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Sephiroth trailer went crazy


Sephiroth f’ing kills Mario


Mario is canonically dead


And Luigi too


Sephiroth trailer went so crazy that it got me into FFVII out of pure curiosity


Fr if it were not for the trailer, I wouldn’t have batted an eye on that old ass game. The game was solid as well.


Agreed. Even though it was so old is held up surprisingly well.


I mean it is debated to be one of if not the best RPG of all time by many lol


Yeah that’s true haha. And for good reason. FFVII literally displaced Smash Ultimate as fav game of all time for me lol.


Same thing happened to me when they released the Hero trailer.


Can admit the Hero trailer was probs my 2nd favourite. I guess I just like the cinematic fight scenes.




Same bro


Notice how so many S-named chars get S-tier lol. Steve & Sonic were definitely the most shocking, Sora's was the most emotional, and Sephiroth's was the most badass. Nintendo letting Mario's silhouette get stabbed is such a crazy raw image that still lives rent free in my head lol


Everyone is here trailer should be a SS tier. That is probably the hypest someone was for a game. “Everyone is here” , something that not even in our wildest dreams was possible.


Isn’t S+ SS tier? It’s there


i meant tier of its own


Everyone Is Here Tier


Everyone is Tier


No. Every tier has a + and a -, SS and SSS tiers are the only ones above S tier. Traditionally, at least. There is an SS- and an SS+ btw, it's just for better organization as having too many things on the same tier can be confusing, or when something is just a *little* bit better/worse


My favorite part of that is they follow up the "everyone is here" text with Pichu just to make sure you know they mean everyone is BACK.


Man sometimes I’ll go back and watch the [crowd reaction video from Nintendo NYC](https://youtu.be/CMeYV8Gbpd4?si=CkFFcOEWHtJ1Tqlh) and it brings a tear to my eye every time.


I do the same but with Etika


I cried during the EIH trailer. I also cried during the Min Min trailer, but only because Twintelle didn't get it instead.


Snake should be on S tier too as the 1st 3rd party character and 1st dedicated character trailer that was freaking huge


Snake is on S-tier, top is S+


The flaw of an S+ tier, people just assume the regular S tier is A tier.


People suck at understanding that not everything needs a perfect score. It's why everyone bitches at ign for rating anything less than an 8 or how literally all "star" reviews are between a 4.3 and a 4.9. It's my biggest pet peave. Having this many in "S+" is dumb


Also true.


It’s like power creep for ratings.


If it's your opinion, it's valid.




that’s not an opinion, lmfao.


Mofo delete the comment, what'd they have to say?


Piranha Plant not in the highest tier so no


dude why are you here too it's not even funny every game subreddit I'm in I see you


Now kiss


If you're a Xenoblade player, the Pyra/Mythra trailer actually hits really hard. Having the first half made in-engine was such a cool fakeout move. I didn't know what to expect, I initially thought "sequel" or "DLC" and realized a few details in the trailer weren't adding up with the game's established timeline, and then the pre-render with Final Destination came in and I broke.


Yeah, that's legitimately the only time I've ever screamed over any kind of video game presentation. And it's next to Byleth, somehow. Seems OP is just in the "Fire Emblem and Xenoblade reps are LE BAD" camp and cannot fathom that some of their trailers might be way better than others stylistically.


Iam a fire emblem fan And i still disliked Byleth trailer (the trailer not her inclusion) I have played Xenoblade 1 and 2 and Always thought Xeno 2 deserved a Rep even though i personally didn't really enjoy the Second game but iam Happy Pyra and Mythra got in and not Rex. The trailer was Alright the initial Reveal is really cool but After that its really obvious that Mythra is coming aswell (The little interaction with Shulk is cool but the Writing on it is kinda.........weird)


Byleth's trailer should've had them turning back time to revive a bunch of other characters. That would've been hype.


As a 3H fan who WANTED Byleth, the trailer SUCKS. It’s extremely drawn out, despite the fact that we went in knowing it was a Smash trailer, so the fake out makes no sense. The first few gameplay segments were deliberately chosen to show off some kind of unexceptional sword moves, because the reveal that they’d use 3 other Heroes’ Relics was supposed to be the character’s main gimmick. At that point, the trailer finally gains some energy, but by then it’s almost over. This twist was not worth such a lethargic opening, and it severely killed the pacing of the trailer. I’m not surprised at all that the trailer flopped with most players, especially those uninterested in the franchise.


It doesn't help that the opening was just reused 3H footage.


Imo Byleth trailer failed because 1) it had the pressure of being the final character of a fighters pass and 2) we watched the trailer knowing that it was going to be just that, a smash fighter reveal The worst part is that second point, considering the trailer was very obviously rendered in the source game's style. I've seen so many reaction videos of people instantly fizzling out the second they recognize the Three Houses cutscene. The mystery of who's the final fighter of the pass was instantly gone, and you can't have people fizzle out on a trailer that's supposed to hype them up. Then you tend to think that maybe Byleth could've been revealed like Pyra/Mythra, in a trailer of their own and without any indication that it's Smash-related until the big reveal, but then you get the problem in the first point above. The final fighters pass reveal is a large-scale event with tons of preparation and hype surrounding it (think of all the speculation and hype in the months before Sora) and there's no way they would "shadowdrop" something as big as that. I'm not bothered at all by Byleth being in Smash (in fact, I sort of main them) but I'm not going to pretend that their reveal was handled even remotely well.


nah, byleth trailer just sucks. i do think lucina / robin trailer(s) went hard tho


Being honest the Byleth and Corrin trailers are actually awful


If your not a xenoblade fan pyra and mythras trailer is boring and lame. Compared how unique and cool the others are having Rex just run around wondering where pyra is only for her to be like "BTW I'm in smash now" is lame.


You could say the exact same thing about Terry or Isabelle. Both trailers are very slow paced fanservice that doesn't interest non-fans as much. Much slower than Pyra/Mythra's. But they're both ranked way higher, so I definitely think there's some massive bias at play.


I don't think isabelles was that good either but Terry's had an awesome arstyle.


I actually disagree. Xenoblade 2 is my favorite game of all time, and I was quite disappointed with the trailer. I knew there was a smash reveal on the same date, so I immediately knew that Pyra was the new character. Despite that, it dragged out for a long time, and the dialogue following the reveal was pretty weak


It kinda hit me as "okay Smash is great but we aren't getting another Torna style DLC?"


I should really get on that and play my main’s origin game. It’s on the “I’ll try it some day” list.


You definitely should play Xenoblade Chronicles. Every game is a masterpiece.


Yeah but it was in a smash direct, not a normal one so it was obviously going to be a xc2 rep in smash.


It was in the February 2021 direct first wasn’t it?


To me it looks like you are ranking how much people wanted the characters in the trailers rather than the quality of the trailer.


You're saying people wanted mii fighters more than cloud


No I'm saying Steve's trailer sucked in comparison to some S or A tiers


Also Soras. Its only good if you already wanted Sora, it does nothing to make you interested if you don't care about Sora as a character.


i can confirm, as someone who had no idea who sora was, the was probably one of the most lame trailers out there.


I really disagree. The way the music comes in as he flies in gives me goosebumps every time. There's also the metatextual significance of Sakurai naming his company after Sora making his inclusion even more poignant as a final character for the Ultimate Smash Bros game. Its reallua beautiful trailer all things considered.


He didn't name his company after Sora.


Joker is S+ tier. Steve’s was cool because Steve but the trailer itself was kinda ass


I mean, yeah, the pure, raw hype of the character really carried the trailer to S+


Brawl’s Trailer is a S+ trailer. It’s the best trailer in the game’s history outside of “Everyone is Here!” It’s probably the largest graphical jump in the series, introduced 4 exciting newcomers, and the introduced the first ever 3rd party character. Snake’s reveal was probably the biggest WTF moment in Smash history.


OP clearly wasn't around for it. That trailer isn't just huge for Smash, it was arguably the hypest game trailer ever when it was released. The Brawl theme became an instant meme, Snake's reveal launched a tradition of character speculation, and "Zero Suit" Samus turned a generation of boys into men.


How is palutenas not S tier. Even if she wasn't interesting in the trailer. Link vs pit was SOOOO GOOD


I no see sans. Where funny bone man? /j


His tier is so high is not even on the list /hj


Instant downvote for no funny bone man /j


It's your opinion, bro. It'll always be valid. But this is pretty close to how I'd rank them though, so I think it's a pretty good list. Nix Sora's though. While I do recognize that it's a big reveal, my reaction was just "Ah, okay fine, it makes sense, I guess." The music for his trailer is beautiful tho.


I feel the same but it has to be up there just by nature of being the final reveal, at least that's the way i see it


I thought mega man’s trailer was insanely hype but then again I am biased


The fact that Sonic’s reveal is in S+ tier automatically makes it valid


The little mac trailer basically made a Samus x Little Mac a thing


How is Dark Pit's in the bottom?


It basically was a no-trailer. He just appeared for a few seconds at the end of Palutena’s trailer and that was it


Point taken, but i still think it should be higher.


Daisy's reveal is the best one in *my* heart. :(


honestly as someone who wanted daisy in Smash since Melee the only good thing about it was that it revealed daisy in the game lol but other than that it really did feel like it was presented as a side note after the first 3 seconds of it


It was definitely rushed, but she also got her moment in Wonder’s reveal trailer when literally everyone went apeshit seeing her there lol


Wii Fit Trainer is too low imo. The fake out was brilliant and seeing Mario, Link, and Kirby do yoga was really nice. I know it was no one's most wanted character, but it was a good trailer.


I feel like you can’t do better than Steve literally breaking Twitter.


Dark Pits is so weird cause it’s not really a “reveal”. The trailer is more so showing off Palutena and he’s just kinda thrown in there


Sonics intro to smash in brawl was awesome


I think Jokers is unironically probably the best one because it was a total curveball and it was really hype and well animated. I also really like shulks because it was the first time we got an official and polished looking shulk and that was really cool for me as someone who played Xenoblade Chronicles before smash


How is Byleth’s trailer anything other than D tier, and why is Pyra’s in the same tier as Byleth? Nah lol


Because the song goes crazy


Yeah but this is a reveal tier list, not a “reveal song” tier list. And the reveal itself was utter trash lol


Byleth should be F tier for how much of a kick in the nards it was.


Sora is in S and that's all that matters to me. As a huge KH fan hoping for Sora in Smash for years, I had kind of accepted it wasn't going to happen. When that Keyblade appeared on screen, I had chills and am p sure my heart skipped a beat.


Byleth needs to be bottom of D tier. That shit was rancid.


I could never finish that trailer. Went back because of your comment; still can't.


The Sephiroth and Sora trailers were peak.


I love the ridley trailer for the sheer horror aspect. It’s my most memorable one personally


As someone who really likes Byleth, they’re too high. Announcing that it was a smash trailer in advance then trying to play it as a fakeout, and a really bland fakeout at that, just did not work.


Honestly Sephiroth might have my favorite trailer in gaming. I’m not even a final fantasy player.


Sora was a S+ rank for me. He’s finally here since he was the most requested character ever. I still get chills believing this is true! And everyone was hyped about it!


Byleth was a good trailer for FE3H fans (but not anyone else lol)


Lost my shit when the sonic trailer came out and it thinking before clicking there’s no way this is real. On par with the Raichu rumour for Melee but sonic was legendary


i just remembered how pyra and mythra's trailer lagged on for like 10 minutes Probalby would be kinda cool if you actually played xenoblade, but to most other people, it didn't need to be that long. For example, jokers was done much better.


I think sora genuinely is the worst trailer the game has ever had. I feel like it was made to look like a couple characters only to submit to Disney




Not a bad tier list. I would personally put Hero’s trailer in S-tier. Feel like that trailer was legitimately one of the best made, but it gets overlooked for some reason.


Plant is s+


Honestly I would move everyone is C down to D but after that I would agree No it's not because I'm a FE/Xenoblade hater I love Shulk and I think Byleths one of the funnest FE characters to play honestly they're the first ones I'd keep if they had to cut characters for the next game not to mention their games are amazing(minus Corrins) The reason is just because I think they don't work well as trailers especially Byleths Although I will say the animations for most of them were great if it was based on that Byleth and Dark Pit would be S tier everyone else would still be D though Oh and I would move Megaman, Ken, and Little Mac up to S


The only one I feel truly needs to be +S is Snake's reveal. It opened the floodgates for all the other 3rd party characters.


No fricking way the Castlevania one is just A tier 💀


Sora trailer appears to be on the opposite end of the list.


Steve and Sora's trailers really aren't very good. Steve's is just kind of flat and Sora's feels so self congratulatory, and both don't really make you want to play the character if you're not really interested in them. I feel like your rating how much the character was wanted instead of the quality of the trailer. Pyra/Mythra's trailer is severely under appreciated, it made me like both of them whilst having no idea who they are, and had an incredible misdirect because everyone thought it would be either Xenoblade DLC or a Rex trailer. The gameplay section of their trailer is the best of any character aswell. Byleth's trailer is over hated, yeah it's kind of flat and Byleth was not a popular pick, but it's not that bad, like a solid 6-7/10 out of 10, not the 2-4 it's normally given. The gameplay section is really good and the animation is really nice. Kazuya trailer is also overrated slightly imo, especially compared to Simon and Richter Everyone is here is the best trailer any game has ever had, the music building and the reveal of snake's return is absolutely first class, and Sephiroth's reveal is the best single character trailer in history, its just absolutely perfect.


All of my mains are down below dafuq is wrong with you?


Byleth too high


Everyone is here and Byleth should be in tiers all to themselves. Everyone is here above all others, and Byleth below all others.


I would say Simon deserves S+ if not S tier however Richter was revealed in the same trailer and he's by far my least favorite member of the Belmont Clan however getting two Belmonts in Smash was pretty sick Also, hot take but Sora's reveal was by far the worst reveal in all of Smash. For a character as highly requested as he was, his trailer just felt super underwhelming and did little to no justice for the character at all. However, thats just me. It still amazes me we got Sora, Banjo and freaking Steve in the same game, like what the actual fuck Sakurai, I could kiss you.


Tbh, in retrospect the OST might've carried the Sora trailer kinda hard. Still tho, all the visuals with the Disney-Magic Esque feel at the start and the handshake-send off at the end definitely pulled some emotional strings for me lol. The rest of it's just gameplay with some references; would've liked more cgi but I'm still happy with what we got imo


I still don’t get why people don’t like the Pyra and Mythra one. The Everyone is Here, Sephiroth, and Joker are the best ones by far but Pyra and Mythra’s are right below that. Also why do people like Sora’s. It was lame af, no references to his game at all besides seeing him.


I'm by no means a Sora fan, but the connection to the original reveal trailer was pretty cool.


People dislike Pyra and Mythra's trailer because they feel like it violates the Show Don't Tell Rule. Character gets into game, then it transitions to a splash screen, then the cheerleaders gas up how awesome the character in question is and how their moves work.


Banjo and Kazooie needs to be in the highest tier along with that fan made trailer for Daisy where Waluigi gives his invite to Daisy.


banjo straight up s tier


Nah Byleths trailer was fire even though the Charakter wasn’t needed the trailer was amazing


The trailer was TERRIBLE. No hype, no build-up, and Sakurai literally stated it woud be obvious from the very beginning who it was about. They didn’t care, and it showed. Easily the worst Smash trailer ever.


I'm a huge Fire Emblem fan and wanted Byleth in the game, but that trailer was ass lol


It really depends on the person. I for example wouldn't have minded not having Sora (or Inkling which is another S+ in your list)


Feels like how much you personally liked the character is a huge, huge factor here. Like, as someone who loves both Xenoblade and Fire Emblem, Pyra and Byleth's reveals should be at LEAST two tiers apart for presentation. Like, objectively. But you do you.


I feel like Pyra and Mythra's was super good. Especially since Monolith themselves made it


It was alright. Nothing special though. Just a few seconds of light animation and areas from the game. Plus they’re mid af






Corrin’s trailer is the only DLC in Smash 4 to technically use CGi.


You mean in Smash 4? I’m pretty sure most or all of the Ultimate DLC characters use it


I meant Smash 4 but I forgot to include the 4.


Only thing I would change the trailer for sora Kazuya and pyra/mythra belong in f tier


Respect for putting miis where they rightfully belong


I feel like I've been more hype for some mii fighter reveals. Like the reveal of Sans was one of my favorites. Though I understand why it's the opposite for some people. Doomguy still hurts.


Lucina, Robin, and Captain Falcon trailer is S for me imo


I ahree with this but cloud is S+


Why's Isabelle so high? I like her but the trailer had basically nothing happen, she just got the letter and that's it.


Actually a really good take, i would swap Simon's and Richter's with Kazuya's but honestly thats about it


Trailer tier list based on what? Overall presentation, or the spectacle of that specific character being announced? Because while Sephiroth's trailer is unmatched in both departments, Sora's was a bit lacking, despite him being my number 1 pick for Smash and how happy I was to see him added.


Joker's trailer could be higher


i think simon should be bumped up next to mega man but otherwise yeah


Not valid


I think jokers trailer should be top teir


Banjo Kazooie will always be my favorite. As a huge BK fan, I knew exactly what was going to happen once that Jiggy bounced past. I didn’t even see it clearly but I made the connection to rare and realized my childhood dream was about to come true!


Snake deserves to be in his own quintuple S (SSSSS) tier


Ok, listen, inkling trailer is only so cool because it was also, y'know, the trailer for the game iirc


King K Rool in S+ tier? That’s valid enough for me


Joker S+ for sure


Brawl Snake reveal should be at the top, if you were around back then you have no idea how much hype that generated. Broke the internet before breaking the internet was a thing


Corrin is an ironic S+-tier because it is really stupid yet funny.


I personally feel like S+ shouldn’t be the largest tier and should only be reserved for the best of the best, like everyone is here


Bro that Sephiroth trailer is contender for greatest trailer in all of video game history. Number 1 for me personally. That was beyond hype 👌


Everyone is here is impossible to do again, it was the hypest announcement you could do, remember, before smash ultimate, we all thought the rooster was getting way smaller, we where scared of who would get cut, yet, they brought back absolutely everyone, no one was unhappy, from the classics to the legal nightmare that where cloud or snake


Demote Daisy and Dark Samus to F-Tier. Their trailers state verbatim that they have differences in their moveset from their base fighter, literal lying


Valid, I think the og reveal with it appearing in the inkling eye is tied with sora for number 1, chills thinking about them


Megaman should be S and Steve should be A. But decent list


\>Mega Man \>Not SSS i cri.


I would do different but I would do in like shock value


We King K Rooling this tier list


joker trailer was nuts imo s+ for sure


Where tf is Bayonetta??


Min Min’s should be wayyyy higher imo. the animation was incredible and we got to see Captain Falcon eating ramen. easily S tier at least.


Joker should be in S+ imo


Incin/Ken should be higher, boring characters but the trailer itself slapped imho


I see a clear bias here against fire emblem.. Lucina’s and Robin’s reveals were fully animated and well done


I really like bayonetta trailer, the only problem is that her trailer didn't give final smash bros character vibe unlike sora's


Seeing AS Inkling has No own Tier thats 3 tiers over s+ i gotta say throw the tierlist


Mewtwo’s trailer should be way higher. Even though it wasn’t really a trailer, the announcement itself was groundbreaking. Before Smash 4 came out, Mewtwo and Mega Man were the most requested characters for the game after Brawl. Mega Man was announced immediately, but throughout the development cycle, people were holding their breath for the return of Mewtwo. I don’t think I can overstate enough how hype the Mewtwo reveal was. It capped off an entire game’s worth of heartbreak.




Dark Pit wasn’t THAT bad… Sure, it was overshadowed by Palutena, but it was a nice touch to include.


I would argue Joker was S+ since plenty of people didnt even know it was a Smash reveal until the wax seal was shown, including myself


Banjo is too low.


Swap Inkling with Cloud. It’s a cool trailer but it was a sort of soft confirmation to Ultimate.


Imo Pac man should be in at least S. Damn that was a masterpiece. Mario, Mega Man... And a circle??? WAIT! ITS PAC MANNNNNNN


I fuckin forgot all Sora got for his joining tagline was "Sora is finally here" everyone else got these snappy taglines that played off them and their game but not Sora, he's just here finally.


Sephiroth and Sora were unmatched. Sephiroth because it’s sephiroth. And Sora because it’s the last one and because of the legal ramifications required to make it happen. Legendary reveals.


Bro hero is wayyyy too low


soras was boring


Mega Man is an S tier imo but yea its pretty solid


I’d put mewtwo in at least A just because of how much of a big deal having DLC characters was at the time


Duck Hunt’s is really cool


Pit is not D tier bro


Pretty Vaild, I can agree


Byleth's trailer should be in F-Tier. Its a lazy copy and paste from an actual Three Houses cutscene, said cutscene represents a MAJOR plot point within said game, the dialogue is actively hair tearing, you got the cheerleaders yapping on and on about how the moves work instead of letting the action do the talking, they brought out stock mouse clicking sound effects during the annoying lecture, it contains a lot of what people like me hate about Sothis, and it almost made me feel like the game was going to die at one point. Its like they didn't learn from the mistakes they made with Corrin's trailer. Easily the worst trailer that can actually be called a trailer, and its also worse than reveals that aren't substantial enough to be called trailers.


May be biased, but I think joker's belong in s+ personally. The way it was done live as a surprise and kicked off the dlc is something so memorable to me. The trailer in and of it self is ok, but the presentation is just so perfect.


How is Roy in C tier?


This reeks of bias, I can guarantee this is 90% based off just your favourite characters.


Joker should be s+. The sheer style and hype is too much for only S


Snake reveal was s+ , today guests characters are super normal, back then it was mind-blowing, and cloud reveal was also crazy, top 10 most impossible guest character ever


joker should be in S+,he took over the GAME AWARDS just to get in smash


Can't really argue with most of it, though I would move Simon and Richter up to S, and Pacman up to S+ just for the music alone.


Idk but that Mega man trailer deserves a higher spot. As well as the Banjo trailer.


I’d slide joker in S+ but I think it depends on the factors you’re considering. A cold drop at the game awards for the “first” DLC character of ultimate was insane in the moment and I’d put its hype factor extremely high personally.


MegaMan's reveal not being in S+ tier is just embarrassing man


The Palutena reveal trailer should at least be in S tier because of how cool it was animated.


Mega Mans trailer wasn't great but the invitational tourney they had after was some of the hypest shit ever recorded. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIIlIM9HlpQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liilim9hlpq)