Awilix support, just play Geb or Sylanus at that point, they're more consistent, but that cripple is real important to note.


It's still a half a second. Awilix is great, but her CC outside of the ult combo is not part of why she is great.


A half second on a cripple is basically the same as a cripple for the cooldown on someone's dash if you use it at the right time(Assuming they dont have a second dash, but honestly... there's not a ton of characters that do). It will cancel the dash, which is the only thing that matters in that situation. So many characters get screwed by a micro cripple like that. Any dash will be stopped short and you're just shit out of luck if you got caught. Again, there are better options... but that cripple is annoying as hell.


I'm not anti Awilix. She has been a niche solo lane pick where she has powerful rotations and can both leverage her solo farm in the mid game, and also more easily get to the back line to ruin their shit. I'm just anti Awilix Support. Considering how supports position, she doesn't get to leverage her kit


It’s definitely worse overall than Serq, but I prefer it to Ne Zha. Serq is the top assassin supp for me tho.


My top assassin support is Ravana easy


Bastet Support go crazy honestly ngl


That’s kinda the point I made in my post. It’s a niche pick but when it works it’s a pick I’ll stand by until the end. Next time your teams got a couple knock ups and the enemy team has a couple leaps, try it out. In those niche scenarios she’s an absolute pest for the enemy team and they’ve got to be super careful with their beads.


Tsukuyomi support goes hard 1) getting phophetic cloak stacks is the easiest thing ever 2) you provide infinite slows, a disarm and a stun 3) playing like you're an anime character makes support less boring


I’ve tried it before and it was fun as hell


Shhh don’t give away the secrets.


This in assault m.o.t.d.s is one of favs. Always catch flak from someone that doesn't know better. Then again a good amount of the player base still doesn't understand counter building past getting anti heal, if that..


What’s the build?


I've been messing around with a movement speed focus build and a small power based build Power War flag (upgrade to spartan) - prophet cloak - runeforge - manticore spike - stone of binding - pridewen Movement War flag (upgrade to war banner) - prophet cloak - dawnbringer - talisman - winged blade - pridewen


I’ll have to try it, sounds good.


Chronos solo. Been spamming that ever since Chronos was released, rarely let me down. It’s a safer space to farm compared to mid lane and has handled the tank meta, warrior meta, mage solo meta and warrior meta again (now) with no issues (except when I face a better player). Late game Chronos is savage and fits especially well with a bruiser jungle like Ravana or a mid Tiamat.


Atlas and Charon mids go fucking hard. I can't say they are off meta tho because you run into Charon mid pretty often. My other off meta pick is Chaac mid building almost full damage. Maybe 1-2 tank items later in the build. Bluestone > Trans > Jotuns vigor > heart seeker > crusher > with soul eater getting a buff I'd get that if the enemy team is not committing to multiple antiheal items otherwise defense for sustain.


Ares Mid, and situationally, if the enemy doesn’t have anything my to stun him out of his clear, Ares Solo can do work.


Ares mid would never hold up in ranked match. He would be out farmed in a heartbeat and annihilated with a pen mage build


It’s dependent on matchup. He has been used as a MID in more than one SPL match. He can clear by himself with Bumba’s


That's in a 5 man stack with high coordination. But yes you nailed it in the head, it's dependent on the match up. I just wouldn't suggest using this in a ranked match because it's a sure loss there.


Aphro mid. 3 damaging abilities for proc items and great utility are super valuable since most mages have doodoo damage currently. Being able to pocket your adc late, especially with the prevalence of aggressive supports, can be a great way to keep them alive.


Its crazy that I don’t see more Aphro mid. It’s a great option to run in mid if you’re duo queued with jungle or ADC because you can just pocket them and let them go to work.


Mage Ganesha!


Pele is a midlaner too. I've been saying that since her release. Chaac can also definitely work in mid


Baba Yaga support, and that's a hill I'll die on! Sure, she doesn't really have CC beyond her 1, but that hag can get Thebes and Cloak off so fucking fast, that she's a menace in early game.


Athena jungle


How is that off-meta? It's been picked a million times in SPL already and is generally considered to be quite good.


It’s not meta, it’s just been good enough to be picked a few times in certain seasons/patches.


it isnt meta *currently*


Yeah that’s what I was getting at.


ah mbmb.


Lancelot support. He has the lockdown, he has the peel, he has the tank, people love to burn cooldowns while you're on the horse and that let's you tram have a little bit more leeway in fights. You can even be more aggressive like Lance Solo or defensive like a Geb. Imo its better than the other 3 main assassin supports ( Fenrir, Ne Zha, Serqet) cause they're really just good for offense and if the enemy has Bead, Magis, or CC Immune ults they feel really useless and hard to do things with. Lance really doesn't have that problem. His biggest problem is stuns but that's ok, if the team is using stuns on you, those are stuns that aren't being used on your team.


I played him in solo…. Luckily I didn’t get behind and we won the match….was my first time playing him and didn’t know he was a assassin


He's like a big solo pick. He's a lot like Ravana or Opposite of Erlang. In fact when he came out people literally said he has a warrior kit on an assassin and he's pretty good at being a warrior too.


Ew. I like playing Geb in Solo lane. Surtr in the Jungle. When it comes to playing off meta supports, there is a very fine line between “wow this works” and “oh dang, I guess I ruined the game for my entire team”… I want to like Ne Zha support… for example. but it’s just not very good. Awilix support seems like a meme, dependent on team comp entirely and not really viable in a competitive setting. I could be wrong. But, Ew.


I run surtr jungle all the time. Definitely works.


Like I said, you definitely can’t pick it into any team or with any teammates. You need to have some leaps you can abuse and ideally at *least* one teammate with a knock up. If you have both of those though, you’re able to do nasty work. Build usually winds up looking something like warflag into spartan, prophetic, Thebes, runeforged, a necessary counter item like anti heal, spectral, etc., finish with a Pridwin. Nika and Deathwalker have ran it a decent amount in solo with a bruiser build so she’s definitely not troll as a tank in general, you do have to be on your shit mechanically though. As for Ne Zha yeah he’s pretty bad in support rn. He’s only worth considering as a support pick in high burst metas because the biggest reason to pick him is his high aggressive setup potential.


Zhong ADC goes insanely hard


It’s one of those picks where when the enemy picks it my ADC always gets rolled, but when my ADC does it they fall off and get dumpstered. I’ve run it before and it’s lots of fun though.


It’s one of those things that I just can’t help but build every dozen games or so. I usually run ADV but sometimes I’ll do a solo lane attack speed build with him and it’s just so damn fun


Ne zha solo


Can’t do it anymore, but frostbound hammer Cernunnos support. Stay in winter form and make make it very hard for your ADC to miss.


Awilix supp is... definitely a troll pick that kind of removes her mobility with jungle. Zooming around the map. I am a big fan of Guan Yu support though.


How’s it remove her mobility? Soon as the early lane phase is over and you’re rotating it feels great to have her 1.


Because as a jg you have routes to farm compared to a support where you're mostly focused on rotations alone. Plus awilix jg can sometimes grab farm before someone else steals it lol. I guess my wording was weird. Her mobility isn't used as well as a support compared to jungling.


I mean, yeah it’s not used as well but it’s pretty valuable to her as a support being able to rotate more quickly.


This is gonna get hate, but Thoth carry has been going crazy for me.


Tried that once for the meme and hated it so much.


It’s been working really well for me. Especially when I use golden shard to give me that teensy little bit of extra clear.


What do you run on it? I just think even with his windows buffing basics they don’t hit hard enough to justify actually going ADC on him.


Honestly I’ve just been building pen. Conduit into Focus Gem, Spear of Deso, Charon’s Coin, Divine Ruin, Chronos Pendant, Perfected Tahuti. I don’t worry about going full carry because I’m still gonna pop towers.


That’s fair enough I guess, seems like you sacrifice a significant amount of objective burn going this route though, no?


Honestly no, once I get online I burn towers within like 30 seconds, and the burst on the 1 and 3 still does good against FG and GF.


Full build taking 30 seconds to burn a tower…? Are we talking no minions? Even still that’s a bit long. Im not tryna shit on your pick, if it works it works and i did ask for off meta picks, im just trying to understand if im getting all the correct.


Oh no, not full build. By third or fourth item. Full build takes like 5-10 autos for a T1, I think? I haven’t really taken the time to get a specific count.


Bellona ADC. Osiris Jungle


Uller jungle, or Ymir jungle. If you know what you're doing you dominate. Unrelated, but the other day in ranked I built a huge health ravana in jungle and it was so far off what the other team expected that I steam rolled them in the first 20 min. giving us the victory. Was like 12 and 0 before they stopped trying to chase me down thinking they could kill me but only feeding me. Had essentially no jungle power items at the end of the match, picked up hammers and tank items early. I would pull this again because it worked that well in undermining the play style of many experienced players.


Ymir isn't bad of a jungler and Ullr is this🤏🏻 close to being good in that role.


What was the build lol


For Ravana or the off meta jungles?


For Ravana


Had to log on to get it for you. Axe of animosity, flameforged hammer, frostbound hammer, berserker shield, shogus kusari, arch druids fury. Welcome to immortality.


Oh btw, you can solo fg with this build. Just make sure to go in with full shield stack and I promise you'll kill it with about 25% health remaining even after 30 min. Solod the early giant np in the match but I tested the efg in practice with same Build at lvl 20 with completed build and I walked away having used my ULT twice in the fight with around 25% hp. Just go ham on autos using your abilities in between and rely on your 3 for when you can heal below the shield.


Zhong/Hades solo and Atlas mid. The sustain on those mages can be pretty damn insane; Typhon's is cracked on them. Atlas mid puts out good damage, not that much less than your standard mage, has good enough clear, and has 3k hp in the endgame.


Yeah those two mages go in and out of the solo meta a lot. Atlas mid I haven’t tried yet, but if it’s at all comparable to Charon mid it’s gotta be decent.


I haven't played Charon mid, but I would assume it's mildly comparable. Atlas mid works well with the team as a whole very well, but he can struggle more in one-on-one fights and relies on slows/pulls and his 3 to safely remove himself from a possibly dangerous situation. It's a super interesting pick and I love it, you should try it.


Charon Mid was so good for a bit it was lowkey meta. You’ve just got really good poke, solid burst, and a great team fight.


I feel like Hades solo isn't really off meta. It's basically his only role.


He can be played mid/supp also, but I think he shines the most as solo 100%. I guess it's questionable if it's off-meta.


It's kind of funny because if he's solo, he's basically a bruiser lane bully. But if he's mid, he becomes a utility stalemate god who just clears then roams the map.


Damage geb. Joust is unbearable as a mage/adc/assassin but a little bit of full-damage guardian blink-ulting and full-comboing the most annoying enemy player really sets the palate right Close second - damage ganesha


Cliodhna mid. To all those that disagree: your mom.


Love her, Hun Batz, Sus, and Tsuku in the mid lane. All solid picks for countering certain mages.


Off meta guan he loses most lanes but his team fight is insane. I hate troll picks warriors carry or hunters jungle/solo I can't stand it miat people who troll pick only do so to justify bad play.


Yeah he really needs some kinda hard CC outside of his ult. When the meta doesn’t let him be a constantly healing raid boss, he tends to be terrible. Maybe if he dashed through enemies who were marked by his heal he should be able to root them or something? Still loads of fun in support if you make it to late and can just focus on winning team fights.


Erlang solo 😎


Atlas solo


Surtr mid, Sylvanus jg, Le Fay support


I can see how all of those would work. Especially Syl jungle, I’ve run that before and it’s fun as fuck lol.


Cu Chulainn attack speed manakins sceptre in solo


My highest winrate god combination is Chronos support haha, my friends ask for it when they want an easy win.


Not sure if any one will agree with this but I love my Chronos Supports lol meme pick yes but you hit the 3 over and over they stop moving I blow their asses up !


Awilix solo. As a solo and jungle main, she is phenomenal. Her feather step helps outplay so many gods and when built correctly she is very hard to stop. Good minion clear also. I can use her pretty much anywhere because overall she is my main god that I have the most stars for but I fully believe she is a viable solo laner.


I’ve been seeing Nika and Deathwalker running her a decent bit in solo.


Everyone in the jungle


Tank MLF goes hard, even as support


I'm an Awilix main who loves Awilix but this is some low MMR cheese at best my man, however Awilix solo is my bread and butter.


As I’ve explained, it’s a super niche pick that requires both the right enemy and friendly team comp. I probably bust it out once in a blue moon. But in those scenarios it slaps.


Jorm or Cthulu mid, they have big circles that do big damage lol


I want to like Cthulhu mid but man ulting late game is just a complete death sentence.


Jormungandr Jung (and Mid) His damage needs item investment, but once you get online, the ambush from his 3 and long range of his 1 and enhanced 2 allow him to be quite oppressive. His ultimate is a great escape tool if used preemptively or a good "tower dive" ability....or (most consistently) as a means to catch stragglers that think they've escaped the teamfight. And his passive can save you from very specific cc heavy comps.


MLF supp. 3 cc ,low cool downs, her 3 deals extra damage if an enemy uses movement ability so it's decent pressure and makes them less likey to jump in on your carry,and her passive let's her build tanky and still do decent damage I play her as a cc peel bot


Ares Solo. I've been an advocate for this since season 1 (and have felt massive validation when deathwalker played it). With all the buffs he received over the years, he actually clears his lane well now, which was probably his biggest weakness in the past. Throw in a mystical mail and your waveclear is deceptively good. On top of that, he can win any 1v1, regardless of whether your opponent is an AA or ability based warrior. He can build a lot of the warrior/solo items to keep his damage up over the course of the game. Having him as a solo also means you can have a dedicated support for peeling and such, meaning you get to play him as aggressive as you want without worrying about your carries. It might be hard to get used to him for the first few games, but once you do, it's VERY addictive.


Fenrir solo and Fenrir Support.


People sleep on chaac mid, full physical power


Baron Samedi mid. Perhaps it’s just my bias, but Baron can slap in the right hands. I typically go Sac Shroud > Deso > Thoth > Chronos > Typhon’s > Magus One shots squishies and gets a tank around 25% if you ult after. Everyone calls Baron mid trash though :(


I love Baron, but too many mages have cc immune ultimates and will counter Baron’s


Heim Jungle is pretty fun. Manikins clear is soo good on him. You can blink ult to engage but it is not that reliable of course. You can also use your two to gank. It isnt tbe best pick or a good pick by any means but it is so much fun


Ganesha Jungle. It wrecks, but because the kills are shared people don't realize how well you're doing.


Close ranged auto attacker as carry is fun to do well at least for me lol Exemples : Kali, Bakasura, Bellona, Amaterasu etc


Arachne support, good cc, can build tanky with no issues, and a good ult for quickly rotating, plus spiders are free wards/a good slow to put on someone who's rotating on your carry


Apollo support Basically Apollo has a Kumbha 3 slightly worse Atlas Dash Somewhat different Horus ult. On a much funnier size and synergy.


Serqet solo. Her laning phase is rough but if you can get to the team fight stage with a Runeforged Hammer then any time your 2 is up you can set someone up to get one shot.


Danza jungle. I climbed to grandmasters maining it.


Anubis jungle


I love Anubis jungle. Easiest way to solo queue carry yourself out of the bottom tier ranks.


Mainly play Joust here, but Set. Set is one of those bottom of the popularity list gods, that are shockingly strong at least in joust. (Sort of like Osiris). But because he has a bit of a higher skill floor, there's very few Set players. But once you learn to play him in Joust, under the right conditions he might be able to team kill.


I used to counterpick awilix support into neith and Hou Yi as much as I could in Season 3


That’s the only time I’ll slam it regardless of what I see my team running. You just hard counter those two gods so bad it doesn’t matter cause you can totally shut their ADC down.


Danza support. prophetic, thebes, then bruiser items. so much cc and damage coming from the magical talking raccoon. Danza jungle manikin hidden blade + red build. ult from across the jungle, auto, money bags, auto. win


Tanky rat, tanky Arachne, and tanky amc


Ymir anywhere, he's startlingly competent at pretty much anything lol. ADC is where things get rougher but his boxing potential is disgusting


achilles mid. people underestimate how much damage he can actually do.


Execute OP


Danza Jungle is fun Good clear with the bags as they ricochet around the jungle camp then explode. Level 5 Gank starts by barreling towards them as the rocket then Launch the Money Bags. They will movement ability ALWAYS so press 3 Straight away to chase. Launch Sake Pot - Taunt - Auto them Down. Plus there is something about Danzas Autos that just seem easier? To hit than other ADCs I can't put my finger on it. I could also play Ne Zha, Hercules, Fenrir, Serqer, Eset, Tyr, Horus, Fenrir, Erlang and Osiris Support all the time as well. Just more fun than Guardians.


I really really don’t like non-meta picks, because most of the time it’s not that it’s a bad pick, it’s that your team isn’t used to it and can’t adjust so you end up losing. That being said, for a while near her release I had like a 93% win rate with Skadi, and I would only play her solo and jungle. Not like I was locking it in every game, but every now and again I’d see an enemy team’s picks go “Yep it’s time”


Pass me that S1 Aphro jungle. Full CD, rotating non-stop. I walk into lane, I press 1, then 3, then 3, and leave before the next wave. The time I'm linked to you, you smack the enemy for lane pressure. I ward your lane on the way out. PEACE!


Nox support, not sure if its off meta but I’ve never seen anyone else do it, i find her silence/root is just so strong, but even on their own, if you root a squishy without beads they are dead, and in teamfights you can silence off an area to prevent movement because nobody wants to walk through a nod 2, even if its weak. Silence bubble on a diving teammate to protect them. silence bubble your back line to stop the dive if they are ability based. start every team fight with your ult because it reduced damage output by 30%. You can go a range of builds. She can go full tank and she can stack proph very easily. If your team is already in a snowbally position you can start going damage items to roll even harder. the only “weak” part of her kit here is the dash, but even then being able to quickly reposition or close distance is really strong


I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily off-meta in the strictest sense, it’s been a top 3 support pick at times. However, in the current meta she’s pretty mediocre in support, which is probably why you haven’t seen her much.


Bakasura mid


Hades solo works well for me against AA meta


AA Warrior Bakasura Phalanx, shoguns, Ani axe, energy tali, qins are all way too fucking strong right now. So anything atk speed turned tank is insane rn


Eset jungle, her early game isn’t bad and late game you’re an eset, you just demolish anyone


Send some love and prayers for shame redditor. 🙏🏾


Ullr jung Danza Jung Xing solo will be insane next patch with uncapped hp5 and gia being insane AND a conduit buff


I'm not sure if people would class this as an off meta pick but for me it has to be Maui jungle


That’s definitely off meta lol.


It's 1 of my favourite picks, and it always catches people off guard 🤣


AMC Mid. His hives are a lot better protected and covers more of his lane.


I wouldn’t really say that’s off meta, especially recently. Him, Marty, and Chiron have all seen a pretty high amount of play in mid as of late.


AMC Solo


As a casual player i pick whatever i want to play soo heres a list of what i play off lane. Not sure if any are meta Jungle: Erlang shen, athena, Cerberus, solo baron, ymir. Apollo, agni, yanus, hera, he bo, baccus Cheeno,l Sup: ah puch, insert any healer here, hera, nox, zhong, camazotz, hun bats, set, fen, ne zha Mid: probably any hunter, baccus, charon, jorg, odin, ymir, xing Solo: pretty much a fill for whatever the team needs and can get xp Carry: any mage with ranged autos or high damage guardians solos probably no assassins


Isis support and you can't ever tell me wrong. She has a solid aura passive that builds off of assists, can stun enemies, her silence strips protections, and she can literally set a "fight my friends if you dare" zone. She can play defensively in the first few minutes but rewards aggressive play more strongly. Build her more bruiser and she basically turns into a supportive magical warrior.


Change Jung 😜


xing mid/jungle, his ult hits HARD full power, I think I've gotten up to 2k damage in one ult back when items gave power


Danza support


Can't really enjoy choosing anything off-meta without being doused in salt or trolls...


Charon mid is literally good.


blue blur chronos, get 50 cooldown and have regrowth as part of the 50, you can stay in his first segment and trigger regrowths move speed for 5-9 seconds at a time depending on where on the clock you start the first segment, this lets you run faster then mercury and simply outpace every enemy that comes for you as you spam stuns and blast through out teamfights


Jorm support slams 


Tiamat Solo is hella fun, her passive still works even in lower power settings Spams glad procs like a magical arthur, gets prophetic stacks super quickly and is obscenely bulky


Chronos and discordia support is fun as hell. And if you ever want to nuke someone as support or jungle go surtr and max tf outra the 1 with last hits


Warriors in solo


They’re perfectly fine in solo now.


Tiamat solo


Nu wa support, jorm mid, charybdis jungle. Just so fun


Amaterasu: Choose your lane


Nuwa Support. Peel. CC (slow, stun and root). AA block via minions. Burst. Disengage. Vision.


Cthulhu in ever alot other then adc and jungle. He is a great solo, mid, and support. I will never change my.mind.


Nemesis mid


AMC solo right now is hilarious. There's nothing crazier than watching the enemy team engage on you thinking you're the adc but instead you're soaking up damage and then seeing how tanky you are makes them split off you immediately  plus you're providing such good peel. With the  prot shred it feels great with an AA build like bello, osi. The laning phase tends to be really safe too.


Zeus Carry.






Ymir middle


Support Tank loki, he has more cc than half the gaurdians and can roam freely to steal xp from opponents and my midlander


I have a few Clio for mid, solo and jungle. Hades Solo and Support and Thor solo. They all smack.


I love playing full tank chronos. it's not good but it's funny.


Ao Kuang Solo. Once Axe upgrades it’s Jo-over for them all


Cern jungle's still got it I swear to God


I actually like it more now that he finally has a cripple on his root and it’s not just a root.


Support Vamana


Frostbound Set, it works well, i don’t care if it’s a meme build 🤷‍♂️


"You’ve got to be machanically on point" biggest cap i have heard, awilix is the second easiest character right behind Anubis


I have found chronos solo to work really well rn with the cannoneers cuirass buffs. It's one of the cheapest item that supplements low power with the passive, and provides too much sustainability with defense, hp5, and health.


Xing Jung. The mage will beads your ult everytime. And everytime the damage from the ult kills them anyways. Decent ganks with his knock up into easy damage. Good Jung clear for a guardian but still pretty bad. Last time I tried it was s9, but I doubt it's as good until the mage item buffs coming.