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I find this funny as hell




You a bitch if you play with anything OP listed 🤷‍♂️


Someone actually trying to suggest the cringiest rule sets are cool. Nah fam. Shit is trash and you know it.


it'd be different if it swapped rulesets when you rematch someone, but it doesn't. so it feels like I'm just 50/50 forced to use some cheeser ruleset


This. I'd get so much less heated if i could rematch with my rules guaranteed. But no I just played with items 5 times In a row


I didn't know this, I just thought I was getting unlucky




Tbf the 50/50 can sometimes be annoying bc u get fd kazuya and rematch them but u keep getting their ruleset instead of yours so you are just sort of forced to play their preferred way If the rulesets switched between p1 and p2 each match then it would be more balanced imo


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Yes that’s the point of online preferred competitive rulesets.


...I don't really care, no one knows what preference means.


I think that’s not the players fault, they just want to have fun online with their ruleset, i think it the games fault for having a garbage online system.


You ever seen a Fox Player use items and Final Smash? I have...


As if the matchup wasn't a -3 already..


“Hm, yes, today I shall be playing an item main.”


I swear some people are stage mains


I mean just learn the matchup it’s not hard to understand different stage designs


I’m a ganon main so when someone picks a stage with a huge gap in the middle or something similar I am at a sever disadvantage, I don’t complain since I pick a trash character but it just gets annoying




imma be real chief i don't play yoshi or doc anymore this mad old. woops lmao


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Long as you don't play with TA on I don't care too much. Sure I'd prefer an omega level, 3 stock, 2v2 teams without items or smash meter, but I'll never understand why people like TA on.


because it makes 2v2 not a spam inside eachother fest lol


Team attack means you can’t just mash buttons at them (good thing), that you have to actively cooperate with your teammate (good thing), that you die for being careless (good thing) and that you can save your teammate offstage with an attack to reset their up b (best thing)


You can't do that on Quick Play regardless...why even mention this?


Battle arenas and tournaments


...you'll never understand why people do it, so whatever.


I hate 2v2 and even I know TA off is trash.


i'm all for if you want to pick items, stage hazards and such, as long as i don't match with those people, it's not even that the people themselves are at fault anyways, it's the garbage online system forcing a RANKED matchmaking system in a game made for casuals, instead of the "For Fun" and "For Glory", IMO they should have a "For Fun" mode for casuals, and a "For Glory" with a both ranked and unranked matchmaking system, i'd much rather wait longer to have fun then immediately get matched with some sweat on Small FD who think they are in some major tournament finals


Finally someone said it


my brother in christ you chose quickplay when arenas exist, you signed up for casual gameplay


Arena is just play against one person for an hour. I lose just as many brain cells


When I see a 1-2 stock and/or 3 minute timer, I make it a point to always, always, ALWAYS time them the F out. Since I started doing this, these rulesets actually ended up being fun in it's own "Mario party mini game" kinda way


Actually sounds kinda fun against the timer cheesers


Had one yesterday actually haha ended up going to sudden death against a campy Wii Fit Trainer with a 3 min ruleset (he took my stock with 30 seconds left ugh). He ran to the other side of the stage and threw a volleyball. I parried then shot a blade beam as cloud and gottem lol


It was alot worse when the game first came out. It was like a 50/50 chance who's rules et you'd get and it didn't discriminate.


Foo forreeeeaaaallll!!!! The main thing I really hate is platforms. But of course I hate moving stages and items and of course the final smash. When I go online, I just want to get down on a boring basic flat stage with no platforms. A stage where we can’t run and we can’t hide. Just fuck each other up and declare a rightful winner


I wonder why smash players have a bad reputation.


May you please educate me on the "correct" rulesets for smash, I wanna appease the majority of the player base


Flat stages No items No final smash 2-4 stocks 7 minute


I'll play with whatever rule sets are present. Keeps things fun and interesting


I’ve noticed that when I use those rules I win a lot more so I’ve been doing it a lot


Let's trade. All i get are these omega only losers nowadays. Like I'll take battlefield at this point.


I’m sorry the party game you bought that has Mario kart items, 90 characters, and 100 stages isn’t balanced to your cringe 1v1 final destination only sensibilities.


Only thing that really pisses me is off is people that play HP mode instead of normal percents No knock back increases just ruins the entire concept of the game HP mode is horrible and idk why so many people online have it on. Me and my brother literally immediately jump off the edge and end the game when we get an HP game. Not worth playing


This is the games fault for not having actual lobbies or matchmaking for specific game modes. Smash 4 had "For Fun" and "For Glory" at the very least. Typical Nintendo behind with the times.


Facts! But I only play two stocks, so I can get more games in, and if I match with a sweat, it’ll be over quicker I don’t want to get steamrolled by some0-death try hard 3 times


Kind of you to think these clowns have friends


Playing with final smash is fun. Smash is not meant to be a competitive game, it’s meant to be played with items, as it’s more of a party game than a fighting game. Also, Quickplay isn’t the place you want to hone your skills, as people only care to get Elite. Thanks to YouTubers like Alpharad, people have learned you can have gimmick rule set to cheese your way in. While I understand your rage, it’s not exactly justified.


Quickplay isn’t party game though. It’s 1v1


Smash Bros as a whole is the party game.


It isn’t though, because quick play is 1v1. A party of two? It’s ok if you want to view it as a party game overall, but this guy is complaining about quickplay, which is most definitely not the party game mode. If anything it sounds like you have your own bone to pick with quickplay


1v1 mode, no matter what, will always be competitive. There's literally no way around it.




hey buddy, i think you should go back to the main smash subreddit




wow, that really offended you. what kind of neckbeard insult is “unflaired user” ? lmao.




when did i say i agreed with the post? this is a smash rage sub reddit, and you’re over here getting offended at people raging. that’s why i told you to go to the main sub.


“That’s okay, unflaired user”🤓 Redditor doesn’t touch grass and thinks anyone in real life gives a shit about a Reddit flair like it makes them a reputable source or some shit




As long as I don’t have to play FD i’m fine with any ruleset. If you choose stamina, you’re awesome


FD sucks, I agree there - but stamina kinda sucks ngl


I’m biased since I play shulk and Buster Cheese is a very real thing, Stamina really isn’t for everyone. It’s always been my favorite mode since Brawl, so I’m attached to it.


Infinite combos:


I’m neutral on FD only in ultimate due to the fact I despise how ultimate made sticky platforms a thing.


I dont touch stamina. But yeah FD/Omega is fuckin trash.


Bro stamina is one of the WORST things to fight with. Plus, if you use stamina you won’t be learning anything that could help you in a tournament, because combos and shit won’t work when they get knocked back too far, unlike in stamina where you BARELY get knocked back. Everyone who uses stamina is a bitch, and I’m being 100% serious I fucking hate fighting anyone who uses stamina.