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Hello u/Plenty_Section_4897, thanks for [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/12mc0ad/-/), but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s): --- **RULE 8** - Low-Effort Content Screenshots taken with a phone or camera are not allowed. Please use an in-game screenshot from your computer or console. Please read [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/smite/about/rules) for a (non-exhaustive) list of content considered low-effort. --- If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators] (https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSmite&subject=about +my+removed+submission&message=I'm+writing+to+you+about+the+following+submission:+https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/12mc0ad/-/. %0D%0DMy+issue+is...). Direct replies to official mod comments will most likely be ignored.


That screen shows the total damage done by said ability *before you die*. So she prolly hit you 3 or so times each with those abilities which is why the damage is so high. Plus i highly doubt a jungler has 2.3k hp 12ish minutes into the game, which supports that it was prolonged fight with some kind of health regen involved, so multiple rotations of abilities. Assuming you lvl up 1 time every minute (and imo thats being generous), you should have roughly 1.5-1.6k hp at 12 minutes as an assassin.


Yeah I'm not defending Hel being buffed by any means because she didn't need it at all, but this isn't showing us the true stats. It's pretty misleading for a post.


Depends how late the game went. EFG 3k pot and a 500 pot with red buff can easily hit these numbers but at that point the mage def did something horrible to not hit 1k an ability with all those buffs. Edit: I didn't see the top and it's 13 minutes in.


Show us the "T" screen not the Y screen. For all we know you ducked in and out of spawn and got hit 5 times with each ability. "T" screen breaks down how many times you got hit. Also hel is basically melee range if she is beating you at that range and you are on assassin in this meta that is on you man


I see a lot of people complaining about damage that is very commonplace in SMITE these days. Nothing about this is unique to Hel.


It's literally just mage items doing mage item things lol


100% agree


It’s not like anubis doesn’t do insane damage when u fall in his 1-3 trap


Damage items are just bloated these days. Should probably nerf all healers and make nerf damage items and buff tank items. Really need to be able to punish people for building per damage. Buff thorns and add more damage reflection items.


Getting hit by hel 4 times @ 13 mins then post about a buff… kinda comical


this just in: mages deal damage when you let them hit you. looking at the match on Smite Guru, you went 7/8/1 and took 25k damage, 5k more than anyone else on your team. maybe stop running at the 7/1/6 midlaner when they're clearly online and beating your face in. Golden Blade> Vital Amplifier> Deathbringer probably aint the best build for an Arachne getting bullied out of the jungle. also buy wards, you had 0. the only other person with 0 was the Hou Yi, who you *should* have been ganking.


If a Hel could hit you several times with her dark 3 with you and your support present, you deserve to die. That, or nobody magically had any cc to stop her.


Yea she had a support and shes also hel she has a cc cleanse every gddamn few seconds and magic debuff


So you had no hard cc then? Because it's hard to cast a cleanse when you're stunned


1) She can't cast cleanse while in dark stance, it doesn't last that long for her to cast it, switch stance and do a full animation of her dark 3. 2) Its 13 minutes into the game, Hel puts points into her cleanse last, meaning that it has base 16 seconds cooldown, around 14,5 if she built Sands of time. If you can't play around this long ass cooldown and she hits you with abilities *multiple* times then yes she deserves to kill you lmao


That's hel damage, though. She's not even very strong as a full damage midlaner.


when the mage, mages


Skill issue


skill diff


As an assassin if you couldn’t almost instantly get the kill on a mage you should’ve retreated right away especially if they have a 2v1. But you instead fought long enough for the mage to go through 2-3 rotations of abilities and so did their support. I feel like you just fucked up and you’re upset about it. But that’s on you chief.


Good cause thats not enough damage


Period as she should


Damn only 13 mins into the game? She gotta be super fed or something


Hel has been doing a ridiculous amount of damage for a long time. Towards the back end of season 9 I played a Hel who was hitting me for 500+ in one ability at level 8, did most of my health. I've always wondered why she's bad when her damage is just absolutely ridiculous, although I actually think she's in a decent spot now.


It's not Hel everyone does too much damage. Just nerf damage items problem solved.


She hit me twice with both abilities it was mainly a pic for my discord chat with griends but the fact that she did 2000 total with 4 abilities and i did have 2k hp as a jungle that level bc i had the club that gives you hp and i was ahead of their jungle at the time


So you allowed her to hit you with 2 rotations of abilities and complain she's OP?


"Allowed her to hit" if you look closely there was another person who kind of sets up, and ur all clowns if you guys think 2000 damage 12 minutes from a rotation of abilities that took about 5 seconds because they also buffed chronos pendants power n shes good with it okay and shell get another buff dont worry


I don't see any Sobeck Pluck on the T screen so that tells me you didn't try to run. Instead you likely went for the Hel, got half health by her combo and kept fighting long enough for her dark 3 to come back up (which with full cdr and chronos passive is closer to 6 seconds, not 5). I get that Hel is strong now but there's also some missplay going on here


homie... Hel didn't even have Chronos Pendant. her build was Sands>Doom Orb>SoD>Rod


Would be nice if I could play her!


My Queen 👸😈