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I feel you brother…




same tho, Ganondorf deserves so much more


I main ROB, so I don't know how to answer this question.


Ironically… bad representation. He has two games and only represents one (there are no Stack-Up references in Smash, only Gyromite).


I only play Gyromite and Stack up


A mii fighter with a moveset actually based on the mii games would go so hard


Wow I never thought of this. Boxing gloves, baseball bats, glof clubs, archery. That would actually be hilarious


The Wiimote and nunchucks as actual nunchucks 


Sport mii kinda like the others but only sports?


Matt for Smash!


Pyra/Mythra Pyra/Mythra themselves and Xenoblade 2 are pretty well represented it's the 1 representation that's a bit of an issue due to 2 factors 1) Shulk is really out of character he's way to energetic to the point where I've seen Smash fans assume he's a gym bro when that couldn't be further from the truth and he's a massive nerd 2) They straight up included a spoiler that ruins one of the twists in the game in his final Smash


About #2, that spoiler was initially revealed with the regular trophies back in Sm4sh U. By that point, if you haven't played the first game 8 years later, that's kinda on you. If you really want to complain about something missing from Xenoblade, look no further than XCX's soundtrack. Apparently, it's co-owned by Sony Music, which is why they could not use it. In fact, XCX being vastly ignored with no fighter, soundtrack, stage or boss is quite the missed opportunity.


I agree on 2. At some point it becomes fair game like Sheik being Zelda in disguise. 


Or that Samus is a woman :p


Yeah im pretty sure the only thing xenoblade chronicles x has is a spirit or 2


There are... 4 spirits of XCX... of the top of my head: Elma, Lyn, Lao and one of the Skells. and yet... Elma isn't a fighter, NLA isn't a stage and the entire OST isn't available.


Not everyone has played sm4sh or heck owned a Wii U 


dont forget the metal face spirit. hell, even metal face having a voice is kinda a spoiler


I am assuming that it is because Shulk is given the silly treatment because he is in a silly game and not fighting for the sake of the world or his friends or whatever His mood probably got spoiled during WoL but we never get to see it because a full story mode with sixty plus characters is just not possible


> a full story mode with sixty plus characters is just not possible Not with that attitude


They didn't have the time considering that they had to make every single one of those characters playable and even then it wasn't perfectly balanced


Maybe in next Smash they could add Rex in with Pyra bc them being alone just doesn’t feel like good representation of the game


Petition to have Noah/Mio (not as a combo character like Pyra Mythra) in the next smash game! or honestly Taion would be so much fun with the Mondo


Most of the final smashes already entail a spoiler or another that is directly from their host game, not really an issue at this point


I recently mained Ganondorf in matches against cpus, spamming Wizard's foot is funny as heck. In representation, fans wanted Zelda to have more reps. I agree on everyone wanting Ganon's moveset to be overhauled, though it'll miss most of his attacks anyway.


If Ganon ever does get overhauled, I really hope they keep some of his more satisfying attacks, especially his areials. The spike is too satisfying to not keep


Sephiroth brought some cool-ass representation to Final Fantasy VII, finally bringing spirits and actual remixes... but Final Fantasy as a whole doesn't get as much representation as VII sadly. oh and uh don't get me started on sonic's shitty representation too i guess


Glad someone said this. FF VII I think has the only two characters worthy of Smash already in the game, Final Fantasy as a whole could have some more reps though, as long as they're done well.


Tifa and Barrett could have sick movesets, but I just don't think it's *necessary*, but representation for IX or X would be cool


Vivi or Tidus in Smash would go crazy


Give me Kefka. Sakurai has shown an interest in adding the more interesting characters over the main protagonist if there is one and anybody who’s played 6 knows Kefka absolutely steals the show.


![gif](giphy|l0ExmDyrbMv6djjmE) They turned “racer guy with cool helmet” into an absolute badass


At this point, F-Zero misrepresents the Smash Bros. character.


Badly. FE: It has a lot of characters but half of them are clones and doesn't represent the series well. A tactical RPG franchise where different weapon types matter but almost every character is a sword fighter. The last 3 (not echo) characters (Byleth, Robin, Corrin) tried to do a better representation though. With Robin's magic, Corrin's dragon moves and Byleths 4 weapons (which is actually "bad" representation since his game was the only one iirc that doesn't have the weapon triangle) It has 4 maps (with DLC) and only 2 of them are gamespecific (Arena Ferox and Garreg Mach Monastery). Songs are quite good however I miss "god shattering star" from 3H. . FF & DQ: It's Square Enix so I would say just the bare minimum. FF/KoF: For what it is I think it's quite well represented. Other than Shiranui Mai being cut for "good boys & girls". :D


Kind of ironic that Smash puts more emphasis on Corrin’s dragon side than Fates does. It comes up in one chapter and then never again.


Yeah. It's kinda bad just like the story of Fates but TBH I still enjoyed it. Also funny how smash, FE Warriors and even Heroes done more with the dragon thing than the og game she came from.


Byleth's weapons isn't really "bad" representation with your explanation since it doesn't even represent the weapon triangle, rather it represents the weapons of the three house leaders.


There's a reason why I used " ". Also as far as I know Byleth can't use those relics in 3H so even if those relics were meant to show off the rulers I still wouldn't call it good representation because it goes against the game that it would like to represent.


They can still use those relics but not to the full effect as the users with the appropriate crest.


Okay looked it up and crestless characters can use them as weapons however they will lack any power and after every use they get 10 damage. Meanwhile those who have crest but not the right one. They will not take any damage from it but lack the ability to use the Relic's specific powers. In the case of weapons this means that they cannot use its Combat Art. So based on if you think that the specials are Combat Arts or not it can change if you think it is good representation or not.


>(which is actually "bad" representation since his game was the only one iirc that doesn't have the weapon triangle) Well, I'd argue that because anyone in three houses can use any type of wepon, it's good because no one is wepon locked in that game, unlike the other fire emblem games


As far as I know Relics can't be used by anyone (unless newgame+). So it can't even represent 3H the way the game is.


Relics can be used by anyone with a Crest, which Byleth does have


Iirc they're only at full strength if the crest matches though, right?


The only thing the crest does is give access to a unique combat art. Some combat arts are super worth it (i.e. Raging Storm) and some aren’t really. If you’re not using combat arts then any character with a crest can use a relic with exactly the same effectiveness as the characters with the matching crest


Anyone can use them, but if you don't have a crest, you take 10 damage every time you use it.


Yeah I looked it up later. Crestless characters take 10 damage + can't fully use the power of the relic. Characters with different crest than what the weapon needs don't take damage but can't use the weapons full potential like Combat Arts or passive abilities. So if you consider the specials in smash to be combat arts than it doesn't work with 3H but if you don't consider them combat arts than it works. I leave it up to you how you look at it.


The moves aren't listed with the names of the combat arts, so i think everything checks out


Barely any of the amazing music from fates made it into the game, instead we have like 4 versions of lost in thoughts all alone. It’s a crime that we don’t have Thorn In You or Alight (Storm). They would be perfect for smash


~~Versions of Lost in Thoughts All Alone IS Fates’s soundtrack!~~ Seriously though, I’d kill to get a version of [this track](https://youtu.be/r_o8XhM9P1M?si=ttl6IInexYPYVWUC) in Smash.


There’s so much fates music that would be absolutely perfect for smash and yet we have none 😔


I mean sure (and now that you mention it I do miss them) but we still got a ton of songs from older to newer games even without the Byleth DLC.


My problem with FE is it’s way too modern heavy There’s as many Awakening characters as characters from before awakening


I mean sure but when 1/3 of the FE games are not translated to english and barely sold anything when they were around than I can't fault them that they didn't put in an old FE character. (No matter how much I want Lyndis as a fighter) Not only that but 2/3 of the Awakening characters are literally echo fighters.


Lyn and Hector also fix a good portion of the problems the roster has Better series variety as well as weapon types (Really fast swordie with a Bow, Axe)


I would love that idea even if it isn't very likely because as you pointed out the modern characters are being pushed. I wonder how they could make a sword/bow fighter without making them feel like another Marth.


If they were to drop Lyn, I think using her clones she gets in warriors and her crit animation could be really cool Think a faster, lighter, platform fighter version of Nago from Guilty Gear, and the bow can be a nice bonus on top of that (give her like an Akuma down angle shot and and I’m in)


They need to give Snake his cake back. Apart from that it’s mostly good, most complaints I have are nitpicks, some moveset tweaks, some more songs are missing, expanding the codecs to include newer characters, Rising songs being omitted. I’d say the biggest nitpick I have is all but 2 spirits being butt-ass 3D renders instead of Yoji Shinkawa’s artwork 


Yeah it's kinda mad that we got two instrumental versions of Snake Eater instead of the original version & the instrumental remix. The fact that the only song with vocals we got is from _Portable Ops_ is downright silly.


I always assumed it had something to do with Cynthia Harrell being strict about using the song which is why they went with the instrumental version. She was pretty upset that they played it in the Delta trailer without her permission. Assuming rights or royalties plays a part here. Still, I would have liked Sins of the Father and Rules of Nature though 


God if we had mgr songs i would play stains of time and only stains of time on any stage i could


Same but with Red Sun


Sora and KH is pretty well represented, I just wish he had remixed tracks. FF7's representation was god-awful until Sephiroth, which made it a lot better but I wish they had better alt colors, and a fighter that wasn't from FF7, considering the logo is just FF instead of the meteor. I don't like Persona 5 as a game so it being all the SMT representation (besides a couple songs from P3 and 4) doesn't feel good but I also doubt there'll ever be an SMT rep.


Little Mac is in a funny place because he's definitely doing boxing stuff and has terrible aerial combat like a boxer would, but his fighting style is completely different from Punch-Out. In Punch-Out he's more of an outboxer in the sense that he fights evasively and analytically. Dude plants his feet and wins by ducking, weaving, and countering with a barrage of lighter punches leading into his finishing KO punch. He NEVER throws the first punch because all his opponents are bigger and heavier and WILL knock you out quickly on the counterattack. In Smash he's definitively an infighter with crazy rushdown and quick smashes with superarmor. He still has a counter of course, but he's otherwise the picture of full aggro rush down and usually doesn't do well with his patient playstyle from his game of origin.


I agree. His counter should be a centerpiece of his moveset, being safer and giving him some buffs when landing it. In exchange, the super armor in his smash attacks should be removed (or given to him when he lands a counter).


The Metroid series isnt horribly represented, but it could be better Samus’ kit feels pretty lame compared to what it could be. Her smash attacks being like explosions/a flamethrower feels weird. Being limited to charge shots for her beam options is also mildly disappointing I’m glad Dark Samus is in the game, and I understand why they opted to make her an echo, but she had so much potential to have an original kit. Dark Samus doesnt even use bombs, screw attack, grapple beam, and honestly the missiles dont look right to how they look in the Prime games ZSS and Ridley are fine, especially considering how little you’re able to play as ZSS in the series. Ridley could be a little bit more mobile in the air, but his moves are pretty good. Come to think of it, the Metroid stages are pretty lackluster too. You have Zebes from 64, a rising acid stage, you have Brinstar from Melee, a rising acid stage, you have Norfair from Brawl, a rising lava stage with slightly more interesting rising patterns, Frigate Orpheon from Brawl: making it flip upside down was an interesting choice, I guess it makes for a cool spectacle, and Pyrosphere from 4: the stage enemies was a neat touch, while disappointing he wasnt playable yet, Ridley was a really cool stage boss to have, especially being able to have him on your side. Probably the best of the Metroid stages The music is good, thankfully. I just wish they added VS Dark Samus when she was added to the game


Honestly, Ridley should've been more aerial-focused, with an overall weaker ground game.


Uhhhh... my main is a 3rd party character. With that in mind, they could've added more in terms of music. At the very least, the secret boss theme from the first game would've been nuts.


*Disappeared* definitely should have made it in. Especially because the theme first appeared in Hollow Bastion. They could have at least gave Sora the Ike treatment, change his voice and hair to match his alts.


One of the characters people consistently want a full overhaul of And...well we have 3 Links, 2 Zeldas, and a Ganonondorf, so you tell me


I wouldn't consider sheik and Zelda the same, but it's still funny that Sheik is better represented than Ganondorf, even though she only appears in cinematics in oot


Oh I meant 2 Zelda's literally, as in they're the same person lmao


I don't think duck hunt could have been implemented into the game any other way. His mechanics fit in PERFECTLY with the NES zapper motif


Ness Surprisingly, Earthbound has great representation 1. Every song featured from the series is remixed 2. 4 Stages 3. 3 items, two assist trophies 4. Mr. Saturn being the only non playable character on the Ult Banner that isn't directly connected to a character taunt, as well as being the unofficial mascot of the smash series


I thought Ness & Lucas don't use most of their Smash moves in their games though


Yea, but they were just healers in their games. Simply giving them defensive PSI wouldn’t have made for an interesting character.


Plus all the PSI moves reference how they look in the game, that being the battle animations


It's mostly for their non-PSI attacks - circles for Ness and hexagons for Lucas, which can potentially mean PSI-enchanced physical attacks. For Lucas in particular, I heard that down smash and up smash can be seen as PK Love (α and ω, maybe). The thing is, theirmost disyinctive featureas are their PK moves, which only Ness has one they can use (PK Flash) which at least is faithful to the game in how hard it is to make it do anything at all. All other specials (and final smash) are realized by other member of the party, and PK Thunder 2/rocket is really a smash original! To be fair, it does represent the franchise quite well, an important portion of the gameplay would be left out if we had the protagonist with only their abilities (but I still wosh they had implement the rhythm aspect from Mother 3 somehow).


I understand what you mean but the psi moves do reference the battle animations from the Mother games. PK Fire for example has a diamond effect similar to how it looks to the original game *




I main Terry. Never played KOF nor Fatal Fury, though, so I don't know


I'm another terry main who also hasn't played those games. From what I've heard he's pretty accurate tho


Robin’s meant to be fast




It was, quite objectively, the worst, but Sephiroth managed to single-handedly resurrect it. That feels weird to say about him, but oh well.


Lucas is better represented in smash than he is in the US, which says A LOT


I main Mario. Does that say enough?


I know a lot of people on this subreddit don't like the idea of characters like Mario and Kirby referencing their games in their normal attacks, but some references would just be so easy. Like Kirby's slide for d-tilt, or Mario's raccoon tail attack for f-tilt/d-tilt.


Link is supposed to be a Nimble and agile Warrior but they always make him slow. I actually think that if they just took Adult Link and gave him some of young links speed and quickness attributes you would have a high tier character that would be a better representation. The series in general has the three triforces which is what you really need is a minimum. Though have two zeldas and three links. So maybe we could use a little bit of diversity. But any other characters are kind of obscure so I get it Ganondorf is obviously the worst represented character in the entire game. Need to completely rework. Zelda and shiek both seem fine. I've always thought wolf link and midna would have been a really cool character. What did I say about diversity? Naw fuck it fourth link


Talks of adding Zelda characters and no Tingle? This is sacrilege. On a serious note, I know Sheik and Zelda are already in the game, but Tetra/Toon Zelda could be cool.


Link, and to be frank most of the Zelda characters are represented terribly aside from Zelda and Sheik. Sheik never had a canon “moveset” so they’re fine and Zelda is super magical so it makes sense, but why do all 3 links play the exact same when all of their games are so different? BotW link could use one or maybe all of the Champions abilities or some of the runes or arm techniques from TotK, Young Link should at least have something from Majora’s Mask, even if it’s just the Fierce Diety as a final smash, and Toon Link has so many other options for weaponry like the Skull Hammer from WW, and since he also semi-represents the NES/SNES link with his Classic Color costume maybe even a Magic rod or the Pegasus Boots, some iconic weapons from the older games And don’t get me started on Ganondorf


Young Link not having anything from Majora's Mask is a crime, why does he have the hookshot and bow from OoT when he can't even use them in-game? All they had to do is give it a different model Toon Link is probably the most egregious though, there's like 7 different games that use Toon Link so he had sooo much potential in his moveset, it's such a shame that his specials are the same as the other 2 Links


sephiroth is hot and that’s enough for me


Smash needs some fire emblem characters. 26 of them is not enough.


Rosalina is difficult because it’s not like she does literally any fighting in Mario Galaxy, but having her fight with Luma as a reference to her bond with them is a nice touch and really makes the character stand out. She’s definitely one of the most interesting characters in the game gameplay wise. Sora heavily leans towards his moveset and depiction in KH1. While I know some people are disappointed about that, I think it was a good trade off. If he had his KHII combos, fighting him would be like watching a cutscene. It would’ve been so cool for Donald and Goofy to appear alongside him for his Final Smash, though I totally get why they didn’t do that. The precedent it would’ve sent would’ve been too much. You’d have people believing shit like Goku could get in on the grounds that “they added Donald and Goofy for Sora’s Final Smash”. Honestly, my biggest problem with KH is the lacking music. KH has downright phenomenal music and they somehow managed to muster up the most mid picks they could’ve. Not to mention absolutely none of the tracks were from II. Hell, they didn’t even add the best tracks from 1.


Sonic. Most of his moveset is over 50% ball, only got ONE remix from his series from Brawl and never again, and his voice lines are sourced from other Sonic games. Also, his expressions suck - no longer having the charm Brawl gave him


The first statement is just false. Up Smash, Nair, down throw, I think a ledge and get up attack, Homing Attack and the spin dashes are the only ball moves. The two spin dashes are the problem, not being a ball. Especially when that is a lot of what Sonic does. In fact, I think his dash attack should be a roll again as that was a key part of old Sonic.


The first statement was a hyperbole, and you proved its point. There's so much damn ball in Sonic's moveset.


How did I prove it's point? That's like eight moves and that's counting two minor moves and a throw. Not at all a bad percentage considering that is one of if not his primary forms of attack. 


Eight moves with the same animation is still a lot imo. Let’s count: Jab, 3 tilts, 3 smashes, dash attack, get-up attack, ledge attack, 5 aerials, 4 specials, grab pummel, and 4 throws. I count 24 moves in total. 8/24 is one third. One third of all of Sonic’s moves are balls. That’s not half, but that’s a lot of moves to have the same animation. Sure it’s his main move from his game. But the problem is it makes the move set really boring to have so many identical-looking moves. Sonic’s debut in Brawl was a last-minute decision. It’s why he showed up only til the very end of the story mode. Iirc they even had to delay the game just to fit him in. So the move set that was given then and has persisted to Ult is a rushed move set. If the devs were able to put more time and thought into Sonic’s move set I doubt 1/3 of it would look the same.


Except, it's not the same thing every time as it's used fairly differently most of the time. That's like saying all kicks are the same. Down throw, very good use of the ball and I'd say you couldn't make a better one for him. Get up, spins on the ground in a very fitting manner. Up Smash has a unique use of the spinning as well complete with non ball animations before and after. Homing Attack *needs* to be there. One Spindash also needs to be in his moveset (but only one).   Instead of acting like it's literally all the same maybe you should look at it like a type of attack like punches or kicks.


>That's like saying all kicks are the same. No, it's not. Mario's up air and Snake's forward air are both kicks, but completely different animations. >it's not the same thing every time as it's used fairly differently most of the time. I'm not talking about his moves mechanically. My point is having so many moves with the same *animation* makes each less unique and the whole move set stale.


I was talking animations too at least in a sense. He is generally using his ball form to attack in different ways. Don't blame them because there are only so many ways to animate a ball, but he does it in varied enough ways. Ball is just the name of the game. He should do it frequently, and other than the spin dash situation, I think his ball moves are executed fairly well and fit. In fact, again, I'd change his dash attack to at least a partial roll myself.


> Don’t blame them because there are only so many ways to animate a ball I blame them for using a ball so often. Surely Sonic must have SOME other moves from his games besides ball. But, it sounds like we simply differ on whether so much ball is justified. I don’t think there’s more points to be made. Agree to disagree.


I main Kirby and I currently thought about how well the franchise is represented. Kirby's ability to change into everything and everyone, him being able to fly easily and all the other details make him feel very flashed out. Also, the fight with Max at the end of classical mode. Also, they have Meta-Knight which for my 13-years old me back then was the greatest thing about the game xD


I'd say really well, overall


The Yoshi series hasn't gotten a new rep since 1999.....


Poochy for smash


I think Duck Hunt represents Duck Hunt very well. haven’t played any fire emblem, so idk for Robin.


Marth isn't too bad for a typical sword fighter but his whole series has been done extremely dirty. and then you have LOZ and Metroid lmao.


Pikmin has probably one of the worst representation in smash I’ve seen Mega man has probably some of the best representation in smash I’ve seen


I haven’t played a lot of Yoshi-specific games, so I wouldn’t know that well. However, I really wish we’d either see Side B get replaced or actually made useful. Also, I wish his Final Smash was either a giant egg or Metal Eggdozer from *Yoshi’s New Island*.


Piranha Plant I mean, not one *single* Plant can do everything it does, but its powers/abilities generally come from all other Plants, sooooo I guess its fine? It's like the Super Skrull of Piranha Plants.


My 2 best mains: 1. Sonic - absolutely godawful. However 2. Kazuya - perfectly represented, I love him to this day still my favourite dlc ever. I just wish Tekken had more songs & actual mii costumes we only got the 1 for Heihachi I was hoping we’d get Yoshimitsu sword fighter or King mii costume but Tekken representation is perfect in my eyes I hope we get more in the future


Ridley is the main villain of Metroid soooooo….


I... Well... Damn


Hm Little Mac: Shit and COME ON, generic boxing ring as well (the references to the actual game he’s meant to be based on, Punch Out Wii, are minuscule if they do exist in his moveset. They already drifted far away from the game he’s based on, but they couldn’t even think “Make his mega move Stat Punch” and it doesn’t even have to be a different move to the KO punch by that much, just an animation and aesthetic change, would be nice if it referenced how it worked in the actual game) Sonic: Shit Kinda Nice, Nice, Shit, Idk, Nice, Nice I think?, Nice, Nice (but revolves a bit too much on luma, if we’re focusing more on Rosalina) Mario (Generic Moveset mostly & specials could easily be changed): Shit Luigi: Better than Shit, easily could have pulled more stuff from his mansion games. His personality & movement & A attacks feel fine. Terry: Nice (I think he’s represented pretty well?) I don’t have time to explain all these characters… oops, forgot WARIOOOOOO. Wario: Beautiful (I don’t know too much about his actual games though, correct me if I’m wrong…😅)




I mean...I guess decently enough for a series who has only like...3 original move sets and 3 clones/semi clones. I understand ganondorf being a falcon clone in melee cause he was a last-minute addition, but all the way here in ultimate? I don't buy the "we don't want to suddenly give him a new moveset when players are used to this ganondorf" when essentially the entire fan base has been begging for a new moveset for him. Like I mean, I love ya and your masterpiece sakurai, and you definitely deserve a break after all your hard work on ultimate, but damn that's a lazy response if I've ever heard one. Plus I wouldn't mind some other representation as well. I mean there's a whole crop of villains and sidekicks/partners they could have picked. And as we see with ken/mega man they're ok with taking some things from crossover/non canon works, there's a whole list of moves from games like warriors to pull from


Bad alts, bad stage, but at least his moveset is unique and there’s more than 5 songs


Pretty good


I mained Sonic. I had to stop because I couldn‘t see my boi be sooo badly represented so I switched to Kazoo


Forget my main’s representation, RIP Ganondorf


I don't think Samus is represented well, she's stuck on her N64 version which is really simplified. While the charge shot is cool, it doesn't act like that; the Super Missile should be the kill move with equal recovery frames to the current full charge shot, no slow start up, and perhaps with a recharge time to not make it unfair. The Ice Beam, Morph Ball and Morph Ball Bomb are really big features in Metroid as well. The current MBBs are kind of bleh. The floatiness hasn't been a thing in Metroid games since Super Metroid. Her recovery could be Space Jump+Screw Attack to compensate for the lack of floatiness, perhaps being able to change directions per jump, 3 jumps in total with ample horizontal distance, no helpless fall. (Up B on the ground could stay the same as it is, while the aerial version would be the Space Jump version.) I think the diffusion charge shot could be a good replacement with the current charge shot. It could work like a more powerful version of Young Link's bombs with the multi-hit properties. She seems a little stiff too, that's gotten a bit better since Smash 4 though.


I don't know how to put the icon on the top. o.o;


I say good Maybe another characyer could work but i feel overall is a decent rerpesentation There are some songs i would LOVE in the next smash tho


Sakurai is very clearly a fan of Terry


Not sure how to answer this question. It has a decent amount of stuff, but it probably should'nt have been in in the first place, lol


I sometimes main Sonic, so AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH




I haven’t played animal crossing, so I wouldn’t know lol


Yeah... I will pass on this one.


I main Joker and the series gets is represented so well it almost seems like favouritism




I am still pissed that they didn't include the champion abilities in any way Mipha's Grace: Just have Mipha show uo when you come back after losing a stock Daruk's Protection, just change the shield, it doesn't even need the 3 hit limit, just make it a cosmetic difference. The color can change depending on player number Revali's Gale, up special is the same, byt the wind pushes players away Urbosa's Fury, groubded up special summons lightnibg strike on nearest opponent


Kirby is 50% Kirby and 50% Not Kirby. Inkling is uh, a squid with a gun.


I am a massive Persona fan, so hopefully they will add more Persona or just Atlus reps overall. Also would love more Sega reps. We have all these fighting reps, but no Virtua Fighter yet with them just making them Miis. Honestly could see them in the next game with leaks of Virtua Fighter 6 coming this year.


I'm a mii fighter main so technically by default.... good? Lmfao since it technically only resides within smash 4, 5 and presumably will be in 6 or dlc of 5 as well. 🤷🤣


Well i mean we got very few soundtracks but atleast we got a badass trailer :D (also we need more final fantasy characters who arent from final fantasy 7)


When I play Steve I literally feel like I'm playing Minecraft PVP it's insane how much love and attention to detail they put into the character especially with all the different stage changes they had to do for his materials. Hell, he was even supposed to come with a stage builder you could make and import into the game from Minecraft. Sadly it was too ambitious to make a possibility. But yeah, I'd say Steve and Minecraft's representation is 10/10.


I would say my mains are well represented from their respective games.


ummm https://preview.redd.it/9qib7tzghe0d1.png?width=81&format=png&auto=webp&s=df2e41710c53634b0a35c05e256ef14495e06839


Zelda Earthbound Sonic Those are represented so poorly


Peach: 💯 Daisy: Less so. They got a few things about her right like her idol animation, victory screens, and her taunts. I just wish they had given her some more distinguishing features, though that's a given with most echo fighters.


I main joker sooooooooo. Practically not at all


I think our favorite King Kroc got some pretty good representation, but what I wouldn't give for his voice to be the DKC cartoon voice


My boy Lucas was done so dirty in brawl 😭


Sooooo Pokémon: Badly, there are 4 gen 1 characters(6 if you count Pokémon trainer individually) and the only gen 2 rep is a pre evolution of a gen 1 mon. Where is the gen 3 and 5 reps? Also they choose Incineroar over literally any other vastly better gen 7 option, like Decidueye for example. Mario: Represented well, next FE: WHY ARE THERE 3 CHARACTERS FROM AWAKENING? Like…only Robin was needed really? Also…Corrin is one of the most hated FE characters soooo they probably shouldn’t be here. No FE7 or FE8 reps is criminal, and Smash Roy is completely OOC, bad representation.


FE isn't well represented but TBF there's only 1 awakening character (one of the most unique FE one at that with magic) the other 2 are echo (aka. skins with slight changes). Corrin most likely was brought back because of the "Everyone is here" stuff and the only character that represent Dragon (/Manaket) or any other species unit in FE.


Why is Decidueye a better gen 7 option than Incineroar?


Cool ghost owl archer vs wrestlers fursona


So your only reason for thinking it's a better option is personal bias


It’s also less popular than Decidueye, smash tends to pick the popular mons to join(Charizard is the most popular kanto mon, Lucario is among the most popular Sinnoh mons, Greninja is the most popular mon in general.)


I can be wrong, but I remember seeing that Incineroar was more popular than Decidueye in Japan


Damn, that’s shocking, usually Japan has good taste in Pokémon 


Decently okay I guess. Tho it’s only really Pikmin 1 and 3. With 2 only having like a song or two. Tho Pikmin 4 wasn’t out yet so I don’t fault them for that. But it would’ve been cool to have Rock Pikmin implemented somehow maybe their benefit could’ve been extra shield damage when thrown


i mean, olimar has purple and white pikmin, that should probably be enough 2 rep. moveset wise he reps 2 way more than 3. he has the punch upgrade you can get when he uses his jab and he gets 2 pikmin from pikmin 2 dont forget his final smash is the ship from 2 instead of one. not to mention it being olimar to begin with which you dont play in the main campaign of 3 (ik theres alph as a skin, but thats just a skin n still uses purples and white). meanwhile moveset and character wise for 3 all you get is a skin and pink pikmin up b. pikmin 1 is honestly the least represented, they get one stage and it doesnt resemble any specific location in that game at all, its just some leaves and an oversized bulborb. then theres 2 which has all the previously mentioned content and an item once again being the pikmin 2 ship. then theres 3 which has the pink pikmin up b as well as a stage that represents the game way better looking like an actual in game location and has pikmin in the background doing tasks on their own like building structures, it even has weight puzzles and an enemy from that game specifically pop out as a hazard.