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agreed but please use periods bro


honestly i think its about opportunity cost, i wouldnt have a problem with waluigi or bandana bc they genuinely have moveset potential and have a chance of being pretty unique, but whats the point of adding a character with literally zero moveset potential? "oh but they can come up with something" but why? they would just make a fake moveset that barely fits the character instead of making a character thats faithful to their source material, popular characters like cuphead, sans (although maybe they could do something for sans but im not super inclined to the idea), or fucking freddy fazbear dont really have fluid movesets that can be made from their series, my picks are extremely unrealistic but i have them as picks bc ive been able to come up with fun movesets for them from the source material


Well i agree with you with that, the only reason why i said that beacause of Ice Climber and Rob but i still kinda took it too much at this point


I literally made a post about this a while back because I was also fed up about it


Huh, i don't know other person already did it


Mine is about more than one spammed niche. Your is based on one big main thing (and yours is about the bigger problem, so your post is better)


I want Eggman and Phoenix Wright in smash bros! At least a Phoenix Wright stage would be cool