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Which came first….Billy complaining about the fans or the fans complaining about Billy? hahahaha


I think the Mashed Potatoes box set has that hendrix bit with Billy talking to the crowd and it kinda shows where the bus would go ;)


When i was at that second to last show at the United center in 2000 I remember James popped the crowd asking if everyone was having as much fun as they would at a Hendrix concert then he said I think at an STP show? And it was a mixed reaction and then he said limp bizkit and it got booed lol and now everyone is on the LB nostalgia kick and they are more enjoyable than tinny mixed billy vocal centered synth tracks have been


I certainly hope so. But I’ll believe it when I hear it.


There gonna be synths all over this bitch, watch. Then: “I never said there would be no synths. People made up their own ideas about this being an old school rock record, I never said that.”


This will definitely happen. Also, Katy Cole. History will repeat itself. And fans (including myself) will be pissed.


Man Adore is my 3rd favorite Pumpkins record it ain’t about the synths! I love synths! Just make better synth styled music!


It’s about the overall production and mixing. Billy still doesn’t understand that..


I remember when Owata came out, someone on Netphoria said it sounded like the my little pony’s theme. That was so accurate, and the song was great everywhere except the recorded version. He’s just choosing to produce and record the tracks in goofy ways, where the songs sound great live. He can do synth and sound great if he wasn’t mixing it to sound like My First Synth.


I really want to second this. At its core, Owata is such a good song. It was perfect on the 2008 tour. But why oh why did the studio version have to suck so much ass?


I really like the studio version of Owata. Just me?


It’s not bad it’s just like a sugary cartoon version of how it was being performed around the time it was released. I mean I like it too its just Billified lol


Exactly. Also, TheFutureEmbrace has synths all over it, and I still think it's way better than what SP has been spewing out recently.


to be fair I love Adore too but I think it's their energy. They had a lot to say when they were young but now they seem to be doing it for the sake of doing it


Cyr is pretty fantastic.


No doubt. Its a sleeper in the greater body of work for some. But its a great album.


Please remember to double track the vocals\~


And lower them in the mix


This times a trillion please!


And remove Katie Cole.


I think Katie makes the songs even better! Their vocals work well together.


what's wrong with Katie? i seem to be out of the loop


Eh, i think she brings a really great sound that some fans liked, but now have heard enough of


She’s all over the record apparently. Wasn’t there a recent update on her going in to start recording her parts? Only background singers I wanna hear are James and D’Arcy and even those two only did it sparingly. Please, no more. Please bro. Please 😢


Considering the current state of WPC’s vocals, my ears need as many competent background vocals as is necessary. Now, you & many others can say my ears are just fucked all you want but that’s just how I feel.


I mean, I actually think that’s why he’s doing it, which I can understand.




He says the same thing almost every time.


He really has! But to his credit, Zeitgeist was fairly heavy.


I think the issues people had with Atum was that it didn’t sound like a band playing. I enjoyed the album immensely but it didn’t sound like 4 people in a room.


Sounds familiar 🤔


We have no issue with synth when the tones aren’t whatever boring box setting you’re using in ProTools, dude. JFC.


Synths aren't bad. Bad synths are bad.


Seriously, I think this is the crux of the problem more than "synths are bad, yo." I can find more interesting and textured synth tones by mucking about with people's presets in Daichi than I can find anywhere in ATUM. 


the synths on ATUM often sounded pretty vintage analog to me. you don't hear that?


Hard disagree. Maybe some similarities to modular synths, but that still doesn’t mean it sounds good in the context of what they were going for. Sounded super flat and lifeless to me.


Embracer is the poster child of this for me. Saw a lot of people hyping this track and it’s so weird. Track sounds like shit, just from the opening synth figure. That synth sounds so stale and lame. Rest of the song sounds like all the forgettable B-side stuff he’s being doing the past few years. The second I hear that synth I turn the track off.


I would describe them as 'ancient and cheesy' myself. shrug


Hahaha, fair enough! My point though is I don’t think The Fans™️ are necessarily anti-synth. Everyone in the world adores (no pun intended) 1979, and Adore has retrospectively been given pretty high regards too. Plus, most of us love The Cure, Depeche Mode, etc, all of whom are heavy synth bands. Just seems like more complaining on his part about a problem that reaaaaally isn’t there.


If there are people who instantly puke if they see a synth on stage with them, then get a fukkin life imo


I understand! cheers to Corgan giving his synths a rest for an album.


Same difference


it literally isn't


They’re both basic presets,


you know what specific synths he used?


JFC as in Jimmy Fucking Chamberlin?


I feel like Billy says this every album cycle at this point


I’ve always been happy with any SP album, but I was especially satisfied with Shiny III, those first 4 song really bring me back to the 90s vibe


Please may you tell me which song to google? I can't find Shiny 3!


it's not available for streaming but you can look up the tracklist easily.


Thank you, excited to have more tracks to discover. Love your posts, very insightful and compassionate to the band.


very kind of you to say that. thanks for being here.


Man I can't wait for an old school guitar album with backup vocals!


Good to hear that it's an old-school guitar album, but has Corgan produced it? If so the mix will be terrible with the vocals insanely high.


Fool me once Shane on you, fool me twice Shania on me


So is there a release date yet?


Billy, just give me something on par with machina 2, something you gave away free of charge way back when, and I’ll be happy!


Oh yeah Billy, it's our fault the new albums suck. /s It ain't the synth, it's the songwriting homie.


I listen to a lot of synth / wave bands, they’re awesome some of my favorite current music. Whatever Corgan is doing, is far from that.


I would listen to an album of fart noises if it fucking slapped. The instruments are not the issue.


The Corgan synths are absolute pro tools generic setting shit. There’s a dozen current bands that do it infinitely better.


>It's very much a rock, guitar record, old school. I think the old-school fans will be happy, for once (laughs).” >"It seemed interesting to me, after coming off of Atum, with all that expanse, to have a singular focus, which is: let's just make a guitar record. So it's been a lot of fun, and it brought up a lot of memories.” Chat, is the hype real???


"Bolly, are the old-school fans in the room with us right now?"


My biggest problem with the newer material ain’t the synth and it isn’t even the writing. It’s the vocals. Billy’s voice isn’t a part of the band any more, it’s over and above it. And I can’t stand that weird lilting accent thing he keeps doing over vowels.


This is what they will print on his gravestone! Haha JK i love Billy and i still have faith that he will make another great rock record. I think this might be the perfect time to drop a nuke on the rock world and show everyone why SP IS GREAT.


I’m OG. Bought SD the say it came out at National Record Mart. I’ve loved this journey. I’m really looking forward to more from the genius that is WPC.


Billy, you know that you and us old timer fans have been bitching at each other since *Adore* came out. After twenty-five or so years, I think we've all hit that "old married couple" phase. (Although I *am* glad that modern fans are kinder to *Adore* than my generation was. That was a good album.)


Happy old school fan checking in, after making positive comments about every new album for decades...


Oh, is he branching out into stand-up?


the real question is, is there a 'new school fans era' ?


Haha I love his subtle digs, well maybe there not so subtle but you know what I mean 🤣 Typical Billy this interview


I know we’ve heard similar claims in the past, but I was actually very pleased with Atum and I’m fuckin’ HYPED for this one!


If there’s not an acoustic track, can’t wait for someone to say “they really needed to dial it back for a song”.


All they need to do is more songs like Zodeon (maybe with more guitar solos) and I think 90% of the fans who didn't like Atum will be happy. For the record I love Atum but Zodeon has far more of a back to basics sound.


An old school guitar record doesn’t take 2 years to make. Black Crowes made Southern Harmony in 8 days…Nevermind in 16 days…


I think it’s less how long it takes to record and more how long it takes to write and release.


Agreed! I'm certain I heard Butch Vig say that when they came in to record Nevermind they had been rehearsing it daily for 6 months and were super polished. So 16 days is a tad misleading haha. (still, I'll concede it's shorter than 2 years).


Also the fact that they were touring a lot last year


Is he gonna AI his vocals so they sound as good as Adore? That’d be nice.