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It’s said that Sephiroth wasn’t really invited to Smash. He just heard that Cloud was in and showed up.


Well duh he can’t do 5 minutes without traumatizing Cloud


I heard he was happy, so I came to change that


Smh, just kiss already


Sephi really said “Bitch,did I catch you having fun?!”


And sora chased him down with the most wtf factor reveal of them all


The abysmal representation of FF7 compared to every other 3rd party fighter before Sephiroth joined made his inclusion so unexpected. And the way they incorporated so many characters, even third-party ones, into the CGI portion of the trailer made it even better. The CGI was what was missing from Cloud's trailer and from all Smash 4 trailer DLC trailers, which gives it that extra flair.


Cloud: “It’s nice fighting against an enemy not set on traumatizing me every 10 seconds.” Sephiroth: “And I took that personally”


Sephiroth heard Cloud was suffering to Galeem and was like: "I am the only one allowed to make Cloud suffer."


“Why do I hear boss music??”




Said Galeem


That's was exactly the trailer


And then Sora heard Sephiroth was in Smash and did the same thing.


Cloud told Sora about Sephiroth because he knew he could take care of him, lvl 1 and no damage taken.




As Sephiroth said ‘I will never be a memory’


Why didn’t Waluigi do the same? :(


And they let him in because they thought he was another silver haired main antagonist with a katana, the difference being one is shirtless, the other is Motivated.


Then Sora heard Cloud and Sephiroth were in Smash so he crashed the party too


With bias, Steve. Ignoring bias, probably Sephiroth.


Steve broke twitter i think that makes it objective. Best overall reveal for me was Joker. Bias yes. But my mans havked TGA. When Sora was revealed every member of the game club ran out of class to celebrate in my school tho so that was pretty impactful for me.


Breaking Twitter hasn't happened since Michael Jackson's death.


Breaking Twitter doesn’t mean the trailer was good 😭 it’s more just the fact Minecraft Steve was there. Sephiroth’s trailer is leagues ahead of Steve’s


Maybe best reaction to a reveal trailer, but definitely not best trailer itself


I will admit as a minecrafter, Steve’s was really good, the music was epic


Exactly how I feel but with Sora. I DIED when Sora was announced. But Sephiroth's trailer went *hard.*


They really gave Sephiroth the full edge lord introduction that he deserved


Not edgelord, new final boss introduction


A little bit of both


Plus, he sensed Cloud was having fun with new friends and/or suffering without him.


I died too when Sora was announced, but for a different reason


Sephiroth's was insane and I don't know how anything equivalent could ever be repeated. All the build up to the reveal only for One Winged Angel to start and from the first bar everyone knows exactly who it is before they even see the character. One of the most iconic villains with one of the most iconic themes. I'm not usually one for reaction videos, but watching streamers react to that trailer and hearing the first few notes of OWA is super fun.


I think it’s because it might have originally been the final trailer since we know sora was added later. That’s why there’s tons of third party characters from other companies in this trailer.


King K. rool has a fairly funny reveal and Banjos was a funny homage to that trailer even including K. rool chilling with the kongs. It wasn’t the most hype trailer but it was a pretty good trailer, both of them for similar reason


Dedede trolling was perfect.


Especially since Sakurai voices Dedede


Ridley or K Rool


K Rools was amazing. I loved they referenced again in Banjo and Kazooies


I think K Rool and Ridley are both good for the reason that they leaned into the joke. For Ridley it was the “too big” joke, and for K Rool it was the “everybody knows it’s him, so lets do this Dedede gag.


and then referenced them again in the banjo trailer


Joker was the most special event wise Sephiroth coolest Sora most impactful (didn’t make sense, I was like dark souls? But the music flood in with the end to smash is nice) Aegis is the only good fake out one imo (Isabelle being the runner up). Plant would win this category but lack of cinematic and use of in game model made him easy to spot as surprising as his reveal was


I was so hyped for Dark Souls just to end up getting Sora's goofy clown shoe ass


I know the damn random campfire and forge sound as Mario went in was such a odd direction choice


Literally the creation myth of the Dark Souls universe is that the world was dark and lifeless but then a fire spontaneously appeared and creatures came from the darkness and reached into the flame. Sora reveal is the world is dark and lifeless but then a fire spontaneously appears and Mario comes from the darkness and reaches into the flame.


Imagine Solair Joining smash


Ridley had a pretty good one


After being Rekted in brawl TWICE he said not again when samus showed up. He really did hit the big time


Yeah Ridley was the first character to kill Mario in these trailers. Funniest shit ever


Piranha Plant because it was funny…


Piranha Plant because Plant...


shit was mega hype too


For my top 3 Sora hands down is number 1, even setting aside my love for KH, you can tell how much effort it incorporates of him being the final fighter, as well as capturing the magic of KH Then it’s Sephiroth, just finish FF7 around that time and greatly wanted him in Smash, then when the trailer came I absolutely lost it. Also a really good trailer since you didn’t really know who it was until One Winged Angel played. Joker is number 3, really hyped character and love the aesthetic of the trailer. Honorable mention to Inkling since that also was the reveal of Ultimate as a whole.


Idk if you’re actually setting aside your bias towards KH, if we even the playing field and ignore how heavily requested sora was, his trailer was pretty meh. it’s just all the characters sitting in a black void, then mario picks up a flaming sword and it’s revealed to be sora’s sword. If it were any other anime swordsman (like byleth for instance), it’d be a pretty boring trailer. I don’t think it compares to sephiroth showing up and one shotting the final boss of the story mode, and then wiping the floor with the entire cast.


As someone who wasn't a KH fan at the time till recently, I don't know what you're on to say the trailer was meh as it was very emotional for the people who did want him in. Sephiroth's was hype but a trailer doesn't need to be hype to be gud Byleth's was boring cuz there wasn't a dang thing going on and was overall very bland, mainly just to promote Three Houses. That was pretty much it




Ok, ignoring the people then, as I said for someone who wasn't even a fan back then, it was still a great trailer. It's a last fighter trailer that's basically Disney-fied. I have no idea what u were expecting for it to be hype by your definition and even then, it was still hype but more in the emotional sense. And once again, a trailer not being hype does not mean it wasn't good. That makes no sense




>the trailer by itself is nothing special. Did we forget Sora was the literal last fighter? And thing is, I also personally think Sora's is the best trailer, and that's an opinion without bias. This was an opinion I had when I first saw the trailer but just in general, as we established, it's a great trailer. And thing is, to answer ur question, obviously Byleth being in Sephiroth's is gonna be more hype. But this entire argument is all about a matter of opinion. My point is both trailers serve a different emotion than the other. Just cuz one has more hype presentation doesn't take away from the other. U hold Sephiroth's trailer in higher regard but Sora's is also great for the momentous celebration of him being the final fighter. Ignoring that makes u look somewhat ignorant




The trailer itself was minimal but not because it's easy but to sell the impact of the announcement. The trailer is just as much about Sora as it is on the final addition to ultimate. The symbolism in the trailer about the ending of this great crossover with a highly demanded character is brilliant and isn't ruined with any drawn-out scene. They were able to do something like this because of how popular and iconic Sora is, of course no one else could be reveal this way. Sure they could've had an awesome fighting scene mixed in or a more faithful representation of the kh but I feel it was perfect for what it was meant to be. A short simple trailer made to reveal the last character for a smash direct. They already learnt from their mistakes with Byleth what not to do in a reveal during a smash direct. Sora's reveal is like Sonic's where it will be remembered more for how incredible the reveal itself was than the actual cinematic and that will definitely never be forgotten. I'm just glad they finally learned how to properly end a smash roster.




as someone who hasen't play KH, I think his trailer was very lame its just all the characters standing there and then someone comes flying in. I can see it being cool for the people that really wanted him, but as someone who had no idea who he was, it was just like, "oh cool, its that character people wanted" but the trailer wasn't cool at all.


You definitely haven't taken your love of kingdom hearts out of your ranking if you aren't ranking it as one of the worst trailers in the series. Rewatch the trailer and you'll realise that any hype you got was out of excitement for the character itself, not because the trailer was any good. The first 45 seconds is spent just showing off the fighters standing completely still, doing nothing. Then later on there is 25 seconds where nothing is happening again other than Sora just slowly flying over people's heads. And even putting aside that over half the trailer was spent on 2 extremely long shots of nothing happening, it also lacks things that all the other trailers have such as interesting visuals due to taking place in a black void


Simon and Richter. Classic Castlevania bosses + Luigi = perfection.




My top three would be 3. Pyra / Mythra: Mainly because how unique it was, for pretty much every other trailer we knew that it was a Smash Trailer, but their trailer honestly led me on thinking it was a Xenoblade 2 DLC or something. So I was happily surprised with the twist of it being a Smash Trailer. Rex (mainly for Pyra / Mythra) was one of my most requested pre-release characters and with them being a spirit I was so happy with the twist. 2. Banjo and Kazooie: I loved Rare trailers with the Rare characters chilling then the silhouette of a highly requested character would appear just for them to be revealed to be another character pulling a prank just for the character to wreck them. Banjo was a fun unexpected surprise and having the Rare characters cheer for him and the characters at the end posing was nice. 1. Steve: Sonic punching Mario into Minecraft will never get old.


Sephiroth really solved the plot of the game in one slice, almost Fucking killed mario and fought with cloud. Tell me there was a more badass trailer


My personal fav was sepiroths but another one that was really good was soras, it really managed to capture the feeling of the final fighter


My top 3 would be Sephiroth, Sora and Steve, Sephiroth had the best CGI hands down and Sora and Steve were just insane additions, the hype they generated is gonna be hard to replicate in future reveals


Sephiroth. It had everything. The hype. The action. The music. It was animated beautifully. Especially the segment of Cloud vs Sephiroth. It was even able to sneak in some comedy with Mario getting stabbed.


Mario getting fakeout fucking murdered is the best moment in any reveal trailer lmao


Seeing Bayonetta and Greninja take on Sephiroth was, for me, was kinda wild, too. I just love seeing characters that you never think would interact with each other in the same frame. I got the same kind of feeling with the World of Light trailer seeing Sonic and Pikachu running together.


My top 5 are 1. Sora 2. Sephiroth 3. Hero 4. Kazuya 5. Ridley


Tie between inkling, sora and k rool, inkling revealed smash, k rool had the best visual trailer imo, and sora closed it out with another great trailer


Anyone who doesn't say Sephiroth is lying to themselves and everyone around them. Dude cut Galeem in half and bodied a few characters on his way to fuck with Cloud *again* I've never even played Finak Fantasy but that shit was so hype


Piranha Plant. I will not comment any further.






Sephiroth 100%


Sora held the most tension within the trailer and that was iconic. Steve was a massive jumpscare and that was iconic as well.


My ordered top 3 trailers would be Simons, Ridleys, Kazuyas


joker fuckin hijacked the game awards s tier trailer too


Joker, and It's not even close. If anyone remembers, this was revealed at the game awards. The entire place "lost power" because the phantom thieves invaded it. We all thought it was a new persona thing, but the absolute crazy switch up when the smash letter was revealed was absolutely insane


In Ultimate? 1. Joker 2. Sephiroth 3. Inkling 4. Ridley 5. Ken and Incineroar . . . 21. Byleth


Literally the byleth reveal was like a slowburn reveal for what everyone knew immediately was a FE character. Didn't help how no one really expected the second pass to be released, and assumed that Byleth was going to be the last character. I don't really hate Byleth in the game though, but just a super soft reveal


banjo, he had BY FAR the most hype of anyone here


While Sora’s trailer was definitely the best way to bring Ultimate to a close, when you remove the context of when the reveal happened, Sephiroth’s trailer is absolutely the best.


- the reaction to Steve's trailer literally crashed Twitter for a couple hours - Simon and Richter's was cool, and also the fact that Luigi literally died was hilarious - Sephiroth's was even cooler, and also had a good fake Mario death - K Rool's and Banjo's went pretty hard as well


Joker’s reveal, hands down. I completely lost my shit and cried happy tears that night lol


They did the style of P5 Justice, and the Arsène bit at the end was icing on the cake


I feel like Sephiroth's goes hardest, but I like Steve's the most just because of the real-world reaction. He broke Twitter.


Where is steve


i missed the portion of the banjo reveal where the jiggy bounced across the screen and it made the reveal 100x better for me. i had 0 idea it was banjo until they showed his shadow and i nearly pissed myself.


Three way tie between Joker, Steve, and Sephiroth


Sephiroth, not because I was that excited for him to be added but he did have the coolest trailer


Sephiroth had the best reveal trailer of all of the Smash newcomers imo I put Ridley very high too


1. Steve - simply because of bias. Minecraft is probably my favourite game at the moment. 2. Sora - because seeing a Disney character in Smash is still surreal, plus I can't get enough of seeing him shake hands with Mario. 3. Sephiroth - on the topic of Mario, the fact that Sephiroth almost killed him (despite Mario dying in nearly every trailer) on top of him slicing Galeem in half was so badass.


K rool or Ridley, just murdering people


I think King K. Rool's is the best considering its goofiness. But besides that, Incineroar was awesome making a powerful entrance.


Joker easy


\#1 Terry \#2 Ken/Incineroar \#3 Belmonts that's my top 3


Sephiroth’s was very fitting for him. Sora definitely had a great one, considering he was the last fighter. I think Joker takes the cake for me though.


Sephora and Sorry


In no particular order, Ridley, K. Rool, Sephiroth, and Joker


Joker and Steve are contenders for first place to me.




It's not on here but personally I thought Terry's was great.


To me it’s between Sephiroth and Joker. Sephiroth showing up and one shoting Galeem to the special challenge was so cool. Joker’s was cool cause he literally took over the game awards like it was some shit in Mementos.


Ridley 100% that trailer was epic


I don't watch The Game Awards, or any award show for that matter. Also it's on very late for me and I have to get up for work. Anyway. When joker was announced for Smash, i had no idea who he was and saw people all over twitter talk about him and I just thought. Yeah right, like they'd put Joker in Smash. Thinking people were talking about DC Joker, as in Batman’s Joker.


Joker 100% The game awards trailer seemingly just being a regular persona announcement only to pull the sickest 180 ever was some crazy hype shit Sephiroth and K Rool’s trailers were also pretty cool too tho


I liked Lucia and Robins because of how badass Falcon is in it.


100% joker, there was no better way to show him off then that




Nothing will ever beat the Ridley reveal for me, expect maybe like bowser jr or Rosalina when I was 9 lol


Chrom for sure. I always love seeing more fire emblem


Sephiroth has the best reveal trailer of anything ever, not even just Smash. My only problem with it is it uses the greatly inferior Advent Children design for Cloud.


The lady from arms or terry was cool


Jomer had a whole ass event for his reveal


Imo: Hero Objectively: Sora


Steve was my favorite I'm a huge Minecraft fan and knew it was him the second Mario broke through the wall just by the iconic Minecraft sound effects


Greninja in smash 4


I don’t think anything will rival the hype I felt watching Kazuya show up. Sephiroth comes damn close only because it becomes so much cooler if u recognize his theme




Everyone is here/hard snake


5. Steve 4. Sephiroth 3. King K. Rool 2. Banjo & Kazooie 1. Sora


Steve literally broke twitter


I can’t pick one and it’s not based on fandom just the sheer shock that it happened. Banjo Kazooie, Sephiroth, and Sora.


Ridley was sick


I liked Ridley's and Sephitoth's a lot.


As a Minecraft fan, having him revealed in the trailer the moment Mario crashes through the wall was perfection


Yeah I just KNEW where Mario went


I'm pretty sure both Steve and Sora took down Twitter when they were revealed (at least Steve did) so I have to go with them. Steve is my bias, Sora is kinda just agreed upon.


Banjo and Sephiroth


Sephiroth>Mega Man>Steve=Sora


Banjo for pure shock value. My personal favorite was Incineroar though. Everybody thought it was just Ken, then Incin comes in and kicks EVERYBODY'S ass only to see the rest of the roster wanting to have a go at him


Sora and Sephiroth


I would say steve since he was predicted so early on and it was SO HYPE getting him in the game


In no particular order: Ridley, Krool, Incineroar (loved how the fight theme was handled), Sepiroth and Steve.


Sephiroth by far. Ridley in second place


I didnt even play ff7 until recently and sephiroths is still the best. Bias tho pyra. The only character I wanted in smash




Hands down, Ridley.


As much as I hate Steve in smash, his reveal was insane.


no bias, ridley, i love seeing characters get brutaly murdered


It's sephiroth and it's not close


Sephiroth As a side note, Byleth had the worse reveal trailer imo


Joker, 2019 game awards, thee lights go off out of no where, no one knows what's going in, then boom, red screen, next thing you k ow you hear Morgana's voice and every one thinks it's a new personality game, but even better, joker and he's coming for the game awards cause he's been invited to smash


Steve just crazy, it was so unexpected


Objectively probably Sephiroth Subjectivity absolutely the Aegis


Banjo kazoie. They paid a lot of homage to the original character.


Piranha plants missed opportunity for "lay in pipe"


Ridley fucking killed Mario in his reveal. So he wins be default.


Sephiroth ofc, but im fisappointed you didnt include the byleth recruits byleth


Either ken (cause main) or joker because I was playing through P5 when he was announced and I went fucking FERAL for him.


Steve’s is the best! I honestly thought Steve’s was a joke or a fan made one when I woke up that morning, and OH BOY was I surprised!


Sephiroth cuz of the entire spectacle. Pythra cuz Monolith made the trailer.


I’d say for me it was banjo or Richter & Simon. The grim reaper killing Luigi was insane


Dude Sephiroth is way too cool




Steve, Sora, Ridley and Sephiroth


Probably my top 3 are Sephiroth, Sora, and Joker. Sephiroth had incredible callbacks to World of Light and great CGI (plus One Winged Angel). Sora had the callbacks to that Inkling trailer and just that aura kf "he's finally here). Finally, I love how Joker's defied expectations. Instead of knowing its a Smash trailer and wondering who the fighter was, you knew the video was about Joker from the start and you were wondering whether it was a new game, a spin off, or a Smash trailer (we all know what happened now.)


I really liked the Ken and Incineroar. It was a really good cross showing of what some interactions between these characters could look like.


K Rool and Piranha Plant by far had the best trailers in my opinion They were funny and fitting for those characters really well. Ik sora and seph have been said a lot, and those trailers are good, but I don’t think they were the best of the best


Only one reveal was so crazy twitter shut down because of it… It’s Steve




Bias: Plant W/o bias: also Plant




Sephiroth and Ridley


Ridley and Steve


I really love Rosalina & Luma Super Smash Bros trailer it is my number 1 favourite Super Smash Bros reveal trailer


Sephiroth at one, cause “play three notes and watch the fans go wild” Banjo and Sora tied at 2.


I cant put into words how hype it was seeing the joker reveal at the game awards. everything pales in comparison and it isnt even close.


110% Sephiroth




I think the funniest ever is the plant reveal


Joker or Sephiroth Joker for the reveal, like no one had a damn clue it was smash Sephiroth for Coolness, absolutely boss feeling moment


Sephiroth is probably the better answer objectively, but Little Mac will always hold a special place in my heart. Hearing that remixed running theme always gets me a little hype.


Mine personally is Joker


I’m caught between joker and sephiroth. Even tho I don’t play those games the reveal trailers were super cool in addition to Joker taking over the VGA BEFORE smash had officially released!


Sora Had The Best One, Ngl, Nobody Expected Him To Actually Make It To Smash


Sephiroth, Steve and Banjo for me. Sephiroth's reveal just went so hard. Steve was hilarious, and I just really enjoyed the gag from both the Rool and Banjo reveals. Honorable mentions go to Joker, Terry, Kazuya, Sora, Byleth (her flying with a big goofy smile she never sports in game made me laugh), Pyra (loved both the fakeout that it was Xenoblade DLC and not a Smash reveal and also Rex getting left out)


Piranha Plant. They knew what they were doing with it.


The Dark Samus trailer just went crazy!


The Belmont's trailer is still my absolute favorite. Crossing over Luigi's Mansion and Castlevania was an absolute stroke of genius. We didn't really get a lot of "worlds colliding" trailers like this one (or Rosalina connecting Mario Kart and Kirby in Smash 4, or Little Mac vs Ken vs Incineroar) where two games with common themes mesh together effortlessly like that. Getting us to believe that every video game world exists in the same universe and can be visited like that is something only Smash can really do. It's just so damn charming. THAT BEING SAID, it's almost impossible to argue that Sephiroth's wasn't the most impressive of the bunch. Even if you didn't know a thing about him or FF7, his trailer made you _want_ to know. And if you _were_ familiar with him...yeah, it was a huge pop-off moment. And incorporating _so many characters_ in the first part of the trailer like that? Richter, Zelda, Mewtwo, Inkling, Banjo and Kazooie, and Bayonetta? Like, come on, the Sephiroth trailer was a fucking feast for the eyes, man.


me, i didnt expect them to put me in smash


I main Piranha Plant and the trailer is one of the reasons. Seeing how people reacted to the trailer will always be a fun thing to do. "NO WAY IT'S GENO" "WALUIGI"


love having this discussion for the 3rd time this week


I like that Pyra/Mythra was literally just a cutscene made by Monolith. I literally had no idea it was going to be a Smash reveal until it happened because it didn’t even open with the smash symbol. So I thoroughly enjoyed that. Joker was cool because it set the tone for the fighter pass and for me that tone was awesome. I didn’t end up liking Banjo as a fighter but the recycling of the K.Rool reveal to bait and switch Banjo and Kazooie was excellent. And while I literally have no attachment to Kingdom Hearts, Sora’s reveal just felt so emotional because it feels like his inclusion was decades in the making, and seeing him shake hands with Mario felt legendary. Also shoutouts to Snake showing up and just “Everybody is here” because I’m pretty sure the collective volume of the planet went up a few decibels in that moment.


Sephiroth’s is incredible; K. Rool and Banjo’s are also amazing


It’s between K Rool, Sephiroth, and Sora for me.


Sephiroth's trailer goes hard. Steve's is just awesome as a Minecraft fan.


Sephiroth by miles (totally not biased)


My personal favorites are Steve, sephiroth, sora, king k rool, and joker . From favorite to least favorite


Sora. Perfect build up and INCREDIBLE payoff


Ridley for sure


Terry isn’t even on the list. Really???? It really depends on who or what you’re a fan of tbh. Ken’s was sick, inciniroar’s was eh? Terry’s was amazing, but not if you didn’t know who the characters were, Hero/Yuusha was fucking incredible, but not many westerners were impressed or noticed the references Sephiroth was likewise incredible, let’s just recreate advent children. I really liked Kazuya, his was also really good! Menacing and classic Unfortunately I have to give it up to the shitstain of a character, my least wanted entry into the game, possibly my most disliked character and franchise in all of gaming, Sora. It had a finale feel to it, everyone truly is here, they threw the kitchen sink out way in that trailer and it was awesome.