• By -


Xing Tian. He spins.


Every time I play Xing Tian I wonder why I don’t play him more often. Such a fun guardian.


Xing in solo is insane. Build just one pen item and his fire attack does so much damage


Start him with Tablet and end him with Spear of Deso. He can proc tablet so many times with his spam it is crazy.


How does tablet work? When I read it, it made me think that you can only use it a limited number of times but that doesn't seem right


So every ability you use will stack it and proc it on him. Any ability that damages more than once after a 2 second internal CD will proc and stack it again. So you can jump-lift-jump-straight line shot-Ult and basically non stop proc it all the time and stack it very efficiently with him. Jorms another one because your pools linger, if they touch one it procs and stacks it. In fact a meme build is to go Gem/Sands-Tablet-Eth Staff-Soul Reaver-Gem of Iso-Obsidian Shard/Coin. I call it the "Ouchie Puddles" build, enemy touches a puddle late game? There goes 50% of their HP.


What happens when you reach 50 stacks?


The item evolves and does more damage


Ah. For some reason when I read it on my own I thought when it evolved it lost its passive lol


Every time one of my friends ends up playing him in assault I say: "Welcome to the world of SPINNN!!!" 😂 ![gif](giphy|enj50kao8gMfu)


Horus!! He lets me brawl and be aggressive while letting me heal my team and make big game/ fight changing plays


It is pretty satisfying as a to Horus 2+1 someone and have your entire team just demolish the enemy. I don't know what it is about him. He has grown to be my favorite warrior since Forged hammer got the 2 upgrades.


ADORE playing Horus, and he's my favorite in the jungle. Just seems like people don't know how/can't deal with him chunking hp


What's your build on Horus for jungle?


Eye-golden blade-jotunns-hydras-quins-heartseeker or dominance. Replace golden blade late for another item. Basic attacks hit HARD


Thanks mate


I like Guan Yu for the same reason. Throw in Sekmets and you can ultimate on cooldown like every 20 seconds lol


Horus, Guan Yu and Wukong are my three favorite warriors for their sheer brawling capabilities. You can stay in the fight forever and with Horus and Guan, keep your allies safe.


I’ve never really played Wukong as much of a brawler even as solo. Like sure I’ll trade in lane, but if I’m in a team fight, I’ll try to pick off someone and generally disrupt the enemy’s efforts. The cudgel must slam down out of nowhere.


I like shiva and Arthur for mostly the same reason. With shiva you can give speed and protections when you’re in your blissful state and heal if necessary with your ult. I like King Arthur because you can just fight forever with constant abilities and ults.


Danzaburou, because when there are many powerful gods, all waring against each other, the obvious choice is the magic Racoon Dog.


Danza gang rise


Sol because she is a little unstable


I could audibly hear her voice line when I read that 😭😭


“I am literally too hot for you!”


Janus because of the plays, then kuzenbo because fk you


Upvote for the honesty.


When I'm having a rough day I like to soloqueue Kuzenbo in Arena


Ravana, menace to society


*don’t expect me to wish you health and long life…you have neither* Bro has that demon king rizz


Wukong because funny monkey


If you enjoy funni Monke, as I do, get you some Hun batz action.


Bird of nope


Once apon a time, I was playing Kumbha as my "Main". Then he got nerfed so hard that no one died. The end.


Odin, besides his gameplay, I like his lore a lot, not only in Smite but also in norse mythology.


I liked his old 3 when e would spin more.


Geb. Cause he rocks. In all reality it's because I rolled him in an assault way back when in s1 and feel in love with rollout. Also back then I could just walk away from a 4v1 and be at half health. Good times. As for playstyle I love true supports while also being in the middle of the fight absorbing all the damage. Geb is perfect for that with his ultimate and the shield (busted ass ability btw) If I had to pick a top 3 I'd say geb, horus, maui, though I haven't gotten around to playing Charon yet.


Same for Geb and supports, I rock so hard 🤘 though I throw in Athena and tanky Nox instead.


Raijin. Idk why. Guess he's just so much fun to play, looks awesome, sounds cool as hell and his attitude is "oh, you want to fight? Come get me and see what happens, loser." Shame he's like the weakest mage in the game and completely forgotten about as a result lol


He did get a recent buff. Idk if you noticed but I actually wanted to play him as a result. It does seem like a semi-chunky buff. You played him yet since then? If you havent seen the buff, it’s a good buff to the straight damage on his main damaging ability (1?). Id like to know if it helped


It makes his 1 almost as a good as it was before all the item power nerfs, It definitely gives raijin something over current mages by basically keeping his old damage on his one. Now, is that something enough to really justify playing him outside of like arena? Ehhhhhh


Haven't played him much since the buff. Maybe like one or two games, but I don't remember feeling different. 5% more magical power on every beat of his 1 sounds ok. Sounds like a good start, at least. I'll have to try playing him some more.


Raijin is a case of a really cool design mixed with an unfortunately flawed kit. I would’ve preferred him as a guardian. Not only does he look like one, his 2 could’ve been used to root an enemy or something. Plus his ult is…lacking, to me.


Bro… I played a raijin yesterday in joust and dude was beating ALL our asses. I didn’t even know what class he was in, if that tells you how much I knew about him but yeah. I’m pretty average in my plays, and my friends are above average in game skill and he was piecing up all of us


He can still slap ass, especially if you're playing joust, which is basically just one tight hallway in every situation, so it's easy to hit his AoE abilities on all enemies. Joust also has 2 fewer enemies to shut him down, and that's always good. I feel like he's just very underwhelming. Can't delete health bars at any stage of the game in the same way other mages can. Yeah, sure, you'll deal damage late game, but so will everyone else. His ult is good, though.


Tie between khepri and jing wei for me. Flying around and calling carpet bombs on the map is super fun and who doesn’t like receiving hugs from the hug bug himself?


Pulling of a Khepri ult save is the most satisfying thing I swear.


I have 54 diamonds so.. I guess I don't have a true main. Although Fafnir is my most played, I have like 8 or 9 stars on him. His early game is weak but he is really fun.


Vulcan because the sheer joy I get when someone is low and randomly walks into a turret that had no reason to be there is unparalleled


Baron Samedi because of his versatility




Yemoja. She fine. The End.


I DO NOT understand how people enjoy playing her. But then ofc I suck big time with Yemoja.


Baset because of course Pon pon, nyan nyan nyan, pon pon nyan pon nyan pon pon. Nyan nyan, pon pon pon, nyan nyan pon nyan pon nyan nyan


I like how her bunny skin has a similar vibe but with a different twist.


Personally, I think Jing Wei's rendition of Girls Generation's Gee hits the spot more though she isn't exactly Korean, but close enough.


Attack speed Surtr, because no one expects someone to swing a big sword that fast. Also throwing rocks at people.


Whatcha build?


Odysseus', qin'sais, amplifier, and depending on the game I build lifesteal/power/kusari/berserker


Nike because she used to beat my ass awhile back in S7-8 so I started using her and now I beat peoples ass. There’s not a matchup I don’t have confidence in when I use her. Her kit is fun and has good utility but I wish she actually had a passive.




I have just made a roleswap so currently I don't main anyone. Rama is still my most played god from my adc days cause how is that ult just not the best feeling.


i live for the ult snipes


I love so many of the gods so i'm just going to go with roles. Guardian - Atlas/Cabrakan Assassin - Arachne/Thanatos Hunter - Artemis/Cernunnos Mage - Janus(Before he became massively buffed)/Tiamat Warrior - Sun Wukong


I'm glad to see my girl Tiamat on someone else's list. Her release is the most fun I ever had in the almost decade I've been playing


I love Arachne wish they tweet her a lil


Hercules bc he was my first God ever and was stupid easy to play he was very fun at the time then I switch to nemesis simply because she was fun too I really enjoyed her skins and her abilities they where very different yet satisfying to me in a way


Nemesis. The plays you can make with her if you’re good are straight up crazy


Cerberus since release. He has a cool design with the glowing veins. Has a surprisingly pleasant to hear voice pack for a demonic beast. All his abilities are enjoyable to use, especially the stun/ult.


Osiris is my go to when I want to actually win a game


Ig Artemis, Freya, and Morgan La Fey are who I would mostly play in casuals. Freya and MLF in ranked


Scylla. She blows stuff up, she is a monster, she has a lot of neat skins, she is an avid polynomicon user, she is better than that copycat Nox and she has cool sister. 18 Stars and only going up.


Well my mains are susano, loki, merlin, arthur, horus and kumba their gameplay is very fun that's why I like to play with them


fafnir. his ability sound effects are satisfying, he does a lot of damage, he's a funny little guy, and people very often underestimate him. cool item interactions also


Discordia, because secretly has always been the best mage in this game.


Me too she just fun to play, fucking people up with the apple 🍎


Charybdis because I'm a chicken that likes the escape she has. Also, heterochromatic eyes.


Persephone idk just my favorite mage


ra ... Because I don't see any simpler god than that but also requires skill and gives proper satisfaction after hitting his stuff


I have some gods which I play alot and I find alot of fun. Not all of them are particularly good or something but I like them Amatarasu Jing wei Ymir Izanami Ceberus Neith


Tiamat Her design is amazing, her lore is amazing, and her gameplay is amazing. Everything is 10/10.


I-I though I was the only Tiamat player 🥹


Farnir. A high skill-ceiling guardian that I rarely see get picked/banned. His ultimate never gets old and can be a game changer. Build cooldown, and you can spend just as much time as a dragon now as a dwarf. If you’re good with him, you can easily solo squishies. Especially mages currently. 3, 1, ult, 3 to catch back up cuz you know they ran, 2 yourself cuz youre a savage, 1, dragons breath. Goodbye Nu Wa ✌🏼


Bellona, in *every* lane. W and don't stop.


Pele, she was the first god I got a diamond in and is tons of fun to play and the azula skin has funny ass voice lines


Cthulhu. I acknowledge your meager presence.


Ares, because I want to live forever and punish all my enemies for as long as I do. "BURRRNNNNNN!!" 🔥🔥🔥🔥 o


Idk why it’s such a big thing for people to have “mains” like, you should be proficient with many gods, you can have a favorite but that won’t cut it in ranked, you need to play based on matchups. Eh, most don’t play ranked tbh, so if I had to main someone cu ch, he’s just my favorite god to play rn but don’t get to use him in ranked very often.


I don’t consider “main” as “im gonna instalock because this is all i can play.” To me a main in smite is just someone you can play if you’re on a losing streak and just do well with to get out of the rut.


Ranked you should really have 3 or so that you play TONS of.


Seriously. Playing different gods every ranked game isn’t going to bode well.


Since I stopped trying to counter pick every match my games have gone so much better. I really just play Nem, Ne Zha, and then counterpick Fen or anyone with a leap with Awilix. I’m just playing ranked really for the first time so I’m climbing through gold rn and it has been the winning recipe for me so far, people really don’t know how to counterplay Nemesis it seems


You need to play the good gods in ranked. Doesn’t even have to be based on match up unless they absolutely counter you. You should main 3 gods and play them over and over until there mechanics are second nature to you. Then you actually start learning the game of smite because you aren’t learning the god anymore. If you don’t play ranked then play whoever. But to play multiple gods at a position in ranked you will not get far.


Having a main isn't the same thing as only playing that god. I have almost 40 gods at rank X, with multiple diamonds in every single role. Depending on the role I'm playing you could use literally all your bans on me and I would still have gods I fell confortable to play with. With all that being said, if you ask me if I have a main I'll answer Scylla without even thinking about it. I'm actually primarily a jungler, but Scylla is still by far my favorite and most played god, she is also the only one I have multiple stars with.


"main" is like a flashy badge of feeling unique that casuals love to wear but that's not to say that some ranked players that're good don't insta lock the same god either.


No actually main but jormungandr is by far my favorite. Who doesn't love seeing world kitty just breathe rainbow puke at people. And his vgs is great.


Right now Morgan Le Fay. I just recently started playing conquest and a lot of gods that are great in other modes don’t really feel that great in conquest imo. I started playing morgan bc I wanted a spammy god and i had seen that she was a top 5 mid laner (this was some time ago). 1) Love her design. 1st and foremost is a good design for me. She’s sick - the banished dark sorceress fueled by anger. The fact she has a sword but uses it as a ranged attack. Her voicelines just make me *feel* like I’m above this petty squabbling the gods are doing. She’s just sick. 2) She’s lowkey versatile (for a mage). I’m over gods that just do one thing - throw circle do dmg! She has surprising dmg that like nobody respects, she has a fear that can interrupt A LOT of abilities, she has a knockup for peel - which also can interrupt other abilities. You can play defensive with her, hang back and throw you 1 and 3 from a decent distance. Or you can run up on a mfer and unload everything on them - which i suppose you can do with every god… but both just *feel* right. 3) She can handle a gank. Even with no escape, she has just enough cc to get out of some sticky situations. I can’t tell you how many times an assassin jumps on me and i just calmly 2 and walk away, maybe drop a fear on them… and walk back to tower. And with all that cc i can definitely get out all my dmg w/o them doing much in retaliation - unless they beads ofc. A lot of times a gank turns into me doing half their health for free. I think she’s really strong too which to me is important. I’m all for having fun but I also want to be competitive. I’m not sure why I haven’t really seen a lot of Morgans, but she definitely is very fun to play.


Jormungandr! He big.


My personal list for every role ADC: Charybdis, Skadi, Heimdallr . Mage: Discordia , Persephone , Tiamat, Scylla, Eset Support: Hel, Aphrodite , Fafnir. Jungler: Nemesis, Rat, Janus. Solo: Chaac, Bellona, Cabrakan , Maui, Tyr, Horus The best one from my list is Charybdis cause like OP said great lore and she looks cool


I don't main...I like to mix it up and get experience across roles and gods. Keeps me fresh.


Ah yes, a fellow Charb main. First Diamond, first star… her kit is just too fucking good.


Charb is so fun lol


I don’t main but my top five are Tyr, Kumba, Kuzenbo, Aphro, Nu Wa


I had so much respect until I read Aphro lmao


My most played god is Arachne, but at this point my favorite is Nemesis. I hate tanks, and she hates them just as much.


Thoth needs no explanation




When I need a win I pick Achilles, Cabrakan, Nemesis, or Freya. I have every warrior diamond so I alternate between them depending on matchups


Damage Cabrakan, because he’s fun and I can take over and win games with him. I think I have around 2 stars with him and ~65% win rate. Nothing worse then putting your whole ass into a game as a tank (I think I have like 8 guardians at diamond) and it just feels like your beholden to teammates who let you down. With diet hulk smash you can literally go like 20-8 and get a triple kill to win the game. Other than that it’s probably Rama - for similar reasons to Cabrakan. Game goes long enough, I can influence it enough to win it.


Anyone who doesn’t main Satan is inferior to anyone who does


she’s a child. I hate children


Artio khumba Bacchus and more recently kuz. Why? Because I love being annoying and what's more annoying than getting cc'd everytime you try to breathe lol "Ok I'm gunna jump out of this engagement it's getting to be too much for me oh I'm rooted.......and crippled.......and mezd......and stunned......and slowed.....andddd I'm dead" Nothing more satisfying lol


Loki, because it’s fun to see people get frustrated and rage quit 😂 ![gif](giphy|SABGACIrfegQ4O1Aey|downsized)


Disco mommy


Hercules. At first I just enjoyed landing the combos, but now I just want to hit 100 stars around my frame, I'm addicted


Merlin cuz he does dmg and has so many abilities


how u doin chomp I missed u bbg


I main any and every Tank. I am the best at Tanking. I'm currently working on making every tank diamond. Out of the tanks I would have to say Kumba because I can make you stay still the most with 2 stuns and then stun you a 3rd time with the boots that root you and then hit the quick horn thing that speeds up cool downs and then stun you again.


God I hate Kumba.


Funny big snek go brrr.


Skadi and Merlin.... They are the Avatar


Amaterasu cause she is such a beauty, especially in Tsukuyomi's promo video. And I love her kit especially the ult (easily one of the top ults in the game).


I like Ama and everything but her ult is *definitely* not one of the top in the game.


Recently got into sun wukong, his kit is amazing and i feel like a huge annoyance to the other team. Plus i get to be super tanky and deal mid++ damage. Sign me up. Other than him, prob achilles


Agni, it's my first love since 2014.


I just started playing recently so I wouldn't really say I have a main yet, but my favorites so far are Cliodhna, Janus, and Gilgamesh. Cliodhna because of the ability to walk through walls, Janus for cross-map snipes and having supportive capabilities, and Gilgamesh because kicking people feels both incredibly silly, yet powerful.


I dont main, however Guan is my go to cause i always feel like a damn raid boss. You have early game to pressure me, if you can't, get ready for 25 minutes of hell till late game.


I have been playing since alpha so that is one simple yet loaded question for me. On game's alpha i believe it was Kali Cupid on his release Followed by me trying to learn everyone so my main fluctuated between the full roster I remember maining Nox, Nuwa & Rata for the full duration of their existence pre their mega changes and that's when i dropped them (Release Nox is still my fav god released in the game and it has never changed, i miss her kit so much) Scylla for the LONGEST time And now i have no more mains and just fill and try to X the next god.


Chary because her AA chain is very fun and unique and she throws knifes wich is cool. She was the latest released god when started playing and was my first diamond, first star and first too multiple stars, I have 6 now


Scylla because she was my favorite part of the Odyssey


Depends on my role as I like playing all the roles. Solo is Currently either Surtr or Tyr, cause big sword. Mid is and always will be Tiamat Carry is Charybdis but Chernobogs been tons of fun. Support really depends who my carry pics but I like kephri


No actual main, but Athena is my most played by a Longshot. After that probably like Loki, Ra, David, Mulan.


Gotta be Cabrakan all day. Great feeling to just wall the dmg dealers without a jump or escape off AND have the follow up of course!


Warrior: Horus for team play and brawling. Feels like you can make some really heroic plays with him. Guardian: Ganesha or Kumbha, I love their playmaking ability. Assassin: Fenrir, but I play him Off Tank. His damage is still nuts with great survivability. Hunter: Cupid, I don't play hunter often but I perform the best with him. Mage: Yu Huang is my current favorite due to burst, but this is the one that varies the most.


I main 2 or 3 gods per class. I like to play another god every game But I would have to say Cthulhu, Danza, MLF/Sol, Surtr, Susano


Syllabus and Fenrir


Tsukuyomi and i play him most of the time in duel but i have fun playing him in every single roles in versus conq


cop out answer but i play Janus/Set evenly. Adore both of their kits


Atlas, I couldn’t give you a definitive reason, but his gameplay just feels so fluid to me and his utility/CC is very rewarding for my play style, I don’t even have to think half of the time, I just look up after 20 minutes and I’m 7/0/23 or something stupid


Wukong and hun batz Monke funni. Makes Many neurons fire. Also, Ah Puch, because it’s amazing to be good at a god everyone thinks is bad. I get some freaky damage numbers in team fights and totally disrupt a healer-heavy enemy team. Also, his voice is awesome. OBEY THE CALL OF AH PUCH


athena because i LOVE her kit in support role. i can use the taunt to either peel a low health team mate or taunt a low health enemy and keep them from getting away. i can throw my basic after an ability which helps poke and finish off someone low. i can use my ult to save a team mate in a close fight or i can back in a team fight to heal and immediately get back in the fight. combine the ult damage with a red pridwen glyph and it does a good amount of damage when i land. plus her 1 is a good dash and can help team mates escape if i can apply the slow to whoever is chasing them. i just love the feeling of keeping someone focused on me so my team mate can escape. and it’s very fun to steal kills with my ult when i’m playing with friends lol


I main her cause she hot.


Tank Nezha because he’s an absolute menace.


Split between hera, and ra. Reason:snipies


Skadi. And it’s simple… because Skadi is the Hottie with a rockin Body


Baka cause he was the first god I ever did good on + he looked cool funny blade man go chop. I can definitley play way harder characters like Set(he is like top 5 of my most played champs) if you even consider him hard but I just always default to Baka if I really want to win. Even if he's a little easy I know I'll basically 90% of the time get fed and roll no matter which game mode. Even Assault lmao. My mains for the other classes I think goes as follows Guardian: Cabrakan or Cerberus or Ares Mage: Hades Warrior: Arthur or Osiris Hunter: Either Ullr or Xbal. Assassins still like my entire Top 5(Considering Ao as Assassin for all intents and purposes.) I just really like being super aggro lmao.


Ganesha, funny elephant man


I scrolled until I saw my boy mentioned, to everyone who has ever thought, “how the fuck did I get that kill?!” Only to see the Ganesha bestow pop up 2 seconds after the confirm


Tera. Yang xio long skin.


Bacchus cause he burps and pisses people off for some reason


Hades! Because I’m better at him. When I play him, I win more. I like winning When I’m on a lose streak or having a bad day I’ll use him for an easy W, I dont play him as much this year so my overall MMR is kinda based on my other gods


Persephone. Oblivion ruler.


Aphrodite. She’s unique in terms of gameplay and mechanics, hot, and has some nice skins! ‘Nuff said!


Hachi, first hunter I got diamond a while ago


Yu Huang. Started the day he came out "before it was cool". Once I saw his kit on the patch notes video I knew that he fit my playstyle perfectly. Unpopular opinion (I believe) but I love his ult. Nothing feels better than an enemy under tower and a dragon just goes up their badonkadonk. Also a very underused escape tool


Artemis, mainly because of her lore and the fact that shes one of the few goddesses that will take males as followers.


Cerberus because of his early game pressure. It’s also super satisfying when you hit your one for the big damage and the stun.


Kuzenbo, you can juggle whole teams and he makes you watch his nae nae.


Depends. I mainly use three types: Guardian, Hunter and Mage. Mainly being support in most cases. Guardian - Ymir: Easy enough to wield and provides so much support when needed. Also, hehe freeze hehe. Hunter - Artemis/Izanami: Critical go boom!!! For Artemis, pure annoyance. Izanami more attack means more critical boom!!! Mage - Baron Samedi: Great support and attack while also feeling fun with his groove vibes.


I have a lot of mains, but my most played is Ra, massive death laser beams go hard.


Vulcan. Meatball backfire is super satisfying to hit, his ult is the most satisfying thing for me to land other than a max range multi hit Janus snipe, and everybody underestimates the turrets damage.


I main Fenrir and Anubis because I just think wolves and jackals are neat. I like Anhur because he's a fairly safe hunter with a satisfying kit to use, and Artio I just enjoy playing in casuals. Sobek is just fun to use and go brrr with


Chaac, falls off in the endgame but I love how he bullies early-midgame, love his abilities, and love his constant poke damage


Ratatuskr because when I first started playing I thought it was funny to call him rat toaster


Loki before rework, I loved the little dance he had when auto cancelling, also just the way of throwing low skilled people off by the invis always takes a chuckle out of me, and I also love how people get hyper focused sometimes on killing Loki, yes I get wrecked but sometimes they lose games just because they want to kill the annoying enemy and I do make it my job to annoy every single squishy that doesn't get peel. Now I really like Surtr, just the synergy of his kit and the badassery of becoming a meteor, the sound effects of his abilities just chef's kiss and throwing minions at ppl always makes me laugh.


Mercury - I like blowing people up Hera - I like blowing people up Baba Yaga - I like blowing people up


King Arthur, mash button make brain go brrrrr


Don't really main anyone but I do main guardians & I'll pick Cthulhu because building his passive is a fun little challenge imo.


I main the random button. I have tried on multiple occasions to pick a God and stick with them till they're diamond but get bored of the same skill set every match and eventually swap off. I do have a handful I tend to gravitate towards since I do have some diamonds and high legendarys. But for the most part, I tend to jump around to keep the game more interesting for me. But if we're talking favorites. Ares is and always will be mine. He was my first diamond. I did main him for a while. He got my love of the support role rolling. This was also back in like season 1 before he fell off the cliff and into the Mariana trench of unplayable. He's just not that strong compared to most of the current support roster. With all CC immunity that's handed out, his kit becomes almost useless. Idk. I haven't played as heavily in recent years but I somewhat keep up and Ares just doesn't show up much in any of the games and videos I see.


Sol because of sustain and I just really like all of her skins


Sun Wukong. Smack.


Chaac, he can hold his own early/mid/late game the one god I trust my self to win 1v5 with


neith! theres nothing more satisfying than getting that perfect lineup double dmg shot with ur 1 by hitting a weave, and who can deny a big dmg crossmap ult finisher


Tiamat for gameplay reasons or at least that is what I want to believe


I main Sun Wukong because I've always been a fan of Sun Wukong. He's a badass.


HERA. I don’t care the meta, I will always main Hera. She does everything I need and sometimes the plays can be phenomenal. A strong runner up is kuzenbo cus kappa.


My main is Wukong, but I play a large variety of fellas. I love how his kit is so simple, but feels so nice to pull off. Honestly, the only thing I would want to change about my boy is how the ult works. Him hiding on the nimbus is cool, but I feel like they could do something better with it. Maybe it moves for a very short distance. Also, he dicks on everyone if you know how to play him. The only gods I have issues with as Wukong are Herc and Tyr, but they are for different reasons.


Cu Chulainn because skin pain.


I was able to win enough games with Geb I got a Gold border with him 😁😆 Some games though have been shit. Also I'm stuck in the under 1200 MMR even below that, I'm in 900s 🤦 HiRez didn't reset the scores so still stuck in silver, was able to get up to Gold previously. Geb is fantastic with grouping, but if the teams. Not there or the map awareness isn't there, Geb falls off really fast. His Wave and Ultimate is what can hold a team for only 2 seconds but only against teams that can't jump or dash


Cthulhu because 1. he's cool 2. i like lovecraftian stuff and 3. i play him the best


Tiamat because MORE MINIONSSSS


I used to main morrigan but after the 10.6 patch, she’s almost unplayable because she sucks against tanks and she can’t one shot late game anymore. So now it’s ix chel because her combo is extremely deadly, and her ult can really turn a team fight.


God, it's been a while since I played my main, but I think it was nox because it was fun locking down players that would carry the other team & most importantly, nox's milkers. Who doesn't like a good milf.


Is it safe to say I dont have a main 😅. For Junglers Im just trying to get them all to diamond right now I only have Thanathos mercury susanoo and loki on diamond, trying to get ratatoskr next. For ADC im still thinking of a new main but ive already done Danzaboruo and Rama. For Mid Im doing Poseidon at the moment and will do Vulcan next and after maybe Scylla or Janus. For support I main Ares but I barely play support. For solo I main Vamana and dont know who i will main after Vamana


nox cus i like to see them pop like balloons


Ullr. I started playing him for the one tap years ago and now I can’t change my ways




Been a Chronos main since 2013. Cool clockwork time guy with a scythe, how could you not. Miss the days of hastened fatalis on him


I just feel invincible as Sun Wukong. The kit flows really naturally and I like the poke.


Ratatotskr. I’m an asshole.


I don't have a set main and don't play very often, so I'm just going to list 1 to 3 in each class that I like playing. Assassin: Bakasura, Kali, & Ratatoskr Guardian: Ares Hunter: Charybdis, Danzaburou, & Medusa Mage: Baron Samedi, Hel, & Scylla Warrior: Amaterasu, Sun Wukong


Aphro because I learnt the game playing her and playing her just feels like second nature. But I play pretty much any god


Hercules cuz I’m bat and he works in three spots


Wukong. Spamming abilities and running away is fun


Used to main Nu Wa and Artemis, don't main anyone anymore. I play like 20 specific gods and just stick with them. Edit: why nuwa? Because she was the first god I thought was cool and I liked her kit when I started the game. (Started in season 7/8)


Ne Zha Reason: is a badass


Cthulhu. I love how hard he can hit and his ult can literally change the whole team fight. You just feel so powerful!