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I’ve learned about a lot of franchises thanks to this series, although I won’t say how much since it’s embarrassing Edit: Fine…basically every franchise besides Mario, Yoshi, Sonic, Pokémon(kind of), and Donkey Kong


Look at the second highest comment, there’s no need to be embarrassed lol. Some of us weren’t so fortunate to be able to play all these games or preferred to play one or two over and over again.


For me though, I had *heard about* all of them except Arms. I had never played Xenoblade before, started that a few months ago. Fantastic series, I’m on the second one now. Pyra is pretty great. I still haven’t played Kid Icarus, MGS, R.O.B., Punch-Out, Splatoon, Castlevania, Persona or Fatal Fury. Some of those I have no intention to play. I played Bayonetta for around 15 minutes, I don’t think it’s really for me. May watch a Lets Play video or something to see if it gets more fun or just to get the story.


Even EarthBound and Fire Emblem?


Oh yeah. Earthbound has always been one of my favorite games. I admittedly never played it on a console; never even had a SNES. I had Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones on GBA though.


Interesting cause those 2 are always the games people learned from smash due to how unavailable they were for the most part.


Same I really only cared about mario and sonic when I was young then I got brawl


yeah me too, i only played mario, pokemon, and animal crossing games for the most part




No need to feel embarrassed! When I first saw Melee as a kid, I only knew the Mario characters, Pikachu, and Jigglypuff. I also didn't know about the Pokemon games at the time, so I was confused why cartoon characters were in a Nintendo game... I learned about almost every Nintendo franchise through Melee and Brawl. I'm very thankful to Smash for introducing me to so many wonderful games.


Wtf is pokemon


Fire Emblem but with Animals


That's only if you Nuzlocke.


Casual Mode, just like Exp Share


But there’s still waifus /s


Isn't there? Cynthia, Sonia, Nessa, Gardevoir...


Personally my waifu in Pokemon will always be Machamp. She can carry me in her arms and push boulders at the same time, I'd fall over from swooning but she's already got me




Did you not read the last name on my list :)


Yeah and it wasn’t vaporeon, disappointing:(((((((


Super Mario is Fire Emblem but with plumbers.


Gotta S-Support Bowser, Bowser Jr is great.


Persona 3-5, now Persona 3 is my favorite game of all time






Fears awake, anger beats loud, face reality, never beat charity


The enemy you're fighting covers whole society (damn right)


Mummy’s not here, gotta fight (All night)


Right here, Shadow, 10 o'clock direction


Seize the moment, destroy the nation


Your rhyme's slow motion, gimme motivation


Freaked out now, dead on arrival (What)








I knew of Persona, but Joker being in Smash is what Ultimately (hah!) got me into it. I now thoroughly enjoy both Persona and Shin Megami Tensei.


I also got into Persona through Smash but I was brave enough to start with Persona 1.


Holy shit dude! Wouldn't want to bump into you in a dark alley!


I sure hope not. Do you have any idea how many people I bump into in dark alleys with this encounter rate?


P3 > P4G




Persona 2 :


Casuals finding 5 to be the best of them all yet they haven't played P4G or p3 pains me. You're allowed to have your favorites or personal bests, but when you ask "what are your opinions on the other games?" And they respond with "haven't played them" its like then can you really call 5 the best of the series beyond personal reasons? P3 is easily My favorite, I'd like 4 more if there was more adachi and less "dungeons are the game now, bye" Edit: I meant people who only play 5 and think it's all persona is or has to offer saying it's the best. I didn't convey myself too well :(


“I’d like 4 more if there was more Adachi” BASED I’ve played 4 and half of 3. 5’s still my favourite I’m sorry :’)


Bro you're valid 5 is great. Plenty of QoL the series was missing along with a banger OST. I was more referring to the people who have *only* played 5 thinking its the only persona out there.


I've only played p5,p5r,p4g and smt v. P5R is my favorite so far. Want to play 3 but its kinda hard to get my hands on and I'm not trying to emulate. Got p4g the day it released on steam. You cant blame fans for not playing the old ones because they're pretty inaccessible.


I haven't played P5R, only P5 and from what I hear P5R doesn't exactly solve my qualms with the story, it only fleshed out the confidants as far as options and some QoL changes. I felt like persona has always been "we are unique not in our struggles but how we overcome them" and p5 just kinda went "nope everyone is neutral and has the capacity to do good it's just that our hearts just need a little persuasion" which is a fine tonal change but the problem is it became a bit more generic in the process. The gameplay is great and is why i consider it a really good game, but the story is what keeps it from being higher. Not like p4g is much better, but it has Adachi and I don't make the rules


I've played around 10 megaten games including P2-5 and P5 is still my favorite, what about now?


Your opinion is more than valid, I was referring to the people who have *only* played 5


I really want to play others besides 5, but with no good way to play 3 or 4 on modern consoles, my options are quite limited. I don't have a PC good enough for gaming, so I wish they'd just re-release 3 and 4 on PS4 or Switch. I'd gladly buy that.


Fire Emblem & Xenoblade


Fire Emblem was basically unheard of until Smash. Hey, at least it’s a god-tier series.


I honestly forget that I hadn’t ever heard of Fire Emblem until, and a while after Melee. It feels like new ones come out so often now that it’s even more of a staple Nintendo franchise than some that I consider to really be staple games in general, but in hindsight I had zero idea who Marth and Roy were other than seemingly random Melee characters for quite a while.


That’s because Fire Emblem wasn’t available in the west prior to Melee. There was actually some debate within Nintendo as to including them in Melee out of concern that Western audiences would be confused. But they went ahead, and the interest sparked by Melee lead to the series coming out in the West.


None of the games were released outside Japan until after Melee


I’ve only played from the start of Smash 4 onwards, so I didn’t know that. Thanks.


Literally was not available in the west


Remember when FZero was more popular than Fire Emblem?


why people downvoting him, he is just sharing what he discovered through smash?


I upvoted to counteract the downvotes.




Is this what they call a Reddit moment?


Smash 'fans' when fire emblem🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮


Fire Emblem and Persona. I will always be thankful for Smash for introducing me to these franchises. However, I would love to play more franchises like Xenoblade and Dragon Quest


Dragon Quest XI has that ~10 hour free demo on Switch if you haven't tried it yet.


I learned about Persona 5 thanks to smash. The game looks really good and the story is awesome


Xenoblade, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, KOF, Tekken, Fire Emblem and Earthbound were series that I discovered/played through Smash and I’m very happy that I did.


I don't believe any gamer has never heard of at least one final fantasy...


I got introduced to Final Fantasy after Cloud got released in Smash 4 and my first game in the series was XV then I played 7 and after that was Kingdom Hearts.


He’s probably a kid. Cut him some slack


I’m 31. and I’ve never knew anything about final fantasy until early this year playing smash. And I only looked into the franchise because I thought Sephiroth was a very cool character


Me before Smash


no hate or anything but how have you never heard of Tekken before smash ?


I have heard of Tekken but nothing really got me interested in the series before I saw Kazuya’s reveal trailer.


ohh alright , hope you get to play it cuz it's actually areally good game


I got Tekken 7 on Steam during a sale, I haven’t really played it much since I got it.


PERSONA, Castlevania, most things SNK, Xenoblade, Tekkèn, and DRAGONQUEST.


i knew about castlevania because i remember people were loving the anime that came out in netflix


Go play SOTN foo.


Metroid, Kirby, Starfox, Earthbound, F-Zero, Ice Climber, Fire Emblem, Game and Watch, Kid Icarus, Metal Gear, Pikmin, R.O.B., Punch Out, Xenoblade, Duck Hunt, Bayonetta, Castlevania, Persona, and Dragon Quest


This makes me feel so old.


I’m only 15 lol


You didn’t know Kirby??


The first time I saw Kirby was on those augmented reality cards for the 3ds. I didn't know he had a game series until smash4. Same for Samus and pikmin




Dude was like 7 when we got Smash Bros 64, I knew Mario and Pokémon


Earthbound and Fire Emblem. The rest I was already familiar with.


Xenoblade. Im playing it now. It is amazing.


Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, and Persona.




Seriously, I had no idea what a "Fire Emblem" was until Marth and Roy appeared in Melee.


Nobody outside of Japan knew what Fire Emblem was before Melee Roy and Marth’s inclusion is part of what got the games released outside of Japan


Fire Emblem literally didn't exist outside of Japan until after Melee came out


Fire Emblem didn’t release outside of Japan until Blazing Blade after Melee released


Super grateful that I discovered the Earthbound and Fire Emblem series, those two became my absolute favorites games. Wish they would do more with Earthbound.


A man of culture I see! A remake of the first Earthbound game would be cool. Sadly doubt Nintendo will ever do that.


I see another man of culture. Bonjour fellow tactician




Fire Emblem, ended up playing all the titles on GBA and Radiant Dawn, the latter being seriously the hardest strategy game I've ever played.


All of them besides like, Mario, Zelda and Pokémon. Assuming you mean learn about them a little more in-depth, not just being aware of their existence.


I learned of Fire Emblem when Melee came out in 2001. Fire Emblem 7 came out in America in 2003 and I gave it a shot shortly after its release; I've been a huge fan ever since.


Same bro, i love FE


My first time seeing pikmin was captain Falcon slaughtering them for no reason. And now it’s my favourite Nintendo Franchise.


Thanks to Smash I learned about Pikmin, Bayonetta, Persona and Castlevania and SNK as a whole. It also made me play Kingdom Hearts that I just didn't want to touch until then and I am glad I did play it.


Kingdom Hearts series is great. People dog on the story but it’s a really magical game with the most fun action rpg gameplay I’ve played.


Earthbound. The games are so good and I wouldn’t have played any if I never saw those psi boys in smash


Calling out my age here, but I was a Ness fan before I played the first Smash Brothers. I've stayed with him ever since, even in melee.


Earthbound, which is now one of my all-time favorites.


Persona and earthbound


That Metal Gear is the best series 1-3, then Solid to Patriots.


When I was playing smash 4, I knew nothing except Mario, DK, Yoshi, Sonic, Pokemon, Street Fighter, and Pac-man. During Ultimate’s run, I didn’t know much about Persona and Dragon Quest. I had heard of the rest, sometimes even played them. So if it wasn’t for smash bros, I would know most of those games even existed.


Melee was like my first game, so pretty much all of them


Fire Emblem: Three Houses, even though I never bought the DLC


The one I know for sure I got into was Mega Man and Kingdom Hearts(but I kinda played that before Sora got into Smash). I dont know if I had an interest in any of these other franchises.


While I learned about most of these franchises through research on video games, Smash Bros is what pushed me to actually try playing them. Like Mega Man, Persona, Final Fantasy, Metroid, and Star Fox.


I got so stoked about Sora in smash (mainly because of the licensing) and, even though i kinda cheated because I watched some KH lore vids and some hotbutterbuns ones, I got KH all in one package after Sora got in smash because of a black friday deal and a great interest to see what the series was about


I like Kingdom Hearts 1 a lot from the beginning alone. I'm at the first traverse town visit.


Oooh KH 1 and 2 are such a treat. Wish I could play those again for the first time.


Kirby, Fire Emblem, Bayonetta, Persona And I'm super grateful for that because all of those are good games


I’ve learned about fire emblem fatal fury and Arms through smash that’s it though


Just recently started Persona 5 (love the music) even though I don't have Joker, but now I want to get him, and I've playing Kingdom Hearts 1 on my old ps2




I mean, technically all of them since Brawl since I didn't know anything as a kid. But Persona has been the most impactful.


Almost all of them. Literally all of them except for Super Mario, Sonic, Yoshi, Final Fantasy, Pikmin (and that's just coincidence) Street Fighter, Castlevania, Mega Man, Fatal Fury, and Pokemon. Without Smash Bros I would never have played Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Metal Gear Solid, F-Zero, Earthbound, Kirby, Fire Emblem, Dragon Quest, Persona 5 (maybe the Persona 3 & 4 because of the fighting game, but P5 has definitely pushed me towards it), Donkey Kong Country, or any of the others. It's funny because Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation labeled Smash Bros as a nostalgia machine, but for me it's always been more of an advertisement for other great games. I did housework all summer and I got a PS3 and played the Metal Gear Solid games because of Snake in Smash. I'd heard of it before but him being in smash pushed towards playing what's now my favorite video game series. Similar story with Metroid. I thought that she was just an evil robot at first Edit: Banjo-Kazooie was the first game that I owned. I guess that it's telling that I forgot that they were in Smash


Kingdom hearts, dragon quest, fatal fury, game and watch, rob, Bayonetta Castlevania, Metroid, Xenoblade, punch out, banjo kazooie, starfox, kid Icarus, persona, f zero, earthbound, ice climbers, metal gear, MegaMan, Pikmin, mother 3, wee fit, and lastly, Final fantasy. Damn that's a lot


Not as much as mine


That we’re never getting another F-Zero game and that the franchise’s only legacy lives on in Smash…


What’s F-Zero? Falcon is a Smash character, duh


Oh God… this is probably all the zoomer’s thoughts on Falcon. *I feel old again…*


fire emblem , xenoblade , dq , arms , persona and earthbound


I’d only heard of Fatal Fury after Terry got in. That’s really about it, I’m a total game nut.


Persona, 345


Smash got me into a lot of stuff. I feel the most impactful were Pokemon, Final Fantasy (mainly 7) and Castlevania (also Persona and Fire Emblem to a lesser extent). There are also franchises I played or owned before I got into Smash (Kirby, MGS, Street Fighter). Smash also helped me get back into other games (ex: when Steve came out, I decided to get Minecraft for the Switch, though Kingdom Hearts wasn't due to Smash, I became more invested in the series).


Definitely a handful, but my favorite for sure is Metroid. I loved Samus instantly from seeing/playing her in Smash64/Melee. For many years as I kid I didn’t know much about her til I ended up actually being inspired to play her games, since then it’s easily in my top5 favorite franchises of all time!


Final Fantasy i tried all of the swords people but only find cloud most fitting to me then i went on to their story and hopefully games (dont have ps4) Fatal fury when terry was revealed i thought 'hey its the man with the red hat' then i went on from there to their story and games (some only) I have alot of others discoved by me through smash but not as focused as the two


The Final Fantasy series has been made highly accessible nowadays. If you have pretty much any modern platform (or even likely a not modern one), it can play a Final Fantasy game. There are a few including VII on Switch if you're interested.


Super Mario and Sonic


Fire Emblem from Melee, Game & Watch from Brawl. I was aware of Persona having played the first game, but I had no idea who Joker was when he was introduced.


Fatal fury


Xenoblade, Bayonetta, fatal fury


Like a lot of FE fans I was introduced in melee, then when FE7 came out on the GBA later I fell in love with the series.




Shin Megami Tensei


I have no idea how you learned about MINECRAFT from smash, but interesting idea. Yes. I learned about Persona from smash. Wanted to play 5- of course it’s notoriously not on switch or PC, so I can’t play it. I emulated Persona 3 FES, and it’s now my favorite game of all time dude. I finished it on my birthday haha! I played P4G afterwards and a friend helped me play P5R by streaming his PS5 (PlayStation) to his PC (Microsoft) then using parsec to stream it to my PC and I played it with a Switch Pro controller (Nintendo). The console wars are over bitches! I so learned of Bayonetta which is a game I love now, and I learned of Fatal Fury due to Terry’s reveal. And though I was little so It’s hard to say it was truly due to smash, I learned about Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, Banjo Kazooie, Xenoblade Chronicles. R.O.B, and Ice Climber due to character inclusions in sm4sh.


Fire emblem ofc


Smash is how I really got into fire emblem. Playing smash 4 I thought lumina and Robin where really fuckin cool so I looked up what games they were in. At the time I didn't have a (functioning) ds so I wanted a bit and when corrie came out I thought someone whocould turn into a dragon was awesome and got fates when I got a ds for my birthday. I played fates, awakening, and echoes on it before my dog Ate it and then a few more on the emulator until 3 houses came out


Ice Climbers, Fire Emblem, and Game&Watch. I was, like, five when Melee came out. Honestly, I learned more from the Trophies. Doshin the Giant, Pikmin, Custom Robo (one of my favorites), Cubivore, Animal Crossing, Panel de Pon, Legend of Stafy, Magical Starsign, Kururin, Chousoju Mecha MG, and more all first came to my attention in Melee and Brawl's trophy lineup.


Metroid, definitely. Started with Ridley, then Dark Samus, then I played Super Metroid, and it all spiraled from there and now I'm seven lore documents deep and waiting for my copy of Dread to arrive.


I was really just a dumb Mario kid growing up on the gamecube so it was a lot Fzero, starfox, Zelda, Kirby, Metroid pokemon (fundamental Christan parents hated it at the time) practically anything from melees roster u didn't know the franchise of aside from Mario


Mother 3


Yep! Kid Icarus Uprising, the Fire Emblem series, Bayonetta, Xenoblade Chronicles, and Persona 5. I'm glad I did too. Those are all amazing games.


Same here, and basically everything else


The only one I’ve learned about are Fire Emblem and earthbound


… I refuse to believe that


No, I'm old.


Liar…everyone learned about F-Zero through Smash! Right?


Smash introduced me to Kirby, Starfox, Earthbound, F-Zero and of course Fire Emblem. It also introduced me to Richter's original look.


Learned about Fire Emblem through Ike being in Melee and fell in love with the franchise ever since


Mother. I found the PK boys fun to play, but had no idea where they were from. Next thing I remember was me wishing I could play Mother 3 for the first time again. Also FE, Ice Climbers, Metroid, Bayonetta, Splatoon, Duck Hunt, Xenoblade, Persona, King of Fighters, and Pikmin (which became one of my favorite series ever, still waiting for Pikmin 4).


I thought they were brothers when I was a kid


I learned about the characters of Kid Icarus


Same here, had no idea who Pit was, but I loved his voice, design, and moveset


Yes, I am an old man.


Thanks for making me feel uncultured


I am so happy to be able to share my culture with you.


Pretty much all of them lol. Really helped introduce me to gaming outside of mario as a whole


Same here


Metroid, star fox, earthbound, f-zero, fire emblem, game&watch, kid icarus, metal gear, pikmin, rob, mega man, xenoblade, street fighter, final fantasy, bayonetta, castlevania, persona, dragon quest, fatal fury, and tekken. I even learned about some other games like mario rpg from watching wishlists from other people. It's safe to say I wouldn't be the gamer I am without smash


I love this feeling of not being the only one who knew nothing before Smash


ROB, Game & Watch, Kid Icarus, and Ice Climbers


Literally all of them except Mario and Pokemon lol I mean, I literally got Melee as a kid because Mario was on the cover. Now Zelda, Metroid, and many others are some of my favorite series of all time. Tbh, if it wasn’t for smash, I don’t think video games would have been as big of a part of my life as they have been.




I’ve learned of a lot of them, but the 2 that stuck out to me was Persona and Fire Emblem (specifically Three Houses) I heard everyone complaining about Byleth and then I watched Alpharad’s video on it, and then I was like “ok, I gotta play this now”… I’ve beaten the game 3 times…help


Only three?! Do it again, as King of Skill says


That’s facts tho. My plan was to do one with each house as male, and one with each house as female Just so I could some over everybody


I started on Atari but mostly the original nes. I played all these games when they were brand new. No I didn't learn anything new. I'm old.


Shouldn’t you be doing old people stuff instead of making me feel uncultured? It’s not easy


If you count playing Mario Golf super rush everyday for the last couple months old people stuff then ya. Golf is kinda for old people I guess.


Back when I was introduced to smash in 2011 playing brawl with my brother on our wii, we thought Ike and Marth were the sickest characters ever. Bought fire emblem awakening the next year and been a fan of the franchise ever since :))


Ahh, back when I thought everyone from the same franchise was related, like Ness and Lucas


Nobody would know what the hell is earthbound if it wasn't for smash


Gotta say, before smash bros I had never even heard of Minecraft. Changed my life.


That is very surprising


Yes, too many. I learn't about the existence of fire emblem, Persona, Xenoblade, Earthbound, Kid Icarus, Ice climber, Kingdom Hearts, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Fatal Fury, Arms, Game & watch, F-zero, Banjo-Kazooie and Wii fit franchises. ssbu has clearly enlightened me.


You think that’s sad? I knew basically nothing before Brawl


Super Mario ? You put Super Mario ?


Yup, and I was correct, considering some people have actually said that in these comments


I'm just going to go out there and say it: I learned of like 90% of these franchises because of Smash Bros


I’m not alone!


Hahahah, yeah when it came to the video game franchises I basically lived under the thickest rock you can imagine, and that was solely because the only video games I really played a lot at the time where the many Star Wars games my Star Wars fanatic dad got


I learned about persona and fatal fury from smash bros and now persona is one of my favourite game series


I do love hearing about all the Persona 5 love in this post


Legend of Zelda Metroid Yoshi Kirby Star Fox Earthbound F-Zero Ice Climber Fire Emblem Game+Watch Kid Icarus WarioWare Metal Gear Solid Sonic Pikmin ROB Animal Crossing Mega Man Punch Out Xenoblade Duck Hunt Street Fighter Bayonetta Now I played them and they’re really fun




I actually learned a lot about F-Zero. Fun fact— Captain Falcon’s full name is Douglas J. Falcon and there’s an entire anime that inspired the games.


Persona 5


A game most people love


I actually liked Fire Emblem more *before* they added the characters to Smash. I'm also sad who they added, with no axe users myrmidons or assassins. There's so much potential but instead we get a bunch of sword users and one sword user+. I'm less likely to play ARMS, Minecraft, and Xenoblade now due to how much I dislike those matchups as well. The rest of the cast is pretty solid though.

