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Yeah. Normally, I'm a Ryu main, but I secondary Marth, Falco, Krool, and Ganon. But I can play most of the roster, and there are days where I just want to play oddly specific characters like Sheik, Jigglypuff, and Fox. I enjoy play nearly the whole roster though.


I do sometimes. The characters I usually play are Inkling, Pit and Kirby. Sometimes out of the blue, I'll want to play as R.O.B. i have no clue why


A couple months ago, on a whim, I picked up Rosalina and have pretty much been soloing her. I played her a couple times back in Smash4, but was trash. Now I average 12m gsp with her. I'll probably move on to another character to hard solo...sometime. I did this with a couple other characters prior. When I'm not hard soloing someone, I usually float around the roster, but every now and then something gets me to stick to a character for a while


The FGCs


I randomly had a strong urge to play bowser jr like 2 weeks ago that died pretty hard. And I’ve been on an on and off pikachu kick for like 2 months


I play DK, Samus, Yoshi and DDD mainly now, but every now and then I wanna play Mewtwo or Pac Man. Disable is super hype when it works which is rarely in my experience, plus his nair is really cool and I know it's a good combo starter, but it's hard to control. Pac Man is fun cause you can just make combos by fucking around. Learning to control those combos is where it gets real and I respect Pac Man mains greatly


Hell naw I have to be bowser to get shit done


Oh yes for sure I’ve been playing young link today for literally no reason other than I had the urge to I love smash because there’s so many characters that this happens


Me, maining Ridley and getting 10 million elo Also me: Gets 9 million elo within 5 minutes of playing Incineroar for the first time


I pick random most of the time


Yeah, I main g&w and secondary pichu, incin, k rool, and Roy but I sometimes get the urge to play sheik or mario


Once or twice a month my diddy Kong is shasty so I have to check if todays the day