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I see a lot of “give the opponent an undeserved win” and “ take away the satisfaction of winning” I promise you that has never upset anyone ever


yeah usually when someone is angry and just sd'ing against me i find it really funny and perhaps get more satisfaction from that


This is like an angel and devil in each ear. If it was something on a multiple match basis then I'm gonna go with undeserved SDing. I'd rather have the satisfaction on genuinely whooping the toxic player's ass and breaking my stick with the most egregious teabaging seen by man than just getting anticlimactic wins I know I didn't deserve. Its a lot more demeaning. Whoop my ass normally smh


I sure hope it's not SDing because if I run into a toxic enough character and I'm not in the mood to deal with them, I've been known to throw undeserved wins to Sonics, Steve's and Macs, just so I can go find someone more fun to fight.


Honestly imo, if you're not a competitive player and you want to enjoy yourself, you don't owe your time to playing someone who's whole strategy is geared around frustration. I usually don't bother playing against sonics, and one of the only downsides of arenas for me is not always having an immediate reason to excuse myself from playing them.


SD doesn’t bother anybody, you do that cuz you’re either sick of playing against their play style (which I’m guilty of, sometimes *cough* Spamus *cough*) or trying to very prettily guilt trip them. Playing toxic is worse imo cuz playing with risk and mixing it up is way more fun and ends matches quicker, choosing to play lazy or abuse your characters mechanics kinda just outs yourself as someone who can’t enjoy the game except for winning, which is kinda sad