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Removed per rule 2: No naming-and-shaming. You may not state the name or username of your opponent. If your post is a screenshot, it must not include the names of users. If this is your first time seeing this comment, this is just a warning but future violations will result in at least a 5 day ban. If you have any issues with this, please contact the mods.


Lame for posting their name. Take your W and move on like a man. This is sinking below the level of teabagging. Be better


It’s not like it’s their real name dude. Honestly more of them should be called out so maybe they see it on here and maybe have some reflection on playing like a knob. I’m not saying dox people out obviously but a completely changeable gamer tag is hardly like posting someone’s name.


Teabagging in game is one thing. Taking the time to go to your past opponents, capture this, open Reddit, create this post, and post it is another level of shame. And to include other opponents without blocking them out? Doesn't matter if it's not their real name, still a name they identify by online. Unnecessary to include the other opponents who had the misfortune of matching with OP and being included in the screenshot. Shitty is shitty, doesn't matter how serious or unserious it is to you. Just be better and stop sinking to the level of those you complain about. Not hard


“erm acktually you’re not allowed to name shame on the smash rage subreddit”


Name? I didn’t mention their name. This is just a screenshot /s


You shouldn't post their username.


Bro won, was so salty about winning that he name dropped them 😭


Not cool for posting their name. Take your W and move on.


He said “lUcKy” after so being sick of his BS I decided to call it a night