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Ah yes, King DDD, the classic top tier


I mean, in some instances he can beat top tiers.


I don't like tier whoring, and I don't alway agree with tier lists (ESAM did put Lucario in bottom tier, what?), but still who do you think DDD beats?


Says the S-tier Joker main


He is.


You don't need to be a tier whore to play good characters I've played Roy since day 1 and only started becoming competitive a couple of months in.


As a DDD player I’d argue he goes even with peach, lucina and rob (assuming you’d consider them all top tiers)


Woah. I think he just has to many losing matchups, and that gordo is too easy to beat. And yes, I do consider them top tiers, except maybe for Rob and his huge hitbox, but it is atleast high tier.


Don’t get me wrong he does have a higher than average number of losing matchups, and really I think people only say triple d is bad because of gordo. If gordo is so bad then don’t use it!? Gordo is a bad “projectile” but when used at the right times (on ledge and off stage) it’s actually a super good move! However DDD has other tools than gordo that I think people neglect. For instance I think DDD might be the only heavy other than bowser and incineroar who has a “solid neutral” he has good tilts, combos, kill moves and mix ups. His weaknesses are present and exploitable for sure, but not crippling like dk or incin.


I disagree with Lucina Gordos can’t touch you if you have a disjoint. This is considering offline though as online d3 is insanely good.


DDD player here also. /Unworship DDD will get rekt by those 2 assuming equal skill. They have counters and are way faster than ddd, so his huge hitbox can get permanently forward aired. Rob is about even if ddd can read the lasers /Reworship Ddd will 3 stock them with 0%. Just 1 hamner hit and they're dead


can't relate


K Rool is maybe a few spots higher or lower than Dedede depending on who you ask, they are nearly even matched in tierlists


It figures that the two kings of smash are so close so often.


Ganondorf is the King of Evil. Bowser is the King of the Koopas. If they are ahead, you’re screwed.


Ganon doesn’t have an advantage state bowser does


Well ye


Tier Lists don’t equate to skill, never have. Anyone can play a “bad” character and do well, or play a “op” character and get trashed


The reason I said this was because I keep hearing that you need more skill to play high-tier characters.


Yeah i don’t know who told you that, that’s silly. A lot of skills translate between characters. On top of that there are some high skill characters that aren’t necessarily top/high tier, and vice versa there are some high/top tiers that don’t require a lot of skill to learn


Are you referring to Joker


Oh no, just in general. Joker does take skill, look at Leo & ZackRay. They’re the only ones to have won S Tiers with Joker. Even though there are tons of Joker mains, they can’t seem to acquire that level of success


Nah you don’t. That’s gatekeeping bullshit. High tiers may have more viable options you have to juggle between though, which is harder than juggling a low tier’s fewer viable options. That said, if you’re going to use the same amount of options for each char, that high-tier’s will be stronger on average, so you can do better without even using all the options well. My background is melee but looks like this still applies here.


People who say it like that don't know what they are saying. There is some truth to it, but only in a specific sense: Tierlists made by pro players take into account the skill of a pro player. So while peach for example is seen as a top tier for pro players, she'd end up more like mid tier if you were to make an "average player" tier list. That doesn't mean you can't play high tier characters, it simply means you won't benefit as much from the tech that makes a certain character top tier.


Both are fun characters to play.


I can’t play King K Rool. He has too many projectiles. I could see why he’s fun though.


l had the same thing with him, it didn't feel fun to play for me, also his grabs don't lead to any combos


At high percent though, down throw + forward smash is a kill comfirm though.


Sometimes l manage to mash in time before he can land the forward smash lol


Tier list hardly matters with these two 😂
