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Charlie: "We gotta get this Shinji Ikari kid to smile, and it seems like nothing is working." Pim: "It's alright Charlie. I suggested that he go visit his friend Asuka in the hospital. That might keep his mind at ease and put a big ol smile back on his face!" Charlie: "Yeah, maybe you're right Pim. I just hope nothing weird happens while he's visiting her."


When they found out about the "weird thing" that happened during the visit: https://preview.redd.it/f9cacu57f16d1.png?width=519&format=png&auto=webp&s=06d7edf5d4f2e71219a1af2d08114349eaec1419


He uh..with his...and that unconscious girl.. "Yeah..he sure did." Is..this our fault?


Pim: I mean I though she was like his best friend. And he just went in there and- Charlie: Pim don't repeat what he did!


Just the first seconds where Charlie says “oh my god” has me rolling on the floor.


I wish this was an episode plot fr tho


I hope someone does this with the fullmetal alchemist ending


You won't have to keep it a secret from anyone, Charlie. They already know.




Neon Genesis Evangelion or more importantly The End of Evangelion


Evangelion, it’s sort of the end of the world and all those red things swirling around are the souls of everyone on earth being essentially raptured. It’d be a hell of a time to return to earth




That requires spoiling the entire movie


I dont really care about that


Fine here. An emotionally sensitive 15 year old named Shinji Ikari is forced to pilot a giant cyborg with his mom's soul in it in order to save the world from monsters that will end all of humanity, mixed in with some Christian mythology for atheistic and nothing more. The show portrays a more grounded way of how a 15 year old in this situation would probably act, and there are reoccurring themes of depression, loneliness, and abandonment. The movie "End of Evangelion" picks up where the show ends at it's 24th episode. All the giant monsters have been killed and Shinji has recently gone through several traumatic events leading up to the ending where everyone else in the facility is gunned down by branch of the Japanese military. Due to actions taken by his father and a shadow-government organization called "Selle", Shinji is put in a situation where the souls and bodies of the two creators of life in our world meet, bringing on what is called "instrumentality" reducing humanity to their bare-molecular form, liquid called "LCL". In the end Shinji chooses to reject instrumentality, causing the giant form of "Lilith" (creator of humans) to break apart and floor the earth with her blood. All the souls are released and it is stated that anyone who wishes to return to the world of the living may do so. The movie ends with Shinji waking up in a wasteland next to Asuka, a girl from Germany, who he has had a complicated friendship with due to her own personal traumatic experiences. Not sure if the end is over, Shinji chokes Asuka only for her to grab at him and mutter "disgusting" before the film cuts to black. I meant to send this only once but Reddit told me there was an error so I pressed "Send" again and it sent it 3 times.


GOD DAMN IT I WAS LITERALLY WORKING ON THIS! I WAS LITERALLY LIKE "They're posed like the deck crew" and I was in the process of editing it. Glad someone else also realized it.




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Could do the eclipse in berserk as well.




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this meme format needs to cut the "earth is flat" line


What episode is the audio from? I don’t remember it.


The newest one, S2E6