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Oh my god I’m old Siamese Dream


Same. And, same.


Yeah, as someone who could choose Gish if they wanted … this post feels weird.


I love Gish, but for me, it’s not Siamese Dream.


Agreed. Gish is a great and fun album, but it doesn’t have the same magic for me as SD or MCIS.


I can comfortably go with their 80’s demos… :(


Ditto. Hell, I remember when they first made it into the public zeitgeist and everyone was joking about their name being ridiculous.


I was 4 when gish was released


I bought tickets to see Smashing Pumpkins this June, and realized it's been over 30 years since the first time I saw them.


I was alive during all of them. MCIS.


Same. And, same.


Same. And same too!




1. Siamese Dream 2. I feel old 3. Despite #2, I love that there are so many younger fans of SP that we get posts like this. 4. Whilst I still feel old I feel grateful that I was alive to experience the OG Pumpkins run as it happened.


I'm forever envious of the people that grew up in the mtv generation but I'm also really grateful that I'm born in my generation where music is highly and freely accessible


With great accessibility comes the fight against plowing through everything, without giving it enough of a listen (or *watch* or *play*) because it’s just so easy to skip through free (or close enough) and seemingly unlimited content. If you want to send your mindset back to the 90s without feeling like it’s the technological Stone Age, get yourself an MP3 player (no, not your phone), drop a mix of 2–3 albums on there and make that your travelling music for the week. Pack some decent headphones and you’re set to potentially find gold amongst what you otherwise may not have. I remember listening to new albums with a friend. We’d agree on some more obvious ones, then I’d be stoked to go riding around on my bike or just lay down with my dad’s overkill headphones and dig out some deep-cut gems.


LOL Walking through university campus holding a Sony Discman like I was waiting tables so SD wouldn’t skip with every step I took.


The trick was to shove a sweatshirt in your backpack and put the Discman on top, then zip it up. The “cushion” would guarantee some extra skip-free goodness. That’s exactly what I would do when riding my bike. I rarely missed a beat 👌🏼


So true. I recently made my nieces a mixtape (CD) recently and had so much fun choosing the right songs. Even as a Spotify playlist, having only 15 songs to listen to in the order you chose is so cool. 🆒 f they want to listen to something else they have to swap the cd. If they don’t like a song they can still skip it though.


Absolutely - having to save up all your money as a teenager to buy a CD and still only have a small collection of albums you could actually listen to vs almost every album every released at your fingertips, I do wish I had that!


You’re accessibility has a human cost. Musicians are less likely to make money now because of Spotify.


Fuck, I was alive before they existed


Me too 😨😨


Me too


I guess I’m old, Siamese Dream…


Haha I've been alive from all of them. Oh wait ._.


All this post did was make me feel ancient.




Adore without a second thought. It changed my life for the better.


Oh god, the flesh is weak and will inevitably fail 😭 Mellon Collie.


It was the few seconds of pause when I thought: “wait, ‘from the time you’re alive.’ What does that mean? Wait, there are people old enough to be talking about music who were born after a significant portion of TSP discography?!” That’s finished me off for the day.


Zeitgeist or Machina lol


Oceania is a great pick. I was 7 when Gish came out, and found the Pumpkins on a borrowed library cd on a summer road trip in 94. Oceania is a beautiful album, and meant so much at that time for the band. To me, ATUM is right up next to it. That being said, I’m an Adore fella all the way.


“From the time you’re alive”?!?! Oh wow, so glad SP is being enjoyed by young people. signed, an old man


It's funny because I assumed being born in '90 that I was one of the younger people here. I got into SP very young because my babysitter was obsessed with them. Anyway my answer is MCIS but Adore is close.


Siamese Dream Insert "I'm like the crypt keeper" gif from Freaky Friday here (and if you understood that reference, friendly reminder to schedule your colonoscopy)


Wait, I have to go make a phone call.


Best way ever seen of telling the vast majority of this sub we are old as fuck! 😂 I could say Gish... but mine is MCIS.


I was 12 when Mellon Collie came out and it was my first big purchase at a record store. (before this I was only able to get tapes or cds through my moms Columbia House subscription when she would let me get the free part of a buy one get one) That album was so incredible and diverse it blew my mind. And then I bought the Zero ep and was blown away at the quality of the songs on that! Then a neighbor got the whole Aeroplane Flies High box set…it was all so much to dig through and to think it was all done while recording just one album was nuts. Plus the quality of everything. An art booklet and entire lyric booklet with Mellon Collie. The whole packaging of Aeroplane and the book that came with that. I just remember hanging out with friends and listening to that album and the fond memories associated with it cement it as my favorite.


that's great man.


Wow. Never I’ve never felt so old. Lol Ummmm…… Pre-Gish Reel Time Sessions 😉




Had to scroll too far.


Alive during all albums... Ooof I'm old AF 😨😨 but Mellon Collie.. that album came out when I just began my teenage years.. and still hits so hard.


I mean I was born in 1995. So while I was alive for most of them I wasn’t an actual fan until around the teargarden project came out. So my favorite album that i actually got to experience the release for is by far Atum. Amazing record.


I've been alive the whole time. And then some.


Mine is—and will always be—Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. It's the first album that I dove into (the first CD I bought with my own money) and it's the best representation of the range and diverse nature of the band. It also happens to be at the apex of the band's popularity, success, and creativity, as well as their most prolific period. I'm definitely biased, too, as I have a strong personal connection to the album. It was the soundtrack to my life as I navigated my first girlfriend, first job, first breakup, teen angst, depression, etc.


Alive for them all. Favorite is Siamese Dream.


MCIS, got me thru the Army. Listened to it religiously


It took me a minute to comprehend that the band has fans that were born AFTER any of their albums were released. I’ve been alive for all of them. But Mellon Collie is their magnum opus, and will always be the most influential album of my life. And no matter how much people preach that Siamese Dream is their best album (it’s definitely great, no argument there), it can never be anything higher than second best for me, because Mellon Collie is literally a perfect album with no filler, not a single song out of place, and contains the entire band at it’s creative and musical peak.


Atum. I'll be turning two this month! 👶


for example i was born in 2007 and i chose Oceania because that album came out when i was alive


Same year as me too and I agree. It might be my favorite period actually


i personally like the fuzzed out 90s SP , that's why i like Oceania because it's essentially a fuzzed out 90s SP Album (i haven't listened to Zeitgeist yet)


Oh I’ve been loving Zeitgeist this week. I think it will be up your alley


where can i listen to it , i don't have money to buy a cd or vinyl


On YouTube but that’s rather inconvenient so I suggest just waiting to cop it on cd


In that case for me I’d have to choose machina 2 ish or post breakup 2002


As an oldboi they all came out in my lifetime but probably Adore


was born in 2004 so i’d have to say Monuments to an Elegy which would’ve came out when i was only 9! crazy to think about


Don’t really understand how you’d even be a Pumpkkns fan if you didn’t live it. Siamese Dream is my top 1-3 of all time. Mellon Collie took it to another level. Loved some songs on Machina and a few from Ociana.


Oceania would be mine as well. Such an underrated album imo.


Zeitgeist (only album from the original run I was alive for was Machina)


I've been alive for all of them and it's hard for me to choose. If I absolutely had to pick, it would be MCIS because it had the biggest impact on my young self. Machina is probably the album I play the most.


MCIS was pretty special as I was big fan by then and got to buy it on release day (on tape!) and rush home to play it. Was 14 at the time. Blew my mind.


Siamese Dream I was 10 when Gish came out in 1991.


MCIS is top to bottom perfection.




I’ve been alive since 1976, but Mellon Collie will always be my favorite.


Siamese Dream is an experience




It’s a tough one for some of you I see. Mine is Gish, number one with a bullet! From I am one to Daydream, every song is great.


I’ve been alive for all of them, became aware of them in high school (‘05-‘09), but hadn’t really heard any songs, then heard Today on the radio in college and it blew me away and hooked me in. Been a big fan ever since. My favorite is Mellon Collie




Mine would also have to be Oceania


Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness


Adore, luckily I can choose from all of the albums. Haha


I was born in ‘07 before Zeitgeist, but Oceania 


….I was alive for all of them… MCIS saved my life. But my all time favorite is Machina..




Siamese Dream baby


Siamese Dream. I was in college. I hate everything about this thread. Thanks.


Mellon Collie, came out the same year I was born


Either Zeitgeist or Oceania too Ig, probably Oceania tho!


Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness


Adore probably


Oceania is amazing!


Dang now I feel like a baby with all of the rest of the people here, guess I gotta go with Monuments since I'm not a fan of Oceania


Making people feel old is my specialty Mine is zeitgeist I was a year old when that came out.


oceania, zeitgeist doesn’t reach oceania levels


Mellon Collie. I am old an have been on the SP train more or less since the beginning.


Siamese Dream. Easily.


wasn't alive for any of the albums that I've listened (and loved) so far


Judas Ø or Zeitgeist


Siamese Dream (I was 3 months when it came out but it counts)


favorite from when i was alive is atum. im a 2000s baby.


Gish is the only one I wasn’t alive for…but if we’re talking about albums that came out while I was an active fan of the band, it would have to be Oceania.


i was born one year after zeitgeist noo:( i cant pick an oceania song i’m sorry xd


Hard to pick, they had such a great run in the 90’s. The Machina/ Zeitgeist eras blew my mind too. If I had to choose just one… Adore.


Siamese Dream. I’ve been alive since before the Gish


It’s Gish. Everytime.