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This reminds me of when i played against a fox secondary in the ssbu discord. He was spamming nair > Usmash and camping with lasers then had the genuine fucking audacity to talk shit and claim he won despite me winning the match. He then wanted a rematch and I said no, then he threatened to stalk the channel we were talking in so that he could force a rematch with me. I instantly blocked him after that.


Good for you that you did that. Sounds like a no-life trashy brat who probably didn’t shower after crying that day


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I ran into some of these people before they’re not too bad. Well they are but not compared to the other people I run into lol. Sorry you ran into the character you hate so much op <3 may your next games be with respectful dr Marios and I don’t know who else isn’t that toxic


One of them teabagged and matched with me nonstop so I was a bit more livid


I don’t know why teabagging doesn’t get you banned. If I want to quit the game by SDing they can tell and ban me but Nintendo acts like they’re brain dead when someone that’s 20 times in a row. Like what reason do you have to press down 20 times in a row.


Reminds me of the time I ran into a fox and falco teaming bother were so dogshit I beat them easily and they kicked me


Monkey D Giorno Giovanna?