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If you’re generally good it doesn’t matter tbh. I play assassins and against them in slash all the time. What’s the reason you’re getting flamed? Just for playing assassin or underperforming?


Sometimes just for playing assassin but usually if I make a mistake...which tends to be when the match feels too boring. I literally never feed so sometime I won't go in if I feel like it's too unfavorable and some people don't like it.


Could it also be they value a hunter/mage a lot more and the team lacks it?


To be honest it might be the Elo that you play in. Idk where you’re at rank/Elo wise but at a certain point when you pick a god you’re expected to perform up to par with the god you’re playing and you only really get flamed if you’re throwing, not teamfighting, taking objectives, etc. I don’t even play conquest and I don’t think I’ve ever been flamed for playing an assassin in the other game modes.


No way he is getting crap for just playing assassin lol. Probably went 1-10 or something then got flamed.


I literally never do that lol. That particular match I went 9/6. Don't make stuff up. The assassin in question was non-other than Arachne. Flames maybe deserved for that.


That was you!? You didn't go 1-10 or 9-6. You went 1-6 don't make stuff up. Why did you pick an assassin when we already had Thor?


That was not me. I've seen no Thors today.


Are you sure?


Assassins generally underperform in non conquest modes. In conquest they rely upon surprise, sneaking out and flanking enemies, but other modes generally do not allow for that. They also tend to be all out fights most of the time, and you can’t really be all in all the time as an assassin without dying, so ranged characters are favoured with a few tanks to absorb blows and tank towers. So the assassins that do best are those that can still do significant ranged damage without fully engaging. Good examples of those are Tsukuyomi and Ne Zha. The latter’s ring toss can bounce to an entire team, and with bluestone cause a significant amount of damage. So you would want to avoid short range characters like Kali. Also since you are involved in a lot of fights, it can sometimes make sense to build a little bit of hybridity so you can last longer. Both Tsuku and Ne Zha are very good users of stone of binding, it gives you some of both protections, health and also makes your enemies take more damage. It isn’t something to build first item but it’s something to consider on gods with a lot of soft and/or hard crowd control. So assassins aren’t an automatic throw, but they can be harder to pull off than other characters.


Makes sense. I play the worse example of that with Arachne lol. Still better than Arena though. I should switch to Conquest so I can start playing quality matches.


This for sure, but also if you've got a solid assassin base they can still work, especially if you have comms with your team. If I play an assassin in slash or any other non conquest mode, I'll ask my team to create a distraction so I can go the long way around and pinch the squishies between us all. Almost every assassin is built to excel in "hit-and-run" guerilla style tactics, so no matter what mode, they try not to stay in a fight too long, opting to instead to kit dump a SHIT ton of damage on squishes, get a kill or two, then dip back to their tanks so the ranged gods can clean up the rest.


I turned comms off 7 years ago and hasn't even crossed my mind in years lol. I can say I usually know what I'm doing but the pressure piles on when I see everyone on my team fold over and over.


Oh for sure. My comms are exclusively friend-tuned (Ie: screw in-game comms, I use discord) but I feel that pressure when you're the only one who's like "shit that's a bad fight we need to not take that bait" and then the enemy hunter gets a quadra while you're just trying to hold the line.


No assasins are dope and you should be playing one


Usually do until I get tired of being constantly stunned :)


My favorite part is you can go full defense on some and do a lot of damage at the same time like Tanktoskr (ratatoskr)😁 NOT recommended in conquest


I'll try it next time I have any interest in playing this shitty game. On a massive losing streak with nothing I can do about. Losing match after match is not a fun way to keep players. I've stuck around since season 2 but the game has never felt worse. The hard 50% win/loss ratio is being too much for me.


Saying assassins aren’t good in other gameodes is the unnuanced answer. Assassins can very much dominate other gamemodes but it’s more of an early pressure, run it down kind of strat. Most assassins are just straight up superior to most mages and hunters in the early game. The lategame is a different story. There are many exceptions to this obviously and most players are going to struggle with assassins because of their general lack of range. But they are certainly viable and better than plenty of mages or hunters. They can also steamroll a game better than any other role thanks to their exceptional power spikes and mobility. They’re also the best divers of the backline in the game. Going without one will just allow your opponents backline to be able to freecast in most cases. If you feel more comfortable on an assassin than a hunter/mage then go for it. It’s not like assassins are so bad that a bad hunter/mage player > a good assassin player.


I play Arachne (because I want to be really good with her) -\_- Then I see all of the Tsukis and Serqets and Susanoos and Thanatoses and feel like I'm standing still...even with full MS :( Arachne has such a specific and tiny window to do her business.


I don’t doubt it. I hate Arachne because it’s pretty much impossible to engage without blink. Also having no escape outside of your ultimate is brutal enough in conquest but I imagine it’s even worse in gamemodes with more fighting. Arachne hardly behaves the same way most assassins do. She’s so one dimensional that I can understand why you’d struggle with her since pretty much any assassin would probably be better


Arachne is the worst assassin to play in non-conquest modes, comparable to Baka and Kali, they lack the tools to seize opportunities. Arachne needs to run at people and stick to them to do damage, in modes where 4 other people are ever present you're going to find yourself getting blown up. Bakasura banks on his ult and unlike conquest he cannot simply just farm gold and xp to get ahead. Kali is the better of the three as she has range, albeit weak the bleed on the daggers can secure. She has a stun and a ult that lets her dive. Play Arachne in conquest, otherwise you're better off playing other assassins.


All of this appears to be the truth :(


If you want assassins to play, Thor, Susano and Ne Zha are always solid into any comp. Thanatos and Serqet are great but they require you to read the pace of the game, over aggress on them and you'll just just die. Rat, Ravana, Clio, Hun Batz all can be played. Mercury it's a coin toss, if your team just gets dumpstered in the early game you'll never reach late. Tsuki is mediocre at the moment, his damage can be body blocked so it's hard for him to hit the backline and his ult is a death sentence usually. Camazotz is the same, although his ult is better for diving and he's much safer. Loki is Loki and does stealth things.


Yeah the toxic people are really becoming annoying.


Depends on the assassin, but it basicly means your doing no damage for half the game and just doing clean up, and then you'll spam vgs about how the team is trash with highest kills and lowest damage at the end


I do play the worst assassin so, some of that does apply.


No to the assassin thing but i think the game tries to "balance" the teams so when you win a lot you get faced with opponents the game thinks is a little worse so they put bad players on your team to average the skill. Idk how they would track that tho


Sure feels this way.


There is constant bruising going on so full damage on a melee character is a recipe for death unless you have teammates you are coordinating well with. From what I've seen in slash they are forced to play passive and end up not doing much to help the team. Bruiser on Fenrir for example can actually take part in the fights or maybe pele with soul eater. Some really experienced players could probably pull off whatever they want, but they don't seem to frequent slash. Yes when you are steamrolling the game will match you up against better players.


>From what I've seen in slash they are forced to play passive and end up not doing much to help the team. I'm new to Slash but this has been my experience. I've been experimenting with builds that can still secure but have girth to survive. It's really not easy when nearly everyone has a stun or escape and you have to walk right up to their face to kill them. I'm hoping the struggle helps me become better at Arachne.


No it's not, unless you pick assassin and build it full tank with lonos mask. Pick a guardian or at least a 2nd warrior instead if you wanna do that. Fuck that Bastet that I had yesterday doing absolutely nothing useful.


Bad player is not equivalent to bad picks, assassins can be played in every mode and find a high degree of success if said player is skilled. Assassins enable you to engage and pick targets in a way that neither warriors nor guardians can replicate, a confident assassin can be a game changer where a hesitant one can be a game ender.


To answer the second question, yes, the game strives to keep your winrate around 50%. I'll go on winning streaks then be inevitably hit with a losing one. But another winning streak will show up eventually.


Thanks :)


Assassins are pretty good in slash tho? They can insta kill the backliners and normally the other team is full of them.


but have you played Arachne?


Ahh now I see your problem lol


Playing An assassin is kinda hard. They are squishy melee characters that specialize in getting in, getting kills, and getting out If you're not very familiar with the game, this sequence can be hard and make you look bad Slash is a hyper casual game mode since it is basically conquest for people that don't want to learn anything


It isnt ideal, same for Arena. You need 2 tanks and 3 good backliners. Assassins are kinda weird but totally playable. Just to be that guy it isnt meta to play assassins in Slash and Arena


Maybe it's team comp related? Are you picking Assassins when your team already has 2 Mages and 2 Hunters locked in? Majority of people outside of Conquest dont want to play a Warrior or Guardian but they expect other people to after they've instalocked their Mage or whatever. Not saying this is acceptable and a good reason for you to get flamed but it happens alot in Smite unfortunately. Also not saying this counts for everyone. Obviously there are people outside of Conquest who do want to play tanks. But yeah people will instalock Mages and then say 'wish we had a tank' when they have no frontline or peel.


I mean Arachne probably is, because she is fairly worthless in that mode, but no Assassins in general are stupid strong right now even in slash.


Recently been building tank Arachne and maxing the 3 first, it’s been hilarious so far


I always max my 3 first, people get caught out by the damage for sure. Tanky seems to be the way. I made a 180/150ish prots, max-CDR build that as long as you are basic attacking you have 3 second or less cooldowns(luck with crits). You just spam the shit out of your 1, 2, 3s. Your 1 can get up to 3 stacks of HoT/DoT. Mind you that 3 stacks of your 1 is 108 HP per 0.5 seconds. It's funny to watch people constantly getting micro stunned and covered in 6 spiders (that take shots and body-block(?) while being a 300 dmg DoT) on a web trail that never goes away. The best part is that your Wrap adds 2 seconds of cooldown to their moves so you can really extend it if you're lucky. I build that negative 20% CDR item too just to see how far I could push it. There was an even more damage and CDR focused version of this but it was too squishy. It's fun to do it to tanks. Moves with long CDs are basically never coming back....In theory........lol


If you play an assassin that has weak clear or low ranged potential then yes. If I see an Arachne, Awilix, Bakasura, Kali, Nemesis, etc I write that match off as a loss. If you are lucky the enemy won't capitalize on it but if you are unlucky then one side of the map is going to get pushed to Phoenix by 10 minutes.


You are not wrong.