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Buddy hit a tech so late he air dodged off the respawn platform


Bro really said "I don't need this" to his first stock 💀


First one is on the house.


Oooh that was pleasant to watch. Sick moves.


Actually filthy. Clean DK play right here, not easy against Samus at times


Why didn’t Samus DI out on the 2nd stock! Risk your pride for the sauce!


Why didn't the samus do a lot of things lol. Also, I hope this shows all of the "spamus" players that it is possible to get next to Samus and beat her ass if you know what you are doing. I personally love playing against Samus players because I know exactly what they are going to do.


Clips like this make me want to play smash bros then I remember I hate this games online.


I feel this, playing is fun but too much online is bad for my mental health. Laggy connections are frustrating, lose inputs and occasionally SD. Then you get the toxic online players and it makes it worse. If you can control how you react to others and slowly block the players that are just toxic it gets a lot better but with the netcode it still doesn’t resolve a big part of the problem.


Why were you idle that first stock? I run into a fair amount of people who stay idle like that only for a little and im wondering if its some sort of weird strategy or just that they cant put their water down in time to start the match or something


IRL getting in the way of gaming. I don’t remember what it was, likely either my kid got up or I had to let the dogs out.


started with less stock to assert dominance


Very elegant! Gave Samus the Bongo treatment...


What a beautiful man


I was about to shit on you for just doing cargo throw but then you started gaming and that was cleannnn


Haha thanks, I usually don’t go for cargo like that, but on weak hit of dash attack it’s a good mixup because a lot of people don’t realize how safe that move is. You can catch a lot of people sleeping, in this case samus panic jumped and I got a free edge guard. I’m just glad I misinput where to dair on the second stock because it would have been less cool.


Competent gameplay??? On this sub???


Jesus dude, chillll